j MAGAZINE STAFF MEETING 7:00 P.M. GRAHAM MEMORIAL KYSER'S BENEFIT CONCERT 4:00 P.M. MEMORIAL HALL VOLUME XLI CHAPJEL HILL, N. SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1933 NUMBER 156 IT Junior Glass Meets Toirrow To Express Views On Bid Levy 3IATTER WILL BE PUT TO MEMBERS FOR SETTLEIENT President Cate Announces That Seniors Will Await Action Of Third-Year Class. A meeting of the junior class for a discussion of class finances in connection with the junior- senior dances has been called for 7:00 o'clock , tomorrow night in Gerrard hall, it was announced vpsterdav bv President C. E. - Boyles. . s The gathering is called to en hle the class to express its opinion on the proposed fifty- cent levy on bids for the dances the recommendation agreed upon by class executives. The committees, of the two classes met Thursday night and agreed to cooperate on the ex tra charge of fifty cents to class members as a compromise mea sure, due to the fact that sen iors will have to pay an addi tional levy on account of a short age of finances for their share of the dance expenses,, The committees were of the opinion that if the charge were levied on members of both class es, there would be no incentive for speculation .on. bids between juniors and seniors. ; Vote on Compromise The juniors will vote tomor rnw niffnt euner to accept ur reject the compromise recom mended by the executive groups Lindy Cate, president' of the senior class, announced yester day that the senior class will not be able to act on the question of an extra levy until the junior class reaches a decision, and that the class will meet later. TOURTH FROLICS DANCESjST ENDS Jormal Affair in Tin Can With Kyser Playing Closes Week End of Activity. With Kay Kyser and his former University of North Carolina orchestra supplying an unusual brand of captivating rhythm, the fourth annual May Frolics came to a brilliant close last night after another day of dancing activity. Three dances were given yesterday. The series continued yester day with a luncheon dance in the Washington-Duke in Durham. A tea dance at the Tin Can fol lowed and the set was conclud ed with a formal evening affair in the Tin Can. Numerous acti vities were also in order at the various fraternity houses. Yesterday morning the order of Gimghoul tendered a break fast in honor of Gorgon's Head, junior honorary otder, at Gim ghoul castle. The Order of Sheiks had a banquet last night in the Carolina Inn. Seven fraternities on the campus sponsor the Frolics each Hav. A orpat number of farming visitors add spice to the occasion. Kay Kyser, an alumnus of the University, pro vided the outstanding musical arrangements and syncopations that have made him and his band on of the foremost of America's dance orchestras. The fraternities that sponsor ed the affair are Kappa Sigma, Eelta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Al pha EDsilniv Zeta : Psi. Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Nu, and Sigma Chi. New Cqed Officers Take Reins Tomorrow The new ' officers of the Wo man's association, who were se lected at the general ' campus elections' April 5, will go into of fice tomorrow, according to ah announcement by Mary Fran ces Parker, retiring president. The officials who will assume duties tomorrow are: Jane Jolly, president; Jo Urendoni, vice- president; Elizabeth Johnson, secretary ; and Betty Durham, treasurer. Miss Parker also announced that two figures, in one of which the old members of the women's council will participate ana in one of which the new members of the council will take part, will be staged at the co-ed dance. WILL INAUGURATE TWO IMQVATI0NS Government Institute Meeting Here June 1-3 to Launch Gov ernmental Experiments. By R.W.Madry Public officers and private ci tizens of North Carolina are uniting, through the 1933 ses sions of the Institute of Govern ment, to take place in Chapel Hill June 1-3, in launching two governmental experiments with out precedent in the history of JNorth Carolina ana unique among governmental movements throughout the country. The first of the two programs inaugurates the practice of joint annual conierences oetween city aldermen, county commission- ers, state legislators, and federal representatives who have tor more than one hundred years legislated for the same people in - t J- 1 overlapping governmental units without coming together in the practice of cooperative action, The second innovation is the practice of interpreting the leg- islative action of each session of the General Assembly to all lo- cal governmental units and to all groups of city, county, and ' state officials affected thereby, The significance of the June sessions of the Institute ; were pointed out in a letter to mem- bers ot Doth houses ot tne aen- erai AssemDiy signea oy euu- enant-uovernor A. ti. ixranam, president pro-tem of the Senate, and SDeaker Reerinald L. Harris of the House of Representatives, M. j. who are president and vice-pre sident, respectively, of the legis- Continued on last page J MARY FRANCES ODUM WINS PIANO CONTEST Mary Frances Odum of Chap el Hill, yesterday tied Rhuemma Beddingfield of Brevard and Marianne Mann of Albemarle for first. nlarA In the class B and C mano mnAst at the high school music contest which took place in Greensboro this week, Miss Odum is the daughter of rw TTrA w mum. director of the school of public. welfare m the University. In the prelimin aries at Durham last week in which contestants from several counties took part, Miss Odum won the chance to compete in the statewide contest. The girls Class B glee club of Chapel Hill also won mention, tying seven other, schools; for second place. W AV W A. V IK v ' ANNUAL CONGR REP QRT REVEALS 4 JLi 27ISOWED STUDOTS' FUND Bradshaw Releases Statement Showing $100,000 Due and in Process1 of Collection. A special report of Student Loan Fund activities issued yes terday by Dean F. F. Bradshaw revealed that a total of 274,- 328.41. held by 1648 individuals is outstanding. Of this amount, something over $100,000 is due at the present and in the pro cess of collection. Dean Bradshaw's statement showed that the business office was successful in collecting ap proximately 26,000 due for the past year. Collections have been made at approximately the same rate for several years. Graham Led in Move Of the 200,000 which Dean isradshaw recommended as an addition to the fund in 1927,, more than 127,000 has been added under the leadership of President Frank P. Graham and with the cooperation of stu dents, faculty members, and members of ther community. At present no account is un collected that was recorded prior to 1908, only four accounts are outstanding made prior to 1916, and only 154 balances due on accounts recorded prior to 1926. The latter figure repre sents slightly less than 8,000. Increase in Loans Since the fall of ,1923 when the handling of loans was trans ferred from the office of Presi dent Graham to the office of the dean of students, loans have shown a decided increase with the increase of the student body. In the fall of that year, 67 stu d t borrowed $3,000. In the fall of 1924, 132 students bor- rowed $9,000. In the fall of the present academic year of 1932 33 430 loans for $25,389.28 were I - made aimost 50 loans more than were made during the entire year of 1928-29. Dean Bradshaw stated yester- day that the work of the busi ness office on the collection end was extremely progressive and effective. The granting of loans hs made through Bradshaw's of- fice in south building. Johnson Comes Back r R Johnson of the denart- t of sociology returned Fri- day night from the Hampton In stitute where he was invited to attend the 65th anniversary of the institution. Debate Council Meeting The Debate council will meet Tuesday night in the Grail room of Graham Memorial at 9:00 o'clock instead of tomorrow. Hereafter, the meetings will take place Tuesday nights. Bowie Opposes High u tne stuaents 01 me univer- I TK 1 1 J t 1 P A 1 TT sity of North Carolina do not stop the reckless expenditure of money, and especially the money j of the people ot the state, the legislature will abolish the Uni versity and all- other state col leges, according to a statement by Representative Tam Bowie of Ashe made Friday night to the Daily Tar Heel. "Even the contemplation of paying $1100 for an orchestra at the University, when many state-orchestras could be pro cured for a third of that is the THRONGS ATTEND INITIAL FESTIVAL At CHAPEL HILL Grumman Reports Indication That Dogwood Event Will Be Made Annual Affair. With exhibits, games, dances, and folk-tunes the first Dogwood Festival, staged to give expres sion to the folk-life of the native people of North Carolina, came to a close here yesterday. The arts and crafts exhibit in Gra ham Memorial and the annual showing of the North Carolina professional artists' club in the Hill hall will remain open. The arts and crafts exhibit will be open today from 10:00 to 5 : 30 o'clock, while the artists' club exhibition will continue for two weeks during the hours of 10:00 to 1:00, 2:00 to 5:00, and 7:00 to 9:00 on week days and from 2:00 to 5 :00 Sunday after noons. May Be Annual Affair The Dogwood Festival was staged with a view to establish ing an annual spring celebration in Chapel Hill, when native arts, games, and handicraft may be combined in a program of the traditional creative activities of the state. According to Hussell M. Grumman, chairman of . the festival executive committee, the enthusiastic reception given the first festival seems to indi cate that the celebration will be come an annual affair. - In the arts and crafts exhibit were included such specimens of North Carolina handicraft as pottery, handmade and antique furniture, hammered pewter and silver ware, articles of wood carving and leather tooling, block printing, quilts and bask ets, wrought iron stands and candle sticks, and mica lamp shades. Also unusual views of eastern and western sections of the state by Mrs. Bayard Woot- ten were displayed. Portraits, landscapes, and de corations in various mediums feature the third professional artists' club showing in Hill music hall. While the work of a few visiting artists is includ ed, the exhibition consists main ly of members of the club. Hickerson's Mother Dead Mrs. Annie Hickerson, mother of Professor T. F. Hickerson of the engineering department of the University, died Friday af ternoon at her summer home in Ronda. Funeral services will be conducted there this afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Bishop Penick Here Bishop Penick of North Car olina will conduct a confirma tion service and sermon at the Chapel of the Cross this morn ing at 11 :00 o'clock. Dance Expenditures rankest extravagance," he said. "Something should be done to make the students realize what enormous sacrifices are being made to keep them in school." Here he intimated that perhaps the students didn't have sense enough to comprehend the iousness of the situation. ser- "I think the Tar Heel is tak ing the right step in opposing such expenditures on the part of any class. The eyes of the legis lature are on Chapel Hill and the. students, and it : behooves them to watch their step." Track Teams le Thrilling Student Conference Ends At Duke Today The annual North Carolina Y. W.-Y. M. C. A. Students' Con ference, which has been con ducted at Duke University since Friday, will be concluded today. The program for this morn ing consists of "Meditation and Prayer" led by Lucy Cherry Crisp, and the election of of ficers for next year. Following the session the group will attend the morning services at the Duke chapel. The students attending from the University are John Acee, Bill McKee, Russell ; Mickle, Jesse Grier, J. D. Winslow, Sim mons Patterson, B. S. Smith, Ike. Minor, and Harry F, Qamer, SPE(MG(im AS LOAN Former Carolinian's Orchestra To Give Performance in Memorial Hall Today. In the interest of the Student Loan Fund, Kay Kyser and his orchestra, who have been at the University this week-end to fur nish music for the May Frolics, will present a special concert this afternoon from 4:00 to 5 :00 o'clock in Memorial hall. The orchestra, which was formed at the University and which left four years ago, has played a number of important engagements throughout the country. The group has ap peared in New York, Cincinnati, St. Paul, Dallas, Cleveland, on the RKO circuit, and has fre quently broadcast over the net works of the NBC and Columbia systems. . Kyser is a native North Caro linian and a graduate of the Uni versity, and is remembered as the organizer of the famous "Cheeribs." Eight of the mem bers of the original band are still with Kyser. The concert today will include several feature numbers which have been popular wherever the band has presented them. There will also be several original numbers on the program. . .The Kay Kyser Glee club, made up of members of the orchestra. will appear in some of the fea ture numbers. Featured per- iormers m the orchestra are Frank Fleming, Sully Mason, and Benny Cash. The admission charge is set at 25 cents, and the proceeds will be turned over to the Loan Fund. DR. SMITH OF DURHAM TO PREACH HERE TODAY Dr. Harry C. Smith, presiding elder .of the Durham district of the Methodist church, will preach at the University Meth odist church this moraine: at 11 :00 o'clock. Dr. Smith is one of the leaders of the North Caro lina conference and for four years was pastor of the Duke Memorial church in Durham. Dr. L. M. Brooks of the soci ology department will speak this evening at 6:45 o'clock before the Wesley Student association. He has chosen as his topic, "Af ter Revolt-What?" : .At 8:00 o'clock Reverend Al bea Godbold will discuss the book, Re-Thinking Missions. Defeat Ehilie Dual Meets Tar Heel Varsity Defends 12- Year Record in Downing Blue Devils at Home 66-60. ABERNETHY WINS HURDLE Fresh Tracksters Defeat Duke First-Year Outfit, 65-61, in Closely-Fought Meet. Carolina's varsity and fresh men track teams prevailed over the visiting Duke aggregations yesterday afternoon, 66-60 and 65-61, respectively. The dual meet was run off on Emerson field before a colorful crowd of 2,700 spectators which packed the stands and milled around the edge of the track. Once more, the Tar Heel tracksters repulsed their ancient rival, Duke, who will yet have to conqueror a Carolina track team in a dual meet, and successfully defended their twelve-year un defeated dual meet record which has withstood the ravages Qt al corners during the regime . of f Coach Bob Fetzer. , 1 All PTranfo 1.. rr Ml xnnus Ail the events . were packed with thrills and as the summary will indicate were close. The 880 yard run, the final event of both meets, determined the out come of the meets. Probably the most, colorful race of the afternoon took place in the 120 yard high hurdles when Frank Abernethy, . Caro lina star, bested John Brownlee, Duke hurdles ace. Abernethy was clocked at 15.2 seconds as he breasted the tape. But in the 220 yard lows Brownlee, the old maestro, showed rare form and bested Abernethy; Tom Haw (Continued on page three) MAGAZINE EDITOR INVITESWRITERS Incoming Leader Issues Call for New Contributors to Peri odical in Coming Year. All persons interested in the Carolina Magazine will meet to night in Graham Memorial at 7 :00 o'clock for the last confer ence of the year. The retiring editor, Bob Barnett, has asked that all contributors to the Mag azine be present. E. C. Daniel, the incoming editor, has issued a call for new writers for the Magazine during the coming year. Plans and policies which the new editor intends to inaugur ate will be announced to the staff tonight. Two issues of the Magazine will be published this spring by the new administra tion. Wants Large Staff "It is my intention," Daniel said yesterday, "to have as large a staff as possible, to give oppor tunity for publication to as many campus writers as possible. My editorial staff will be a represen tative group of students both men and women who have dem onstrated their ability in work of this type. Every contribution will be given full consideration by this board. "Any one who wants to write and can demonstrate ability to write will have his material pub lished. Responsible positions will go to those who prove themselves reliable. Any and all students who are interested in writing as a profession or a pastime are urgently asked to help with the publication of the Magazine.' it 1 i