vf Editorials Closing the Breach Why Not, Profs? Billions for Defense . Headlines Sub Attacks West Indies UP Nominates Poll Charges -THE OLDEST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH- VOLUME L BosiacM: 9887; Circulation : 9835 CHAPEL HILL, N. C TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1942 Editorial: 4356; New: Nikt: NUMBER 104 MM 1 ! 1 i i i University Party Picks Hall, Hammond For Initial Nominees on Junior Slate I J Mrs. Alexander Loudon Dutch Envoy To Hit Hard In IRC Talk Alex Loudon Avows American Journals Distort War Moves '"Let your students rknow that I'm coming down not as a stuffy ambassa dor but as representative of a fighting nation to make a fighting speech." Those words of Dr. Alexander Lou don, Netherlands Minister to the Unit ed .States were brought back from Washington yesterday by, Roger Mann and Wesley Bagby, president and vice president of the International Relations club. Mann and Bagby visited Dr. and Mrs. Loudon at the Netherlands em bassy at Washington several times during the weekend to discuss Dr. Lou don's victory series address tomorrow afternoon at 4:15. Extemporaneous "My address will be delivered extem poraneously," Mann reported the Min ister as saying. "I will come directly to the point of military movements by the Dutch East Indies forces. The American press has confused the war moves of the Dutch East Indies to a disagreeable degree, and I'm coming to . Chapel Hill to clear the situation up." The two IRC officials admitted that the straight forward, frank enthusias tic attitude of Dr. Loudon had amazed them. Madame Loudon, who will ac company the Minister on his trip to See LOUDON, page U Latins Sit-In on IRC; Discuss Pan-American War Interrelations International Relations Club took on a cosmopolitan air last night when South American summer school stu dents took part injm Inter-American cooperation discussion. Topic of the third of IRC's series of five bi-monthly post-war planning ses sions, was the role of South America in war time, in regards to eventual mil itary aid, suppressing fifth column ac tivity and supplying the United States with war materials. It was pointed out that the South American republics could, by extensive program expansion, increase produc tion of vital war materials for use in this country, although any large scale movement would take a longer cycle to produce results. Discussion of Inter-American coop eration against fifth column activity brought longest debate. This point is reportedly of vital interest to the State department in view of recent successes of Axis underground policies in Eu rope. Third point brought up for discus sion was the possible pooling of re sources and man power as a remedy to better defense of the western hemis phere. Dr. Hernane Tavares de Sa, noted Brazilian columnist, emphasized that the danger of fifth column work was greatly overrated by the American peo ple and pointed out that "we could do more towards aiding the program if we would stop to study the republics. "You think of Brazil and the other See IRC, page h Two Candidates Backed by Record Of Diverse Campus Activities By Ernie Frankel The University party placed the initial names on its Junior class slate last night, nominating Hanson Hall to the president's post, and Denman Hammond as Student council representative. Hall, of Atlanta, Ga., has served in a dozen capacities in class government here, and was the chief organizer of Atlanta's student organization. .President of his senior class, elected the best-all-around mem' ber of his high school, Captain in the ROTC, the former Charlottean con tinued active work here. Elected vice president of his freshman class, a for mer member of the Debate council, chairman of the sophomore executive committee, a corporal in the CVTC, active in intramurals, and committee worker in Stacy dormitory, he has also maintained a Phi Beta Kappa average. Consistently in the headlines for his snort activities, Hammond, also of Atlanta, has worked behind the scenes in student government, holding posi tions on the executive committee of his class for two years. A member of the IRC and other campus organiza tions, his application is on file with ci vilian defense headquarters as a vol unteer. Holder of the record in the National Intercollegiate 150-yard backstroke, the West house resident has helped many Dolphin victories. As captain of the freshman team last year, he re ceived the Jamerson trophy as the most valuable man on the squad and was acclaimed in the state press for his "remarkable record." Religious Council Opens New Series With Branscomb The University religious council, sponsor of quarterly campus lectures, presents its Winter series beginning tonight at 7:30 in Gerrard hall, when Dr. B. Harvie Branscomb, Professor of New Testament at Duke university, speaks on "The Nature of the Earl." With the three-day schedule revolv ing about the topic, "The Beginnings of Christianity in the Light of Modern Scholarship," the former Rhodes schol ar continues tomorrow with "Did J esus Found Christianity" and concludes the series Thursday with "A New Faith Amidst a Dying Paganism." A native of Alabama and graduate of Birmingham Southern college, Dr Branscomb received degrees at Ala. bama, Oxford and Columbia. The lecture series, open to the gen eral public, is arranged by the loca council with Betty Dixon as president; and Rabbi Samuel Sandmel as adviser, Composed of representatives of the various campus religious organizations the council plans to present Dr. Conrad Moehlman of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity school on its program for the Spring, Assemblymen Ask Rejuvenated Phi Last night burst upon the Philan thropric assembly with a discussion of the problem of the "lethargic" qua! ities of the organization. Fast slipping in importance since the days of campus dominance, the Phi came face to face with the issue. Im mediate action was the decision, in an effort to keep the group "from becom ing defunct." Speaker Ives appointed a committee, mairmaned by Elton Edwards, to be responsible for drawing up a plan of reorganization. Edwards stated that "positive action would be taken this week to provide something of importance to the up building of the assembly." A motion to drop from the assembly all members of the Ways and Means committee who miss three committee sessions, was passed unanimously. Regular business of the weekly meet ing was the seven to six passage of the bill : resolved, that the South American republics should contribute their mili tary forces to be used in coordination with those of the United States. In line with the subject of discussion, one of the visiting South Americans, Guillerma Descalzi, was a guest of the assembly and took an active part in the discussion, supporting the proposal. CPU Offers Candidates Free Stump Nominees to Speak From Union Platform Before Elections The Carolina Political union unan imously voted yesterday to invite lead ing campus political candidates to ad dress the student .body from a Union platform prior to elections in an effort to determine actual platforms and cam paign issues. The Union's action came after Dean Bradshaw's statement last weekend stressing the importance of selecting the "right men for the right office." In an effort to "stimulate interest in campus affairs," Union members de cided to sponsor the program which would add "an additional and import ant phase to Carolina's annual spring elections." Details Incomplete Details of the campaign addresses have not been fully worked out as yet, union leaders stated. However, it was announced that candidates would be in vited to explain their platforms, and then face question period from the au dience. The question period would be conducted in the manner of a CPU open forum. CPU chairman, Ridley Whitaker, said yesterday that the date of the campaign addresses would be an nounced "very shortly." Recognizing the impossibility of having every office seeker present a platform, Whitaker said that only the leading student body candidates and possibilty some of the higher class officers would be asked to participate in the discussion. Though plans are still in the "forma tive stage," there was some hint that both party leaders would be asked to participate in the program. State Designates Tomorrow Honor Day for Visitors Following the examples sent by the Woman's college and Duke University, State college officials have dedicated tomorrow as South American day in ! honor of the 11 visiting Latin summer school delegates at Carolina. Accompanied by Drs. S. E. Leavitt and J. C. Lyons and J. M. Saunders the group will be welcomed at State by administrative leaders and after brief ceremony they will leave for the Needham Broughton high school to hear Josephus Daniels. Arrange Own Tour The Latins were given the privilege of arranging their own tour and de cided on the vocational shops, green houses, educational laboratories and the textile building. Student leaders in these fields will escort the group. Mr. and Mrs. Josephus Daniels will entertain the South Americans at a private afternoon tea after which they will leave for Carolina to see the Good year basketball game. Schedule of events for this week in clude the regular radio interview by Dr. Lyons over stations WRAL, WAIR and WBBB at 2:45 this afternoon. Art Lecture A special art gallery lecture has been arranged besides the' regular lec tures and amusement features. Tentative plans call for the entire eruvian group leaving for Washing- on this Saturday in order to make boat connections in New York at the See LATIN DAY, page U ouncil Meets Today Interf raternity council will meet to night at 7:15 in Graham Memorial. Universities Unprepared! Poll Charges By Harden Carruth A telegraphic poll of American uni versities conducted by the University of Chicago's Daily Maroon "indicated clearly that the average male under graduate is badly prepared for his in evitable role in the armed forces of his country' and that American educa tional institutions are giving no evi dence that he will be better prepared in the near future." Tapping 72 universities in the Unit ed States, the poll gathered informa tion on civilian and military training that students of America are receiving at present. Courses offered by colleges fall into two classes: elementary, such as our own CVTC, and specialized, such as advanced ROTC work. Only 20,000 of an estimated 650,000 men in the in stitutions of higher learning in the country are accommodated in such ad vanced courses. Defense Work Courses typed by the Maroon as "fire-fighting" and 'knitting" make up most of the Civilian defense work, while most universities offer some work in industrial war management. North Carolina was one of seven universities that petitioned the War department for an ROTC unit after Pearl Harbor and were refused. Specific mention of the CVTC unit at Chapel Hill was made in the Ma roon's detaied report of the poll. Car olina is one of the few universities in which students voluntarily organiz ed a military training unit after the outbreak of the war. The course that has predominantly swept through American universities since Pearl Harbor is physical condi tioning. The Maroon report hits di rectly at this plan as inadequate on two counts: first, physical fitness alone is not enough to qualify a man for a commission; two, student inter nee POLL, page U Sophs Try Again; Budget Hits Vote Under New System Once again the sophomore class goes to the post in a third attempt to pass the 1941-42 budget today in the YMCA. Class president Dotson Palmer, the last two plans having fallen through, has announced another plan for today whereby members of the class honor council will be in the lobby of the YMCA from 8:30 until 6 o'clock and all sopho mores are asked to ston by sometime during the day and sign their names to the measure. 200 More' Needed "Having already secured 266 votes of approval in the last dormitory and frafprnifTr HnVo Toiii priori !,, w00v approximately 200 more votes will be npppr? in nrHor fn i the moocnro I Palmer stated vesterdav. "There will be nt sonhomore dance m v I or 'sophomore day' until the budget has been passed," Palmer insisted. Men nwiiii a one fni- fco no fiacc! constitution have teen put into effect and the bill will nrohahlv he presented to the class sometime next week, it was stated. DR. CHARLES F. McKHANN, emi nent young specialist on pediatrics and communicable diseases, will con duct this week's lectures and clinics in the series of Post-Graduate Courses in Medicine which the Uni versity Medical School and Exten sion division are sponsoring over the state. Jjf V'7 V Enemy U- Island; . Sink - - 1,-&&J t -florin nnrrl Hobart McKeever SP Candidate, McKeever, Asks Changes 'Most Competent Men' Should be Elected For War-Time Office By Paul Komisaruk Hobart McKeever, Student Party presidential nominee, yesterday de clared he was in "emphatic agreement" with Dean Bradshaw's recent state ments that student government is on rial. McKeever further declared that no one could miss the importance of electing the best qualified men, and answered all campus figures complain ing that politics are not serving their purpose by warning that " a positive attitude towards campus politics must be taken rather than a negative one. "The desire of both parties should be to serve the campus instead of party interest," he stated. The Student Party will agree to cooperate fully with both the administration and the Uni versity Party in the selecting of men rdost competent for the job of running the campus in war time," McKeever continued. Capable men should receive double endorsements, regardless of party lines, he said, "if all parties concerned felt the person in question was the best qualified." Advocating a complete revamping of the present Officers Training School, McKeever said, "with three years of student government Denind me, 1 would propose that a training school be held for candidates before election instead of afterwards, as is the custom, -in tnis war at least two men will De educated ior eacn oince and a deimite neea win De met wim a concrete SOIU- tion," he said "WW 11 11 aal. ne declared mat student government should be reoranized so that all stu- aent aers win De wen aware oi tneir definite responsibilities. "Decisions must be made Jickly and completely ne cnarged These measures will "and must be sought after" McKeever concluded, in dicating that additional points on a complete all-encompassing platform would be released shortly. Price Takes Over Naval Officer Left Open by Army Officer By Ben McKinnon It is quick work when the army ere- ates a vacancy one day and the navy f ill3 it the next day. But that is exact- ly what happened in the Sociology de- partment at the University. Lewis M. Killian, teaching fellow, taught his last Sociology class on Thursday, February 12. Mr. Killian, an army reserve officer, then left for steadily on his thesis through the sum Fort McClellan where he has been call- mer and fall. He completed it and went ed for active duty. On Friday, February 13, Dan O. Price, an officer in V-7 of the naval re- serve, taught the class. The course is known as Sociology 52 and students study problems of the community, of crime and poverty, and of race and population. Price, who lives in Palatka, Florida, holds majors in mathematics, physical 'hells r Tankers Aruba, Oil Center, Hit By Navy Guns Three Supply Ships Sunk by Sub's Fire; Fourth Vessel Hit Enemy shells yesterday fell for the first time within the West ern hemisphere. Climaxing the surrender of Singapore and the sweep of the Rising Sun southward to Java, the pin-point explosion amid the blue waters and sunny isles of the West Indies caused officials to wince and the American pub lic to foresee still more hard work ahead. The enemy submarine cleaved the surface of the Caribbean yesterday and shelled the island of Aruba, small garrison of the oil industry lying 700 miles off Panama. Three tankers were torpedoed be fore the U-boat fled from the harbor and a fourth was damaged 75 miles to the east near Curacao. Standard Oil and the Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company are the island's two main refineries, both of whom re fine high octane gasoline that feeds the Allied Nation's air fleets. Late Bulletin. (UP) BALBOA, Canal Zone. Several German sub marines were engaged in the attack on six oil tankers off the Venezue Iean coast.. today and American planes from the Aruba and Curacao island air bases are carrying out an intense counter-attack against them. Lieutenant General Frank M. An dres, commander of United States forces in the Caribbean, announced last night. Andrews, who was at Aruba yes terday, said he could not state whe ther any of the enemy undersea craft had been sunk. He said that obviously several submarines were involved because of some simultaneous attacks in sever al places and that their nationality was established by the finding of an unexploded German-made torpe do on a beach. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. (UP) Japanese big guns have opened up against General Douglas MacArhur's Philippine forces and enemy infantry is hammering at several sections, of the Bataan front, the War department reported yesterday. LONDON, Feb. 17. (UP) Mili tary sources said yesterday that the See NEWS BRIEFS, page h Y-Y Monogram Photos To Be Taken Today If the weather is permissable, the Yackety-Yack Monogram club picture will be taken this morning at 10:30 on the steps of Manning hall. Fills Post science, and social science. He received his education at Florida Southern Col- lege and then served as science teacher at Barto High School. In the fall of 1940, he came to the University and since January, 1941, has served as re- search assistant in the institute. Realizing that he might be called in the navy at any time, Price worked home at Christmas and waited to- be called into the service. But, by some queer quirk of fate, his papers were misplaced and he has not been sum- moned yet. Prof esor Harold D. Meyer, chairman of the Sociology department wired Price that there was a teaching fellow- ship vacancy and that he hoped Price See PRICE, page 4 .Boat S 'N

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