PAGE FOUR Patten Announces YMCA Cabinet Program For Fall "Coffee Hour" To Fete All Foreign Students Monday junior and Senior cabinets of the YMCA have an interesting and complete program for the remainder of the quarter accord ing to announcements made yes terday by Brooks Patten, presi dent. Monday evening the YMCA will entertain the foreign stu dents on the campus and faculty members who have lived a con siderable time in foreign coun tries at a "Coffee Hour" in Gra ham Memorial. The meeting will start at 7 : 30 with a program of light entertainment; Later the foreign students will discuss plans for continuing the Cosmo politan club which has been ac tive here in past years. , "MORNING WATCH" Tuesday morning the worship committees of the YMCA cab inets will sponsor a "Morning Watch." This is the first of a series of prayer services which will be held every morning at 8:15 in the YMCA room of the YMCA building. All students are requested to attend whenever they wish. On the following Saturday, the cabinet will travel to the Wom an's college in Greensboro to "better the relations within the Greater University." In effect the meeting there is planned to l?e a little Blue Ridge rally. H. P. Comer, director of the YMCA, will renew discussion of the sum mer conference topic: "The In escapable Demands of Christi anity Upon Us." A summary of Dr. Henry Nelson Wieman's evening lectures at Blue Ridge on this theme has been prepared and copies are available at the YMCA office for all who are in terested. INFORMAL DANCE Following this afternoon meet ing, the women will entertain the men at a dinner and infor mal dance. Every junior and senior is invited to attend. Each student who plans to go must see TRY THE COLLEGE SANDWICH SHOP For Tasty Dishes Prepared by An Expert Chef We Specialize in Sandwiches (Next to the New Pick Theatre) A CORDIAL "HELLO" TO ALL YOU HIGH SCHOOLERS! o DALE CARNEGIE in his book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" (says) "Johnny Get Your Money's Worth" By Ruth Brindle (and) o "The Growth of a Man" By Mazo de la Roche (signifies) Alan Villier's Novel "Stormalong" These and Many Other Books Can Be Found at th( BULL'S HEAD BOOK SHOP Honesty Is Best Policy - - No Doubt While on duty Wednesday night, Garland Wright, mes senger for the local Western Union office, found a check made out for $89.65. Having found the check in front of South building, Wright immediately took it to Chief of Police Sloan who sent it to Washington yester day. , The monetary note was made payable to one Edwin Gill, who was said to be a member of the parole board in Raleigh. . Miss Tempe Newsome at the YMCA office by Tuesday. On Friday evening, December 2, the cabinet will meet jointly with the Hillel Foundation and the Catholic students in an "In ter-Faith- Meeting" at Graham Memorial at 7 :30. R. B. Doug las from Greensboro, Elbert Russell from Duke, and Rabbi Greenberg from Greensboro will present the fundamentals of the Catholic, Protestant, arid Jewish religions, respectively. Dean F. F. Bradshaw will lead a discus sion of the different faiths. CHRISTMAS PARTY . The last meeting of the quar ter will be a Christmas party. All of the cabinets will partici pate and the campus as a whole is invited to attend this and all other cabinet programs. A master calendar of all the YMCA activities is being pre pared and will soon be posted in the lobby of the building. Plans are being completed for a "Community Sing" each Sun day evening. This type of pro gram has achieved remarkable success on the Duke campus and the prospects look very favorable at Carolina. The YWCA room on the second floor of the building is being converted into an attrac- THE DAILY UNIVERSITY BAND WILL NOT MAKE NORTHERN TRIP Athletic Association Not Financially Able; Virginia Trip Planned "The University band will not accompany the football squad to Yankee stadium in New York on November 12," was a statement issued by Earl A. Slocum, direc tor of the band. When asked for his reason he stated, "We just don't go, that's all." After questioning further it was learned that the Athletic association is not financially able to send the band. The de cision however, rested on the outcome of the Carolina-Duke and Fordham-Pitt games. The reason for this was that if both teams had won, it would have in fluenced the gate receipts in New York. Since both teams lost it did not seem probable to the Athletic association that the gate receipts would be large enough to pay the expenses for the band. It would cost $2,000 to send the entire 100 pieces. A trip to Charlottesville, Va., on Thanksgiving day for the Virginia game is now planned. It is promised also that the. band will go to Philadelphia next year to encourage the team on to vie tory when Carolina meets the University of Pennsylvania. The band has not taken a ma jor trip since the fall of 1936 when it accompanied the team to the first contest Carolina had with New York university. tive lounge and date room, and will be ready for use soon. Brooks Patten 'wishes to re mind the students that the YMCA is open to the campus at large. Every student is a mem ber of the organization, arid the cabinets hope that as many stu dents as possible will take part in the programs and the fine fellowship that is shared by all. The meetings are held each Mon day evening at 7:15, unless an nounced otherwise, and adjourn promptly at 8 o'clock. DR. KNIGHT SAYS BUCK IS PASSED There would be little, if any thing, in American education that could not be done properly, if only youth knew better, what it needs and if American educa tors could better advise them. This is tire opinion of Dr. Ed gar W. Knight, Kenan professor of education at the University and well known author and edu cator. Dr. Knight, in a featured edi torial in the current issue of "School Management," discusses the reasons for the large num ber of failures among college students. r : Out of 1,000,000 youth gradu ated from high schools, last spring, he says, approximate ly one-third entered college this fall, and of this number about 150,000 will receive their de grees in 1942. "The causes of these fail ures," Dr. Knight declares, "run all the way in the alphabet from alcohol to zeros. "And all along the line the 'buck is passed.' Professors in graduate schools complain of the lack of excellence in the col leges. College professors say that the high schools do shoddy work. High school teachers say the work in the elementary schools is poor. Elementary school teachers point to the un satisfactory home conditions of the children. And the mothers say to the teachers of . their problem children: 'Well, what can you expect? Just look at their daddies'." TAR HEEL tatiiary To Be On - Display Here To Be On View Here Tomorrow X .. , v i J .-.-.v.-.-..-.-. v. -.. .-. . -.v - - .i f -sVA -' ' . -vT . yerW ' v-,1 . :-. .- ""- ,, , w- ..I.-.U--..J...J..I. $ Speedy, an v Old Greyhound Courses,'' a bronze by Anna Hyatt Huntington, internationally famous American sculptor. The work is included in an exhibiition of 70 sculptures by JNIrs. Huntington opening at Person hall art gallery at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Raleigh Violinists To Make Second Concert Appearance - HUMAN RELATIONS INSTITUTE WILL FEATURESOUTH Committee Picks Topic Of Increasing National Interest By JIMMY DUMBELL Varying somewhat from their usual procedure of presenting discussions on inter-racial rela tions, the Human Relations In stitute is this year featuring the South" as the main part of their discussions which are to be held here in the Spring. It was decided yesterday at a meeting of a sub-committee of the institute that this 1 topic, which is exciting national inter est and is expected to be brought up for Legislature at the next meeting of Congress, would receive emphasis in the speeches and debates which will be given by nationally prominent men. DR. ODUM DIRECTS This meeting, which was under the direction of ' Dr. Howard W. Odum, a well known author on the subject of sociolo gy, resulted in the decision of inviting as speakers, the fol lowing: Herbert Agar, noted author, W. W. Alexander, farm security administrator, and Jonathan Daniels, well known southern author and editor. It was also decided that the four main divisions of the speeches will be: National Rela tions, or the World Outlook, Hu man Relations in Business and Industry, Education, and the South Today and Tomorrow. It is definitely known that Dr. Odum will lead the discussions and take part in the plans and preparations for the event. FOUR DIVISIONS The divisions under the topic of the South will be: Agricul tural Development and Conser vation, Economic Development and Labor Relations, Race and Racial Relations and Public Ad ministration and Politics. This, the sixth annual con vention of the institute, is under the direction of John Kendrick, who is the chairman of the committee-composed of 15 students and 15 members of the faculty. The dissertations will be given during the week of April 2 to 9 and it has been said that some classes may be dismissed in favor of the -speakers. Aldens Will Give Recital Tomorrow Dorothy and Edgar Alden will appear for the second time on a Graham Memorial concert to morrow in a two-violin recital. Although as usual the concert will be in the lounge the time has been changed to 5 o'clock. The Aldens will be accom panied at the piano by Aileen McMillan. The program is as fol lows: Concerto in A Minor Vivaldi-Nachez Allegro v Larghetto Allegro moderato Sonatine (for two violins alone) Honnegar Allegro no tante Andantino Allegro moderato Song of Spring i Burch Allegretto, Adagio (from Serenade Op. 92) ............ Siding Fete Champetre Severn The Aldens both graduated from the Oberlin conservatory of music in 1936. Alden is pro fessor of violin at Meredith Col lege, and Mrs. Alden is teacher of violin at Peace and St. Mary's junior colleges in Raleigh. Both are violinists of the Raleigh string quartet. Alden was con certmaster of the Mozart Festi val orchestra in Asheville this summer. Miss McMillan is pro fessor of piano at Meredith Col lege. Attention, Frosh Freshmen planning to go with the Freshmen friendship council to Greensboro on November 12 must attend the meeting at 7:15 in Di Hall next Monday night. I i COME TO OUR PLACE FOR YOUR AUTO NEEDS We Give Auto Owners the Choice of a . Beautiful or Useful Souvenir. SPECIAL Renewed and Guaranteed Ford Station Wagon; A 1938 Lincoln Zephyr in Perfect Condition, $1,095; Also Ten Other Used Cars. OWD MOTO Ford Products Since 1914 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1938 First Major Exhibit Of Sculpture To Be Shown In State The first major exhibit of sculpture to be shown in North Carolina will open tomorrow in Person flail Art Gallery. The exhibition consists of 70 pieces of bronze and aluminum sta tuary by Anna Hyatt Hunting ton, one of America's foremost sculptors. The statuary has been on dis play in New York, San Diego, San Francisco, and several other large cities. Chapel Hill and Charlottesville, Va., are the only small towns in which the exhibit has appeared. EXHIBIT INCLUDES The exhibition includes a full size statue of "Diana", and small size models of he'r equestrian statues of "Joan of Arc" and "El Cid." Also, included in the ex hibit are her works in bronze and aluminum of such wild crea tures as lions, tigers, bears, deers, foxes, and monkeys, as well as horses, dogs, donkeys, sheepj and other domestic ani mals. The statue of' "Diana" is so large that it requires eight men to move it. The shipment was the largest ever to be sent from the Charlottesville station. The exhibition will continue until November 25. Person Hall Art Gallery is open on weekdays from 10 to 1 and from 2 to 5 and on Sundays from 2 to 8. Russell T. Smith, head of the University art department, will give a gallery lecture at 4 oclock on tomorrow afternoon on the statuary. Ten water color paint ings of Professor Smith will be shown simultaneously with the Huntington sculptures. HERE'S A HINT FOR YOU BOYS ' "Good students make better housekeepers," declared Mrs. Estelle Boyd, supervisor of dor mitories at WCUNC. "If you would see someone truly, stand in the doorway of her own room, for therein lies the reflection." Mrs. Boyd pointed out that campus leaders and honor-roll students have the highest room grade averages. Those doing dining-room work to help pay their expenses also rate at the top. Freshman girls, with their home teaching still fresh in their minds, average better than up per classmen. The girls with the lowest housekeeping grades are usually students who are most uncooperative in study habits and social programs. So boys, take a hint! Always ASK a girl what" kind of grades she makes before you ASK her to marry you. If laid end to end the number of students studying each night in the library would be a long one, perhaps. CO.