1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1935 THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE THREB Tar Bieels iicl Clash la Tin Conference Contest Will Start at 8:30 yfhite Phantoms .Will Defend Unbeaten Record Against Cavaliers Tonight. VIRGINIA HAS FINE CLUB " SPECIAL Duke Gym, Jan. 14. Duke University continued its win ning streak on its home court here tonight and trimmed Vir ginia's strong Cavalier five, 30-20. Lineup Pos. Lf. r. c 1. Carolina Aitken Nelson Glace Kaveny or Harris McCachren Carolina's Virginia Rogers Sturm 'Zeisburg " Gist rjg. Marrett White Phantoms -will engage the strong Cavalier club from the University of Vir ginia in the Tin Can at 8 :30 to night. Coach Bo Shepard worked his . mi a team until late yesterday eve ning, hoping to iron out num erous wrinkles before tonight's game. Although the Tar Heels won all their contests during their invasion of Virginia last week, Coach Shepard expressed disap pointment in the general play -i? 4. rn, TTrui T-unv. I Ui. cue team. xuxs tr iiiia; a iiau- toms had little difficulty in dis posing of V.P.I. Saturday night ; however, on the two previous nights they had to come from be hind in order to win the close games from V.M.I, and W. & L. Good Virginia Team The team which takes the floor against the Tar Heels tonight is one of the best Virginia has pro duced for several years. The Cavaliers have defeated several good teams this season, among which is the powerful South Carolina club. Paul Kaveny, regular guard, missed practice yesterday duel to a slight cold. He is expected to be readv bv tonight. Bucky Harris disDlaved fine form on the Virginia trip and will prob- ably see plenty of service in to night's game. WRESTLERS OPEN STRENUOUS WORK FOR INITIAL TILT ; i Coach Quinlan Pleased by Show ing Made in Preliminaries Saturday Afternoon. VARSITY, FROSH MEET VPI Coach Chuck Quinlan, varsity wrestling mentor, seemed rather pleased with the work shown by his proteges in the preliminary will! be increased with time, meet held last Saturday between Coach Snavely again began by the "Grunts" and the "Groans" stressing blocking, which he con teams which were picked from siders by far the most important both varsity and freshman element in any eleven's attack. squads. Particularly-pleasing to the mat coach was the work of Ehr - inghaus, 118; Ford, 135; Gib- hons, 145; Love, 175; and Wal- born, unlimited, all candidates ior the freshman contingent, and umstead and Efland. varsity members. Hard Work Ahead The two mat groups began in - tensive practice for their opener with the strong V.P.I, aggrega- tion on Saturday. Coach Quin- !an continued to stress work from the , standing position, Calisthenics and road work com - Pleted the program for the day. Carolina will be out to avenge! the 18-10 loss suffered at the hands of the Gobblers in Blacks- urg last year. Boasting one of the strongest mat teams in Dixie w viigxiiutllS lUUA. SlA. ux mciion 11 ne ueoiiea, rvnnc sight matches. . I (Continued on last page) Cavalier Cae Toelglt White Phantom Lead Conference And State Races Carolina's White Phantoms, by virtue of their clean sweep through Virginia last week-end, are perched on the top rung of the Southern Conference basket ball ladder here in the first few weeks of play. In making this fine showing the Tar Heels were forced to their limit as they barely sub dued the defending conference champ, W. & Ll team, and then had to stage a brilliant last period comeback to win over V.M.I. In the Big Five, Carolina and Duke are leading the race with two victories each, while State boasts a lone win. This week, however, will mark the elimina tion of either Duke 6r State as the two meet in Raleigh on Tues day. The only other inter-Big Five contest is State-Davidson on Wednesday. The Southern Conference standings are as follows: Teams , W. L Pet. North Carolina 3 0 1.000 .667 .500 Maryland. 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Duke ... 1 W. & L 1 .500 .500 .333 .000 . . ' " 1 Virginia i South Carolina ...... 1 V. P. I. 0 V. M. I ?. 0 .000 The Big Five standings are as follows: Teams . W Carolina 2 Duke 2 State 1 Davidson .....1.. 0 Wake Forest 0 L 0 0 0 2 3 Pet. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 Sixty Gridders Report At First Drill Session Snavely Will Have Hard Job of Replacing Men Lost This Year by Graduation. Carl G. Snavely began his see ond year as head coach of the Carolina football team yesterday when he called out his charges for the first drill of winter prac tice. About 60 players reported for the work in Kenan stadium. Ex-Captain and All-America George Barclay was on hand, al though he has finished his-playing days as a Tar Heel. Barclay returned to the University Sun day with a car load of medals, certificates, and fan mail. He will resume his studies and also help with the coaching of the football squad. Since it was the. first day of I practice the candidates took things rather easy but the work . j Long Signal Drill ' The - squad was divided into i five different clubs and then run through a long signal drill. The sanie plays of last season were generally used but Coach Snave iy ,will likely introduce many j I new ones, and some variations of his sinele-wing-back forma- tion. 1" (A large number of lettermen were out plus a strong looking group of freshmen. However, many of the lettermen and freshman stars could not report because of other winter sports. 1 ' The general fundamentals of I football will be stressed during the next few weeks while the I coaches organize the new squad 4nd fit the freshmen into it. Coach Snavely will be:able to place lettermen at every posi- VARSITY BOXERS i SHOW UP WELL IN OPENMGJBATTLE Diehl, O'Flaherty, and Alderman Give Feature Performances In Win over V. JP. I. MEET S. C. THIS SATURDAY After taking the V.P.I, boxing contingent into camp by a 7-1 margin, the Carolina leather pushers resumed their workouts in the highest of spirits yester day afternoon. Although the boys performed very favorably from the looks of .the one-sided score, Coach Jlowe is still not satisfied with the condition of the squad as a whole. He is op timistic of having them in tip top shape for the South Carolina meet here this Saturday. In the bantamweight class last Saturday night, Marion Diehl, ngnung nis nrst oout as a var sity man, turned in a beautiful performance when he scored a technical knockout in the third round over Hall of V.P.I. Diehl carried the fight from the sound of the opening gong and had his man wobbly as early as the sec ond round. Only V. P. I. Win Johnnie Edwards, in the featherweight class, did not fare so well. Edwards lost a close decision to Freddie Hall of V. P. I. However, much credit should go to Edwards, who was. bested by the man that lost out only to Rainey of Virginia in the finals of the Southern Conference tournament last year. Unleashing a powerful two fisted attack, Tommy O'Flaherty tooic a little more tnan a round to flatten Brandon, the V.P.I, entry. O'Flaherty was not even breathing hard at the finish and certainly showed up well in his ( Continued on last page) Of Winter Practice BOXERS MEET The following varsity box ers are asked to report at the Tin Can this afternoon at 3 o'clock to have their pictures taken for the Yackety-Yack: Diehl, Eutsler, Edwards, O' Flaherty, Fisher, Medynski, Giddins, Novich, Alderman, Carruth, and Ellisberg. Mem bers of the frosh team are to report at 4 o'clock. SCHEDULE CHANGES The following changes have been made to the University sports schedule for the win ter quarter : Varsity basket ball Duke away on Feb. 6; freshman basketball Holt Mills here , today, Charlotte High away Jan. 24, Belmont Abbey, away Jan. 25, David son frosh away Jan. 26, and Duke frosh away Feb. 6. FENCING PRACTICE Regular fencing practice will be held in the Tin Can every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting at 4 o'clock. All men who are try ing for the team or who are interested are to report on time. . WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB The Women's Glee Club will hold an important meeting to morrow afternoon at which every member is asked to be present. , Beginning this term, members absent from more than ' three consecutive meetings of the or ganization without reason will be dropped from the roll. " ill Tildeim And -Company To Flay Here; On Aprils Vines, Stoefen, Lott To Complete Group Series of Matches Began in Mad ison Square Garden Last ' Wednesday. TO PERFORM IN 82 CITIES By Len Rubin Big Bill" is coming to town ! The old maestro of the tennis courts will again invade Chapel Hill, but this time with an un precedented galaxy of stars to grace the Carolina courts. Ellsworth Vines, Les Stoefen, and George Lott will accompany Tilden on his tour that will put on exhibitions in 82 cities throughout the country, and which reaches the University on April 4. TUden has . appeared many times at Carolina but it was thought that this year would witness a break in his annual visits. However, his coming will give the people of this vi cinity an opportunity to witness the court game at its peak. The Four Aces It will be a quartet of mas ters, perfect at their art, demon strating the intricacies of tennis, and when these four come to gether, there is no limit as to what is bound to happen. The tour opened last Wednes day at Madison Square Garden in New "Fork, when Tilden and Vines initiated Stoefen and Lott into professional tennis by drub bing them before 15,000 tennis fanatics. The long discussed meeting of the two combinations in doubles provided the thrills that were awaited when Tilden and Vines downed their opponents, the na tional amateur doubles cham pions, in a three hour setto that kept the immense crowd on their toes until the last stroke. The scores were 3-6, 14-16, 13-11, 8-6, 6-4, which shows clearly the intensity of the battle. (Continued on last page) I v;y XN J I ' J0" " - wiinl k I i'' 1 f f ' I 'W. i e P. Lorfflard Co., Idc. . , i AT TRYING TIMES MURAL CAGE PLAY FEATURED BY WIN OF LEWIS DORM K. A.'s and Swain Tally 50 Points in Wins; Alpha Epsi Ion Is Also Victorious. EVERETT IS HIGH SCORER Four intramural ? basketball games dotted the boards of the Tin Can yesterday afternoon with Lewis' 16-12 win over the Smithsonians the closest of the session. Kappa Alpha and Swain Hall each scored 50 points in garner ing victories, while Alpha Epsi- lon, making its initial appear ance in an intramural contest, defeated Phi Sigma Kappa 42-20. Individual scoring honors went to Malcolm Everett, K. A.'a "Georgia Peach," who accounted for 29, more than half his team's total. Shalom of Alpha psilon came next with 16, and Burton and Little, both of Swain Hall, followed with 13 each. Lewis and the Smithsonians battled on even terms most of the game, but Hooks' quartet of double-pointers put the lower quadrangle team out in front shortly before the end. Pickler, of the -losers, added a brace of field goals to head his team. Yesterday's summaries are as follows: Lewis,' 16 Smithsonians, 12 Lawler, f (4) Fletcher, f Hooks, f (8) Nicholes,f (3) Leight, c Pickler, c (6) E. Parker, g (2)- Abels, g Joigb, g (2) LeBaron, g (3) Subs : Lewis D. Parker, Han cock; Smithsonians Schofield. Alpha Eps. 42 Phi Sig. Kap., 20 Shalon,f (16) Fry, f (1) Mark, f (4)! Clayton, f (2) Singer, c (6) Shaw, c (6) Gordon, g Fuller, g (9) (Continued on last page) Styotraned Iby Yen he starts to read you the story of his life,"From Bootblack to Butterfly," don't weep, don't scream. Just relax with a sunny-smooth Old Gold. You'll find its mild and mellow tobaccos as soothing as a lullaby. TRY A SMOOTH OLD GOLD CAROLINA FROSH PLAY HOLT FIVE TONIGHT AT 7:15 Moss, Giant Center, Out for Re-; maining Part of Season; Meroney at Center. VISITORS STRONG TEAM The Carolina freshman quin tet will take the floor against an unexpected opponent tonight when it clashes with Holt Mills in the Tin Can at 7:15 o'clock before the varsity game. . Formerly scheduled against Oak Ridge, the frosh team was forced suddenly to revise its schedule due to the recent deci sion of the military academy to discontinue basketball ' for the present season. The hurried scheduling of Holt Mills brings the frosh face to face with a strong opponent that threatens to put an end to their winning ways. The visit ing team is an independent or ganization of Burlington com posed of former college students now employed in the mill. Moss Out for Season The Carolina frosh will be minus the services of "Pee-wee" Moss tonight and "Red" Mero ney will again start at center. Moss's playing days for this year are over due to trouble with his back, and his absence will be felt. The remainder of the squad will be the same that opened against Raleigh High, namely: Pete Mullis, Andy Bershak, Earl Ruth, and Foy Grubb. This quintet showed up remarkably; (Continued on last page) Today's Mural Card 3:45 (1). Mangum No. 2 vs. Locals, (2) Phi Kappa Sig ma ts. T. E. P., (3) Law School vs. Manly. 4:45 (1) phi Gamma Del ta vs. S. A. E., (2) Z. B. T. vs. Beta Theta Pi, (3) Theta Kappa Nu vs. Kappa Sigma. an f aoplcl 7 '( i s!