OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CAROLINA PUBLICATIONS UNION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Published daily except Mondays, Examination periods and the Thanks giving, Christmas and Spring holi days. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Chapel Hill, N. C-, tinder act of March 3, 1879. 1940 Mftnber 1941 Fhsockfed Cc&e&de Press , wtwtmiTio pom mtwmu ovmriMM mr National Advertising Service, Inc. College nubUibcn RtprtiettUtivt 420 Madison Ave. ' New York, N. Y. ckcv ormm im mnw Urn Tumt mi:. Subscription Bates $1.50 One Quarter $3.00 One Teal All signed articles and columns art t opinions of the writers themselves' and do not necessarily reflect the - opinion of the Daily Taj He fx. For This Issue: News: BOB HOKE Sports: BILL WOESTENDIEK NORTH CAROLINA Obyuxe Campbell Sylvan Metes : William Schwartz Henry Zaytoun : : Harry Symmes ... ' ,',,, JEditor Jdanaging Editor eBusiness Manager .Acting Circulation Manager Associate Editor Editorial Board: Bucky Harward, Mac Norwood, Henry Moll, Bill Seeman, Bill Peete, W. T. Martin, Billy Pearson. Columnists: Marion Lippincott, Walter Damtoft, Harley Moore, Elsie Lyon, Herman Lawson, Brad McEwen, Tom Hammond. News Editors: Bob Hoke, Paul Komisaruk, Ernie Frankel, Hayden Carruth. Assistant News: A. D. Currie. Reporters: Jimmy Wallace, Billy Webb, Larry Dale, Charles Kes&Ier, Burke Shipley, Elton Edwards, Mike Beam, Walter Klein, Westy Fenhagen, Gene Smith, Morton Cantor, Bob Levin, Nancy Smith, Lois Ann Markwardt, Jule Phoenix. Photographer: Hugh Morton. Cartoonist: Tom Biebigheiser. Assistant Photographer: Tyler Nourse. Sports Editor: Harry Hollingsworth. Night Sports Editors: Earle Hellen, Mark Garner, Bill Woestendiek. Sports Reporters: Ben Snyder, Stud Gleicher, Jean Beeks. Advertising Managers: Jack Dube, Bill Stanback, Ditzi Buice. Durham Representatives: Marvin Rosen; Bob Bettman. Local Advertising Staff: Jimmy N orris, Buddy Cummings, Richard Wiseberg, Charlie Weill, Betty Booker, Bill Collie, Jack Warner, Stan Legum, Dick Kerner. Office Staff: Bob Crews, Eleanor Soule, Jeannie Hermann, Bob Covington. " Typist: Hilah Ruth Mayer. , Circulation Staff: Hank Hankins, Larry Goldrich, Rachel Dalton. 1 he Daily Opinions 1 ar Irlee Columns r'"iw3i fi I acje o Letters Features merrv-go-round . . music THE SUNbAY LETTER... In Which We Point Out All That Money Can Buy Nothing has been done about the Tar Heel's proposal that the Junior and Senior class bud gets be revamped. We have stated several times now that the expenditure of 4,000.00 on the Junior-Senior Dances is at this time wasteful, foolish, and inadvisable in light of National De fense. And we have asked that the 4,000.00 (combined appropriation from the two budgets for the Junior-Senior week-end) be reduced to 1,500.00 and that the balance of 2,500.00 be devoted to some worthwhile cause. There are many reasons for this suggestion, all of them quite obvious. One does not need to be a "social reformer" to see them; moreover, the Junior and Senior class heads have admitted the reasonableness of our suggestions. But they protest that the 4,000.00 was assessed from the Juniors and Seniors for the dance week-end and that it would be a breach of faith to cut the 4,000.00. We insist, however, that the real breach of faith occurs when 4,000.00 is spent on a college dance while millions of other Ameri cans are sacrificing money, time, and their lives . for the war effort of this country. This war is a. cooperative endeavor. The most significant fact is that the week-end ' expenditure does not stop at 4,000.00, because that much more will be spent by Juniors and Sen iors who will have dates to entertain, clothes to be cleaned, and food and refreshments to buy. Hence, we may say that the week-end activities will amount to 10,000.00 or more. We want the Junior-Senior week-end to be a BIG week-end, but we believe that it can be done for much less mon ey. The expense of the week-end will have little to do with the spirit of it. Another objection to the cut which we have proposed is that there does not seem to be any thing to do with the money left over. But let us take a look: (1) One and probably two Red Cross nurses could be maintained for a year on $2,500.00, eith er in this country or abroad. And the Red Cross is desperately asking for contributions. (2) Five or six boys and girls stricken with Infantile' Paralysis could be sent to Warm Springs for treatment. It might mean that they could walk again. (3) The USO and other service organizations would be glad to have every cent contributed for the recreation of soldiers, sailors, and marines. (4) The government is urging nil citizens to buy Defense Savings Stamps ana Bonds. This is one of the best possible investments and helps put the common cause, (5) These bonds could be presented to some organization or agency on the campus for im provements. At maturity they would yield much more than an outright contribution. , (6) The bonds could be presented to the Uni versity administration for scholarships and loan funds. They could be given to the University li brary for the buying of books and for lighting improvements, to the dormitories for social room funds, to the Music department for records and better record playing facilities, to the Art de partment for art exhibits. This campus needy list is endless. We urge the Junior and Senior Budget Com mittees and Class" Heads either to present new budgets with a combined amount of 1,500.00 for, Junior-Seniors, or to make a poll of all Jun iors and Seniors to sound out their opinion on this matter. We believe that most Juniors and Seniors feel that 4,000.00 is too much to spend on one dance week-end and that the Junior and Senior class heads are mistaken jn supposing that they would object to our suggested cut. We would like to see Sam Gambill and Bill McKinnon begin to do something definite about this matter. - Stuart Cramer, representative of the National Association of Manufacturers, said yesterday at a CPU-ISS Conference that every person in America must cut out all expenditures which are not spent for necessities or for the prosecution of the war effort. We warmly second Mr. Cramer's statement, and we think that unless the Juniors and Seniors and the Junior and Senior class heads wake up to this fact and cut down their budgets that they will be committing a breach of faith and an act of disloyalty. If the issue is faced squarely, there is no doubt as to what should be done about the Junior-Senior Dance week-end. OFF HAND . . . - . By Tom Hammond THE FRUITS OF PREJUDICE Gene Talmadge, that funny old devil down in Georgia, has got a lot of publicity for himself and jthe Peach State by his liell-raising with the Geor gia university system. Old Gene figured things were getting mighty dull down his way, so he gave his red galluses a snap, bit off a big chaw of tobacco, and fired a few "nigger-loving" teach ers. The state colleges were kicked off the ac credited lists, Gene got his pictures in v all the papers, and everybody had something to talk about. Some excitement. Intelligent people all over the South shook their heads, ashamed that one of our states should have a governor who holds narrow preju dices against the Negro race. The Talmadge fi asco has more significance, however, than the fact that Southern politicians are queer critters. Governor Talmadge raised the race issue not because of any personal hatred for the Negro race, but because it is good Southern politics to do so. The lamentable fact is not just that a Southern governor persecutes the Negro race, but the fact that he can win the political sup port from his Southern colleagues by doing so. Talmadge proves once more that the masses of Southern people are guilty of race hatred, and that this race hatred can result in dire political consequences. As long as poor Southern whites believe above all else in keeping the Negro underfoot, Talmadge and other demagogues can get away with any kind of tyranny if they do it in the name of white supremacy. Talmadge launched his attack on the assumption of Southern ignorance and prejudice, with the knowledge that by shouting loudly enough the slogan of white supremacy he could dictate, destroy and punish at will. Hitler used the same techniques with Jews as his victims. "" 0 Determination to keep the Negro in his place has helped to keep the South in its place at the bottom. The race complex growing put of the Civil War and Reconstruction explains the fact that the South is still largely a colonial possession of the nation, disregarded except for purposes of exploitation. Our votes are already signed, sealed and delivered to the Democratic Party. In order to disfranchise the Negro we have had to dis franchise ourselves. The situation in Georgia proved that political sanity and educational freedom are constantly in danger from the interracial fallacies and phobias in the minds of Southern people. The best de fense against such a threat is sound educational effort to replace these mistaken attitudes with factual, fair-minded opinion. If the South is to cast out its demagogues and take its political place in the nation, if educational freedom is to be a reality, if we are to have at home the de mocracy that we f iffht for abroad, race preju dice and race injustice must be kicked out along with Talmadge and the rest of his kind. --. By Paul Komisaruk And Ernie Frankel A few weeks ago the Durham Sun printed a retraction of an article whkh had innocently given away the secret of a three-way deal between the Army, private industry and Chapel Hill's sleepy neighbor, Carrboro. The first story, bearing a ribbon streamer, disclosed plans for a mu nitions plant to be set-up in Carrboro by a national concern and financed by the War department. At the time of publication it is almost certain that some such plans were being formu lated. Residents of the town, anticipating a prosperity boom, immediately jack ed prices on their homes, and all real estate surrounding the old Carrboro mills. A munitions plant there would have meant jobs for at least 150 na tive residents, a high wage scale, railroad activities, and the almost certain possibility of expansion. The War department is known to have favored such an arrangement because of the available supply of cheap and intelligent labor. Company representatives, sent to investigate, found in order to comply with saf ty regulations no inhabited dwelling could be within 1000 yards of the plant. Consequently, homes in the vicinity, previously valued at $500, jumped to unheard of prices prices which would make the cost prohibi tive. The Durham Sun told of 'a muni tions plant in Carrboro. The War department turned down the plans. Reason : "Too close to the coast of North Carolina." The Sun retraction followed this announce ment. A town in Pennsylvania, in relatively the same position of danger spots that Carrboro is, received the plant. Under the right of emminent do main, the War department could have bought the land at a price set by the courts, and could have then built and operated the plant. However, in choosing to deal with private indus try, the home owners were free to set their own price on their property without interference from the courts. The skyrocketed prices discouraged the concern, and they took their plans elsewhere. The plan, however, is not dead. In the next few days, news from Carrboro is expected to reveal that new negotiations are underway for a munitions plant of some sort this time with a different governmental department. , ' It is expected, that should these plans materialize Carrboro residents ... will see the value of adopting a long range view in regard to war industry. Over a longer period of time, Carr boro will feel a definite surge of pros perity, if the plants are established. The University's attitude has been one of reserve and caution, and no off icial reaction, positive or negative, . . has come from South building. keyboard . . . By Walter Klein LAW PROFESSION GETS STREAMLINED : Relatives of Wil liam Ackland are bringing suit a gainst Ackland's will executors. Get this : the brief of the main suit starts off thus "COMES NOW with the case of. ..." Come now, your Honor. ... In IRC's faculty round table for um Wednesday night, Dean House asked Dean Bradshaw if he could smoke. Bradshaw made this come back: "Where there's fire there should be smoke." . . . Edna O'Hair asked Ardis Kipp for a five letter word for something that "swings back and forth, not a pendulum." Kipp says how about "Metronome?" "That's too big," retorts O'Hair. "Well, there are little metronomes, aren't there?" Oh, hunger. WARNING: The six-foot, auburn haired student who unlocked another student's Manly dorm room the other night and was caught in the act of attempted, theft had better leave Chapel Hill quickly because he will be nabbed next time the Manly student sees him. Chapel Hill police also have a complete description of him. Sir Henry Moll is preparing for an all-out showdown in the mag combi nation situation. And he has even more than two aces and a laugh up his sleeve. ... In last year's summer session the University allowed no un excused cuts from any classes. We hope there'll be some changes made in the new summer catalog if Carolina wants a big summer session this year. By Brad McCuen Somewhere on this campus sits a thief who has just had the Curse of Roweka passed upon him. He has, at the most, two years yet to live on this earth. The curse was first start ed by the Indians of the Mohawk tribe who used it to cause misfortune to come to an unknown thief.; Within , a two-year period the curse will bring death, in a very unpleasant manner, to the victim. One history book says that the curse has never failed yet. This time the curse is placed upon the grand guy who robbed Nick Cru der of his 36 in the locker room of the gym this Thursday. Nick, who plays for Freddy Johnson, is working his way through school. The fellow who took the money has only two years yet to live with a horrible death to climax it with. Darned clever, these Indians. O When we started writing this col umn we made up our minds that we would not make anyone mad, as do some of the other columns. But we went and done it anyway! We called the Sound and Fury's production a miscarriage in last Tuesday's column; We did not mean this in any degradi tory manner because we are sure that 9 months of good solid work have gone into "Bagdad Daddy." ",.;".' " HOT- NOTES: "Blues in the Night" has 9 different recorded ver sions on the market. Artie Shaw first put it on wax in late September and Jimmy Lunceford, Benny Good man, Judy Garland, Woody Herman, Harry James, Cab Calloway, Charlie Barnet, and Dinah Shore followed. It took the tune four months to catch on. . . . "Remember Pearl Harbor" by Sammy Kaye was the largest sell ing record the country over last week. . . . Glenn Miller was appointed Hon orary Mayor of Chattanooga, Tenn. in connection with the Choo-Choo hit. . . . Cab Calloway rides the radio Bandwagon tonight at 7:30. ... Tom my Dorsey's new movie had its title changed from "I'll Take Manila" to "Ship Ahoy." . . . Alvino Key and the King Sisters are featured in RKO's "Sing Your Worries Away" which will hit local screens in late February. . . . Dean Hudson, well known maestro in these parts, leaves his band at the end of next week for Fort McClellan where he will be Sec ond Lieutenant Brown. His band will continue with one of the present members fronting it. . . . Will Brad ley and his drummer, Ray McKinley, will split up their band. The group that plays here will be scrapped. Both will organize new bands. t RECORD OF THE WEEK: Glenn Miller's "President's Birthday Ball" leads this week over a rather dull bunch of new releases. This opus has a nice lift, good rhythm, and a ; competent vocal by the Modernairs. The proceeds from the sale of this record go to the March of Dimes com mittee which is a darn good cause. (Bluebird) entertainment . . . MOVIES TODAY: (C) Johnny Eager; Robert Taylor, Lana Turner. 1 :0O, ' 3:03, 5:06, 9:00. (P) 12:45, 2:34, 4:37,8:45. MONDAY: (C) Johnny Eager. (P) Blondie Goes to College. TUESDAY: (C) Sullivan's Travels; Veronica Lake, Joel McCrea. (P) Strange Cargo. SPORTS TUESDAY: Basketball Freshmen vs. Hanes HS 7:00. Varsity vs. Davidson 8:30. RADIO TODAY 3:00 UNC Round Table (WRAL, Post-War Forum ( WOR) v Sherlock Holmes (WPTF) MONDAY 2:30 W. T. Couch: Consequences of Nazi Victory (WDNC, WBIG) 2:45 News of Week at Carolina (WDNC, WBIG) TUESDAY 10:00 Bob Hope (WPTF) DANCES MONDAY to FRIDAY: Free danc ing and bridge contests in Air Raid Cellar in Graham Memorial Grill annex, 8:30-10:30. Violin, 'cello, piano con cert. Main lounge, Graham Me morial, 5:00. DISCUSSIONS TUESDAY: Philosophy, lecture-forum; Nationalism; Dr. M. B. Gar rett. 8:00, Gerrard hall. Modern Architecture and Interiors exhibition. Free, Person hall, 10:00 AM. CAROLINA THEATRE DURHAM, N. a TUE. NITE, FEB. 3 IN PERSON ON THE STAGE OLSEtl & I0HHS0H present Ok SCREAMLINED REVUE f.C nsawssmmc r A GENUINE FULL-LENGTH BROADWAY MUSICAL COMPANY OF 100 PERSONS HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY CHORUS PRICES XNCh. GOV. TAX 1st Floor S3.S0 A S2.75 Me. $2.75 lit. BL $2.20 & $1.65 CoL Sec. $U0 MAIL ORDERS NOW! Enclose check or money-order payable to the Carolina Theatre, with self addressed and stamped enrelope tor return of tickets. vf 1 n mmmm 1 1 it m u 1 J J mm m -ma, ii II I 3 S T R A mm. AND 0 R C !! E FEATURING AMERICA'S GREATEST MUSICAL DRUMMER" SATURDAY FEB. 7 9-12 P.M. TIN CAN GRAIL-INTERDORM DANCE INFORMAL $uo : - mm

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