PAGE TWO THE DAILY TAB SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 19 The'cSdal cwaper cf the Carolina Publications Union of the University cl North Carolina at Chapel HOI, where it is printed daily except Mondays, and the Thanksgiving; Christmas and Spring Holidays. Entered as second class matter at the post ofSce at Chapel Hill, N. C, under act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price, $3X0 for, the college year. 1939 Member 1940 Plssocided GoHe&ale Press Martin Harmon Morris W. Rosenberg Willi am Ogburn . . Larry Ferling ., Squeaks clnd Squawks By You C5 National Advertid: Service, Inc. Callttt PmblhhenRgprtttntstim 420 Madison Ave New York. N. Y. Editosiai. Wettebs: Ed Rankin, Don bishop, Bill Snider, Frank Holeman. EEP02TESS: Bill Rhodes Weaver, Louis Harris, Doris Goerch, Dorothy Coble, Zoe Young, Grady' Reagan, Bucky Harward, Dick Young, Campbell Irving, Gene Williams, Sanford Stein, Philip Carden, Vivian Gillespie. Columnists : Adrian Spies, Johnny Anderson, Mack Hobson, Ben Roebuck. Dear Sir: Last quarter, the Buccaneer -was burned, for being more salacious than was acceptable by the Baptist element Editor I our conimune; this quarter, the pub- Managing Editor!" . umuua vro- Tfn,;,, Mnr,nrlima Sazine is being countenanced Circulation Manager ?e student the adminis- uauvu. Aiagng me dock renews Was a review of Sister Madeleva's book of poetry. The reviewer, a Miss Bates, as she signs herself, took offense at Sister Madeleva's profoundly religious works. She-condemns it as being inane and advises a nun to go "out" and get kicked around in this unorthodox world enough to fall for somebody be sides Jesus." We can only hope that Miss Bates is not typical of young Christian- American womanhood. Obviously Miss - TRACK STAR Technical Staff . News Enrrcss: Carroll McGaughey, Charles Barrett, Rush Hamrick. " Night Spcsts Editors: Leonard Lobred, Fred Cazel, Orville Campbell. Desxmex: Edward Prizer. Bob Thomas, Sylvan Meyer. Sports Staff RrrosTXSS: William L. Beerman, Richard Morris. Harry Hollingswortb, I tesjid not realize the enormity of Jerry Stoff , Jack Saunders. . Circulation Assistant Manaczs: Jack Holland. Office: Bradford McCuen, Larry Dale, D. T. HalL her offense. Since no young girl could be so steeped in corruption and sunken in sin and iniquity as to involve the Prince of Peace in so sordid a liason. We should like to ask if Miss Bates is a member of the Amreican Student Union? Or perhaps she is merely re flecting the un-American, Godless- Communistic doctrines which pervade EOSJZONTAL 3, 6 Famous distance runner. 11 Shaded retreat 12 Regions. 1$ Shrewd. 14 Stocking mar. 15 Made of oatmeaL 16 Savory meat jelly." 18 Road. 19Morindin dye. 20 Yes. 23 To be imminent. 26 Unbleached color. 29 Salt of malic add. 31 Dark red. 33 Supplications. ?5 A pattering. 36 Within. 37 One that is ruined. 38 Railroad. 39 To gladden. 42 Cuttlebone. 46 Olive shrub. Anrwer to Previses Pente 47Periodl 43 One time. 51 Piccolo. 52 Act of aidint 54 Sound. 56 is his native land. 57 He broke many running VERTICAL 1 Father. 2 Alms box 3 To project 4 Elector. 5 Kind of lava. 6 Pertaining to the nose. , 7 Coffee pots. 8 To harvest 9 Wise men. 10 Exists. 15 He was the -., greatest of his 51 Preposition. lSTo?estC23. 21 To merit 22Wing. 24To be absorbed. 25 Half an em. 25 Epoch. 27 To capture. 23 To Jbellow. 30 Affirmative vote.' 32 Preposition. 34 Contemptible. 35 To annoy. 39 Group ol plants: 40 Part of foot 41 Each. 43 Italian river. 44 In. , 45 Acidity. 46 Kimono sash. 48 Natural . - power. 50 To finish. Willi I Church land's runners. 17 He won the cross . i running honors. 52 Indefinite article. 53 Musical cote. 55 Term in - electricity. Business Staff Local Advertising Managzss: Jimmy Schleifer, Bill Bruner, Andrew Gennett Local Advertising Assistants: Sinclair Jacobs, Rufos Shelkoff, Tom Nash, I the so-called "young intellectuals" of Jack Dube, Buck Osborne, Steve Reiss, Leigh Wilson, Bill Stanback, Bob our day. When I compare this thought- McNaughton, Lanaon Koberts, U. U. .Brewer, aiorty uiman, Aivm raier-ness the &entie sisters who so0- I quietly go about their diurnal duties Durham Advertising Manager: Bill Schwartz. 1 I of mercy and adoration, I am reminded Collections Manages: Phil Haigh. Collections Staff: Morty Golby, Parke Staley, Mary Susan Robertson, Mary Ann Koonce, Elinor Elliot, Millicent McKendry. Office Staff: Grace Rutledge, Sarah Nathan, Oren Oliver, Bill Vail. For This Issue: News: CARROLL McGAUGHEY PULP AND SAP Tub-Thumping Syncopated Ever since Europe became a battleground again back in September, the Raleigh News and Observer has carried a note in italic print on the front page which runs something like this: "Each reader should know that all waj news is subjected to strict censorship; therefore some reports may not contain all the facts, or may contain facts which have been greatly embellished." While those are not the exact words, the meaning is much the same. And the News and Observer's note might well be substituted on the front page of your student daily, with the possible insertion of "political" war. Provided election date is set at April 18 (the date recommended by the Ways and Means commit tee), less than three weeks re main before the first test. It is quite possible that the entrance of a third political entity may put the first election day in the class of a primary. At any rate, you students, voters, who are interested in elections only from the voter's standpoint, will be bombarded with an ever-increasing barrage of political pulp, both in the hand bill form and from this news paper. It will be well to remember that each piece of literature is care fully prepared by a council of verbal war interested in creating the best possible impression for Joe Whosis. It will also bear re membering that subtle "barbs" -at opponents are often included. If you're a sincere voter, you'll not be deceived by the rave no tices of tub-thumpers. If you can't extricate the gold from the dross, you might try to get to know the candidates. Sports: LEONARD LOBRED material available. It is theirs, put there for their enjoyment or education. Even after these periodicals have yielded their places on the of the words of the Holy Father when I He said, "Let the scoffers beware, for the monasteries and the convents of I Mother Church are the strongholds of sanctity..." "We sincerely hope that Miss Bates i will see the error of her iconoclastic ways, before it is too lateC Very sincerely yours, ' Mrs. E. P. Achelley I 2 i T" 5"" la""" 7 9 S"- fi - -j -', " -- ; 7 " ion .am MMBI S I vr-- j 16 17 j l , - ' :o 1 WTWT p 14 I l25 I fe.27 5 to " Vi 55 ! r 39j4o U 42" 6 M H5 17?8 W ' 50" H I 1 1 I I t:H 1111 II Zoology Department (Continued from first page) T 1 XI ? J? I sneives oi me mam reaamg room of the floors in the building are as to Others Of later date, many Of Iphalt tile and the walls of the labora- them move to permanent abodes I0"63 are of cement blocks. These in the library stacks. are two f f the a ids in makin& the stmc- I ine eiitneiy Aireprooi, one oi memany .Frequently, however, When improvements over the old quarters One goes to read a current maga-1 of the department in Davie Hall. zine, he finds it has been removed I The building includes 69 classrooms, stolen, if you like by SOmelaDs offices, and service rooms, and fellow-user of the library. Or he iw ngs may added' r j II ,,. ,. am j. I Half of the building cann6t be used may find the publication mutilat-Lf - nra. , ed by an earlier reader. 0f enough money to sufficiently equip We are told both these prac-1 the classrooms and laboratories with tices removing or damaging I microscopes. During this quarter no fViD i;v.w I more students can be taken care of vvmiiivu bAi mama. cx J " O About the only way to stop them ground FLOOR is to appeal to the Students' sense On the ground floor, in addition to Of honesty and respect for his the auditorium and museum lobby, fellows. This, it seems, should be there are four laboratories with ser sufficient appeal to the supposed r? rms fr h: f beginning high-type individuals enrolled m floor includes a large library and the Sunday Radio Class (Continued from first page) the University. MISUSE Torn Papers, Torn To Scraps Into the library of the Univer sity come hundreds of periodi cals newspapers, magazines, and other current literature. Theoretically, at least 3,700 stu dents, as well as several hundred faculty members, must have this BIRTHDAYS (Students having birthdays may get free tickets, to the movies by calling by the boxoffice of the Car olina theater.) Britt, Gary Isham Hamrick, Alton B. N Harrill, Julius S., Jr. Johnson, Glenn Hays Leiserman, Lee McColl, Duncan Donald Svigals, .Morton Paul Trant, Jean Walther, Don H. YESTERDAY Early, David Ernest Evenson, Kenneth Norman Freudenheim, RichardvH. Glicksberg, Aaron Baer Hinsdale, Charles Edwin Menius, Mary Gail , Meyers, Frederick Nelson, Lloyd Steadman Noble, Baxter Gardner Norman, Winf ord Walter v Peete, William Pettway Jones Rains, Durward Frank Smith, Amos Hedrick Van Dyke, William Deaderick Campus Mourners (Continued from first page) have a good time with their best friends and carry on what has start ed to be a jolly old American cus tom. It's just asking too much. After all, they're Carolina coeds! They didn't come to a school with such a large male student body to ask for dates once a year in the spirit of good fun and fellowship -they came to be asked and rushed and flattered into thinking them selves much .better than what they realize they are!" administrative offices of the zoology department. This floor also boasts a seminar room, two' large labs, and two staff laboratories. The entire third floor is a research floor for graduate students and staff members. The floor is made up entirely of staff lab oratories and individual cubicals for graduate students. One of the outstanding features of the building is a vivarium in the base ment. It is a room which extends out beyond the building proper and in which live material is kept. It is equipped with a glass roof, giving light and warmth to the land animals and marine life kept there. SMAI.T. PRV This project was only part of an immense building program being car ried on in the Greater University. Of the total expense of $6,200,000 the Chapel Hill unit received more than $3,500,000. . The program here includ ed Woollen Gym, the new medical building, the not yet completed power j plant, the addition to Carolina Inn, the graduate student apartments, six dor mitories, and the Zoology building along with the renovating of the Alumni building, Gerrard hall, Bynum Gym, and Caldwell hall, The University could not have car ried through such a project with the help from the State and PWA alone On thenstruction at Chapel Hill the State put up 18 cents out of every dol lar and PWA gave 45 cents on the dol Iar. The remaining amout needed was provided by the University. ROUND FIGURES In round figures the State of North Carolina has spent only $746,000 to secure the construction which is near completion at the University. 'This year it has already been shown greatly needed, but in this early stage graetly needed, but in this early stage they have been used to almost full ca pacity," stated G. M. Hill, assistant business manager of the University, ! who is in charge of the PWA work at Roeder, Betty Smith, Bob Finch, Wei der Sievers, Sanford Reece, Mrs Rob ert J. Wherry, Eleanor Jones, Zora Neal Hurston (the Negro novelist and author of "Moses, Man of the Mountain"), Carolina Cram, Walter Spearman, and Jimmy Clark. After the plays have been read by the authors and criticized by the class, the better ones are selected for ex perimental production and, if good enough, for presentation over the Sat urday afternoon coast-to-coast broad cast. PRODUCTION CLASS The production class, directed by Wynn, is concerned chiefly with the less literary side of radio -announc ing, acting, sound effects, music tran sition, etc. The members of this group get their practical experience by broadcasting the Playmakers of the Air plays, in addition to other pro grams originating in the University studio. Originally, there was a special con tinuity-writing class, directed by Phil hps Russell and Walter Spearman, but because of a lack of interest it was discontinued. However, Wynn said, if enough interest in this phase of radio is shown, the class will be revived. In a brief interview yesterday, Wynn deplored the lack of time which can be devoted to the classes, saying that until a regular course in radio work is placed on the curriculum the aims of the University Extension Division, which set up the studio and organized the class, can not be ful filled. . The department has already begun making plans for next year's work. According to Wynn, the fall and win ter quarters will be devoted to the writing and experimental production of plays by members of the class, and t during the spring term twelve of the best will be broadcast, one a week as this year, over the Mututal's national hookup. Wynn stressed, the fact that these weekly classes are not temporary, but will be a lasting project, leading to bigger and better things for the Uni versity m the field of radio broad casting. Hubbard Releases r (Continued from first page) honor system never shown before." Winstead won the intramural 112 pound championship his freshman year and then proceeded to earn let ters in boxing for four straight years. Last year as a junior he won the Southern Conference 129-pound-crown and fought in the national intercol-1 Sixteen ailing students were housed in the infirmary yesterday: Walter Waerner. Harrv Ballard: legiate tournament. He was elected j Courtland Dawson, Clifford Turtle, Sunday worship services at larval TTJ11 VTJT'T".i tfcJa WAt. . las follows: at the United church rw W. J. McKee will talk on "The ished Task Continuing the Work ar Mission of Jesus" at 11 o'clock. Th congregation will participate ia tb University service, at which Dr. Y. z. Koo will speak, at Hill Music ball a 8 o'clock. At the Methodist church, Rev. j Marvin Culbreth will talk on "For ward" at the morning service. At the Baptist church, Rev. Gaylcri P. Albaugh will speak on "Be Your self." Judge Robert Winston will ccc duct student forum on "Is Religion Worth While" at 7 o'clock. The Fred Smith BYPU, led by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, will meet in the church library at 7 o'clock. At the Presbyterian church, Dr. Donald H. Stewart will speak on "Lit. ing with a Purpose" at the mornic? service, lea will oe servea at the manse from 4 to 5 o'clock. At the Episcopal church, Rev. A. S. Lawrence will conduct morning serv ices. At Graham Memorial, a Friends' meeting will be held at 11 o'clock. At Gerrard hall, Father Francis Morrissey will conduct Mass at 11 o'clock. Confessions will be heard be fore Mass. Board Will Examine Prospective Pilots The Flying Cadet examining board for the Fourth Corps area of the United States army, which visited the University last fall, will make an other visit' during the week of April 22 to the 27 to give information and make appointments with students in terested who were not able to appear before the board in the fall. The purpose of the board is to se lect candidates from the University for flying training in the United States army air corps. So many students applied for in formation or appointments last fall that in the short time available the board was unable to handle all cf the applicants. Among: Those Ailing co-captain of the team this year. DORM PRESIDENT A resident of Manly dormitory for two years, he is president of the dor mitory this year and a member of the Interdormitory Council. He is also on the senior class executive committee and was recently elected as one of the senior dance leaders for the junior-senior dances. Upon accepting the managership, Winstead stated: "I have known Ed ever since he has been in school here, red Berdan, Benjamin Koonce, Al ton Hamrick, Zennie Riggs, Stanley Fuchs, Hora Crowe, F. L. Johnson, James Sims, Junius Hardin, James Kirkpatrick, Raymond Fox and Sher man Hubbard. and I have observed in him all the qualifications necessary for the of fice. Strongly believing the reform policies of -the Carolina Party, I con sider it a privilege to manage Ed's campaign. I NOW PLAYING tHESE CAUS.. . .c. - -nw - - z mean Koo To Deliver (Continued from first page) ca. He nas recently returned . from China and Japan. Dr. Koo is a frequent visitor to American colleges as an interpreter of tne unnstian religion. The nublic is invited to near him speak. 4 the University. The entire program with the ex ception of Woollen Gym has been com pleted within the past two years The new power plant is not yet readv for . X 1 A - operauon, dui is expected to be within the next 90 days. so iw that ...C.;-avef twice niS0,flr;" lS hotel for the same, evcitin9 new loveli1 mm 3 .' r'"' i 21" with ; J - 1 Lynn Bari Mary Beth Hughes Joan Davis Henry Wilcoxon Also Novelty "TEDDY rHE ROUGH RIDER" Latest News Events Sunday-Monday VIRGINIA dTY"