HAY 3, 1934 S 3iids Diamond. Pro tef es inroiigii iong kl3 Carolina Baseball Heritor Works Charges Hard in Preparation For Virginia Series. CAVALIERS ARE STRONG Coach Bunn Hearn sent the Carolina baseball squad through a long practice game yesterday afternoon in preparation for the hard two game series with Virginia this week-end. The diamond players went through a peppy eight-inning tilt with the varsity coming out ahead by several runs. The game was featured by the usual great number of baseblows, three re sulting in home runs. The Tar Heels will likely meet the toughest college team so far this year against the Cavaliers Friday and Saturday. Carolina has been able to take it easy dur ing the last few games but will need to show some, of the early season form to keep its perfect record intact. Orlin Rogers, ace moundsman on the Virginia nine, has shown quite a bit of stuff thus far this season. The strikeout artist has worked in 63 innings and has been scored on in only five of them. ? ? Rogers has three shutouts to his credit, having blanked Navy, Vermont, and Washington and Lee. He has retired 85 oppos ing batters by the strikeout route which is better than one per inning. In the first meeting of the two teams the Tar Heels were barely able to get a two run victory as a result of an eighth frame rally which netted three markers and overcame a one run lead. Virginia has greatly improved its batting during the last few games and may hand the Caro lina pitchers a surprise. In the contest at Virginia Crouch lim ited the Cavaliers to but six nits and one run." However, last Monday . against V. P. I. the Old Dominion "University came out ahead, i4-4, giving them a clean sweep for the state. Carolina will have ' its full strength: ready for the game, as a result , of rest yesterday and today. All three of the ace pitchers, Crouch, MeKeithan, and Andrews, will. iiem "shape for duty. It is expected ; that the former two will -work the games as Andrews made his first start of the year against State Tuesday. BABY TRACK CLUB MEETS ASHEVILLE HERE SATURDAY The Carolina freshman track team will attempt to annex their first victory of the season this Saturday on Emerson field when they meet the Asheville School for Boys squad. Beaten twice by a powerful Duke yearling team the Tar Ba bies will be out to cop honors against the Asheville boys. But it will be no set-up. Recently the Boys' School piled up a 97- 29 score on Spartanburg High. The Asheville School took 11 firsts in that meet. Modine captured five-pointers in the dis cus, javelin, and shot, while Shields took firsts in the 440 and broad iumn. and was . anchor man on the winning relay. They have several other outstanding men, among whom is a 10.2 sprinter for the 100. a 22 . flat dash man in the 220, and a 10 foot 9 inch vaulter. Modine does over 43 feet in the shot while Shields broad iumns over 20 feet Chemistry Exam May 19 The comprehensive examina tion in chemistry for seniors w31 be held May 19 instead of -uay 5 as originally scheduled ifractiee session WAKEFOPiESTNlE- EA1S FROSH, 8-3 Carolina Yearling Baseball Team Beaten Again; Guy Fletch er Hits Home Run. (Special to the Daily Tab Heel) Core Field, Wake Forest, N. C, May 2 Unable to bunch their hits, the Tar Babies suf fered their second setback at the hands of the Wake " Forest freshman nine by a score of 8-3, here today. Guy Fletcher, ace twirlef of the' Little Blue team, struck out seven men, hit a homer in the ninth inning, and scored a run earlier in the game. This was not enough to win the game, however and four errors by the infield did no little bit to fatten the score of the Little Deacons. McCarn Leads Abat McCarn, yearling first sacker, who is leading the club in bat ting, came through with 2 sin gles. Pendergraft, chubby rightfielder, added to his bat ting average by hitting two "Texas Leaguers," each one go ing for a base hit. The Wake Forest nine had three big innings. They scored two runs in the 'second, three in the fourth, and three in the fifth. "Rube" Johnson pitched a good game for them and limit ed the Tar Babies to eight scat tered hits. ' Lewis Leads Victors Uewis, Deacon third baseman, Cecil, rightfielder, and Peel, left- fielder, led the attack for the Wake Forest ' nine with two hits apiece.4 : Coach Wright was very dis appointed rwith his team's show ing and believes they will do bet ter against the r Raleigh High nine this afternoon. I The game'against tnis year's Eastern "State championship team; will be r played at 4:00 Score hy innings : R H E Carolina' 000 001 101 3 8 4 WJ FV u20 330 OOx 8 10 1 ; Batteries - Carolina -Fletcher and "Cooke; W. Forest Johnson and Sheppard. Carolina Golfers In S.KC Tourney Tar Heel Links Outfit Entered ? In Conference Sleet at Hot , Springs, Virginia. Refreshed by a 15-3 victory over Davidson Monday, the Caro lina golf team left yesterday to engage in the Southern Confer ence links tournament, which is being held today through Satur day at Hot Springs, Virginia. The Tar Heel team will make a strong bid for conference championship honors, and Coach John F. Kenfield believes his boys will come out on top. Hav ing lost the Big Five title to N. C. State by the narrow mar gin of one stroke, the Carolina linksmen are defying the Wolf pack to repeat such luck in the conference tourney. The touniament will get wel under way today, with the quali fying teams scheduled to. meet in the finals Saturday. The Tar Heel linksmen will probably en counter their stiffest opposition when they meet N. C. State, Duke, and Washington and Lee, S. G. E. to Meet r The local chapter of Sigma flamma .Ensilon, national honor ary geological fraternity, will meet - tonight at 7 :30 o'clock in the chapter.. room of the f rater- nit v nn the toD floor of New East. The meeting will be de voted entirely to business. THE DAILY Veteran Tar Heel Track Stars : . t - -. - - - '-'v-.-j - - -.,-. '"i ... t- - ' - 1 I A Above we have the ten Carolina veteran track stars who will be the Tar Heel mainstays in the The men with their specialties Back row: Don Jackson, pole ders, 100 and 220-yard dashes," Abernethy, hurdles, 14.9 for the 23.8 for the lows. Second row: Co-Captain Ralston inches; Co-Captain Edwin McRae, mile, 4 minutes 24.6 seconds; Harry Williamson, half-mile, 1 Front row: Frank Armfield, two mile, 9 minutes 47 seconds; yard dashes, who has been out all but who is expected to return to Seeded Entrants W 1 ournament9s Play Will Be Resumed Today in Ping Pong and Pool Tourneys In Graham Memorial. Second round play in the Gra ham Memorial Game Room tournament for the spring quar ter found' the' seeded entries ad vancing along the line at all points. ' In the pool tourney, the only match which provided any ex citement took place between Bill Farmer and Dave Mosier. Far- mer s consistent snots proved the deciding factor in the match, finally winning, 50-44. The same story could be told about the ping pong with only slight variations. In the only match to go three sets,. Draper defeated Kalb, 4-6, 6-2, and 6-4. Summary Pool Peterson defeated Jim ison, 50-36; Farmer defeated Mosier, 50-44; Cohen defeated Wright, 50-13; Page defeated Stier, 50-35; Shell defeated Huntley, 50-38; Hudson defeat ed Brooks, 50-30 ; Barbano de feated Leight, 50-41; Walters won from Koonce on a forfeit. Ping , Pong- Mosier defeated Davis, 6-3, 6-3; Hudson defeat ed Martin, 6-i, 6-2; Gabori de feated Blount, 6-2, 6-1 ; Dowd de feated Finkelstein, 6-1, 6-4; Draper defeated Kalb, 4-6, 6-2, 6-4; Kind defeated Steinberg, 6-4, 6-1. Today's Schedule Pool Hudson vs. " Barbano, 2:00 o'clock; Cohen vs. Page, 4:30 o'clock: Peterson vs. Far mer, 5:30 o'clock; and Shell vs Walters, 7 :00 o'clock. " Ping Pong- Hudson vs. Ga bon, 2:00 o ciock; jjowq vs. Draper, 2:00 o'clock; Mosier vs. Odum, 5:00 o'clock; Kind will play the winner of the Cartland- Carson match at 7 :00 o'clock. Dance Committee Meeting There will be an important meeting of the junior-senior dance committees5 tonight' in Graham - Memorial a t 11 :00 o'clock ' to complete arrange ments for the class dances. C. T. Woollen, Jr., chairman of the senior committee, announced that it was necessary for all members to attend. TAR HEEL 1 ? A Navy meet here Saturday. and best marks are: vault, 12 feet 4 inches; Odell Chil- 10 and 21.8 seconds; Franklin highs; Tom Hawthorne, hurdles, LeGore, javelin, 214 feet 8 7-8 minute 56.8 seconds. javelin, 180 feet; Louis Sullivan, and John Gunter, 100 and 220- season due to a pulled leg muscle competition Saturday. in In Game Room Second Round Play U. N. C. NET TEAM LICKS MARYVELE Carolina Tennis Contingent Wins j 73rd Consecutive Victory, r 5-1 ; Kasen Loses. s Maryville College's netmen fell by the wayside here yester day afternoon as the "Carolina i racquet-wielders annexed their ! 73rd successive triumph, 5-1. 1 1 The Tar Heels' sole defeat of the match came when Irving Kasen, New Jersey flash, mak ing his varsity . debut in the number four position, dropped his encounter to Karnell, 6-4, 6-1. Levitan Wins Easily In the only other singles match, Walter Levitan trounced Talmage, dropping but one game of the second set, 6-0, 6-1. . Summary: Willis '(C) beat Phay, 6-2, 4-6, 6-6; Lovill (C) beat Gillingham, 6-1, 6-4 ; Levitan (C) beat Tal mage, 6-0, 6-1; Kasen (C) lost to Karnell, 6-4, 6-1. In the doubles, Jones and Levitan (C) beat' Phay and Gil lingham, 6-2, 6-1 ; Minor . and McGlinn (C) beat Talmage and Karnell, 6-1, 6-4. Eddleman Selected Debate Council Head " Bill Eddleman was elected president of Debate council at tne nrst meeting oi tne new members. The members are as follows: Phillips Russell and Wmthrop Durfee, representa- tives-at-large; Kenneth Young, representative of the Phi assem bly; and Bill Eddleman, repre sentative of the Di senate. Ed Lanier, retiring president of the council gave a farewell address to the council summing up the activities of the council for the year. The faculty ad visers, of - debating, -z Professors Woodhouse, Olsen, and ; McKie commented .on-- the 1 excellent work of the' retiring " officers, especially that of Don Seawell. Seawell entertained the debate ing teams in Chapel Hill throughout the year. S'lTavyrlnyiJed' BNC-Havy Track Meet Saturday SPVMQUKHES PHI DELTA CRT IN MURAL FEATURE Sigma Phi Epsilon Wins in Eighth as Result of "Poop" Fly; Lewis Wins. " Sigma Phi Epsilon defeated Phi Delta Chi, 4-3, in the second extra inning contest of the year. The winners scored their vic tory in the last half of the eighth when Frazier doubled and scored on SeawelTs fly which was muffed by Lineberry, leftfielder of the Pharmacists. Seawell pitching for the S. P. E.'s, twirled good ball throughout and was supported brilliantly by his mates. He al lowed only five hits. Faucette, Burnette and Seawell were the leading performers for S. P. E. Woodward with three hits top ped the play of the losers. Lewis Slugs to Win Lewis slugged out a 14-8 vic tory over New Dorms in the only other tilt of the afternoon. Led by Ditch, who garnered two home runs -and a single, Lewis, tallied 10 runs in the first five innings to take a commanding lead which was never headed. African, New Dorms short stop, made a brilliant stab of Onash's scorching liner in the sixth frame for the outstanding bit of fielding of a rather list less affair. Schwartz, Harris, Ditch, and Nelson shared honors with the willow for Lewis while Yandell, Barron and; African were the main cogs in the play of the los ing aggregation. : r : More Forfeits The'ta Kappa Nu remained in the list of unbeaten teams win ning on a iorteit irom ineta Chi, while Ruffin was victorious over Old West as a result of the forfeit route. The scheduled games between Med School and Swain Hall and Tau Epsilon Phi and Beta Theta Pi at 3:45 o'clock have been postponed until next week. Today's schedule : 4:45 Sigma Nu vs. Kappa Alpha; Aycock vs. Archer House. Major Leagues American League Club R. H. Athletics 12 16 Red Sox ,11 13 E. 0 5 1 2 3 0 Browns Tigers . Senators Yankees '. o 2 6 2 8 7 11 9 National League Giants . Dodgers Pirates . Cubs 6 10 9 9 9 9 8 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 Cards Reds A New High in Travel Value hi luflliWsFcMandMyi I f WAY IS f - For Details See: A THI 7 A Mr. J. C. Lyons or , rr!vrx: S 7 CA HOLLAND V?JZZ?y- An n n rn AMEUCA "NE AZ-nSD- - 29 Broodwoy II H UJ UP KewYoHc II ROUND TRIP 4f : -4- thud ci$? - i i. i . , - i 1 V A New Law in Travel Price PAGE THUES To :At"Send" Great Secretary of Navy, Invited to Carolina-Navy Meet, NAVY HAS STRONG CLUB Carolina's Southern Conference Track Champions Will Be Pressed to Win. Honorable Josephus Daniels, distinguished alumnus of the University and war-time Secre tary of the Navy, has been in vited to be the guest of honor at the Carolina-Navy track meet here Saturday afternoon. It is not yet definitely known whether Mr. Daniels, who is now Ambassador to Mexico but who I is spending a vacation at his home in Raleigh, will be able to be present. Navy Makes Debut Here This will mark the first time that one of Navy's great track teams has ever performed xon Tar Heel soil, and athletic au thorities here are arranging a number of special features, in cluding an extensive program of entertainment for the visitors and a reunion of former Caro lina trackmen, in observance of the occasion. The University club, which is taking the lead in the prepara tions, in arranging a theatre party and a 'dance among other honors that will be paid to mem bers of the Navy team. Special Navy Officials Among the special guests will be Captain Willcox, who is di rector of athletics at the Naval academy, and a party of naval officials and their wives. A meet has been scheduled be tween the Carolina freshmen and the strong Asheville School team. and will . be -run off in con junction-with- the varsity, contest. " -Former Scores Carolina and Navy met at An napolis in" 1932 and 1933 with the Tar Heels coming out on top after two spectacular exhibitions by scores of 65-61 and 77-49. The Middies, who have dou bled the score on teams like Wil liam, and Mary and Maryland, are rated to have one of the strongest, teams in the east this year, and are being given a good chance to gain revenge for those two defeats when they contest (Continued on last page) LOST . White gold Hamilton watch bearing initials "S.A.F." If found return to Zeta Psi house? liberal reward. WHIPCORD MESS JACKETS Sg.50 Cummerbands 2.75 PALM BEACH TUX PANTS Sg.50 MESS JACKET SUITS Complete $25.00 at LTPMANS'