APRIL U 1934 THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE THREE no L4 , J si VtfnWd 21 ot:tij awmrnsi .aseto'allli ii earn o s i si s a f . t mm McKeithan, Soph, Allows Losers Only Four Hits Tommy Irwin, Blond Shortstop, Feature Winners First Big' Fire Game by Getting Home! Run, Donble, and Two Singles, and Fielding Well. (Special to the Daily Tar Heel) Gastonia, March 31. Caro lina's baseball team continued its big scoring ways today, going on a spree to down its old Davidson rival, 15-4. It was the opening Big Five game of the year, giv ing the Tar Heels an edge over the team that tied them for last year's championship. McKeithan, sophomore right hander, twirled the entire con test for the winners, setting the Wildcats down with only four hits. The rookie hurler was wild in spots, walking four men, but had lots of stuff on the ball, two of the hits being doubles and the other two singles. He got three men by the strikeout route. . Another soph, Tommy Irwin, featured the Carolina attack both on the offense and defense. cracked out four hits in five. He got a double and a home run, the only one so far for Carolina. In the field Irwin had a perfect day, x xi J xurninK in inrts assists auu three putouts. Davidson Hock, 3b Wingfield, cf Mackorell. ss Bumgamer, 2b Morgan, If Burns, lb McLean, rf Eavenal, c . Jenkins, p oDie, p Undefeated Captain ABRHPO Totals .4 . 2 '. 4 .4 . 4 . 2 . 4 . 3 . 2 . 1 .30 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 6 2 9 2 0 4 24 Carolina Leonard, 3b Vick, ef Weathers, 2b Mcaskill, c Brandt, lb Irwin, ss Tatum, rf Mclver, If ABRH PO .4 2 2 0 McKeithan, p Totals 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 3 1 0, 2 4 2 1 0 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 2 2 3 10 3 2 3 2 A 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 . A 1 0 4 2 2 3 0 0 3 -- " t ' ' ' ' ' - . 4 ' ' - ' " 'Is " X' 'v, r?x ,'-tf i Tar iileel Tennis OotHt Opsas Seaso ii OES20ITOV7 igh Jump And Pole Vault Stars Here Tuesday SPORT PROGRAM FOR GIRLS MADE Ralston LeGore, co - captain alonsr with Ed McRae of the track team. LeGore isrthe South ern Conference record holder in the javelin throw and continual ly tosses the spear better than 190 feet. He once got a 208 foot 7 inch throw. He is a senior and has never been beaten in his event while at Carolina. NINETEEN MEETS; THREE TOURNEYS ON TOMS CARD Carolina Netmen, with 62 Vic tories Behind Them, mil Have Tough Time in Keeping Record Clean; Northern Trip Scheduled. Strong Dartmouth Track Team Tennis Matches with Duke Uni versity and Peace College Have Been Arranged; Plans for Archery Competition Made. Has Good Men in Almost Every Event; Carolina Cap tains to Figure in Two Feature Duels. E 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 E 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Score by innings: Daridson 001 101 001 4 Carolina 013 143 03x 15 Doubles-: Irwin, McKeithan, Vick"i Wingfield, Mclver, Tatum, Morgan. H&me runs: Irwin. Stolen bases: Eavenal, Leonard, Brandt. Sacrifice: McKeithan. Double play: Tatum to Weathers to Irwin. SPORT TEAMS TO SEE MUCH ACTION Varsity Baseball, Golf, Track and Tennis Teams Will Have Nine Encounters This Week; Tennis and Track Here. 40 15 16 27 15 FROSH DRILL FOR BASEBALL GAMES Yearlings Open Season Friday Against Roanoke Rapids. Although a practice for fresh man baseball was scheduled for 2:30 o'clock yesterday after noon, it had to be called off be cause of the soggy condition of the field. For the past week Coach Wright has been giving the freshmen stiff workouts every afternoon. On Friday the play ing of the squad as a whole seemed to be improving. The first team has not been definite ly selected as yet. With the spirit shown at prac tice, however, a well function ing organization ought to be on the field, April 6, to meet Roa noke Rapids high school in the opening tilt. On Monday regular practice will begin again, and before many days have passed Coach Wright expects to have his first team working together. INTRAMURAL BOXERS Coach Rowe announced yester day that all interested in intra mural boxing report to the Tin Can between 4:00 and . 6:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The boxers will use 12-ounce gloves instead of 10-ounce. Carolina's sport teams will swing into their schedules in a high way.' this week, the; varsity ; baseball, tennis, track, and golf teams taking on nine opponents. Only two of the encounters are carded -,f or the University and these on Monday and Tuesday. However, two of the golf meets will be played on the Hope Val ley course which is just a short distance from Chapel Hill. Monday the tennis team opens its season in the meet with Bos ton College on the University courts. On the same day the baseball team will have a sec ond engagement with Davidson. This tilt will be played at Con cord as usual on Easter Monday. Track Meet Tuesday Tuesday the track team will perform in its first outdoor meet against the strong Dartmouth outfit. The tracksters were sup posed to start their season against Davidson a weeic ago but the meet was rained out. Both the tennis and golf teams will continue their play Tuesdav. The golfers battle State on the Hope Valley course, while the netmen journey to Wake Forest. Nothing is on the schedule for Thursday. Friday the diamond club takes on its first ooponent of a Vir ginia invasion, battling V. P. I. at Blacksburg. Un tne same day the Tar Baby baseball edi tion will open its play against Roanoke Rapids high school on Emerson field. " The track, baseball, and golf outfits all see action Saturday in the biggest day of the week. The trackmen journey to Wil liamsburg -to meet William and Mary: the baseball club contin ues its trip, battling V. M. I. at Lexington; and the linksmen play Georgetown University on the Hope Valley course. The tennis, golf, and track yearling teams will also prob ably have several encounters during the week but the com- nlete schedules have not been arranged. Coach John F. Kenfield yes terday announced a difficult schedule of 19 dual meets for the University of North Caro lina tennis team, topped by par ticipation in the state, confer ence and north-south tourna ments, and by a week's trip into the tennis strongholds of the north and east. This year's northern invasion will carry the Carolina racquet wielders against Navy, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Army, Yale, Amherst, and Dartmouth. The Tar Heels have made three such trips in the past three years and each time have come off undefeated with first claim to the national team champion ship. An unbroken line of 62 victories lies behind them, their last defeat having been by Princeton in 1929. Stars to Be Missing Due t6 heavy losses from the varsity and freshman teams of last year the Tar Heels will be hard put to maintain their bril nant record. Graduation' re moved the number one and two players, Wilmer Hines and Le noir Wright, while, the two top- ranking freshmen, Friedman and Lott, did not return to col lege. Coach Kenfield will build the new team around five lettermen, Harvey Harris, Rickey Willis, Harley Shuford, Walter Levi- tan, and Captain Dave Morgan, and three reserves from last year's squad, Bill Minor, John McGlinn, and Bob Lovill. The complete schedule fol lows: April 2 Boston College, here April 4 Wake Forest, there April 9-11 North-south tour- Plans for the spring - intra- The customarv order cf mural sport program for co-eds events will be varied in the were announced yesterday. Pre-Carolina-Dartmouth track meet parations for tennis and archery here Tuesday afternoon, Coach matches have now been begun. R. A. Fetzer announced yester day, so as to feature twq events, the pole vaut and high jump, in which Dartmouth has two of the finest performers in the country. These are Steve Woodbury, who beat Harold Osborn and George Spitz and tied the col lege record of 6 feet 54 inches at the K. of C. games in New York this winter, and Dick Bris ter, who soars over 13 feet 3 inches m the vault and took As soon as it is possible, ten nis courts for the cc-eds will be put into playing condition. Matches have been arranged with Duke University and Peace College, and those interested in trying out for these contests and in learning to play tennis are asked to sign with Barbara Henderson, manager. Vivian Grisette, archery man ager, is ready to assign all those interested in archery to groups for competition. The first prac- NETMEN TO FACE BOSTONCOLLEGE With Last Year's Stars Missing and Several More Not Ready to Go, Chances for Another Undefeated Season Look Slim. fourth place in the 1C4A meettice wiU heId Tuesday aftr" last year. The pole vault will start the meet off "at 2 :30, and will hold the center of the stage until the running events start at 3:00 o'clock, and the high jump has been set back to 3:15 o'clock. The two events ordinarily are run off at the same time. Dartmouth is reported to have a strong, well-balanced team with a long line of fine perform ers in the other events. The Tar Heels hold the state and- con ference indoor, and outdoor championships and have lost on ly two dual meets in ten years. The meet between the northern noon at 4:00 o'clock. All co-eds, whether or not they have had archery experience, are asked to report. There will be a contest Mon day, April 16, between a team of freshman and a combined team from the other classes. and southern leaders should be a brilliant one. On the basis of past per formances the Carolina 'and Dartmouth entries appear to be well matched for some especial ly fine races in the dashes and hurdles. Dartmouth has a ten-second (Continued on last -page) With a brilliant record behind them, Carolina's netmen will open their season here tomor row afternoon against Boston College. The first matches are scheduled for 2:30 o'clock. Chances of keeping their great record intact seem slim as the Tar Heels prepare for the first battle. Besides losing last year's number one and two men, Wil mer Hines and Lenoir Wright, four other outstanding candi dates will also be missing tomor row. The first two ranking fresh man players last year, Friedman and Lott, transferred to another institution, while as a result of an automobile accident Harley Shuford, southpaw star, will not be able to start. A few days ago it was announced that Harvey Harris, present ranking number one player, had not entered school and so would probably not be ready to go. Five Veterans At present Coach Kenfield has Captain Dave Morgan, Walter Levitan, John McGlinn, Richard Willis, and Bill Minor, old regu lars, along with "Red" Johnson and Mark Lynch, sophomores, to pick the starting lineup from. The club seems to be in pretty good shape, having worked much (Continued on last page) ney at Pinehurst , April 14 Lynchburg Country club, here April 16 N. C. State, here April 17 Wake Forest, here April 18 Davidson, here April 19-21 State tourna ment, here April 23 Roanoke College, here April 26 N. C. State, there April 28 Davidson, there May 2 Maryville College, here May 5 Navy at Annapolis, Md. May 7 Johns Hopkins at Baltimore, Md. May 8 Princeton at Prince ton, N. J. May 9 Army at West Point, N. Y. May 10 Yale at New Haven, Conn. May 11 Amherst at Am herst, Mass. ' 5 May 12 Dartmouth at New Haven, Conn. (Pending) May 15 Duke, there May 17-19 Southern Confer ence tournament at Charlottes ville, Va. May 22 Duke, here j Chapel Hill Movie Guild Presents "I Believed in You" with JOHN BOLES Sunday Monday EDMUND LOWE SHIRLEY GREY in "Bombay Mail 99 MISTRESS OF A MILLION MOODS, SHE LIVES THEM ALL IN THIS PICTURE I X Masons Meet Tomorrow The local Masonic lodge will meet in regular communication tomorrow evening at 8:00 o'clock j in the Masonic Temple on West Franklin street. All Master Masons are invited. O it 5. 5 JoT 'J. air 5 Kathrine Hepburn m d m m 9 with - ROBERT YOUNG also Charlie Chase Comedy "I'll Take Vanilla" Travel Talk on Spain Tuesday 7 X WEDNESDAY Spencer Tracy Madge Evans in "THE SHOW-OFF" Ii. TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME! 4 . Thursday Friday After seeing this picture you'll wonder why these stars haven't been to gether before. We guar antee it's another one of those pictures you'll rave about I Saturday VICTOR McLAGLEN BORIS KARLOFF in "LOST PATROL" MORNING MATINEE SATURDAY 10:00 A. 31. "ALICE IN WONDERLAND"