' Tuesday, November 4, j THE DAILY TAR HEEL t. A W Local Professors SLUSSER CATCHES PASS IN CAROLINA TECH GAME 4 V o V-- "- v. r Miss Elliott WU1 Analyze i National Election Returns Greensboro, Nov; 3. Hls3 Harriet Elliott, of the depart ment of political science at North Carolina College for Women, will analyze the results of the national election over- the radio Thursday evening from 7:30 o'. clock to 8 o'clock, station WBIG as a part of the general program which is being directed Thurs day evening of each week through the department of ex tension at the state? institution for women. Dr. A. S. Keister; of the de- Rip-Slusser, No. 53, is seen on the ground after receiving Chandler's pass and haying been tackled. Ned Lipscomb, No. 87, isseen .coming up just as Slusser aeainst the darifW. K ill II w umatm 1141 III .-- - - - - - I x-;::.::::-xK..:.;-x-x-:- - -f - Deliver Addresses Professors U. T. Holmes, jr and N. B. Adams, of the r mance language departciei:" Teachers - Association at Kcct ville, Tennessee on Friday, tober 31. Professor Ho! spoke on "Personality as an Ej. sential in Education," and fessor Adams' paper was en titled "Sancho Panza in the fr fessor's Chair." was downed. No. 31 is a Tech player who attempted to ground the pass. FOOTBALL (Continued from page three) five yard line, and lose the ball, and as a rule always outscored opponents in first downs. In spite of all that the coaches could do .that year, touchdowns came few and far between. Coach Collins has no idea of letting such a situation arise in the Tar Heel camp again, and in all probability darkness will be the only thing to halt long offensive scrimmages at scoring touchdowns during the practices this week. CAROLINA PLAYS STATE COLLEGE HERE SATURDAY m THE TAR HEEL again acquitted itself LINE nobly. Time and again the "green" for wards threw back the Yellow Jackets wheii-under the shadow of their own goal, and when it; came to opening holes for the Carolina backs, the gaps in the right side of Tech's line often were wide enough to "drive a wagon through." Ned Lipscomb is our bet for all-state center, and we would suggest to the Atlanta sports scribes that they scour the con ference thoroughly before they select some one else for the pivot position on the mythical team. BOB BLACKWOOD WAS smart for Tech's on side kick off trick. That dash for Her- ron's 15-yard kiclc-off was typi cal of the: alert game which this second year varsity guard played throughout the game. If these sophomores, Stuart Chandler and Erwin Walker, continue the football that they played against Tech, and show improvement as they have this fall, there will be another able halfback and consistent end on the gridiron for the next two years. (Continued from page three) feat coming in a 11-11 tie 1899. , - , - ? -- Another red jersey didn't pass the Carolina goal until 1919. Ex cept for the tie battle in 1899, the Tar Heels won every game from 1894 to 1901 by large scores, ranging from 10-0 to 44 0. 'Y The Techmen eked out score less ties in 1904 and 1905, but a bre&k in relations followed the 1905 meeting, and State had to wait until after the World War to stack up their first vic tory. Carolina barely won the first post-war game 13-12, but Tech won in 1920 13-3. now coach at Lenoir-Rhyne, led State to that win. Runt Lowe's field goal saved the Tar Heels from shut-out, but Lowe s fum ble let Faucette sprint half the field for State to win 7-3 the next year. ' ' Monk McDonald's 95-yard run for touchdown won the 1922 game, 14-9, for Carolina's South Atlantic Champions of 1922, and four games -following the Tar Heels won by shut-out counts. Jack McDowell, State's great quarterback of all time, led Tech to a 19-6 victory in 1927. The 1928 game was a 6-6 tie, : in which Mac Gray, Tar Heel sub, scored on a pass on the last play. Carolina's great offensive , ma chine of last year wiped out that tie with a stinging 32-0 victory. . Playmaker Tickets Ralph "Vesterman, business manager of the Carolina Play- makers, has announced that the season tickets must be present ed and exchanged for admis sion tickets to - the perform ances Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings. Tickets will be on exchange in the Student Supply Store beginning this af ternoon. All persons holding season tickets are urged to make their exchanges as early as possible in order to obtain the best seats. VILLAGE WATER IS AGAIN NORMAL HERE'S ONE FOR RIPLEY. Believe it or not, Rip Slusser gained one more yard from run ning plays than the total for all of Carolina's backs. The team's total was 78 yards; his was 79. It was this way. Three of the Tar Heel backs gained a total of minus 35 yards. Stuart Chand ler ripped off 24 yards for the afternoon r Henry House hit the line three times for tenN yards. Add the plusses and minuses for yourself. . LOOKING A T GAMES played elsewhere, we find that our neighbors only, twelve miles distant are continuing their march toward a perfect season except for an early season de feat at the hands of Laval's Gamecocks. Unless we are sadly mistaken, in spite of the fact that he is pointing to the two games, Coach Jimmy DeHart is Intramural Results (Continued from page three) fifty yards, after catching pass, for K. A.'s score. Question Marks Get Forfeit Everett failed to appear and the Question Marks received a forfeit yesterday afternoon. Graham Forfeits Graham forfeited to Lewis in the intramural tag football league yesterday afternoon. (Continued from first page) sterilization was reduced to the absolute minimum consistent Dick Gurley, with safety when the condition first appeared, and during this period the amounts used were actually less than one half the usual dosage. The origin of , the trouble is two-fold. Fiusjt, the slow rain falling continuously, during the three days of last week soaked out: of the leaves on the wooded watershed large amounts of vege table extracts which imparted color, taste and odor to the water reaching the stream from which the supply is taken. Due to the extremely dry weather prevail ing the fall the concentration of this leaf extract was much greater than is the case when frequent rains occur during the leaf -f all season. Second, it was discovered . upon investigation Saturday that the two-mile sec tion of the Chapel Hill-Graham highway which traverses the upper part of the Morgan Creek watershed has received a sur face treatment of a tar com pound just prior to the rains of last week. Small amounts of phenolic substances had been washed, from this roadway and found their way into the water supply stream. The medicinal, or iodoformish, taste and odor were due largely to this cause. After extensive laboratory ex periments a successful treatment process was deveilpode (. by Messrs. Bennett and Baity on Sunday morning, employing small but defenite amounts of ammonia and chlorine applied in a particular way, which com pletely eliminated the odor and taste. Emergency equipment was hastily assembled and in stalled, and by Sunday afternoon the plant was producing a wholly satisfactory product. On Sunday night the taste-bearing supply of water in the elevated tank and distribution system was flushed out and wasted. Consumers , will find the water returning to its normal condition as soon as siological effect upon the human organism. The infinitesimal amounts of phenols present were sufficient to produce taste "and odor, but no harmful effects would have resulted from many times this concentration. tion tax amendment. The school of music is direct ing a musical program Thurs day evening, November 13, and the following Thursday, A. C. Hall, of the department of English, will lecture on North j Carolina prose. the residual water is completely cleared from the mains and house piping systems. In spite of the disagreeable taste and odor of the water it has at all times been perfectly safe for domestic use. No chemi cal ; or - bacteriological consti tuents have been present which would produce any harmful phy- . - ' ' 1 i " ! fli t - iVS . ! rZ W Z -x c3b r .4mmm2mm. ... pip Bare feet on' damp floors a7 g1 you LOST A wrist watch between A. & P. store and New East. Reward for return to Tar Heel office. STOLEN Blue overcoat from 312 Mur phey. Identity of thief known. If returned to "Y" today, no questions will be asked. - LOST Navy blue "Knorain" overcoat Friday night in Cavalier Cafe teria and black "Stetson D" found instead. Owner of "Stet son" or finder of "Knorain" ap ply, Edwin Jaffe, 211' Old East. Reward: , ee 5? O1 going to lose two of the remain ing contests on his schedule. Kentucky , invades the Duke horseshoe Saturday, and the other game is December 6. They both will be very close games, however, and upsets are possible. WAKE FOREST'S LOSS TO Temple was more or less ex pected, but State and Davidson must have played much differ ent football from that which they have shown in recent weeks. Maybe they are saving for the Tar Heels. Announcing Our Seasonal Dis play Of Men's Fine Tailoring To you who appreciate seeing what is newest, and best in Fall and Winter Clothes, we are glad to announce that we will have with us, a Special Tailoring Representative of the Storrs-Schaefer Co., Mr. Battle Yearby November 4th and 5th An almost unlimited display of styles and cloths for business, sports or dress occasions will be submitted for your approval. We believe you will enjoy seeing this display and look forward to your, coming in. andolph-McDonaldf Inc. T" kN the floors of showers and locker f rooms there the little ringworm parasite that, causes "Athlete's Foot" is right at home. Tinea trichophyton is the name, and in colleges as far apart as California and Pennsyl- ' vania it has been found that 50 of the men have it. Again, the U. S. Public Health Service reports that wat least half of all adults suffer from it at , some time." "Athlete's Foot," golfer's foot, toe itch, dobie-itch there are many names for the same thing, and the symptoms are redness between the toes, with i-t-c-h-i-n-g or a thick, moist skin condition or a dryness with little scales. The danger signals vary, but authorities agree that they are all trace able to the ringworm germ, tinea trichophyton. It lurks in the very places where we all go for cleanliness and health on the edges of swimming pools arid showers in gymnasiums on locker- and dressing-room floors. In spite of modern sanitation (you have to boil socks 15 minutes to kill it) this fungus parasite infects and re-infects bare feet almost any time they come in contact with damp floors. Absorbine Jr. kills the germ of "ATHLETE'S FOOT" Tests in a famous New York "lab" have revealed that Absor bine Jr. penetrates flesh-like tissues deeply and that wher ever it penetrates, it KILLS the ringworm germ. It might not be a bad idea to examine your feet tonight At the first sign of the symptoms mentioned, douse on Absorbine Jr. And keep a bottle handy ia your locker as a preventive. Use it after every exposure of bare feet on damp floors. At all druggists $1.25. W. F. Young, Inc., Springfield, Mass. FOR YEARS HAS RELIEVED SORE MUSCLES, MUSCULAR ACHES, BRUISES, . BURNS, CUTS, SPRAINS, ABRASIONS J I . - mi. I ABSORBINE, JR. : Sold by Pritchard-Lloyd, Inc. Prescription Druggist i I