r.vf Editorials Headlines No Peace of Blind Half-Way Mark For the War Carolina Wins Aekla&d Case Nears New Draftees Will Wait -THE OLDEST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH- VOLUME L Bosineu : 88S7; Circulation : 9886 CHAPEL HILL, N. C SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1942 Editorial: 4356; News: 4351; Kiffht: 6?06 NUMBER 103 Carolina Wins AAU Swim Meet With fur f dlJ5Tf? I JS MIX ts Last Minute Details Hurried Monday's Draftees To Wait for Ca Churchill Meets Strong Opposition From Public; Demand New Officers For UNC Stand in Will Case Ackland Bequest Contest Reaches Courts Shortly Counsels for the University and the State of North Carolina, former Governor Oliver Max Gardner and law partner Fred Morrison, are making last min ute preparations in the Washing ton, D. C, District Court for their intervention in the $1,395,- 400 Ackland will case, scheduled for a hearing within 15 days. Complete text of Carolina's inter vention in the suit has been received The University will endeavor to se cure the estate for the establishment of an art school and building at Chap el Hill. Collection Public Carolina's attorneys will make the first point that art treasures collected bv the late William Hayes Ackland are entirely suitable for exhibition in a public memorial. Relatives of Ack land, who brought the original suit, have already maintained that the col lection is private property that would not benefit the general public. Charity in Mind Secondly, it will be maintained, Ack land had only charitable and educa tional purposes in mind when he made hi two wills. The first will gave Duke University first preference to the mon ey, Carolina second, and Rollins col lege third. The second will voided the first and named Duke the only recipi ent of the money. But then Duke was forced to refuse the fortune because trustees of the Duke Endowment might threaten to freeze Duke's 40 See ACKLAND CASE, page U Draft AgeUNC Students To Register Tomorrow . At Memorial Hall Desks Carolina students who are 20 years or older will register for selective ser vice tomorrow. Memorial hall, designated place of registration, will be open from 7 AM to 9 PM. Several desks will be kept open at all times, and students will be registered alphabetically. Mr. S. W. J. Welch guarantees no waiting. For the convenience of students whose home residence is outside Orange county arrangements have been made whereby they may register here and their blanks will be set to their home draft boards. Students Excused Four hundred and fifty of Carolina's men will register tomorrow. The Ad ministration has provided 20 clerks and advisers to facilitate the speedy registry of all these men, and it is See REGISTRATION, page k r . if . if ii if ' r - v ' """" t--r3 y "'jl' i "','' - If- if ill 1 1 II i m m 1 1 ii 1 1 - WrtVia&vftYrt'h'dift' - - i n i inriTl n itiWi iVifr TUWWl aVWrtftWyiHywyfrlOWl WiWfflTM&nAT By United Press WASHINGTON War department selective service officials decided today that the 9,000,000men registering this week end will be called up for induction into the armed services only after their local boards have exhausted existing lists. LONDON Prime Minister Winston Churchill tonight headed into the worst storm of his government career. The press and public platform resounded with the mind that he wields the axe on deadwood and that he should put "ruthless men" devoted only to total effort toward victory into high posts. LIVINGSTON B. ROGERSON, business manager of the University, is head-of the joint town-gown defense set-up which has been worked out between the village and the campus. Rogerson recently rounded out 20 years of service to the University. Rogerson Heads Local Unit Of Civilian Defense Office Livingston B. Rogerson. who has served the University of North Carolina in many varied and important capacities in his 20 years here, finds himself tn a new and unique role these days. The business manager of the Chapel Hill unit is also Coordinator of the Office of Civilian Defense here. " The local set-up is said to be unique in several ways. One is the tie-up be tween town and campus. Another is; the obligation of protecting the state's students and property as well as local citizens. And another is that the Uni versity serves as a center and model in many respects for the rest of the state. In addition to the customary air, po lice and fire protection divisions, the joint University-Chapel Hill office has launched ambitious programs of con servation and of training in first aid, nursing, nutrition, and other important fields. The University also operates a cen ter of information and training for Civilian Morale for the whole state, and its program of research and train ing for defense is said -to be one of the broadest among universities. In his duties as assistant controller and town defense coordinator, Roger son is the key-man in both town and campus set-ups. And among the three programs University, defense and morale he is about the busiest man in the University village these days. Rogerson came to the University in See ROGERSON, page U Girl of Many States Montgomery, Coed Artist, Pens S&F Poster Lovelies By Billy Webb Anne Montgomery, who pens the cur vacious Oriental females beautifying Sound and Fury "Bagdad Daddy" pub licity, has attended school in New York, Texas, California, Kansas, Ohio, and North Carolina. She was born in Ok lahoma. Her home is now in Wash ington, D. C. Talented and versatile in the "arts," she paints, cartoons, sculpts, and writes, although she declares that the only thing worthwhile she has written was stolen from her and never9 pub lished. , Possessing a mild reputation for work as a sculptress, she has had seV eral statues displayed in Ohio art ex hibits. Her work was acclaimed and pictures of the pieces were published in a Columbus, Ohio daily. Liking "horses better than people because they are more beautiful," most of her carving deals with equinine themes. Her father, a Colonel in the army dealing with soldier morale, is responsible for her interest in horses, teaching her to ride as soon as she learned to walk. Drawing is an inherent ability, she believes, and no amount of classroom education can create talent. Never theless," she adds, "if the girls I draw were real, they would be ugly and un photographic." Having cartooned very little before coming to Carolinaj she became in terested in brush and India ink through Tom Biebigheiser, Tar an' Feathers cartoonist. A folio of her work was recently published in the humor mag azine. Ah art major, she plans to make drawing a career in the field of com mercial art, being particularly inter ested in illustrating or advertising. Ransacked Hill Homes Yield 1,600 Volumes For Victory Campaign By Westy Fenhagen Within the short time the Victory book campaign has been in" existence. soldiers in camps are already receiv ing the benefits of over 1,600 books contributed in the local Chapel Hil drive. Of the over 2,300 volumes received up to this time, over 1,600 have been sent to army headquarters in Fayette ville: Fort Bragg, and USO represent atives in Raleigh in six shipments. Meanwhile word from the national headquarters oi Victory book cam paign in New York is being awaited in order to dispose of over 650 volumes still on hand. , Hemingway Leads Soldiers in camps have expressed great delight over receipt of the books, Miss Nellie Roberson, local director of the drive, stated. The first request made by a soldier was for Heming way's "For Whom the Bell Tolls,' while John Gunther's "inside the con tinents" books and James Hilton's pro lific works have been much in de mand. Books contributed to the drive are classified into five divisions by the hard-working library staff. Fiction is divided into current and "not-so-re cent" groups while non-fiction is clas sified in the same manner.' The other class is made up of all technical works. All Cooperate Response to the campaign, reports Miss Roberson, has been excellent from the faculty, students and towns people alike. Many professors have do nated from their own private "treas ures ana logaritnms wnue otners See VICTORY DRIVE, page U Sound and Fury Rehearsal Today at 2 A full cast rehearsal of "Bagdad Daddy" will be held today at 2 o'clock in Memorial hall. Everyone in the cast must attend, Bob Richards announc ed. "And this means everyone even Potter," he added. BATAVIA Japanese parachute troops invaded Sumatra from 100 big aerial transports today in the opening thrusts of nut-cracker drives on Java, key base o f the Dutch Indies into which the Allies are believed to be pushing increased inforcements. ' f j LONDON The men of Singapore, last stand defenders on this bastion of the British empire, fought on tonight against flame, smoke, bombs, and bul lets that the Japanese invader had brought to the island. RANGOON Reinforced defense of Burma smashed back as Japanese spearheads pushed across the Salween River tonight after British imperials had checked the main force of the en emy offensive on a front stretching from Martaban to Than. LONDON Warning that Axis raid ers may soon attempt to strike at Allied communication lines in most of the oeeans of the world were issued in official and naval sources as a routine ' investigation began into the case of a German battle fleet from France to Germany through the Dover straits. WASHINGTON Informed quarter indicated today that American Thomas C. Hart may have been relieved as chief of the United Nations naval forc es in the southwest Pacific because of Dutch demands for representation on the 'staff of the allied high command in that war theatre. LONDON The westward surge of the army tonight drove a huge wedge into Germany's winter line anchor at Smolensk and ripped into the siege line around Leningrad. With General MacArthur's Army in See NEWS BRIEFS, page U Morgan Analyzes Hu Shih's Speech For Rotary Club Grady Morgan, publicity director of the International Relations club, gave an address before the Rotary club of Asheville Friday afternoon, analyzing Tuesday night's address by Dr. Hu Shih, Chinese Ambassador. Morgan reiterated the five factors that Dr. Hu pointed out as the essen tial reasons for China's ability 'to con tinue its war against Japan unity, numbers, internal reconstruction, al lied aid and space. Asheville's Rotary club communicat ed with Roger Mann, IRC's president, last week in an effort to secure a first hand account of Dr. Hu Shih's address here. Morgan was sent at IRC expense to Asheville early Friday. Unity, Morgan explained, had been an inherent quality of the Chinese for 20 centuries and hadn't been any re cent miracle effected by the Japanese attack. The 450 million Chinese could never be defeated by' any Japanese army, Morgan said, pointing out that no Chinese army had ever been encir cled and captured by the Japs. Morgan asserted that Chinese peo ple had literally moved millions of tons of industrial equipment inland on their bare backs in order to establish a now thriving industrial effort. Gallup Survey Results Ready By Tomorrow Taps 200 Opinions In Representative University Queries Results of IRC's second Gallup poll will reach Chapel Hill late tomorrow. In our war with Germany, do you feel that our chief enemy is Hitler's government, or the German people as a whole? Would you favor immediate ly drafting single women between ages 21 and 35 to train them for war time jobs? Should young men wanting to enter West Point or Annapolis be per mitted to apply directly for entrance, or should they first be required to get an appointment from their Congress men, as at present? These are three questions which ap peared on the poll blanks circulated Tuesday by an IRC committee of teiu The blanks went to 200 representative Carolina students every sixteenth student in the 1942 directory. Students who answered these questions were not the same as the 200 who filled out the first Gallup poll ballots last year. Compiled By Princeton The poll staff, working under Elton Edwards, collected the forms Wednes day and after complete tabulation tele graphed results to the Nassau Soverign, Princeton University magazine which is compiling results of the intercol legiate poll for Dr. Frank Gallup. More than 50 colleges and univer sities are cooperating in this poll, and results to be received tomorrow will include not only the opinion of Carolina students but views on the same ques tions of the 50 other institutions' stu dents. International Relations club signed with Dr. Gallup in October to be the University's representative of the new intercollegiate Gallup poll. One poll had been conducted before IRC's move. Three more series of student question ing are scheduled for winter and spring quarters. Dolphins Set 3 Pool Marks; Babies Second Freestyle, Medley Teams and Hammond Establish Records By Harry Hollingsworth . Setting new pool records in the med ley and freestyle relays and the back stroke, the University of North Caro lina's varsity swimming team domi nated the Carolinas AAU tank meet held here yesterday afternoon with a high score of 58 points. The Carolina f rosh were second with 26 points, Duke varsity third with 16, Virginia Tech freshmen fourth with eight and the Duke f rosh team fifth with two points. The Carolina coed team, participat ing in its first meet, was second in the women s division to tne uoidsDoro swimming association girl's team which accounted for 23 points. The coeds had six points and Jean Hogan, Chapel Hill high's only entry in the meet, gathered four points in two events to place third. Massanutten military academy was the top team in the scholastic division with 19 points. Goldsboro high school scored nine points, Staunton military academy and Durham high five and one-half points, Eastern high school of Washington, D. C, three and Gordon Junior high school of Washington, D. C. two points to follow the pace-setting Massanutten team. Score in Every Event Scoring in every event, the Carolina varsity team started off in the correct direction by setting a new pool record of 1:34.4 in the 150-meter medley See COEDS, page 3 Clyde to Present Far Eastern Stake In Pacific Battle "The Far East in This War" will be the subject of a series of four lectures by Dr. P. H. Clyde of Duke, beginning tonight in the lecture room of the Pres byterian Church. Professor of Japanese history, Dr. Clyde has spent much time in the Far East, and has written a book on the history of Japan. His opening subject for tonight will be, "19th Century European Imperialism in the Far East." Dr. Clyde's appearance is being spon sored by the YMCA, YWCA and other student organizations. Other topics to be discussed are : February 22, "The Emergence of the U. S. as a Colonial Power in the Far East"; March 1, "World War No 1 : J apanese Imperial ism versus Chinese Nationalism"; and March 8, "Conflicting Ideologies 1921-1941." Immoral to Write 'Plenty to Say3 But No Time To Say It, ' Says Dean House Radio Meet Changed All students who enrolled as radio operators in the Student Civilian De- ense Corps should meet at 1:30 in GerrarcLhall Monday, afternoon. By Ben McKinnon "It's almost immoral for me to write when I have so much else to do." Dean Robert B. House of the University fac ulty replied when asked about a possi ble sequel to his book, Miss Sue and the Sheriff. "I've got plenty more to say if I can find a way to say it and am not too lazy to do the work. In other words, there is a possibility of another book but not a probability." Miss Sue and the Sheriff, his first book, is made up of a series of sketches which he wrote as a memorial to his mother, Miss Sue, and his father, the Sheriff. They were first published in a state paper under the title "The Bio graphy of a Southern Home" in the Sunday edition from January 14 to March 24, 1940. When family and friends urged the author to enlarge them, he did so and the finished manu script was accepted for publication by the University of North Carolina Press. Wide Sale Proof of the widespread popularity of this little book, which was of interest chiefly to the members of Halifax county, is the fact that an incomplete inventory shows 814 copies already sold and the author has received more than 200 letters from readers. "It seems to be a means by which other people recall their own childhood." Dean House says. "So many people have written me of their childhood ex periences." The author was delighted by the re sponse given his first book by the state presses and radio stations. In addition to the reviews given this little edition by the papers and radios of the state, several metropolitan papers granted space to reviews of it. A New York Times Reviewer said of the book, "It is their vivid individ uality which makes these memoirs so delightful." In the New York Herald Tribune, the reviewer reports, "In memories, like dissolving views, these people come back, and life around them. The mastiff who acted as the children's nurse, Uncle Barney, the official loafer and liar, Old Mary, the cow they came back happily and with out undue sweetness. They were sweet enough naturally." The Phila delphia Evening Bulletin says, "This 110 page book is based on the recollec tions of the chores connected with homelif e of the author's southern boy hood. Told with light, earthy humor, Se HOUSE, page 4