FIGHT BETEEMIM ATIO N Ml CHEERING CAN STOP TECM TODAY r . FRESHMAN GATHERING 1:45 O'CLOCK TIN CAN Ira V0- i 1 v5 GRAIL DANCE 9:00-12:00 O'CLOCK TIN CAN VOLUME XLII CHAPEL HILL, N. C SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 19 33 NU5IBER 32 A TTJ A HO Y c,A.liL ... ki H Winners of Contest At 10:00 O'clock. omecomieil Celebrate With Decor - ' :' $ ' ' -" " " ' ' Committee Will Select! Armistice Dav Plans Feature Huge Parade Plans for the Armistice Day celebrations in Chapel Hill have been announced by LI J. Phipps, commander of the local post of the American Legion. Other phases of the celebra tion will be a parade led by the University band, with almost all of the organizations of Chap- Today the University com munity .observes its own decora tion day in connection with the Homecoming celebration. In the three sections of the decoration contest sponsored by the University club and local merchants, there are entered 18 fraternities, .seven dormitories, el Hill taking part. and all Chapel Hill business firms. Jndffinff will be done this TO IAD TAR 1IEELS TODAY f t r CAPTAiM Dill Ijicqm WORTH CAROLMMA UNVERSlTY The line of march will extend through the business section of Chapel Hill, dispersing at Me- morning by R. B. House, W. A. morial hall, where special exerr Olsen, and Dean r. -traa- cises will be held m commemo shaw, who will begin at 10:00 o'clock an automobile tour of the campus and Chapel Hill to take in all the sights and name the winners in the three divis ions. Prizes in the contest are: fraternity, a sliver loving cup; dormitory, eigTt-tube Atwater Kent table model radio ; business firms, two tickets to the Caro lina-Tech game to the winner, and one ticket to the runner-up. Fraternity entries in the com petition are : Beta Theta Pi, ration of the signing of the Armistice fifteen years ago. 5ATEQUERY H.S.DE IS MADE PUBLIC BY E. R. RAN10N I Comnarison Will Be Made of English and American Radio Systems. The query which will be dis- nncianA Intr TVI QTV1-QTC! "T "f Tin Til CrY Sigma Chi, Pi Kappa Alpha, school debating union this year Sigma Nu, Theta Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, St. --. ml i T T T 1 JI is: Kesoivea: mat tne umrea Sites should adopt the essential features of the British system Anthony Hall, Phi Kappa Sig- 1f radio controi and operation. ma, Zeta Psi,. Kappa bigma, This was announced yesterday Zeta Beta Tau, Tau Epsilon by Secretary E. R. Rankin, fol- rm, Aipna iau uniea, jtxh lowin a meeting of the central ta Theta. Chi Phi. and Delta , , Tau Delta. Dormitories in the contest (Continued on page two) HOUSE WELCOMES CP. A. GATHERING committee of the high school de bating union here. The topic which has been chosen for the high school de bating contest is also the nat ional high school debate sub ject for, the current year, to be discussed by high school debat ing leagues in thirty-three 7 r y a rr I -Sit u--. ' ' ; ..g ' I I - Golden Tornado Invades r - e - en an Stadium For Tilt This Afternoon At 2:00 Murchison Confers On Processing Tax Dr. C. T. Murchison, director of research in the school of com merce, is in Washington over the week-end confering with officials of the Agricultural Adjustment administration on problems re lating to the cotton processing tax. Dr. Murchison lias done much research on the economic side of the cotton industry and is the author of a book on the subject. He has also made several lect ures on the series sponsored by the school of commerce, con cerning the NRA program. Tar Heel Outfit Takes Rest; Preparations Are Completed. CaroHna Pes. Tech Frankel l.e. Slocun Tatum l.U Tharpe Barclay l.g. D. Wilcox Daniel c. Shaw Kahn r.g. Laws CoUins r.t. Williams Brandt r.e. Gibson Woollen q.b. Roberts G.Moore Lh. Martin Shaffer r.h. Davis Croom f.b. Phillips STUDENTS RALLY AT PEP MEETING BEFOREBIG GAME 1,500 Noisy Supporters Parade And Cheer in Demonstration Before Tech Game. Carolina's fighting Tar Heels rested last night after yester day's light work-out in prepa ration for the all-important Homecominer Dav eame with Georgia Tech this afternoon at 2 :00 o'clock. Coach Bob Fetzer, in the ab- sence ot Mead uoacn "unucK Collins, who had gone to scout Wake Forest in their game with Catholic U., put the Carolina varsity through its final work fireworks yesterday. Coach "Bob" drove TTnrV thp his charges hard, running 1 500 through a light dummy scran Torches blazed, thundered, strains of " nrnliTio simnorters. . gathered mage and a long, drill of KicKmg around a roaring bonfire behind off and returning punts. 7 Memorial hall last night to The entire squad was entnu- nromise their moral support siastic and an optismistic spirit against Georgia Tech here today, prevailed. Although . the Tar The pep rally was one of the Heels have lost their last, three most spirited and exuberant games, the team seemea conn- aw. Jo rwi TOii rrnnn, nt f!nrnlina wlm leads his team held on the camnus since the dent over their chances ot turn- in the Homecoming battle this afternoon against Georgia Tech. days of Kay Kyser and was the ing back the highly-touted Gold- Croom is the logical man to lead the Blue and White back into the win, column, after three straight defeats, as he has starred for the past two years in Carolina-Tech battles. Captain Bill is scheduled to start at the fullback position. best attended rally of the year, en Tornado. Trainer "Chuck" Quinlan an- (Continued on page three) Annual Session of Accountants states. Here Sponsored by University School of Commerce. The schools becoming mem bers of the high school debating union will take part in a state- j I union win. i-cijtvc Talks by Robert B. House and . , .QT1(yillr Hfthate in the . j i tyjuc niwiia"" " ATcniDaia. xiiuupA6uii. . Schools winning ootn vesterdav's session of the annual , . . . w , jpuai ps win meeting here of the North Caro- nd teams to the University to lina certified public accountants, i OOTlfo5It f nr the Avcock The conference is sponsored Cup Thig organization is an by the University scnooi 01 com- x ngion activity 0f the Uni- merce. several piuxcoouio, including Dr. J. B. Woosley and Dr. H. D. Wolf, spoke at the business meeting concerning current economic problems. Robert TS. House delivered a line iittuuuoiv welcoming speech yeste.rdy Broadcasting companies morning alter a siuub ucvuuw serviPA ld hv the Reverend Al- . - - a xne ucuavc ""ivw bea Godhold of the Methodist i nf the National church. Neal S. Zeigler, presi- University Extension Associ dent of the association, respond- ations COmmittee on debate ma- ed to this speech. tterials and inter-state coopera- Dr. Archibald Henderson wasi cuest sneaker at the dinner ban- m, Qf;VA team is com- x J.X1C aii.ll quet held yesterday evening m VQSed of. e. C. Buehler, of the Graham Memorial. - Mrs. A. R. University of Kansas ; H. L. Wilson entertained with a read- 0f the University of LEFEWICH PLAYS FOR GRAIL DANCE Third Function of Year by Or ganization to Be Held Tonight In Tin Can at 9:00. SRVICE PLANNED BY FRAT BUYERS versitv. , V A' . . A debate will be broadcast on the same subject November 1, from three to four o'clock, on coast-to-coast networks of both the National and Columbia sys tems. The debate will take place un- ig, and the University quartet sang several selections. The conference will close to- . . r n - Wicnnnsin ; and V. vunmns low""- 7 , ham, of Northwestern Universi- the necrative . , fy. jvcpici3cxiw"e - day after an election of officers.; of the question are: Presi- The delegates will then be guests at the football game. Picture Dates The folbwing students have appointments today for Yackety Yack pictures: ,W, E. Arm strong A . W. Edelson. R. D. Haynes, Milton Kalb, P. O. Leg ?ett, and Tom Nisbct. dent Harry W. Chase, of New vr-v TTniversitv. and two others f n hA selected from the" faculty W of the University of Chicago. Sherrill Teachin g Pmf Assor Robert H. Sherrill w- , is teaching an extension ciass in accounting at Burlington. The third dance sponsored by the Order of the Grail will take place tonight in the Tin Can from 9 :00 o'clock until 12 :00. Jelly Leftwich and his orches tra will furnish the music. , Last night the big shed was the scene of the annual sopho more hop where a huge crowd danced to the melodious strains of Leftwich's band. It was de clared one of the most successful social affairs of the type, in re cent years. The Tin Can was attractively fitted out in maroon and white decorations with natural back ground of leaves and boughs. Other social events of the week-end have included pledge dances by the Sigma Delta and Sigma Chi fraternities last night. Attendance was by bid only. Notables Here Today Governor J. C' B. Ehringhaus, former Governor O. Max Gard ner, Marvin H, Mclntyre, private secretary of President Roose velt. Turner Battle, assistan secretary of labor, and L. W "Chip" Roberts, assistant secre tary of the treasurer, are among I the notables who will attend the game today. Fraternity Buyers Association body to support the team to- To Install Pressing Service morrow like he himsell nas done Tipnartment for Members. since 1916. George isronson and Allan McDonald woricea me The Fraternity Buyers as- letn dnts into a hicrh state of The procession started from! the post office, winding down Columbia and, ending behind Memorial hall. Led by Ernie 1 Hunt, the mob let off steam with booming yells, after which Step- an'-fetchit. venerable Carolina mascot, exhorted the student by c jj. Chadbourn An- j.i m RELEAS LYNCHING STUDY swers Questions Concerning Practice in General. 1 . I SbUUVUM AAA W CD I J. sociation yesterday announced frenzy with burning pep talks, by C. H. Chadbourn, assistant dftfinitP. nlans for a nressms tt.o m v pnded in a huge proiessor oi law. xxie vuv w " jc I a. J.J.W a. v I j -vt ii service department for its mem- snate dance which wound and one of the University of North bers, which will be located m twisted its way across the camp- Carolina stuay series. Sutton building. The service us. . Questions are answered con- will ha for members only. No t firAwnrlcs for the nen ral- cerning the reasons for legal dry cleaning will be done by the Were donated by E. C. Smith, processes breaking down in the association. manager of the Carolina theater, iace oi mou viuic, u lCa- t ocrf- V4nr the association. sons for lynchers generally go- composed of 12 fraternities or- ORDERS TO FORM ing unpunished. ganized into a non-profit cor- SPECIAL SECT1UJN In the spnng, tne press re- poration, purchased coal for its pQR GAME TODAY leased "The Tragedy of Lyncn- lng, Dy ur. Arxnur reaper, an The University press recently released "Lynching and the Law" members, creating a net saving of $200. The pressing service will be a result of the success attained in the coal buying ven ture. Cheerios, Sophomore Orders, Grail, alumnus of the University. This And Golden Fleece to Sit lo- kv i,as ramdlv become the gether at Today's Game. leadW authority throughout revived the United States on lynchings Members of the The officers of the organiza- Cheerios, the three sophomore in the south and their underly- tion are Herbert Taylor, presi dent, Henry Anderson, secre tary, and C. D. Miller, business fratermtv de- maiigi - siring membership can i obtain such by purchasing one share oi the corporation stock and by obeying the by-laws. Huse at Knoxville H. R.. Huse of the Romance language department and au thor of the recent Illiteracy of tiiA Literate." left yesterday for Knoxville where he will address a meeting of the Tennessee state teachers' convention. orders, the Order of the Grail, ing causes, 'ine dook points oui and the Golden Fleece will sit Lthe fact that conditions of living t TTpnan f in thft localities where these JLXX O JSrtl LV lAwli MV . fcr.-. I " stadium at this afternoon's I tragedies have occurred 'have VOJliCi : -. I " . w . - !..- Freshmen will meet as usual them. at the Tin Can at 1:45 o'clock Br. Raper's book presents the where they will receive mega-1 findings of the Southern Lpm- nhones. ' 1 mission on the btudy ot i,yncn- TTonr. cheerleader Ernest mgs, a Doay appomrea Dy me Hunt announced that he is ex- national administration to inves- rtino. the bieest demonstra- tigate the 21 lynchings wmcn r " r-- . 1 , ji .1..J.1. mon f.rt-n nf rTipprinsr of the year. Si-1 occurreu m xne souui m rens and whistles will be dis The University was represented tributed and during the game a on this committee by Dean W. tiiXnisaTid : streamers will be C. Jackson, Dr. Howard W. i-hrnwn over tlie crowdi ' Odum, and Dr. Arthur Raper. mjl. w - - . .-:

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