MATS AM) BOIEIS .W03K TO FULFILL DECORA PLAN Aim est All University Groups Enter Homecoming Week-end Contest with Enthusiasm. CONTEST OVEK TOMORROW The University club met last night with the presidents of the various dormitories and made final plans for the big Home coming week-end. Most of the fraternities and dormitories an nounced their -intention of en tering the decorations contest. Plans were also made for a monster pep meeting to be staged tonight which, if plans are carried out will be the most spectacular rally ever held on the campus. Ernest Hunt has charge of the pep meeting and he has procured several speak ers for the occasion. Plans are being made to have the pep meeting over in time to allow those who so desire to at tend the sophomore hop. All sophomores are urged and in vited to bring their girls to the pep rally. The fraternity and dormitory decoration contest will end Sat urday morning at 10:00 o'clock. Ltean Bradsnaw, w. A. uisen and R. B. House are the judges dfor the contest, in which the winning dormitory will receive a .radio, . and the winning fra ternity a loving cup. $5:00 to the University club' to aid it in carrying out plans for the week-end. E . C. Smith, manager of the local movie house donated the Ramblin Wreck to be used in the parade and the fireworks to be used af ter the pep rally. ASSEMBLY TALffiv CONCERN DORMS AND BAD CHECKS Weeks Discusses Dormitory Council and Taylor Explains Bad Check Rule. Haywood Weeks, executive di rector of the dormitory councils, and Herbert Taylor, head of the bad check committee, spoke yes terday morning at assembly in Memorial hall at 10 :S0. Weeks, who was president of the student body last year, brief ly outlined the campus organi- zation, stating that the dormi tory council ranks next to the .student council. He discussed the jurisdiction of the former, And explained that the student council handled all breaches of honor and serious violations of conduct, while the dorm council acts on milder violations. The inter-dormitory council is composed of the presidents of ihe dorms. "They are responsible for the conditions in the living quarters. "If we have your support throughout the year," he con cluded, "we feel that the dormi tory program will be a success.' Herbert Taylor traced the his tory of the bad check commit tee and the vast amount of good it has done inre-establishing the lost credit of the Carolina stu dent. Giving examples of the punishment for bad checks drawn by IJni versity jnenin-tbe year 1931-32, rhe showed the jgreat decrease in such cases. tudents And Citizens Prepare With a large group of dormi tories and fraternities and all local business houses backing plans for decoration contests to morrow, the University and Chapel Hill are set for the big gest Homecoming Day celebra tion ever staged here. In addition to the "painting red aspect of the celebration and the pep rally tonight, the social lions will have a full pro gram of four dances over the week-end. There will be three divisions of the decoration congest, for which R. B. House, Dean F. F. Bradshaw, and W. A. Olsen are judges. The departments are for fraternities, dormitories, and local business firms. Prizes will be awarded in each division a silver- loving cup to the winning fraternity, a table model radio to the firsts place dormitory, and two tickets to the Carolina - Georgia game to the winning merchant; The WOMEN DISCUSS . ATfflMC PLANS Election of Three Council Mem bers Also Feature of Fall Meeting of Association. The election of three new council members and the pre sentation of the co-ed athletie program for the year featured thecal! meeting of the Womans' association of the - University yesterday afternoon in Graham Memorial. Jayne Smoot, president of the Womans' athletic association, gave a short talk on co-ed ath letics. She urged the girls to go out for more sports this year since this organization has just gotten under way and has made possible a wider choice of sports to be participated in. The following members of the athletic council were elected, with a representative chosen from each of the classes : Ida Winstead, Vivian Grisette, Elsie Lawrence, Jane Jolly, Harriet Taylor and Mary Webb. The election was followed by a talk by Mrs. C. A. xBeard, di rector of co-ed athletics. She announced that Coach J. F. Kenfield was conducting classes on Monday and Thursday after noons in tennis for the girls, and that arrangements would be made later for basketball, track, and rifle practice. More girls are participating in these sports than ever before and for the first time, awards of letters or some other insignia, based on a point system, will be made. plans for a comedy to be pre sented sometime during the win ter quarter were presented by Mary isyra rerrow. ouggtjauuiia were also made for a May Day pageant in the springs The date for the annual faculty reception was set for November 14. The results of the election to fill vacancies in the student coun cil were as follows: Sara Vann, vice-president; Mary Ellen Watts, secretary; and Elsie Lawrence, town1 representative. The other, ofilcers are : Jane Jol lv; nresident; Betty Durham, treasurer; and Eleanor Bizzell, house president of Spencer hall. Chi Omega Pledge EpsiloriBeta chapter of Chj Dma announces the pledging of ilkrearet Witherspoon o lt3 runner-up in the business house contest will receive one ticket to the game. The cup is on display at Gooch Bros, and Brooks cafe, and the radio is being shown at Sutton's drug store. As far as can be discovered, the tickets have not been put on display. Three dances tonight sponsor ed by the sophomore class, Sig ma Chi, and Sigma Delta, will open the social bill. Tomorrow night the Order of the Grail will stage its third dance of the fall quarter. Local firms which are back ing Homecoming Day plans and whose donations made the con test prizes possible are: Univer sity Consolidated Service Plants, Gooch Bros, and Brooks, Sutton's, Carolina Inn, Crescent cafeteria, JohnsonPrevost, Eu banks drug company, Pritchard Lloyd's, Randolph - McDonald, Model market, Carolina theatre, and Wootten-Moulton's. RELATIONS CLUB OPENS PROGRAM Group Will Conduct Symposium On New German State at . Meeting Tonight. The International Relations club opens the year's program this evening at 7:30 o'clock in 209 Graham Memorial with a symposium on the new German state. - "- ' " Dr. Meno Spann, who will probably be first on the jpro- gram, will speak on "The Emo tional and Political Background of the Present German State." An open forum discussion on this sub jeet will follow the talk. If time permits, Dr. E. C Metzenthin's talk is to be on "Church Under the New Ger man State.' The executive committee, which has charge of the organiza tion's programs, will probably be named tonight.. Jrvin Boyle will act as ehairman this even ing. Sigma Delta Will Give Week-end House Party Sigma Delta, local fraternity, will Conduct a house party here this week-end in connection with the Homecoming day program. Guests for the week-end are : Jacqueline Moore of Sweet Briar, Leila George Cram of Randolph Macon, Mildred El more of Gastonia, May Braxton Strowd of Chapel Hill, Sue Byer ly of Randolph Macon, Suzanne Winstead, of Roxboro, Virginia Rawlston of Greensboro, Doro thy Jackson of Chapel Hill, Lou ise Bullard of Fayetteville, Mar garet Gaines of Richmond, Babe Brock of Dunn, and Ruby Byrd of Parktown. Ehringhaus Praises Program of Quartet J. Maryon Saunders' an nouncement 'Wednesday night at the .radio program over station WPTF .that Governor J. C. B Ehringhaus, Charles T. Woollen, Gaston E. Galloway, and Charles S.Mangum made up the quartet which rmade "Hark ihe Sound" famous, was .answered .at the conclusion of the program by a telegram from .the governor, expressing .his appreciation .for the broadcast. S9FHS WILL HME ANNUAL DANCE IN TIN CMTOMGHT Morty JSHisberg and Six Assist ants to Lead Figure; Execu tive Group to Participate. JELLY LEFTWICT JO PLAY President Morty Ellisberg with Miss Edna Loeb will lead the annual sophomore hop to night in the Jin Can. Assistant dance leaders ejected last week, officers of the class and the executive committee will also be in the figure. Six assistant dance leaders will be in the figure. They are as follows: Claude Rankin with Miss Cortlant Preston of Char lotte, Sam Clarke with Miss Carolyne Huffines of Rocky Mount, Jim Parrot with Miss Frances Fields of Kinston, Ben Willis with Miss Ester Mebane of Chapel Hill, Hugh Primrose with Miss Margaret Vass of Raleigh, and Dick Harris with Miss Natalie : Sfxicldand of Valdasta, Ga. : CxecUve Coinmiftee Fourteen members of the class executive committee will also take part in the figure. They are as follows : Jack Clare with Miss Sue Sutherland of Cfeape Hill, Jim Johnson with Miss Mildred McMulIan of Chapel Hill; J jjn Jackson .with. Miss Elizabeth Shands of Gainesville, Fla., Van Webb with Miss Alice Cowles B&rringer of I Charlotte, Jack Lowe with Miss ; Rubyej Fogel of Georgetown, 3-C., Dav id Scott with Miss Nancy Gordon of Spray, Charles Ivey with Miss Alice Burton Spruce of Burling ton, John "Mitchener with Miss Mary Nancy Pike of Concord, Walter Graham with Miss Eleanor Killick of Charlotte, J. R. Taylor with Miss Ann Wor thington of Ayden, Francis Fairley with Miss Dasie Parks of Salisbury, Joke Austin with Miss Mary Monroe of . Raef ord, Billy Yandell with Miss Mary Salem of Tenafly, N. J., and Irving Suss. The Hop will begin at 9 :00 o'clock in the Tin Can instead of at 9:30 o'clock as is an nounced on the bids. Jelly Leftwich.and his- orchestra will I play. Only those persons pre senting bids will be admitted. The dance will end at 1:00 o'clock. The following persons will act as chaperones, President and Mrs. Frank P. Graham, Mrs. Fred Patterson, Dr. and Mrs. Bernard, Dr. and Mrs. Mackie, Mrs. Stacy, Dean and Mrs. Francis Bradshaw. Rockingham County Students Form Club Nearly twenty students from Rockingham county met in Gra ham Memorial Wednesday even ing and reorganized the Rock ingham county club. . The plans and purposes of the club were discussed, and the fol lowing officers were elected: Francis Anderson, Leaksville, president ; Melvin Gillie, Draper, vice-president ; Lewis Hampton, Leaksville, secretary-treasurier. ' Anderson appointed .-a com mittee to arrange a program.for the next meeting, and likewise a committee, assigned to round-ing-up students'from the county who failed to attend the first meeting. Bockingham .county, has 43 .students .registered in the University. Carpllpa Spirit To ELeacli Peak At Tonight s Rally DIL MANNING LECTURES AT MEDICAL SOCIETY Dr. Isaac Hall Manning of the school of medicine lectured in Pinehurst yesterday at a meeting of the North Carolina Medical society, Pinehurst dis trict. Dr. Manning is president of the State Medical society. Dr. James K. Hall of the Westbrook sanitorium in Bich mond was also one of the principal speakers. Dr. Hall, a well known authority on crimin al and mental hygiene, is an alumnus of the University, hav ing graduated from Carolina in 1901. ' CONFERENCE HERE BEGMSSCHEDULE Accountants Hold First Session Today ; Have Arranged Full Program for Two Days. , The fourth annual conference of the North Carolina certified public accountants, sponsored here by the IJniverity school of commerce, got underway yester day with registration in ging ham hall and a movie party in the Carolina theatre. TJie officers of the association, the board of directors, .and the conference committees met yes terday morning and drew up plans for the session. " An extensive program, has been drawn up fortoday and tomorrow, featuring attendance at the Carolina-Georgia Tech football game, a benuqet, talks by members of tie University faculty and entertainments for the ladies. Meeting Joday The 14th annual meeting will be called to order by President Neal S. Zeigler this morning in Bingham hall at 9 0 o'clock. Robert B. House, executive sec retary of the University, will deliver the address of welcome, and President Zeigler will re spond. Dr. J. B. Woosley, professor of finance here, will speak on "Causes of Bank Failures and Proposed Remedies." After a short discussion, Dr. H. D. Wolf, professor of economics at the University, will talk on special (Continued on page two) Library Gets Three Newspapers of 1795 Luther James Phipps of the class of 22 has given the Li brary for its North Carolina collection, three newspapers of February 16 and 23, and March 2, 1795. The newspaper, called the North Carolina Journal, has several references to the Uni versity. In it is an advertise ment reminding all people who had bought land from the Uni versity that they would have to pay before May. A decision of the State legislature giving all confiscated lands to the Univer sity was also recorded and a reference made that some -person in Mecklenburg county must turn over the, property. There are many references to laws restricting slaves, to the English-French war, and a let ter from George Washington accepting .th e resignation, of Secretary of War IKnox. There is also a story in it that Lafay ette has escaped from .prison. Parade Forms in Toym Before Starting to Memorial Hall Fireworks, speeches, a shirt tail parade, and a bonfire behind Memorial hall will mark the high spots of the pep meeting to night. The bnd will assemble in front of the post office at 7:30. JYom here the band boys will lead a parade up Franklin street aroun to Memorial hall, which will be the center of the evening's festivities. Coach Bill Cerney and Supreme Ppurt Judge W. J. Brogden of Dur ham will speak. President Frank P. Graham expects to be present, but will be unable to speak. After the talks the "ramblin' wreck," whicfr l?as been on dis play in front of Pritchard Lloyd's drug store, will meet its doom at the bonfire, which will be ignited after the Memorial hall speaking. Fireworks wjjl be passed put to the participants, distribution of Megaphones Saturday at 1:45 o'clock all freshmen are expected o naeet in the Tin Can for a pep meet ing. Regulation megaphpnes, secjired for the occasion .by Cheerleader Hunt through the courtesy pf Tubby ' Hinson, manager of the Book Exchange, will be passed out to all f resh- Attention of Qie student jbqdy is called to the fact tj?at the four Carolina sings' wil appear in tthe 5aturi3ay Issue of the g?4:&EL, jand each, student is requested to cuir ;the words of the songs out and bring em to the g-ame. SYMPHONY GIVES OPEftGCONCERT John Powell WU1 Play on First Prosram of State Orchestra In Durham Tonight. The North Carolina state sym phony orchestra, directed by Lamar Stringfield, will present its first program of the season at Page auditorium, Duke Uni versity, tonight at 8 :30 Vclock. . John Powell, considered by leading music critics to be one of the outstanding American pianists, will be guest artist Members of the orchestra, se lected from the professional and more talented amateur music ians of the state, have been as sembled in Chapel Hill during the past three days for rehear sals. The orchestra has been de scribed by Powell as "the most important symphony music or ganization in the United States." Powell has received wide ac claim in Europe and this coun try following his debut in Vien na," where Ihe was a pupil of Leschetizky..He began the study of piano at the age of five. - Powell's reputation as & com poser now rivals his fame as pianist, and many of his great er works .have been performed by European symphony orches tras. ';': The concert is sponsored by ihe Charity .League of purhara. The symphony is scheduled also for concerts in Tlaleigh and Winston-Salem, November 9 and 11 respectively. ( Continued cj rj?rj Jtro)

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