Sunday, March 4, 1934 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Pc-s Three iIUeJ 0wUi-iv& wain jELiiwiiL ii.'iriiu In Winter Football Brills, 14-13 Gene Barwick and Buck Fcatcre Second Team's Triumph by Scoring Touchdowns as Re sults of Beautiful Aerial Of fensive Game. YEARLINGS COME THROUGH Shaffer, Veteran Back, -Big Noise In First Team's Offense, Play ing with Reckless Abandon. TIEET FOR LIURAL mETOMORROW Dormitory and Fraternity Cham pions Meef - fortCampcs Intra mural Basketball Crown To morrow Night in Tin Can at 7:30 O'clock. BOTH FIVES SIX FOOTERS INDOOR MEET STARS Displaying plenty of spirit and driving power, the blue sec ond team licked the first white eleven, 14-13 yesterday after- Each Contingent Plays Intirely noon in another of a series of Different Type of Basketball; Saturday intra-squad contests "Fur Likely to Fly.! which are bein&r held during TfinoT- nrartw I Intramuralia's two undefeat- Coach Snavely was again ed basketba11 quintets will vie w.M ih tv.A inwiTicrl'or all-campus honors tomor- of the sauad. especially the row Evening at 7:30 o'clock in blocking of the second team. He the "p Can when S. A. E., fra- plans to bring the winter work ternuy title nolder, and Kumn, to a close next Saturday with a dormitory champions, clash in oi iro-cm, cr-i the final round for the Univer- which will be in the form of a sity titIe- regular contest. Both teams have defeated all The freshmen featured the their opponents, while Ruffin has Blav. most of the afternoon. had the distinction of vanquish ffaciitAii ssL TmntpH. r inS every contingent entered in ran in CTeat stvle: Fleming rin- the dorm 0UP of the tourney, ped off several beautiful runs; It is fairly well ascertained that Cooner and Hutchins hit the dormitory champions are line for some good gains while the highest-scoring outfit in the Stuart blocked and ran well. Program. Wrenn, tackle; Buck, end; and . Have Big Boys '- -m -mm I , w t Mclver, guard, also starred ml neignt nas played a major the line. . part in bringing both the af ore- Charlie Shaffer, veteran back, mentioned aggregations togeth continued his erood work and er. Man to man, S. A. E. and was especially outstanding on a Ruffin have the tallest players reverse around lef end run. in the competition. Gardner, center, was the out- McDonald, Minor, Scott, and standing lineman during the af- Morgan are all six-footers on ternoon, getting in on play af- the S. A. Es team with Free- ter play, while Evins, Moore, man, alone lacking that height. and Joyce were other-lettermen Ruffin lines up in a similar man in the forward wall to star. ner,. four of its men measuring How They Scored six feet. The second team scored soon! - Style of Play after the scrimmage started, . , Jhe, respective champion con passing and running from their tingents are evenly matched in- own 30-yard line to the zero sofar as height, a determining marker. DashielTs passing and factor, is concerned, but both Stuart's running were best, with Ruffin and S. A. E. differ wide- a pass, Dashiell to Barwick, ac- ly in : their, style of play, counting for the touchdown. The fraternity champs play The White team came right! more of an offensive game than back to tie the score at 7-7. does Ruffin. Fighting every Cooner intercepted a pass on moment for possession of the the 50 and ran to the 37. Hut- ball the S. A. E.'s do not remain chins and Shaffer drove for a in-their own territory waiting first on the 24. Shaffer went on for , the opposition to pass mid a reverse to the 8, and then after court, but force the play on ev- the sceond team held for three ery part of the court. downs, Hutchins hit the middle , Minor Stays in Hole of the line for the marker. Trim- The lanky "Ike" Minor, high- t)pv. tarfrlp - lrirVpd fhf nnint. scoring1 center goes down into CAPT. PJ3TACE5 1 P. AOCrUICTHY HUR.PUC5 O'M'C If K J,V.WWAV tlLLIAM5 SHOT POT - DUKE - G. EVERETT CAPT. COLES VEIOHTS.YIR.0JHIA Co-cd BovIlng Tourney All co-eds interested in bowl ing are asked to sign up at once for the tournament which is scheduled for Tuesday, March 6, in Graham Memorial. Bowl ing will start at , 7:00 o'clock and the bouts will be gratis to the co-eds. Each lassie will be allowed to roll a trio of games; the eight highest scorers will be eligible for the final play off and tourney. So come on and sign up, girls, the line forms on the right . . . you can sign at either Spencer hall or at the alleys in the Stu dent union. Here's your chance to get more points toward a varsity I letter. U- X. C Fencing Contingent Licks Trillion and 3Iary Club 10-7 in Hard Fought J latch Play; Fight for Three and a Half Hours. MACK FEATURES LOSERS Ekaendorf, Snowden, Tobey, Lit ten Feature Tar Heel Attack With Two Wins Apiece. Requirements Outlined (Continued from page one) in education, elective. The sub- iect matter renuirements are as Above we have just a few of the many track luminaries who will f 0nows . f or English 24 spmes- 1 a. r m i ti mi n s m G De ieaiurea in me niin aouinern on i ere nee inaoor meet wnicn i v,n 7 O O niii oe run ou in ine iin tan oaiuruay, marcn iu. rnTrmnsitinTi and rhptnnV. Fncr. lop lett, uaeu Childers, nasny Carolina sprint and broad JiHnPiisn literature and American i a A- ti -r?j i Ti il siar; center, captain 15od uira, great uiute aisiance man; ana literature with sufficient elec- right top, Frank Abernethy, spectacular hurdles ace for the Tar tives Center insert, Luther Williams, Duke's big shot-putter, who hours including ancient and will compete with Captain Bob Coles, Virginia (lower right hand medieval, modern European, corner;, m tne weignts. ' United States, political science. Grover Everett, Virginias star hurdler, who tied the world's jwith electives from record in the 50-yard lows at Catholic IL, will be another one of the shining lights of the meet. Galaxy Of Fast Track Stars Entered In 5. L C. Indoor, Meet Another, pass netted the sec ond club a second touchdown. Taking the ball on the varsity a pivot position on the offense and covers the foul district on the defense. He is the sole S. 37 as a result of a fumble, the A. E. man employing a zone de- second team could gain but- two f ense. vard in thrPA Hnwr? On the Ruffin uses a man to man of- fourth, however, in kick forma- f ense and defense, relying main tion, Dashiell shot a pass to ly on accurate passing and fine Buck on the 10-yard line and the shooting to tally. Most of Ruf lengthy end fell over the goal, fin's points this year have been Wrenn, tackle, faking a ' drop- tallied from inside the foul line. kick, tossed a short pass to The probable line-ups: Fleming for the extra point, jg The second team was also re sponsible for the last touchdown Freeman when half of them changed to McDonald the White team. After Dashiell Minor had sent a quick kick from his Morgan own 15 to the White 20. a dis- Scott tance of 65 yards, the last drive started. With Fleming doing TAYLOR TO READ Pos. l.f. r.f. c. r.g. ,l.g. Ruffin Henson Weathers Fox Peacock Furches some beautiful running off-tackle and Cooner hitting the line for gains the first team made five first downs and a .marker when Cooner went over from the 8. The first string team was made up of Buck and Moore, ends; Trimpey and Evins, tac- ius. kles ; Barclay and Kahn, guards ; Gardner, center; Dunham, quar terback: Cooner and Shaffer, halfs; and Hutchins, full. The second team lined up with Barwick. and Ray, ends; , O'NEILL COMEDY (Continued from "page one) masks denoting the double facedness of life, no pseudo Freudian soliloquies, no sedulous spring of Aeschylus. O'Neill reveals a new facet of his gen- W. P. Eaton, in "Booklist, says of "Ah Wilderness I" : "If O'Neill wished to prove he could write a 'normal' play, he .has certainly done so. If he wished to prove he could write a play - -v 1 1 1 J 1 Wrenn and Mizell. tackles; Joyce wnicn wouia De popular witn I the masses, across tne contm-, guaxuo) ivuuw- , graft center':-Stuart. Quarter- ent,. he has also done that' ho.v. -n-un ivTfo-nmow I There will-be no admission half s onrT Vcowr fullhapV. , -1 charge. Entries were in from nine of the conference institutions to day with a chance that the 10th would send a small group of stars, making this the first of the indoor meets in which every team in the conference has com peted. Prospects are for a cor respondingly large and brilliant. field in the other divisions of the big meet, the non-confer ence, freshman, and scholastic. Duke won the indoor and Carolina the outdoor champion ship of the conference last year, with Virginia nosing Carolina out of second place indoors and Duke taking second place over the Cavaliers outdoors. Hurdles to Be Good Two of the feature events this year will be the hurdle races between Grover Everett, Virginia, who tied the world record for the 50 yard low hur dles at the Catholic U. games this winter, and Frank Aber nethy, Carolina, who is the con ference high hurdles champ out doors and who split honors with Everett in their races last year. Captain Bob Coles, Virginia, who is remembered as a star tackle on the Cavalier eleven "of last fall, came within a half-inch of equalling the shot put rec ord at the 1933 meet. The duel between Coles and Luther Wil liams, Duke's sophomore big shot, is thought certain to pro duce a new mark in this event Two-Mile Duel Bob Bird, who captains the Duke team, will run the two-mile against Bill Dunaj of Washing ton and Lee, who deposed him as conference cross country champion this year in another feature, event. Odell Childers is Carolina's star sprinter-broad jumper. The 60-yard dash will feature Child ers with several other football sprinters, including -Earl Wid myer of Maryland, the record holder, who holds one victory over Metcalfe, the national inter collegiate champion, and Tarrall of Duke, who finished second last year. Beats Duke In Last 14 Seconds Pette, Great General Forward, ; Shoots Goal with Less Than I 14 Seconds to Go to Give ! Washington and Lee 30-29 ! Victory. economics, sociology, and North Carolina history. For modern languages, 18 se mester hours above two en trance units, three years of col lege Latin being recommended. For science, 30 semester hours including biology, chemistry, physics, and geography or geol- ogy. For mathematics, 15 semester hours, 24 being recommended. ORATORICAL AWARDS (Special to the Daily Tab Heel) aii sxuaenis interested in competing for the Mangum med al and the Peace prize are asked to confer with Professor George The Coffee Sh Sunday Menu . War Memorial Auditorium, McKie of the department of Eng. Kaieign, juarcn rexxe, sxei- lish at his office room 21Q Jar forward for Washington and Murphey hall. T 1 J 1 !! 1 Jl I " i,ee, snot a goal witn less tnan The Mangum medal ig an an- 14 seconds to go, giving tne nual award established in 1878, vrciieiaia tne ouutnciu v,uuxcx- wmcn is given the member ence basketball title in downing of the senior class who delivers Duke 0-29, here tonight before the best oration at commence a capacity crowd. ment. The Peace award is The Blue Devils had hopped money prize offered by the Peace off to an early lead, and by m- society. termission led the W. & L. five 23-17. But the Generals came back strong during the last canto out- scoring the North Carolina quin tet, 13-6. Captain Joe Sawyers, highj scorer for the tournament, was the big cog in the offensive ma chine of the winners, although his teammate, Pette, outscored him by one point, garnering eight markers. Duke's Jim Thompson, lanky forward, continued to set a diz zy pace, making 10 points to lead the scoring machinations for both quints. The Washington and Lee Generals came through the tournament - as the proverbial "dark horse," licking Maryland, N. C. State, and Duke. In none! of these games did the "boys in j the know" concede them a pray er. But! And the Lexington, Va. team had been seeded a poor sixth in the tournament drawings. Scoring: W. & L. (30) Saw yers, f, (7) ; Pette, f, (8) Smith, c, (6) ; Fields, g, (5) Jones, g, (4) ; and Ellis, g, (0). Duke (29) J. Thompsonrf, UU);Bell. f. (2); iviacK, c, (7);H. Thompson, g, (6) Weaver, g, (2)and Ferguson, S (2). Carolina's fencing team came through yesterday afternoon with a 10-7 victory over the William and Mary swordsmen. Some 350 fans witnessed the slow matches which were run off in the Tin Can. Captain Jim Mack, leader of the Sovereigns, displayed fault less technique in his brilliant wins over Chapin Litten, Caro lina captain. Their matches were much closer than the scores would indicate. Both men used different styles of sword play, Mack, slow and de liberate whereas Litten was quick on his feet, parrying and thrusting with ease. Elmendorf-Tobey Star John Elmendorf, star fresh man for the Tar Heels, came through in good form, winning twice in the sabre and epee. Brad Tobey, another yearling came through with a pair of wins in the epee event. The Tar Heel fencers took four out of the nine events in the foils division. Here are the men who came through with victories: Snowden 2: Smith, and Captain Litten. " The two clubs split evenly in the sabre play while in the epee Carolina's entrants prevailed The match lasted three and a half hours. . The summary: Foils: Captain Mack (Wil liam and Mary) defeated Cap tain Litten 5-2; Snowden (Caro lina) licked Cederbaum 5-4; Smith (Carolina) downed Wood ward 5-2 ; Cederbaum, William and Mary) defeated Captain Lit ten 5-3 ; Snowden (Carolina) won over Woodward 5-3: Cap tain Mack (William and Mary) bested Spies 5-3; Captain Litten (Carolina) downed Woodward, 5-1 ; Cederbaum (William and Mary) nosed out Friedman 5-4; Captain Mack (William and Mary) licked Snowden 5-3. . Sabre: Elmendorf (Carolina licked Captain Mack 5-3; Elmen dorf (Carolina) downed Hoke (Continued on last page) ops SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER 60c SOUPS Cream of Celery, Chicken, Vegetable Staffed Celery and Stuffed Olives MEATS Roast Turkey, Oyster Dressing, Cranberry Sauce Roast Chicken, Oyster Dressing, Apple Sauce Broiled Beef Tenderloin Steak, Brown Butter Sauce Veal Porterhouse, Sliced Tomatoes Broiled Lobster (Half) Broiled Halibut Steak, Lemon Butter Sauce VEGETABLES Potatoes au Gratin New. String Beans Green Asparagus Tips on Toast Hot Rolls Butter DRINKS . Coffee, Tea, Buttermilk, Milk -DESSERT Sliced Pineapple with Whipped Cream or Ice Cream REGULAR SUNDAY DINNER 50c SOUPS Cream of Celery, Chicken, Vegetable MEATS Broiled Lamb Chops on Toast Roast Leg of Lamb, Spinach Broiled Veal, Chops with Bacon Broiled Spanish Mackerel Roast Fresh Ham, Jelly Oysters a la Maryland . , Lobster Meat au Gratin VEGETABLES Potatoes au Gratin New String Beans -Green Asparagus Tips on Toast Lettuce and Tomato Salad Hot Rolls Butter DRINKS Coffee, Tea, Buttermilk, Milk DESSERT Ice Cream VEGETABLE DLNNER 30c Four Vegetables Hot Rolls, Butter Coffee, Tea, Buttermilk The Carolina Coffee Shoo COMPLETE FOUNTAIN AND BAR SERVICE

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