If II J ; f 2zzs Four ALBRIGHT TALKS TO FRESHMEN AT CHAPEL LIEETING Ilayne Albright, student coun cil representative of the senior class, delivered a short talk to the freshmen in chapef yester day morning on the proper rela tionship that should exist with Duke. "Rivalry is natural," said Albright, "but it should be fruit ful. A better spirit must be en couraged between the two insti tutions for the welfare of both." The trophy to be presented to the captain of the winning team by the captain of the losing team for the first time this year is ex pected to increase the mutual good feeling between the two schools. This cup is to be of fered by the representatives of the senior class of both Duke and Carolina and is to change over into the winner's possession each year to be kept until the next year's game. ALPHA KAPPA PSI PLEDGES NINETEEN Alpha Tau chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi, professional com merce fraternity, pledged nine teen new men at a meeting of that organization yesterday. Each fall and spring this frater nity pledges a group of sopho mores and juniors who are doing outstanding work in the school of commerce. The new pledges are: Thomas Judd Campbell, Lake Wales, Florida ; J ames Moore Gatling, Raleigh; Roger M. Kelly, Balti more, Maryland ; D. Russell Fos ter, Jr., Wilmington ; Clyde Owen, Winter Haven, Florida; P. C. Idol, High Point; W: A. Lane, Monroe; Frank Bennett, Wadesboro; B. C. Prince, Nor folk, Virginia ; J. W. Peacock, Wilson ; Robert ; Hanscome, Washington, D. C; J. G. Stike leather, Asheville ; E. S. Mann, Lake Landing; McBride Fleming-Jones, Chapel Hill; Robert W. Drane, Jr., Florence, Ala bama; John S. Dozier, Rocky Mount; Sage H. Upshaw, Ra leigh; Arthur H. Fleming, Jr., Louisburg ; Eugene H. Wells, Greenville, South Carolina. CAROLINA THEATRE t THEATRE ri SEE THE REAL . THE tTRANGEfT ROMANCE EVER oVs Comedy IVOMEfJ THE $ - V I" - , i Laura La Plante FILMED! 4rrW Li Ll"UU Va.V f ' H ? The Moodier You know the type. You see them and talk with them every day. Some act just as ordinary as usual, while others are all sugar and sweetness as they await their chance to beg for lecture notes, reading notes, or already-written ex periments. The moocher is an artist in concocting excuses for failure of preparation. As a rule, he has had so much more work to do than anyone else that it really is not his fault that he must mooch his notes or experiments. He just has not had time to get them all. You have seen the student who has been given at least two weeks for a certain amount of outside reading, yet the night before an examina tion he had not been inside of the library. In panic he runs to his more conscientious fra ternity brother and pleads with tears in his eyes for a chance to see the- other's notes. To climax the incident, the moocher goes to class the next day with Lady Luck, takes-the quiz, and makes a better score than his aide. Cain Society To Meet Tonight 7:30 The William Cain Civil En gineering Society will meet to night at- seven-thirty in room 206 Phillips hall. An illustrated lecture will be presented by George Quinn, a senior in civil engineering. The lecture is en titled the "Catskill Water Supply of New York." Meeting Postponed The regular meeting of the de bate squad for Thursday night has been postponed until next week because of Judge John J. Parker's speech at the Dialectic Senate banquet. At the next meeting of the squad, plans for the next quarter's forensic work will be discussed. The Debate Council will ask the squad for opinions on policy. I II TODAY ONLY AFRICA HEAR IT! in also Screen Song WHOLE WOULD ENVIES They wear the latest clothes with such stunning effects. For every woman within this charmed circle there are thousands diet ing to achieve such a figure. Some succeed. But too many pay the penalty. Weight may be lost but years of age are often added. The skin becomes sallow. The eyes tired. Energy is lost. The diet that produces such unhappy results frequently lacks roughage. Kellogg's All-Bran in a re ducing diet helps you keep fit. All-Bran does not add fat to the body. But its abundant bulk relieves and prevents in ternal congestion safely. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. All-Bran Improved in Texture and Taste Wo fin' THE DAILY Friends of German j Will Meet Sunday! As in former years, the Friends of German are to meet Sunday afternoon from four to six at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Metzenthin, 402 Hillsboro street. - For some time, it has been the custom of the many students of German, and of former students whose interest in things German still continue, to meet on the first Sunday of every month. Every one is invited, and the songs, en tertainments and light refresh ments that have marked each of the meetings will again be part of - Sunday's meeting. The only requirement for at tendance will be a desire to speak German and a willingness to struggle along with it as best one can. The subjects to be discussed jXf fJ aroI!?a will be those which relate to! f two days of this Germany and the Germans, and !Weks wort saw the. Devil be everything will be discussed crammed full of new plays from the viewpoint of an Ameri- d formations which were given can student traveling in Central test in scrimmage -with . a strong Europe. COMMUNITY CLUB BULLETIN ISSUED The Community Club of Chap- el Hill has posted its bulletin for December. On Thursday, December 4th, at three-thirty o'clock, 412 Rosemary Lane, Mrs. Jeffers will present a pair on John Singer Sargent at a meeting of the Art department, The citizenship department will rrmwTiA WAdTiesdav TWmi- ber 10th at three-thirty o'clock in the Episcopal parish house, second floor. The Garden Club will also hold a meeting that same day but at a different hour. Miss Josephine Pritchard will have charge of the program to be given at eight o'clock in Da vie hall. All members of the Sketch club are urged to join Mr. Steene's art class which has headquarters in Person hall. There will be a Benefit bridge at the home of Mrs.XJ. S. Shields about the middle of the month. Mr. G. R. Barrett will present a talk on "Decorating the Liv ing Room and Bed Rooms," as part of the home department program at the Methodist social rooms, Tuesday, December 9, three-thirty o'clock. "Negro Mu sic" will be the subject of a dis cussion by Dr. Guy B. Johnson at a meeting of the music club, Wednesday, December 10, eight thirty o'clock, in the choral room, Music building. The sewing circle of the health department will v mend clothing collected for distribu tion among the needy of the town and county, at the home of Mrs. A. M. Jordan, Pittsboro street, Friday, December 5, at two-thirty o'clock. Mills to Lecture Tonight at seven-thirty o'clock Dr. R. G. Mills, dean of the fac ulty of economics in the Univer sity of Sydney, Australia, will lecture on "Australian Economic and Social Policies." The lec ture will be given in the audi torium in Bingham hall , ( 103) . Dean Mills will ; examine the causes which have tended to give to Australian policies a so cialistic tinge and show to what extent ; the social experiments carried on by our antipodes have met with success. Carraway to Instruct ' Artillery School. The next session of the 316th field artillery troop, school will meet in Davie hall at seven thirty s tonight. First Lieuten ant, William E. Carraway, infan try, State College, Raleigh, will be the instructor,, and Dan B. Floyd, Captain, Field will assist. Infirmary List R. I. Rand, Jr., W. R. Eddie-' pilots will give the greatest ex man, and (f. C. Hamlet were the hibition of acrobatic and thrill only three patients confined to ing flying ever shown." Admis the infirmary yesterday. v sion and parking will be free. TAR HEEL LOCAL DELEGATES ATTEND NATIONAL FRATERNITY ItlEET (Continued from first page) tative from this campus on divid ing the schools of the United States and Canada into different sections, and requiring each of these sections to conduct special meetings prior to the annual na tional convention. This bill was passed, and it was decided that the schools of the South Atlantic section, of which this school is a member, hold their meeting sometime this spring at Colum bia. S. C. DEVILS WORK ON OFFENSE TO USE AGAINST U. N. C. (Continued from fage three) reserve eleven lumisuiiig uppu- sition. -.- . In giving only a small.amount of work on the defensive it is evident that the Duke coach 'is taking into serious consideration the fact that in nine games only four touchdowns have been scored against the Devils. ' The grind that the Blue Devils ' have gone through in making -football history for any Blue j Devil grid outfit, has told oh the Duke line. They started the season with an average of 189 1-2; now they average 186 1-2. The backfield is holding its own j at 172 pounds. Bill Murray, Duke's brilliant halfback, needs to gain only 18 points in the Carolina game to put him at 1,000 yards gained from running plays during the season. He has run 174 times for 982 yards, an average of nearly six yards per trip. Brewer has run 108 times for 763 yards. SPORT SLANTS Continued from fage three) ' As the- pass that Don Hyatt caught in the Duke Wake Forest game was described as an im possible play from the stand point of gridiron etiquette, so was the Dodd-Hackmann aerial maneuver up at Knpxville sev eral weeks ago. That, and that alone, defeated Carolina nu merically, but there is little doubt that the Tar Heels gained a moral victory. None anticipated such a de moralizing upset in the David son game. The Wildcats lunched on raw meat and then went out and wiped up the Heels by ex cellent football plus, spirit. Da vidson deserves the glory of that victory for sne earned it in a noble style, but it cannot be denied, that a quality of spirit was lacking in the Carolinians' ranks that day. '. . A letter from Kay Kyser ap pearing in the Tar Heel today states that that dynamo of en thusiasm will be unable to lead the rejuvenated Cheerios Satur day. Some associate ; stated that the game should be called off on this account, for ,what would a Carolina-Duke game be without Kay? We recommend a demon stration similiar to that prior to the Virginia game last' week, with torch light parades, speeches and a tea party later for that portion of the student body who would shudder at appear ing in the crowd with delicate monocles and ivory headed walk ing sticks, which dontchaknow, would be endangered in the midst of such a rabble as an en thusiastic pep meeting. - Flying Circus Here The Brinton-Bayles flying cir cus will be in Chapel Hill Satur day and Sunday. According to its agents, "nationally known ENTRY LIST FOR BOXING TOURNEY PASSES 40 MARK (Continued from page three) ed and are listed with their weights and representation. L. B. Pace, Best House, fight heavy; F. M. Glover, Graham, 164; C. C. Glover, Ruff in, 119; R. L. Holt, Old East, 119; B. Langdon, Grimes, 119 ; E. S. Lupton, Ruff in, welterweight; David Holderness, D. K. E., 149; P. L. Hudson, Pi Kappa Phi, welterweight; J. A. Nicholson, Steele, 139; G. H. Biggs, Inde pendent, 119; F. B. Raymer, Delta Sigma Phi, 129; C. D. Wardlaw, Beta, 139 ; F. C. Ward law, Beta, 129; P. R. Brown, New Dorms, 164; D. L. Raymer, Delta Sigma Phi, 139; Cliff Baucom, Independent, 129 ; E. H. Wilmer, Phi Kappa Sigma, 119; N. Friedman, "I," 139; I. M. Zazik, Everett, 119 ; W. R. Stal Iings, Independent, 149; P. B. Hubbard, Theta Chi, 139;. Cal Todd, Sigma Phi Sigma, 129 ; T. P. Davis, Phi Kappa Phi, 139; W. A. Masteh, Independent, 119 ; E. M. Jess, Chi Phi,- 139; T. Parsons, D. K. E., light heavy, 149; H. W. Boring, Alpha Lambda Tau, 119 ; J. W. Jean, Mangum, 164 ; A. L.' Barringer, Independent, 164 ; ' J. K. Perry, Delta Sigma Phi, 149; J. E. Sliearin, Independent, 164 ; D. Davis, Delta Sigma Phi, 149 ; H. B. Mowery, Ruffin, 129; V. C. Guthrie, Best House, 164; J. E. Wadsworth, Manly, 164 ; R. W. Gold, D. K. E., 139; Ted isewiana, rm ueixa xneia, o; R. O. Barham, Carr, 139 ; A. B. Joyner, Lambda Chi, 7129; George London, Sigma Nu, 164. Carolina Debaters Lose To N. C. State Carolina debaters represent ing the affirmative side of the query: Resolved: that the na tions should adopt a policy of free trade, lost to N. C. ' State Tuesday night by an audience vote in Raleigh. It was the ex change debate for the one held here November 25, ' when the State affirmative team defeated the Carolina negative yn the same subject. D. M. Lacyand R. A. Merritt debated for Carolina in - the Raleigh contest. VT 1 1 , T"! T"V 1 J TTVl J H A . No Debate Meeting The debating squad will not meet tonight on account of the Di senate dinner at which Judge John J. Parker is to speak. How ever, there will be a short but very important meeting Thurs day night, December 11. Beta Theta Pi fraternity an nounces the pledging of Otto W. Prochazka, of Flushing, New York. We are happy to announce that we have been appointed agents for $24.75 $28.75 338.75 Randolph McDonald I 4, 1930 Watch TMs Column Daily Each day two names will be placed in this column. Each person whose name appears will be given a guest ticket to the Carolina Theatre. A CCLUMSIA r It A. -Viffl, A. 1 Thrills- Chills K i Koanng XJ Africa! also ' Charley Chase Comedy "DIZZY DOLLAR" CAROLINA THEATRE TUTORING Tutoring will be given with the' consent and approval of the heads of .the several departments in Preparatory Math and Math 2, ' and in Preparatory English, History, and Latin by Rev. N. Collin Hughes, a teacher of long experience. Students desiring advice as to his work will please consult .the Dean of Liberal Arts, Commerce, or Education. Mr. Hughes can be reached through Dean Bradshaw's office. ' COLDEX Brings Quick Relief to Thousands 'You too, can stop colds and coughs With this remarkable liquid medicine that so safely gives such quick and lasting results. Just say Coldex t your druggist. Only 60c Recommend ed and guaranteed by Sutton's Drug Store DAN KELLEY CAROLINA DRY CLEANERS 5-Hour Dry Cleaning Service Student Service to Students PHONE 5841 BONNER MILLS BUNGALOW FOR RENT For rent, bungalow with Ar eola heat, 109 Berman Court. Apply to Morris Plan Bank, Dur ham. ROOMS FOR RENT Two steam-heated rooms for rent. 127 North Street. Phone 7661. The Edward Tailoring Co. of Philadelphia. Thur Al-! (I Cfc; Now -(ri hjpvw Playing Here is a line of men's suits and coats which we feel, is outstand ing in VALUE. Fine fabrics in a wide range of patterns. ; Tailored to your measure. Stop by today and look them over- after all that's the best way to be convinced. nc.