AKHLJ27. THE DAILY TAR -PAGTC X varsity iine iwlee Tar Heels, !Noi7 en Tcp ef EI; Fire, Heet Deacons This Af ternosn at Wake Forest. CROUCH SLATED TO STAET LINEUPS ITT Carolina Wake Forest Leonard, Sb Slaytcn, rf Vick,cf GoId,Sh Weathers, Zh Mitchell, es McO-ririll, c Wa2,cf Brandt, lb Clark, 2b Irwin, es Mclhern, If Mclvcr, If Patten, lb Taimn, rf JMjers, c Crench, p Herring, p Carolna's baseball team, no"w topping the Big Five, will go into action this afternoon against Wake Forest on Gere field, Wake Forest, at 3:30 o'clock. The contest is an important one for the Tar Heels, as a loss would put them in a tie "with the Bine Devils in the state race. Carolina also has an excellent record to uphold, that of being undefeated in nine starts against college teams. Crouch to Start Coach Hearn stated yesterday that he would send, ins ace moundsman, Freddy Crouch, against the Deacons. Crouch pitched most of the Guilford tilt Wednesday, but he is a strong boy and can hurl for an almost indefinite length of time. The little right-hander already has six victories to his credit out of ten won by the Tar Heels. His only setback came at the hands of the Wilmington Pied mont professional loop team and only as a result of miscues on the part of his mates while on defense. Good Relief Pitcher Crouch did some great work Wednesday, relieving HcKeithan -a the f onrth Timing, pitching out of a dangerous hole and limit ing the Quakers to four hits during the remainder of the en counter. In the first meeting of the two Big Five clubs .here last week, Crouch twirled the Carolina team to a 6-0 victory, allowing the Demon Deacons only six saf e blews. The whole Carolina team played perfect ball in the field and turned in three double plays. Herrrag twirled the entire game for the Deacons and ex cept for a little wildness pitched fine ball until the eighth inning. In the eighth Tommy Irwin cracked out a home run and Cap tain George Brandt hit a triple resulting in three Carolina runs. Coach Hearn will probably start the same outfit behind Crouch which played most of the battle with Guilford. However, he will take along a few extra men and probably use some of them before the end of the con test. CHOIR WILL GIVE PROGRAM SUNDAY The Guilford College choir, with Max Noah as director, will present a program in Hill Music hall Sunday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Singing here last year, the choir proved to be one of the most successful musical organi zations that has visited Chapel Hill. The group has just com pleted a northern tour, visiting New York and other musical centers. This organization, an A Capel la choir, has merited the respect and praise of critics all over the country. Working with a group of students for the most part un trained in music, Max 2Soah has contracted a miracle, in the opin ion of officials of the University music department. The public is cordially invited to attend the concert. wane, forest cday..ia Gore ixeldl J p ;frr A 11.U lLifiUl ST BLUE 1 TEEIE TOr,I0?tROW Carolina's 1S23 Southern Con ference Track Champions to lineintfmrnaxa. CLOSE CONTEST EXPECTED When the Tar Heel tracksters encounter the Duke runners and field men tomorrow in the Duke! stadium, they will find much competition from the Devils. I Previously it was thought I that the Carolina team would I have a walk-away. But the I LfuKe squad has developed into j a powerful, well-balanced team. J Stars in Sprints In the dashes, Duke is par-J ticularly strong. SnooMe" I Tarrall, the Durham school's I star sprinter, has been stepping I along the 10 second line all this year. Last year he outran all! the Heels in their dual meet. in! both dashes. Charlie Hubbard and Odel Childers also hit the I -in - a .e a rn r I xu srcuiiu ugure aim win give rr 11 -r T r I arrxxi a, race xur uiuiiev. i beaten Duke in a long time. This i year Al Beichznan is starring in this event. Barney Xeeney and Jack Pruden are the main stays of Carolina in the 440, and if need be, Harry Williamson may take part in the quarter. Great Half Mile The half -mile will present a real race between Williamson and Eeichman of Duke. William-1 son ran 1 ;56.8 last Saturday, and the Duke man nas marss near that. The mile will feature Co- Captain Ed McBae running against the fast-stepping Devils, Jack Heritage and Joe Jester. Sl'Srt ing in this event and should give these boys plenty of competition. Duke is also strong in the two mile trot. Bob Bird and Jer ry Bray, two excellent Duke distance men, have been winning their races regularly. Louis Sullivan has been out in front in all the Carolina meets. With him will run Henry Sullivan beviis and Ed Waldrop, both of whom yesterday definite plans for bet have been running some fine ter accommodations for students times in practice and in the last wishing to play tennis by the several meets. inauguration of a regular play- Freddie Crawford cf Duke ing schedule which goes into will leave the gridiron long effect today, enough to sling the discus, and Despite the present state of he hits around 140 feet regular- COurt construction, students ly. Carolina's pair of discus wishing to keep their '"hand in" men, Milton Schmukler and tennis will be able to do so with Tom Evins, also have been hit- little difficulty under the new ting a fine stride. Major Leagues AMERICAN Team R H E Senators i10 15 1 Red Sox 7 11 3 Tigers 2 6 1 White Sox 1 5 1 Athletics - 3 8 0 Yankees 2 9 1 Indians and Browns, cold. NATIONAL Team R H E Braves 2 6 1 Bobbins 0 6 0 Reds . 5 8 1 Cubs 4 7 0 Cards 10 16 3 Pirates 1 6 3 Phillies - 3 S O Giants . .. 2 5 1 Tennis Team Meets Today The varsity tennis team wffl meet this afternoon at 5 :00 o'clock in Coach Kenfield's office in Emerson stadium. It is nr - tnt that every member of the squad attend. liiil DM) I LlivJI) - OUTFIT ViiS, 15-3 Carolina Yfrrrlh;; Golfers Bsst Charlotte Hih School Var sity bv Score cf 1 Carolina's team came through "with a vrin yesterday, defeating the Chnr lotile high school team, 15-3. Horace Ha: hmmber one position for Caro- WiP Eed2llst vith 74 fo5- lowed by Wyche's 73, Kind's S4, and Clark's So. Win Eest Ball Hamilton won his match over Eaves of Charlotte, 74-84, the best ball beinsr 3-0 Hamilton "was playing excep- tionaliy well for Carolina yes- terdav. beinsr consistently accn rate throughout his game, Wyche was also playing a bet- Iter game than on last Monday, In the other half of the first foursome, Ben Wyche of Caro- Una, defeated Hatcher of Char lotte. 78-81. For that foursome . the score was 3-0 in the second foursome, Phil Kind of Carolina defeated Haynes of Charlotte, 84-90. The v?t hall was 2-0 Clark Loses nrff fy, -Fnn-rrwn - defeated by Kelly of Charlotte, 85-83. For this foursome also best h favor of Carolina. Kind's score of 84 showed great improvement, and it shows up rather well for the number four position. Clark fell down a bit. The next match definitely scduled for the freshmen is on th Durham high school Hope Valley course, May 3. With the brilliant victory yes- terdav, Coach Kenfield's hopes for a good freshman team were I raised. Coach EleeBeM Asaonaces Improved Court Facilities Carolina Tennis Coach Announces Better Student Accommoda tions in Using Courts. FINISH COURTS EST MAY Coach John F. Kenfield, Caro- lina tennis mentor, announced system, which allows students to have the widest possible use of the tennis courts without con : fiicting with the regular varsity and freshman tennis teams' daily practice session. Play can begin at 8:30 o'clock in the morning and continue to 12:00 o'clock noon. When queried concerning the regulations of the new system, Coach Kenfield said: "The only restriction on the students will be that they sign up with the varsity managers a day ahead of the date proposed for play- i ng. xnis avoids aii coiixucLs. Students must tell the managers whom and when they wish to play, and the managers will re serve the courts if possible. "In case, some other boys come along, doubles combina tions will be in order. The Uni versity is trying seriously to carry out its program of 'ath letics for all.' By this new J medium everybody can play." 1 With so many playing on the I courts, the problem immediately 1 arises as to how the courts will I be conditioned. But Kenfield (Continued on last page) YEARUKGK Hilt 1 nCKWAISFG?JST Tar Eabv Tennis Team E Ccan Win Slate by Defeating Demon Deacon Fresh' 9-0. Carolina s iresh netmen cap tured their fifth consecutive vic tory yesterday afternoon at the home courts when they shut out Wake Forest's cub racquet wieldsrs, 9-0, in a drab affair. Continuing his winning ways, Frank Shore, ace netman for the frosh, trimmed Wilkin s, 6-1, 6-3. Despite the fact that he was en tirely "ofT his game, Shore romped off with both sets, al though he dropped an occasional point on his errors. DeGray Licks Tuttle In the number two position for the Tar Babies, Eddie DeGray downed Wake Forest's Tuttle, losing but one game, that one in the second set. Turtle was no match for DeGray's sterling baseline forehands. Byron Abels kept the Blue and White in the victory column when he trounced Tate in straight sets, 6-2, 6-2. Sweep Singles Clean Henderson, Weinstein, and Gner triumphed in their match es without much exertion giving the undefeated frosh a clean sweep in the singles.. Coach Kenfield's men also swept off with the three doubles encoun ters. Summary Shore (C) beat Wilkins, 6-1, 6-3; DeGray (C) beat Turtle, 6-0, 6-1; Abels (C), beat Tate, 6-2, 6-2; Henderson (C) beat Stroupe, 6-4, 6-2 ; Weinstein (C) beat McCaU, 6-1, 6-2; Grier (C) beat Campbell, 6-0, 6-1; Abels & Henderson (C) beat Wilkins & Turtle, -0, 6-3; Weinstein & Bobbitt (C) beat Tate & Stroupe, 6-2, 6-2; Hutchins & - Grier (C) beat McCall & Campbell, 6-2, 6-3. VARSITY GOLFERS ENTER N. C MEET - Linkscien Enter Intercollegiate Tourney Tomorrow. The Tar Heel varsity golfers will encounter their first mass competition of the season when they engage in the North Caro lina Intercollegiate tournament tomorrow at the Carolina Coun try club in Raleigh. Besides the Carolina team, there will be competing teams entered by Duke, Davidson, and State. Led by Captain Erwin Laxton at the number one post, the Tar Heels will enter a strong aggregation. Captain Laxton, Fulenwider, Harris, and Mic haels will compose the Carolina lineup. Besides this lineup, Coach Kenfield plans to enter Coffin, Bridges, and Saddler to compete for the individual cham pionship. The Wolfpack linksmen are conceded slight favorites in the tournament, since the Carolina Country club is the home course for the West Raleigh golfers. They defeated the Tar Heels earlier in the season; however, they lost to Duke by the nar row margin of 14 point. The tournament was original ly scheduled to be played at Hope Valley, the home course of Carolina and Duke ; however, it was changed due to the bad condition of the greens at Hope Valley. AIR MEET SUNDAY Featuring iliss Mary Nicholson, North Caro lina's first and only commercially licensed aviatrix Parachute Jump ircsh Nins PIcy. M i Contest with Chapd HO High School IasebaH dub Ch-j-0cd . Much to the delight of Coach "Hookie" Wright, the freshman game with Chapel HI3 high has been postponed unto 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. The tilt,- schedaled for the same time yesterday, was moved up at the request of the Chapel Hill nine. Coach Wright feels as though one more day of practice is just what his Tar Baby outfit needed. The frosh were put through a heavy drill yesterdav after noon with, stress being centered on their fielding. Each one took his ton at bat, and if their clouting in practice is equalized by their batting this afternoon, there is no foretelling of what the local high school nine is in for. Coach Cookie" is well pleased with his club and is of the opinion that this afternoon they are going to begin going places. He is pointing for the Wolfiet game Saturday and is confident in his team's chances for a victory at Raleigh. H enthusiasm is based on the great improvement his boys have shown, and wins today and Saturday seem inevitable. Major injuries to two' of his most valuable men have done no little bit to" hurt the year! ings' chances in the past few games. Paul Pendergraft has been slowed up considerably with a bad ankle, as has Dick DashieQ with a pair of blistered hands. However, both boys will be" in shape this afternoon. Bonn Hearn, Jr., took a good work-out and looks like a very promising twirler. He should be instrumental in many of the Tar Baby victories this year and should give a good exhibi tion against the local nine as he is in first class condition. Late Bulletin Carolina's tennis team yes terday downed the N. C. State netters 9-0 for its 70th con secutive victory in Raleigh. Willis (C) defeated Wright, 6-0, 6-4; Levitan (C) beat Renn, 6-0, 6-1; Jones (C) beat Westbrook, 6-3, 8-6; Minor (C) beat Usher, 6-4, 3-6, 6-0; Lovill (C) beat Brown, 6-0, 6-1; Johnson (C) beat Perry, 6-1, 6-1; Levitan and Minor beat Fisher and Renn, 6-3, 6-1; Lovill and Willis (C) beat Brown and Westbrook, 6-8, 6-2, 6-2; Jones and Johnston (C) beat Wright and Perry, 6-1, 6-1. For MAY Frolics FL OFFERS Are cs Necessary as Evening Clothes for Tours . . . a CORSAGE from Chapel PELAS I Vr ' S I f : -I tliiliviivijiaUiL-; RACI7IATT T??Afi?T7 unjjijuniiu Linn Pi Kappa ' Alpha Upset Dskes, 5-4; Aycock, Swain Hall, And Delts Win. Pi Kappa Alpha sprang the first upset in the intramural baseball tournament defeating D. K. E 5-4, yesterday on freshman field. Other first day winners were Ay cock. Swain Hall, and Delta Tau Delta. Combining three hits with a like number of errors, the Pikas counted three runs in the open ing frame and were never head ed. The Dekes put on a spirited rally in the late innings, but the winners played heads-up ball in the pinches to edge out a one (Continued on lost pege) o m o d a n GnmTlERlTDEIGD THE CHOICE OF GlAI.'J'ICrw! jhctter c3 your old swisi erds in WIKIES! For ere modern end ivo yes red "kneo action' Only WIKIES hove thct pat ented high waist that won't rc3 down thct Improved e!x:!s buHl-in Sup porter .that new Ganrner-process, q-Ick-dry-lajj yarn. Only WISCIES retsia their smartness after In numerable wettings. They're not WIKIES if they're not by Qantnerl $395 wtxk belt nd njpftoilw MoWr, of America's RwaJ Swia S2 HiH Branch A V 2 iHfipn:!TV 1 11 1 1