4 ton IDITORIALS: FEATHER: 0 State Negro Education, 1N v e&ar asui told. THE ONLY COLLEGE. DAILY IN. THE SOUTHEAST- ZS25 VOLUME xLvn Inter-Racial Discussion Group Adopts Resolution To Admit Negro Graduates Immediately Challenger Si,. Hargrove "Skipper" Bowles, fiery president of the Sophomore class, yesterday challenged the Junior class to a basketball game. All arrange ments are being made by Reddy Grubbs. LOCAL TOWN HALL GROUP WILL HOLD REGULAR SESSION National Network To Give Program On Civilization The. local meeting of the town hall group this week will follow its usual proceedure of gathering to listen to the national. broadcast on which will be heard two' prdminent'speakers"; A local discussion will, be held immedi ately after in the Graham Memorial Immcp. TTip nrnorrnm nll bpcHn at 9:30 tonight. I The topic of tonight's speakers will pe "nas iwentietn fjentury uivuiza tion Improved Mankind?" and the speakers will be William Lyon Phelps, dean of American men of letters and Reinhold Niebuhr, professor of ap plied Christianity and noted author. The local discussion will be lead by George Mowry of the Social Science department. TONIGHT'S TOPIC The topic of tonight's discussion is one which is expected to create much interest and furnish material for an entertaining discussion. According to a bulletin released by the Town Hal advisory service, there is no doubt that mankind today is much further advanced than it has ever been before but the idea behind the discussions tonight will be to question whether or not man is really better off now than he was in the cave-man days. The two speakers who will be heard tonight are considered to be well versed on the topic. Dr. Phelps is said to be the best known of all speak ers appearing on the American plat form today. He is the author of 18 books and holds 13 degrees from vari ous colleges and universities. His syn (Continued on page two) ' f IK i -r !fc A:--.-::-:-.-;--: :-:-:-:-: i 1 - JL 1 Educational Survey Shows High School Students Are Not Adjusted For College Efficient Guidance Program Is Needed For Adequate Preparation By LARRY LERNER A good portion of high school. stu in the state did not receive the ye of training they desired, a recent educational survey conducted jointly y the National Youth administration, 4 rth Carolina College conference, tate Department of Public Instruc lon and the UNC Testing service, Sealed. - bpu,delillite contrast is pointed out een the training received in high' nool with the further training which inevtudent desired- Of ail the seniors 0rth Carolina high schools which cen? Cluded in this survey, 50 per grou the low academic standing p at graduation time desired (Continued on page two) EDITORIAL PHONE 4151 Comer Proposes Plan To Alleviate Present Situation By LOUIS HARRIS In the presence of numerous stu dents from both Negro and white schools, an inter-racial panel discus sion was held last night in the lounge of Graham Memorial. Contrary to the campus poll, taken by the CPU a few weeks ago, the gathering, includ ing Paul Green, noted playwighter, Dr. E. E: Ericson, Dr. E. J. Wood- The following resolution was adopted to send to the state legisla ture by more than 100 citizens, stu dents, and teachers who met for an inter-racial panel discussion in the lounge of Graham Memorial last night: It is the consensus of opinion that in view of the already limited funds for education in North Carolina, and in view of the fact that setting up separate institutions in profes sional and advanced training would undoubtedly deter the future prog gress of education and in racial relations in the South, that the leg islature consider a policy whereby qualified and carefully chosen Ne gro students could be educated in graduate and professional levels by the means and forces already ex isting in the state. hous, and other prominent members of the faculty, whole-heartedly fav ored admitting Negroes to the Uni versity graduate school at the pres ent time. The expression of the sentiment came m tne open-iorum nscussion which followed the talks of five guest speakers, Dean James Taylor of the North Carolina College for Negroes, Dr. Nathaniel Dett, of Bennett col lesrer Harrv F. Come, secretary of the YMCA; and Jane' Castles, grad uate student at the, University. Frances Jones, student at Bennett college in Greensboro, was dropped from the program, and Representative (Continued on page, two) GROUP TO DISCUSS PUBLICATION FEES Special Committee To Hold Meetings In preparation for its report next week to the Student legislature the sfwial nublications committee will meet today and tomorrow with mem bers of the editorial and business staffs of the campus publications to discuss their respective publication ap propriations. Conferences with the Publications Union board and the Student Audit board will follow the interviews in the committee's investigation of the publi cations fee levy on students. With complete information before them the committee members over the week-end will draw up a report which may contain recommendations to the legislature for a reduction in fees or a more proportional allotment to the various publications. Burlington Man Awarded Contract H. F. Mitchell, general contractor of Burlington, was yesterday award ed the general pontract for the re noAfatilon of Gerrard .nail. Mitchell submitted the lowest bid, $18,920 for the contract. A contract for the . heating con struction work in the building went to the Carolina Heating and Engi neering compan of Durham which of fered a low bid of $1,990 for the con- tract. - , . . . The companies will begin work im mediately. Plans for the building call for complete renovation, giving the budding the same appearance, within and without, as it bad before. CHAPEL HILL, N. C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1939 Student Entertainer Shown here is Orlando Barera, Italian ly with the young Cuban soprano, Miss Emma Otero, on the Student Enter tainment program Monday evening. The program, second to be sponsored by the Student Entertainment series this quarter, will be presented in Memorial hall. JACOCKS LOANS ART COLLECTION TO DEPARTMENT Works Of Famous Artists Will Go On Exhibit Here Dr. W. -P. Jacocks, former student of the University who is now in Del hi, India, doing research work for the Rockefeller Foundation, has loaned the art department his collection of 118 etchings and lithographs, it was learn ed yesterday from Russell T. Smith, head of the department. The collection contains works by 50 artists including such well-known names as Thomas Benton, Grant Wood, W. R. Locke, John Stewart Ernest Hart, Jon Corbino, Doris Lee, and Peggy Bacon. The prints cover a wide variety of subjects, including all phases of modern life. Portraits, landscapes, and animal life are rep resented in the pieces. The prints will be used for study in the art classes and will be exhibited in part from time to time, but those interested in seeing them may do so by applying at the office of the art department. BENTON WORKS Three of the works of Thomas Ben ton from the collection are now on display in the library. They are "Frankie and Johnnie," "Huckleberry Finn," and "Jesse James," all show ing life along the Mississippi. The prints will be in Chapel Hill for at least a year, and new pieces will be added to the collection. ' Dr. Jacocks, although his field is medicine, has long been a patron of fine arts and is interested in the col lection of prints as a hobby. He was graduated from the University in 1904, received his master's degree" in 1905, and obtained his doctor's de gree from the University of Pennsyl vania in 1911. While he was at Caro lina, he was a member of the foot ball team, a track man, member of the Golden Fleece, and a Phi Beta Kappa. Since 1911 he has been a mem ber of the International Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, except for a brief period during the war when he was captain of a medical corps. He was later appointed director of the Health Board. He has always been an interested alumnus of the University, and recently while spend ing a three month furlough in North Carolina, made several visits to the campus. Harvard Prof essor To Speak At Duke Roscoe Pound, dean emeritus of the Harvard Law school and prof essor of law at Harvard university, will speak on "American Juristic Thinking in the Twentieth Century," in a talk to be given tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in Duke .university's Page aduitor ium. This is the fourth of a series of public lectures celebrating the cen tennial anniversary of the founding of the university. Dean Pound delivered the McNair lectures in Chapel Hill on "Law and Morals" in the spring of 1922. Many of his former students are members of the faculties of the University and of Duke. 4 ' -' violinist, who will be featured joint BILL FOR NEGRO GRADUATE SCHOOL REACHES SENATE Murphy Proposes Measure To Answer High Court Mandate In a move to ease the tension on the problem created by Negro applica tion for admittance to the University graduate school, a bill is now before the State Senate now convened at Ra leigh providing for departments of law and pharmacy at the North Caro lina College for Negroes and A and T college. The bill, sponsored and writ ten by Representative "Pete" Murphy, passed that house on Wednesday. There' were several provisions in the legislation, most prominent of which was the ruling that the schools could not be established unless 10 or more students enrolled in the courses. It was specified that North Carolina College for Negroes would have the prof essionaV departments, while A and T college would provide the technical work and specialized training. It was stressed, however, that the depart ments will grow as need and funds dictate. PROVISION Should, however, fewer Negroes apply for admission, the bill would allow necessary funds for tuition at out-of-state colleges offering Negroes the same training. In explaining the bill to the assem bly, Murphy said that the action is mandate of the United States Su preme court, which ruled that Negroes have the same educational opportuni ties as whites. He quickly added, that unless this provision is made, Negroes can not be prevented from entering white colleges operated by the state. OBJECTION Upon a suggestion by Representa tive J. W. Caff ey that the bill be re ferred to the Appropriations commit tee so that adequate funds could be written into the act, Murphy vehe mently objected. Administration officials, Dean M. T. Van Hecke, Dean Pierson, and Dean Beard were all silent when asked to comment on the new bill. Straley Appointed To Committee Post H. W. Straley, III, professor of geology at the University, has been appointed to a committee of six to supplement the List of Books for Col lege libraries. The committee is com posed of six nationally known geology experts, headed by Charles B. Shaw, of Swarthmore college in Pennsyl vania. , This list, published in 1931, was in tended to include only those books that were considered essential for a liberal arts library. It was, there fore, a highly restricted list, with only 35 titles of all the books pub lished in the last seven years in the field of earthly sciences, may be added by the present committee. This week-end Straley is attending the annual meeting of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers being held in New York. He is a member of the Institute's Geo graphical Education committee which is to present a report on investiga tions relating to the teaching of Geo physics in the United States. scsarsss fboki 4is PUB oard - - s Full Fee Next Tei Better Address The Next One "Neither snow, nor rain, nor gloom of night may stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appoint ed rounds." ' Thus reads the creed of the United States mailmen. But when the mail has no address, the carriers simply must toss -their creed out in the snow and rain of the gloomy night This, in substance, is what Postmaster R. A. Eubanks had to do yesterday. The local postoffice head sent the Daily Tar Heel two postcards, each bearing a personal message but no sign of an address. On one of the cards, -"Pete" wrote to "Dear Anne" and lamented he didn't "know what to say in such a small space." In fact, he was so disturbed over the lack of space he devoted all the address side of the picture postcard to an expres sion of his woe. v Another student told "Dear Folks" he would be home Thursday afternoon or night unless they advised him otherwise before 12 o'clock today., But he overlooked one small technicality he left the front of the card per fectly blank. Postmaster Eubanks promised good service if local patrons will cooperate in this little matter of writing ad dresses. GLASS PROTECTS ZOO GORILLAS Person Hall Movie Will Show Today Gorillas have to be protected from the public This was one of the facts taken into, consideration by the archi tects in' building the houses at the London zoo, which is the setting for the motion picture, "New Architec ture for the London Zoo," to be shown in Person hall art gallery this morn ing at 10:40 and tomorrow night at 7:45. Because gorillas are particularly susceptible to human diseases, they are housed behind glass walls so that the public may see them, but cannot transmit infection to them. However, the animals also have iron bars be tween them and visitors. Although the motion picture, which is a part of the current exhibit, "Mod ern Architecture in England," is de signed to display the architecture at the zoo, the audience is much more in terested in the animals than in the buildings. Of particular interest are the pen- v gums, wnicn are snown in many varied situations in their modern pool, designed in a manner hygienically and organically suited to these strange birds. The giraffes and elephants also draw their share of laughter. The picture, which runs about ten minutes, was made for the Architec ture department of Harvard univer sity, the London Zoological society, and the Museum of Modern Art by L. Moholy-Nagy, assisted by Cyril Jen kins and Hazen Sise. There will be no admission charge. Money Supplied By Home Folk Group Of University Students Own Local Methodist Church Cabinets Begin Institute Study Cabinets of the YMCA and YWCA began their preliminary study for the Institute of Human Relations Monday night at the first in a series of three sessions. . . The combined membership divided into groups each discussing one of the four topics of the institute. Dr. H. R. Douglass of the education department led the discussion of the group -on education. Dr. Douglass, faculty adviser for the group, directed the discussion toward an analysis of the educational system and pointed out in what respects it did or did not prepare for citizenship. Brooks Pat ten, Miss Elizabeth Orton, and Rod (Continued on page two) NUMBER 110 To Collect Elliott Explains Rumors Concerning Union's Surplus Following a two and one-half hour session of the Publications Union board yesterday, Tim Elliott,"1 presi dent, announced that the board bad decided that the publications fee for the spring quarter will be $2.75. This ? sum makes the total of $6.90 which is the fee paid for publications for the entire year. Elliott explained that the fee this year has been increased from the usual $6 to $6.90 in order to aid the board in successfully financing the campus publications without running into debt, as it did last year. The board, he said, ran into debt almost $1800 last year and this year, even with the increase in fees, will still run slightly in the red. REASON Elliott further pointed out that the board is able to increase the publica tions fee bacuse the increase only raises the total fee to the amount originally voted by the student body. In keeping with the policy of the I board to lower student fees to the minimum, the fee voted was lowered because a six dollar fee was deemed sufficient. The board's present finan cial condition makes the 90-cent raise necessary. In order to clear up the rumors which have, for some time, been cir culating about the surplus of the Pub lications Union board, Elliott said that the surplus has been accumulated over several years and that it is drawn upon only when one or several of the campus publications goes in debt and that likewise, when one of the publi cations makes a profit in any one year, this profit is automatically added to the surplus of the board. "The policy of the board," he explain ed, "is to run on a small loss rather man -tp try jo xaase a proiiu - A SUGGESTION " 7r'r,'' The board also received a sugges tion from Rutherford Yeates, editor of the Yackety-Yack, that the editor of the Daily TAR Heel be chosen two years in advance after this year. De- (Continued on page two) Wood Will Swing In Chapel Today The campus' newest swing band Charlie Wood and his "Caro linians will stage a rythym ses sion in Memorial hall during as sembly period this morning, and the entire student body is invited to join the jitterbugs free of charge. Wood and his tooters have been well received in their few previous campus appearances. They will play for the Grail dance Saturday night from 9 to 12 in the Tin Can. The Grail will sponsor this morning's session. The band features a style of Southern shuffle rythym. Specials come from the brass choir; Bill Seth, vocalist; and the trumpet trio, composed of Hubert Henderson, Sam Galloway, and Warren Simp son. -4 Chapel Hill Congregation Built Parsonage When Con ference Erected Building By GLADYS BEST TRIPP One church in Chapel Hill is en tirely owned by 750 University stu dents! It is the large Methodist church on Franklin street, and all the money to build it was sent directly from the home folk. ; , By 1926 the old Methodist church, although adequate for the Chapel Hill congregation, was not large enough to accomodate the Methodist students. Several other . congregations had re cently built new churches, and thus the situation in the Methodist church was brought more acutely before the eyes of both stuednts and the Chapel Hill people. ; Kev. Walter Patten, father of (Continued on page two) '