PAGE TWO THE DAILY TAB APRIL FOOT, Cbe Batip Car Heel The official newspaper of the Carolina Publications Union of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where it is printed daily except Mondays, and the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Holidays. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Chapel Hill, N. C, under act of-March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $3.00 for the college year- , ".. j - . Business and editorial offices: -204-207 Graham Memorial Telephones: news, 4351; editorial, 8641; business, 4356; night 6306 circulation, 6476. Frank Holeman L. E. "Shorty" Hoenig. E. Carrington Smith Graduate Students Editor Managing Editor Business Manager .Circulation Manager Editorial Bored Carroll Costello, Mitchell Britt, Studie Ficklen, David Clark, John M. Booker, Leo Karpeles. Reporters Bert Premo, F. H. Koch, Weldon James, Archibald Henderson, R. W. Madry, W. T. Couch, Earl Browder. - Columnists Orson Welles, Mickey Warren, Katherine Lackey, Mabel Mallett, Dot Browning, Tempo Newsome. Technical Staff News Editors: D. D. Carroll, J. M. Lear, R. B. Sharpe. Night Sports Editors: F. P. Graham, Stella Cuddy, Nell Mclntyre. Forgotten News Sources: Arboretum, Kenan stadium, Gimghoul. Feature Bores Carl Goerch, Tripp's boyfriend, E. J. Woodhouse, Carl Pugh, John Creedy, Rude Yeates, Bill Cole, Bill Pearson. Cub Reporters Bill Shore, Ned Edwards, Walter Spearman, Oscar Coffin, Philips Rus sell, F. F. Bradshaw, Sally Ray. Sports Staff Editor: J. Franklin Jones. - Reporters : Jake, Wade, Anthony McKevlin, Hugo Germino, Wade Ison, Nady Cates, Louis Graves, Laurence Leonard, Ted Mann, Tom Bost, Dynamite Holton, Walter Burke Davis. Assistant Circulation Manager: Westwood Subscribers. Business Staff Technical Manager: Dr. M. D. Taylor. Durham Advertising Manager: Betty Britt. Assistants: Hillsboro Annie, Kappa Sigs, Wallace Wade, Clen Hum phreys. ' Local Advertising Manager: Unit 1: Harry. Assistants: Marathon Sandwich, Andrews-Henninger, The Little Shop, W. S. Kutz, Peggy Holmes, Nelson Eddy, Bill McLean, Frances Per kins. -' Local Advertising Manager: Unit 2: Mr. Berman. Assistants: Jack Lipman, Julian Brothers, Lucy Carey Easley, Caro lina Coffee Shop, Agnes Nicholson, Josiah Bailey, Marian Hutton, WCUNC. Co-Collection Managers: T. H. Evans, Billy Pickard (Swain). Collections Staff: University Cleaners, Buccaneer Club, Shylock Lewis, Bob Doty, P. U. Board, Henry Morgenthau, Dr. Bernstein. Office Managers: Dunn and Bradstreet. Office Staff: Hedy Lamarr, Bill R. Hearst, Herr Schacht, Mae West, Mickey Mouse, Frances Goforth, The Greeks. Office Boy: Willie Arey. Style Manager: Mrs. R. B. Lawson. SPORTS: GENE WILLIAMS . A Good M an Now that appropriations have reached the two hundred dollars a year mark and the administration has shut down all buildings except Gerrard Hall, Former President Graham has bowed to crude commercialism. For our own Dr. Gra ham has decided to leave the Hill and has accepted the po litical appointment for the governorship of Puerto Rico. Undoubtedly the overwhelming statistics presented by Senator Bailey Thursday night influenced his decision. It was learned yesterday that Miss Lackey recorded every piece of evidence presented by the senator and after three hourse of extensive brooding, he wired the president his acceptance. His absence from here will be temporarily mourned, for the students did admire him, so to speak. And in the words of Mr. Clark, "Yonder goes a good man." Blore Tried And Exonerated Las week, some of his fellow students accused Phil Blore, junior class president, of misappropriating the class funds. They claimed that in giving the annual class smoker he had told the treasurer he was going to buy 200 packs of Herbert Tareyton cigarettes, but instead had merely purchased Twenty Grands and kept the difference. Studie Ficklen was appointed to look into the matter, and his report, we believe, completely exonerates Blore and ends all disagreement. Says Ficklen, "Mr. Blore is not dishonest. He is just a man of good business ability. After an ab solutely impartial and objective investigation, I find his integrity thoroughly vindicated. He is simply a victim of Student party propaganda." , Blore is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. Thumbnail History ;6he hundred and forty-six years ago the University of North Carolina . was founded. It was not, however, until many years later that the student body ripened into a polit ical maturity that encouraged the formation of a represen tative governing body, the Student legislature. Believing that a detailed history of this body will promote a healthy interest in its activities, we are presenting a com plete history of its inception and rise to its present status on the campus. The account follows: The Student legslature was formed on this campus in the early Spring of last year. 1939 1793 (calculations through courtesy Dr. Henderson) THE 1:30 CLASS By E. CARRINGTON STEIN Artie Shaw, his clarinet, and his band unit positively appear at the Carolina Theater on April 4. The be- guine will be begun three times a day. "Little Miss Carriage" (San. and Mon.) is Shirley Temple's latest gift to her adoring public and it is un doubtedly the beloved moppet's most superlative cinematic endeavor. Com bining magnificent acting, unsurpass able dialogue, sensational photog raphy, and a super-super four star production, the picture really ain't half bad. The plot is startingly original and depicts Shirley as a poor, lonely or phan who is cruelly treated by the ma tron of the asylum where she . resides. After washing dishes, getting periodic beatings with a' sledge hammer and suffering for six reels (the scene where Shirley says her prayers: "God bless momsy and popsy up in heaven" is guaranteed to bring tears to any one's eyes), she is finally adopted by a rich old woman and brings together two lovers Tyrone Power and Zasu Pitts for a real, old fashioned hap py ending. Doesn't it sound simply wonderful? . Mickey Rooney plays Shirley's sweetheart in the picture and their love scenes are reported to be some of the most torrid ever written and were frowned upon by the Hays office. In fact, if you watch closely enough, you can catch a fleeting glimpse of the two actually holding hands. We have been lucky enough, however, in securing for our audience the unex- purgated version Nothing like this has ever been pro duced before. Put "Little Miss Car riage" on your must-see list. It's colossal, it's stupendous, it's divine. And besides, I just put 50 inches of ads on the picture in tomorrow's Tar Heel. Tuesday and Wednesday is exotic, glamorous Hedy Lamar in "My Belongs to Daddy." It's a truly ex- quiiste film, full of high idealism, moral upliftment, and scenes con ducive to noble thoughts and pure dreams. Some people have claimed that the episode where Hedy divests herself of her outer garments with great Ecstacy and makes love to Rob ert Taylor on a;, .sofa is a bit stimu lating, but we are sure college stu dents will look, at it from an intellec tual level. The picture is sure to please the family trade and is ideal for church socials. A special showing will be held at'' 4' P.M. for the Boy Scouts. Joan Crawford, once more return ing to the field of comedy and tan gled marital relations, turns in a sharply realistic performance as an alluring strip-teaser in "I Don't Like My Tone" (Thurs.). Due to an econ omy drive now taking place in Holly- woodi the studio have only given Joan four leading men-r-Spencer Tracy, Boris Karloff, Groucho Marx, and Fer dinandbut she manages , to hold up her own end very successfully. Friday is Marion Davies in "Vir tue is its Own Reward," a truly A-l, first-rate masterpiece, full of the ten derest emotions and most superlative entertainment. Up till now, we have never been very enthusiastic about Miss Davies's histrionic abilities, but ever since Hearst bought the Daily Tar Heel, we have realized what a truly great actress she is. She is an experienced mistress in her field. Friday's Midnight Show is a reprise of Mae West in Sir James Barrie's "Peter Pan." Her next will be an other Barrie work, "What Every Woman Knows" to which Mae will add a few intimate touches of her own. Saturday is Clark Gable and Carole Lombard in "It's Legal Now." The picture grossed $10,000 last week in Ahoskie. A truly beautiful and stir ring experience. Mural Depicting Institute Theme So sorry. The type slipped. 146 Mrs. Lawsun Plans Super Blowout Mrs. R. B. Lawsun, village case worker, will entertain students and townspeople at a garden party at her home on East Franklin street this af ternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. Lawsun who recently saw a co ed's ankle, has decided there are still some beautiful things in the village other than the trees and flowers. Guests are asked to wear shorts and ride bicycles. A trick riding contest will be held during the afternoon. Chil dren are especially requested to wear sun-suits. ' 3 B. CAROLINA A By RAY LOWERY A Young Man's Fancy . CAMPUS caricaturists wept -yesterday as Phillips Russell plucked out his half-century growth of eyebrows. . The Bull's Head, beginning next week, will furnish ice cubes to go in that burning lava which is served each Wed'day afternoon. ... Rex Winslow stood in Bingham hall yes terday and vowed he would never again flunk one of his students. . . . Artie Shaw has been signed to play for the finals. . Lines will no longer form in front of Swain hall after to day. Hereafter the management will simply throw open the doors before each meal and yell, "Come and get it." . After, six votes were taken last night, John Creedy was chosen to edit i the Carolina Mag for another year. . . . The business office is working out an arrangement whereby students next fall will be able to register them selves in the automatic voting ma chines. . . . Dr. Archie Henderson has misplaced his umbrella. . . . Judge Phipps last week fined a Durhamhiker $2.50 for bumming on curb. UNIVERSITY press has expressed dislike for. more books on the nation's No. 1 economic problem and an nounces that from now on only drug store fiction will be published. . i . Voit Gilmore will next week announce once more his candidacy for the edi torship of the Daily Tar Heel. . . . The University Symphony orchestra plans to play for a "jitterbug jam boree" in the Tin Can Monday night. . ''. . The Interfraternity council has set aside tomorrow as "Go-to-Church Day." . . . Prex Graham told scribes last night that this campus suffered from a lack of political speakers. . . . If Horace Williams is not among the deceased this morning, his statement that he would die in March was all wet. . . . Sutton's drug store hopes soon to make its magazines available to everyone. Minnie will be shifted to the sodey fountain and all periodicals (including those on sex) will be put within easy reach. . . . The "Y" nickel odeon was taken apart t'other day and two nickels found among $20 worth of ice cream sticks. CHAPEL HILL Weekly's Louis Graves has a magazine article in "Ken" next week protesting against the practice of editorializing in news paper stories. . . . Dr. E. J. Wood house made it known last night that hereafter his classes may expect, a quiz every Monday morning. . . . Caro lina theater shows will in the future be shown in the Pick, and vice versa. . . . Walter Spearman has just pur chased a toupee. . . . From now on a chicken leg will be dipped in that hot water' which is served for sour, at the infirmary . . . Campus cop John D. Blake has begun taking reducing ex ercises. . . . He has asked the Chief for a bicycle. . . . Preview: Boss Hill, student body prex for next year, sus pends frosh for failing to report to council a hole in his trousers. . . . Bright stoogents will dispose of waste paper in Skipper Coffin's spittoon.. . . . LETTERS To The Editor Postmaster Eubanks declares post of fice is now remaining open until 12 o'clock midnight. ADMINISTRATION has banned use of bicycles on campus walks. '. . . What is so rare as-a smile from Vir ginia? . . . And when you hear Paul Caveness say he feels like a June bride ask him just how a June bride feels. ... House and Bradshaw will fight over the president's chair when Graham makes his headquarters at Puerto' Rico. . ! .Tar Heel staff elec tions are being delayed as long as possible while Stanback and! Harmon experience sleepless nights. . . . Car roll Costello is expected to get the staff nomination . M Harry of Har ry's wants a capable bouncer, having failed at the task of ejecting one of his soaks the other night. STEIN-GIDDENS HITCH ANNOUNCED Happy Couple Plans Defrosting Trip Mrs. J. M. Guldens, of Tallahassee, Fla., has announced the. engagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Virginia Giddens, to Sanford Stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Stein of Woodmere, Long Island. Miss Giddens is a University senior, residing at 315 New Women's dormi tory. Mr. Stein is also enrolled here. The charming couple will make their wedding later. There will be many showers during April for them. Their announcement was the first of a large number anticipated for the forthcoming weeks of the spring quar ter. 1 Both are widely known among their intimate ,f riends. They hold respon sible positions with the Carolina Buc caneer and the Presbyterian church quarterly. "We will spend our honeymoon in a defroster," Stein said. Pugh Receives Honor Carl S. Pugh, headknocker on the Carolina Buccaneer, has been elected Editor of The Open Road for Boys, it was revealed late last night (4 p. m.). "I will feature purity, adventure, and Phyllis Campbell," mumbled Pugh, when located under the first table to the right at Harry's. Thousands Of Jobs Await Graduates (Continued from first page) ficials engaged in its execution, ac cording to Welch. Students interested in applying for positions with the new national in stitution, should make immediate ap plication with the chief executor of the Works Progress administration through the placement bureau. To The Editor, Dear Sir: I feel that the students here We been getting a raw deal long enough. It wasnt bad enough to get up ia the middle of the night to go to an eight thirty class, so now they have sprung something new on us. The Fifth Instance of Immoral Re lations decided to meet here, and as a result we have to be in class at eigh Why must we get up before we have a chance to go to bed and then go to class, when we have been to the IQ. moral Relations conference the night before? Why should we give thera an hour from our daily schedule so that they may have their meetings? If they persist in using our campus and our time again, let us profit by experience and find a method by which we can cope with this force. The time has come! Arise, brave students, arise! Yours truly, Phil I. Busta. House Reported Next President (Continued from first page) roll, and Professors W. E. Caldwell, E. J. Woodhouse, and E. L. Mackie have been mentioned as possible can didates for the presidency. C. W. Gilmore Signed By CPU (Continued from first page) the skunk-in-the-basement type." JUST DRIFTWOOD Gilmore will tell of his life on a raft, drifting in the seven seas with stops at Borneo, Ceylon, Hoboken, Panama, Rio, Cape Horn, and Agnes Scott. In announcing plans for the egg rolling contest, Voit Gilmore has stat ed that the eggs will be rolled off Chapel Hill down to the ABC store. Coeds have been requested to fur nish the eggs and are asked to lay them on Tempe Newsom's desk in the YMCA. X All entrants for the contest must register in 304 Graham Memorial not later than midnight of the same day. Participants do so at their own risk. Keep In Trim o Bowling Carolina Next To Hill Bakery TODAY Mickey Rooney in "HUCKLEBERRY FINN" Also Comedy Novelty Sun.-Mon. Pick Theatre TODAY J Rsdtaacaacripplsdshipatsea! JUsoys ifscks, a typhoon roaring; i bslow.low 2nd fcats-asd MUTINY! f VICTOR CHlSTCt llffrtAGLBH.lORRlS V.IKDY tmxtt'lM ALAX RALE I EAS3Y FTrZCALD j i Sunday .n 1 1 3