peairsoffirW Da Body . Preside jncy EDITORIALS: To The Legislature T7EATHER: I Damp, dreary, dismal, y clani, aw AdL 1 -77 ONLY COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTHEAST- VOLUME XL VII EDITORIAL PHONE 4351 CHAPEL HILL, N. O, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1939 BUSINESS PHONE 43S6 NUMBER 105 i jr tin iusMtuiir 1 rt IM BO tl T rl TH o AeoJlasMi TTP .JJ "A" 'A' "A" At Fourth Unit Off-UM Quartet Of Campus Swing Leaders jr. i4 c- .:.. Ted Ross Freddie Johnson jf . "-VI l - ' - ..... i. . w iktlJ f&M$$$&m;x: ,&&&-:J&&iimZ&!fSiK&-: - mmmmmk Wst. .L V : 11 Jeep Bennett Here are leader's of four campus swing bands who will play for a heavy schedule of parties and dances this week-end. ..V.V.V, Jere Kin? Veteran Fighter To Discuss Loyalist Spain Possibilities Major Keller Seeks Increased Support For Embargo Repeal "Can Spain Hold Out?" This ques tion is the subject of the talk Major Fred Keller will make today at 10:30 in Memorial hall under the joint aus pices of the YMCA and the ASU. Ma jor Keller has been fighting in Spain Batalion Commissar of the Lincoln-Washington battalion, and his ttany experiences "under fire" quali fy him to speak on the war in Spain. Making a tour through the South, Najor Keller is crusading for the re Peal of the embargo act, and in order 1:0 gain support for the movement to Sjve the Nobel Peace prize to Dr. Negrin, premier of loyalist Spain. The Premier has made repeated efforts to caH a plebescite of the Spanish people, all foreigners excluded, and Keller feels that his attempts at a peaceful Element of the Spanish situation aakes Premier Negrin particularly alified for the award. Since the Premier is a world-famous scientist, Keller is hoping to gain support for (Continued on last page) Council Will TTmicP Visiting Trackmen Resident e Interdormitory council announ- veQ yesterda V Q lief A nvrviUftY'TT StMITI- cors ,;n , win arrange sleeping quar dJs for visiting trackmen at the In JT Track meet here February 25. ey will contact residents of their Stories. T 0n the committee he named J. C. ompson, Everett; John Sasser, Ay ford' r Fry' Lewis r Richard-Bin-Stan'-!iraham; Paul McGinty, Manly; obm StrUd' Ruffin; Martin Rar T0 ' anrn; Jerry Gavce; Grimes; W 'a?h' Steele; Vaughn Win- Ui(1 East; Hush' Oirburn. Old and George Nicholson, Vance. New Candidate Was Requested To Enter Race Bill Pearson late last night an nounced his independent candidacy for presidency of the student body, thus ending the possibility that Jim Davis, nominated by, both the Stu dent and University parties, would ride to the campus' highest position unopposed. Leaders of campus political fac tions could not be reached last night for comment concerning Pearson's entrance into the race, due to the late hotar the announcement was made. Pearson issued the following (Continued on page two) s FRINK SUGGESTS NAUTICAL SCHOOL BE ESTABLISHED Salary Proposals Cut Professor's, Raise Lawmaker's By LOUISE JORDAN Plans for the establishment of a fourth unit of the Greater University of North Carolina have been inaugu rated by a group of sponsors into a plea for the founding of a State nau tical school. The proposition, incor porated in a bill introduced by Sena tor S. Bunn Frink of coastal Bruns wick county, was to have been put before the Senate Education commit tee at a hearing yesterday morning. Hope for aid from the Federal gov ernment in setting up and 'maintain ing the school is behind the plan, and North Carolina's Robert. R., Reynolds has proposed a measure to the United States senate which would make this possible. His bill, an amendment to the Marine School act of 1911, would pro vide an annual Federal appropriation of $10,000,000 to be used in matching j State appropriations for nautical schools. . The Frink bill calls for $50,000 from! the State; therefore, North Carolina's nautical college would be founded with . f , . AAA an initial expenditure oi xuy,uuu. Also, if established, the school would receive Federal' aid in the form of a loan- i marine equipment f?- ' -- With the appropriations made avail able by the Reynolds bill, now in com mittee, it would be possible tor .any state to establish such an institution. The North Carolina sponsors seek to act early and establish a ischool whicn would be a model for other states to follow. Although four states now operate schools under the old Marine act, North Carolina's proposed school would offer a curriculum of much broader scope than is now provided in any public nautical school. Senator Frink says that since the first proposal of the plan there have been many expressions of support from the public. He predicted that within 25 years, North Carolina's nau tical school would have an enrollment equal to that of other branches of the University. Also from the legislature comes the report of action taken by the joint ap propriations committee, which on ! Tuesday lopped off without exception pay increments recommended by the Advisory Budget commission for in structors in the various State-supported colleges. The increases in appropriations for educational institutions necessitated by the decision not to raise tuition for resident students, amounted to ap proximately $468,000. Several days ago Representative Mallison introduced a bill to submit a constitutional amendment increasing the salary of legislators from $600 to $900 a term. Merry Week-End Is Forecast For Campus Organizations Dances, Parties Are Planned By Student Groups Despite prospects for a rainy, dreary atmosphere and oncoming comprehensive examinations, many campus organizations will make merry during the week-end. The Phi Kappa Sigma's will enter tain at' their annual mid-winter house party; the Signm Chi's will cavort with a "pledge dance at their lodge; the Di-Phi's will swing at the Caro lina inn; the Law-Med's at the Tin Can, and the Kappa Ep's at a resi dence in the village. ' Phi Kappa Alpha will fill the week end as follows: tonight, a buffet sup (Continued on page two) Law-Med Dances Open In Tin Can Tonight At 9:30 The annual LawrMed school dance series will open tonight at 9:30 in the Tin Can. This evening's affair, al though open to students ' in either school, will be officially devoted to the lawyers. Jeep Bennett and his orchestra will furnish the music for the dance, the first of three to be held this week end. The students -, from the Law school who will lead the Grand March are: James O. Carr, president of the Law School asociation, with Miss Rosalie Watters from Wilming ton; W. R. Shelton; Wylie Parker, (Continued on page two) WHAT SHOULD THE UNIVERSITY COST THE STATE? Tax Dollars For Running Expenses At Chapel Hill (Students are asked to send the following information to parents, home-town papers, and representatives in the State legislature. Extra copies of the Daily Tar Hm. may be had at the circulation department.) In 1928-29 for 2,377 Students Ini 1938-39 for 3,300 Students 1 ...... JL -i ' PRESIDENT GRAHAM REQUESTED For 1939-40 for 3,400 (estimated) Students : $894,379 727,226 971,666 BUDGET BUREAU RECOMMENDED Fdr 1939-40 for 3,400 (estimated) Students 565,703 r(To which was to be added $181,000 from recommended $50 tuition in crease) ; APPROPRIATION COMMITTEE HAS VOTED For 1939-40 for 3,400 (estimated) Students 614,821 (To which the Committee proposes to add $75,000 from $75 increase to out of State Students) SENATOR SUTTON PROPOSES For 1939-40 for 3,400 (estimated) Students 804,469 We believe Senator Sutton's figure is conservative because: (1) It is less than a conservative state spent ten years ago for a third fewer Students ' . (2) It is $167,197 less than a conservative estimate of need. Also because the University at Chapel Hill is now: (1) Near the top in reputation among the 32 Universities comprising the American Association of Universities - - - (2) At the BOTTOM in salary scale among, the same 32 Universities And among principal State Institutions this oldest , of the State Uni versities of the U. S. is now (1) FOURTH HIGHEST among 54 in total charges to In-State Students (2) SIXTH HIGHEST amoiig 54 in total charges to Out-bf -State Stu dents .(with $75 added would be third highest) ' V (3) " WEOTY-SEro Institutions Jn per student appropriations, ($220 vsi Michigan $419) and would be,' if Appropriations Committee figure were adopted, shoved down four more places. Former Duke Spear Victim Killed In Auto Accident -s STUDENTS PLAN FOR INFORMATIVE STATE-WIDE LOBBY Increased Funds Will Be Sought From Legislature University students, representing all the counties, in the State, yesterday laid plans for a state-wide lobby to correct the impression that a budget boost is contemplated at present in legislative circles and to exert pres sure upon the General assembly for a larger appropriation. Action follow ed the explanation of the University's financial difficulties as set forth by President Graham in answer to a re quest by the students. The students, called to a meeting yesterday morning in Graham mem orial by heads of student organiza tions, were told by President Graham that the appropriations for the con solidated University for the next bien hium will be over $400,000 less than the amount allotted for the current two-year period if ' the figures tenta tively approved by the joint Appro priations committee of the legislature are hot revised upward. WRITE nOME They agreed to write home to their parents,' friends, civic groups, and newspapers in an attempt to clarify misconceptions and to urge a larger allocation from the state. Charles Wales, president of the In terdormitory council; John Clark, president of the Interfraternity coun cil; and Miss Elizabeth M alone, presi dent of the Woman's association, called the meeting. John Rankin, recent reg istered lobbyist against $50 tuition in creases for all students', presided over the session. President Graham explained that the impression is widespread that the University is getting a larger appro priation than the Advisory Budget (Continued on page two) Carolina Alumnus Was Once Pierced By Devil Prongs Arthur Benjamin Stein, former Uni versity student and bandmember who was "speared" by the Duke Blue Devil while parading at the Carolina-Duke football game in 1933, was killed in an automobile accident September 26, near Santa Margarita, Calif., the Alumni office was informed yesterday. A native of New York city, Stein was employed at the time of his death as salesman for a woolen concern. Thirty-two thousand spectators, the largest crowd to witness a football game during the year 1933, saw the dramatic near-fatal accident that hap pened to Stein. According to the November 19, 1933, Daily Tar Heel: "Stein was march ing in the last row of the University band as it marched down the field during the half followed by the Duke musical organization. The Blue Devil, who was capering between the bands throwing his pronged fork around the field, misgauged the distance from his position to that of the last members of the University band and overthrew the spear. It pierced Stein's back just above the hips.1 "The fork was cut in an emergency operation on the field by a member of the Duke hospital staff . The wound was ' treated later by anti-toxin and antiseptics at the hospital where he was a patient for several weeks." SAFETY COUNCIL WILL REGULATE STUDENT DRIVERS Committee Set Up To Investigate Debate Fee Levy By CARROLL McGAUGHEY " Working with a minimum amount of delay last night, the Student legis lature decided: (1) To table the bill proposing the abolition of intercollegiate boxing at Carolina until additional information is received concerning its effects on participants. (2) To accept the report of the committee on organization and proce dure, which included a recommendat ion that the tendered resignation of Legislature Chairman Bill Hendrix be accepted. (3) To set up a Student Safety committee with delegated judicial powers from the Student council over matters of student lack of responsibil ity in handling automobiles. (4) To set up a committee to in vestigate the debate fee levy. (5) And to continue the present system of selecting cheerleaders un less further action is taken. In resigning his position as chair man of the legislature Hendrix re quested that the constitution of the body be waived for the remainder of the administrative year to allow some person other than the vice-president of the student body to act as presiding officer. The committee report recom mended that this provision be accept ed and that the president of the student body, Jim Joyner, be allowed to fill the position. - -- .When the bill proposing' the abolit ion of the intercollegiate boxing at the University came up on the floor for discussion it was explained that much of the information necessary for the discussion and decision on the bfll.had not yet been obtained, and that it was advisable to delay action on the bill. Joyner explained that the University Health service is at present making an investigation into the effects of the sport on participants, but the report is not yet ready for release. By a vote of the body the bill was tabled, and a committee consisting of Studie Ficklen, chairman, Dick Wor ley and Grady Stevens, was appoint ed to investigate the problem, organ ize the evidence, and present its re port back to the legislature. The group indicated its strong ap (Continued on last page) Chi Omegas Honor Greeks At Tea Members of the Chi Omega sorority were hostesses yesterday afternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock at a tea in honor of the stray Greeks of the cam pus. The event is an annual occasion. Guests were greeted at the door by Misses Sylvia Cullum, Mary Wood, and Rosalyn Tindel, members of the reception committee. Tea was poured by Virginia Kibler, president of the sorority. The valentine motif was car ried out in both decorations and refreshments. BUCCANEER GETS APPROVAL IN POLL Various Questions Answered By CPU After 527 persons had taken part in its poll, the Carolina Political union yesterday completed tabulations of student and faculty-expressed opinion on 12 questions of campus, state and national interest. Following is a list of the questions asked and the results tabulated: (1) Do you favor continuance of present kind of Buccaneer? yes, 312, no, 120; Do you . approve admittance of Ne groes to any UNC department? Yes, 141, no, 347; Do you favor increasing out-of-state tuition $75 per year? yes, 201, no, 290. ' . ' OTHER RESULTS Should the CPU allow its programs to be "broadcast? . " yes, 455, no, 38; Should the Republicans nominate Sen ator Taft for president in. 1940? yes, 146, noV 257; Should the Democratic 1940 presidential nominee be a New Dealer? yes, 309, no, 171; Was it wise for Congree to override Roosevelt in reducing relief appropriations $150, 000,000? yes, 258, no, 215. Do you favor Roosevelt's policy of continued spending? yes, 251, no, 235; Do you favor Roosevelt's increased armaments program? yes, 348, no, 144; Do you favor socialized medicine? yes, 338, no, 150; Should gas and auto taxes be used for other than highway purposes? yes, 186, no, 171; and Do you favor United States recognition of the Franco government in Spain? yes, 112, no, 240.