THE DAILY TAR HEEL Wednesday, October 25, 1923 Pae Four STANTON TO SEE STUDENTS TODAY H. L. Stanton, supervisor of vocational rehabilitation in the North Carolina department of public instruction, is planning to be at the office of George Lawrence in the Alumni build ing today from 10 :30 o'clock until about 4:00 o'clock, accord ing to a letter received from him yesterday. All students who have had previous contact with Stanton or who have a pronounced phy sical disability, such as complete or partial blindness, loss of limb or other, serious bodily handicaps, should see him while he is here. Such students may, in some cases, obtain free tui tion and textbooks. Facts And Guesses (Continued from page three) remaining season's victories will not erase the stench of this loss to the Gophers. Tenner scamp pered 16 yards for the marker. Weinstock kicked the goal for Pitt. Men of Troy Held Powerless : Southern California's great foot ball team was held well-in-hand by Oregon State, viz: the Tro jans were unable to score al though they out-gained the Ore gon eieven 12 to one. And back home in Dixie : Not since the Roosevelt landslide which put the south back in the Democratic voting column has anything caused so much talk as Alabama's stirring win over Tennessee. The Crimson Tide rolled over the Vols like a big cotton quilt, and smothered Ma jor Neyland's team 12-6 at Knoxville. Still something else: Ken tucky's Colonels bowed down low as Washington and Lee pro vided another stirring upset in licking them 7-0. Joe Sawyers, one of W. & L.'s greatest ath letes, including the Mattox fami ly, raced 10 yards for the touch down. Their neighbors, V. M. I., counted a 19-13 victory over Maryland. Virerima s valiant stand a- gainst the Middies deserves rec ognition. The Cavaliers put a gallant fight which all but staved off defeat. Late in the fourth quarter, "Red" Baumberger in tercepted a Virginia pass and frustrated any hopes that the Cavaliers had of counting a win. STUDENT UNION TOURNEY STARTS (Continued from page three) R. La Gore, S. Sobol, J, Hudson, H. N. Draper, M. L. Tucker, Chas. Hudson, H. Lucas, Sapp, J. Carmichael, FranMe Sesson, L. C. Bruce, J. F. Blue, Bill Chance, D. Hymes, D. D. Lubie man, W. R. Hollingsworth, H. P. Hudson, L. M. Parker, W. G. Privette, A. K. Froneberger, M. Schmuckler, M. D. Taff,' George London, S. S. Scharlin, S. Wein stein, F. M. Shore, S. C. Little, M. G. Lynch, and S. S. Seachoro. The following entered the pool contest and will play today: Farmer vs. Ruden (2 p. m.) ; Rodwell vs. Kesselman (8 p. m.) ; J. H. Willifred vs. R. Woodard (3 p. m.) ; Mosier vs. A. Finder (6:30 p. m.) ; Wright vs. E. D. Cartland (4. p. m.) ; Page vs. G. Leicht (7 p. m.) ; Scarborough vs. Huntley (5 p. m.) ; Kalb vs. J. B. Neiser (3 p. m.) ; Wall vs. Spiers (5 p. m.) ; A. Cohen vs. Koonce (8 p.m.); M. Long vs. Steve Walker (4 p. m.) ; Hudson vs. Graham (9 p. m.) ; M. Kalb vs. B. Carr (9 p. m.). The following will play Thursday : Dupree vs. Lindeman (5 p. m.) ; Correll vs. Peterson (2 p. m.) ; Mears vs.. Scharlin (3 p. m.) ; Kind vs. Lefkowitz (3 p. m.). Ping Pong Contests The following will take part in the ping pong contest: Cart- and vs. Eustler (2 p. m.) ; Goodes vs. Buddie Graham (2 p. nf.) ; Draper vs. Sommer (3 p. -in.) ; Scarborough vs. Um- stead (3 p. m.) ; Dupree vs. Mc Nair (3 :30 p. m.) ; Hudson vs. Kalb (3:30 p. m.) ; Griffith vs. Heidrick (4 p. m.) ; M. Kalb vs. Jennings (4 p. m.) ; Jimison vs. B. Davis (4:30 p. m.) ; J. Moore vs. Fletcher (4:30 p. m.; Lin deman vs. Mosier (5 p. m.) ; Percy vs. Levitan (5 p. m.) ; Sid. Holt vs. P. Kind (5:30 p. m.) ; Singer vs. Gordon (5:30 p. m.) ; Gabori vs. Home (2 :30 p. m.) ; Kornegay vs. Hancock (7 p. m.) ; Wadsworth vs. Spencer (7 p. m.) ; Slotoroff vs. Primrose (7:30); Frazier vs. Frank (7 :30) ; Odum vs. Bynum (8 :00)' ; Woerner vs. Weinburg (8:00) ; M. Long vs. Silburg (8:30); Scherr vs. Jones (8:30) ; J. Hudson vs. Willick (8:30) ; Lieberman vs. J. Grier (9 :00) ; J. Griffith vs. Lefkowitz (9:00); Shore vs. Scharlin (9:30); Sloan vs. Spiers (9:30; Carr vs. S. C. Lytle (9:30). Wake Forest, again doped to lose to N. C. State for the sec ond straight year, counted a scoreless tie. Russell, the Bap tist's big offensive gun was out, but Martin, subbing, came through to outgain the Tech backs. First downs: Wake Forest 10, State 8. PHOTO LISTS COMPILED Fraternity presidents will be given lists of upperclassmen in each fraternity who have been photographed for the Yackety Yack, which they are requested to read at chapter meetings to night. Presidents of the chapters are urged to cooperate in having al upperclassmen in the various fraternities report for their pho tographs. Twelve In Infirmary The following students were confined to the University in firmary yesterday: A. S. Cro- martie, James Ferrendo, H. H. George, W. B. Harper, Vida Miller, Jane McMichael, J. H Price, George Steele, Howard Spain, Wilson Shelton, Kathleen Tyer, and Rufus Worsley. i Eagle Scout Meeting The Eagle Scout club will meet tonight at 7:15 o'clock in Gra ham Memorial. GO WEST, YOUNG MAN, GO WEST PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATES ma I ; I Pictured above is Anita Thompson, another of the gorgeous gals appearing in the musicomedy "Gold Diggers of 1933." Anita hails from 'way out west in Seattle, Wash. She has light brown hair, hazel eyes, and is 5 feet 34 inches tall. She weighs 115 Yt pounds. "Gold Diggers" will play at the Carolina Thursday. The following men were ini tiated to Phi Beta Kappa last night: John Knox Barrow, Ed win Douglas Cartland, Dennis Bryan Fox, Joseph Samuel Gen try, DeWitt Allen Green, Wil liam Thomas Minor, Jr., Charles Stephens Templeton, Ray Elam Weathers, Marshall Cornet Bell, and Frank Wyman Grant. Student Council Acts Dr. J. P. Jones Dentist Telephone 5761 Next Door to Post OSce Upstairs As a result of the weekly meeting of the student council, two boys, convicted of cheating, were dropped from courses and given F's,' it was announced yes terday. ft Best Coffee L u In Town a i ft Sutton Drug A r-- A - r i if r? kV.v s if . f - 'P CLAUDETTE COLBERT in "TORCH SINGER" with DAVID MANNERS Also Vitaphone Act Strange As It Seems TODAY Vrw-- - y Mon. MAE WEST in "I'm No Angel" We Trim You You Trim Georgia Tech CAROLINA BARBER SHOP PIKAS LICK D. K. E. FOR GRID UPSET (Continued from page three) extra point. Jennings and Hammer faetured for St. An thony Hall while Peeler was best for Chi Phi. Swain Hall conquered Grimes 14-2. Aitken registered two touchdowns on passes from Ramsey, and Teal was trapped behind the goal line for a safety. Aitken led the Swain Hall at tack while Teal and Van Horn stood out for Grimes. Law School and Aycock fought to a gruelling tie 4-4 in first downs. Kuykendall and Gillespie were outstanding for the lawyers while Potter and Parker starred for Aycock. Best Itouse kept its slate clean by eking out a 6-0 win over Lewis. Weathers threw a short pass to McKeithan for the touchdown. Weathers shone for Best House and Nelson and Kalb were the stars for Lewis. Today's schedule: 3 :45 Theta Chi vs. Sigma Nu; Rulfin vs. Old East; Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Zeta Beta Tau. 4:45 Beta Theta Pi vs. T. E. P. ; Mangum vs. Ranson House; Phi Delta Theta vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Patronize Our Advertisers. - 4Mt m v 11 THE PRESIDENT'S NRA CAN NOT FAIL! 66BUY MOW" Today's Values At Yesterday's Prices for durability, for looks, for tailoring... You never saw the equal FETSON'S Made to Measure Suits at SB00 and more 5 DISCOUNT FOR FULL DEPOSIT READY MADE SUITS Just to prove that we are doing our part in this great National "BUY NOW" cam paign, we are offering a limited number of these fine STETSON built suits at Furnishing Values Also Included Come In Today - Boy Now and Save Nationally Known JusUy Famous Yoa Ma&e CPi3 . . . We Make Youi dotte