Editorials Wolf, Wolf No Easy Job Give Us This Day Headlines Baldwin Speaks UP, Nominates Navy Program THE OLDEST COLLEGE DAILY IN THE SOUTH- VOLUME L Business: fS87; CireviaiMa: ttU CHAPEL HILL, N. 0, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1942 Editorial: 455; Km: N'wht: 690 NUMBER 117 Baldwin yen Dam FTP! "TT" n J ioLilbertv gers UP Nominates Gambill t o Slate Junior President Accepts UP Bid For Sec.-Treas. By Billy Webb University Party committeemen tossed the hat of Sam Gambill, presi dent of the junior class, into the po litical ring today for the post of secretary-treasurer of the student body. Long active in campus activities, Gambill is considered by leaders as the ideal running mate of previously nominated UP candidates, Bert Ben nett, president and Steve Peck, vice president of the UP "qualified Candi date" program. From Elkin, Gambill has lived in Everett dormitory for three years. A member of the University dance com mittee since his freshman year, he now serves as secretary. He is also a member of the Order 'of the Grail and the University club. ; Two-year member of, the Interfra ternity Council, Gambill has worked as floor counsellor and vice-president of his dormitory. He was on last fall's Freshman Orientation Committee and served last year on the sophomore ex ecutive group. Duties of the secretary-treasurer of the student body require in addition to serving as a regular member of the Student Council full minutes of all Council meetings, collection of evi dence for honor code violations and correspondence with student govern ment leaders of other universities. Mexican Ambassador Speaks OnlRC Victory Series Tuesday Castillo to Explain Mexico's Stand as Ally Of United States in Full Wartime Program Dr. Don Francisco Castillo Najero, Ambassador from United States' most powerful Iberoamerican ally, is expected to make a definite statement con- :erning Mexico's war status in his first address since the Rio parley when le appears at an IRC program here Tuesday. Dr. Castillo is scheduled as third representative of the major Allied powers speaking on IRC's Victory Series of speeches. Advance publicity posters and " circulars went to press yesterday stat- w j I ing the address topic as "Where Mex- reparations For Air Unit Begun by Navy Off icials Survey Campus; Statement On Housing Near Preparations for the Naval aviation program at Carolina, which calls for an enrollment of 1,875 cadets, were of ficially launched yesterday when a vanguard of three officers from Wash ington were here to begin work on the project. First job of the representatives was an extensive tour of the physical edu cation set-up on which will hinge the foundation of the preparedness pro- Yesterday's selection of Gambill ftff... w, , - vitiviaw ii vivviuvu follows on the heels of the UP nomir nations Tuesday of Steve Karres, Charlotte senior and treasurer of the 'University elutf, for- senior -student council representative, and Jack Mark ham, junior treasurer, for the posi tion of senior class president. Both these announcements came af ter more than a week's silence from UP headquarters. Mann Elected To Presidency Of Di Senate In a special meeting last night mem bers of the Di Senate elected five of ficers to fill the posts of the new "awakening program" planned as a reorganization feature. Headed by Roger Mann, newly elect ed president, the Senate slate included Wesley Bagby for president pro-tem, Marcellus Buchanan as critic, Jennie Clark French as clerk and Currie Mc- Leod as sergeant of arms. Standing committee reports includ ed the awarding of a gavel to Carring ton Gretter, retiring president and . also to reduce the dues of new mem bers for the duration of the year to $2.00. Mann was asked to continue acting as treasurer for the remainder of the year as a special measure to eliminate the time lost in initiating a new offi cer for the position. Controller W. D. Carmichael and Business Manager L. B. Rogerson with members of the Naval RQTC staff welcomed the officers and conducted them on the tour. Rogerson announced that tentative plans were discussed relative to the rooming situation in an afternoon meeting but (that "final announce ment would come next week" follow ing a Washington conference with ad ministrative heads. The dormitory question is foremost in the minds of all students now and although there is some dormitory space available many students will have to be moved. The Navy representatives who are leaving today for Washington are Commander J. C. Webb, Captain O. O. Kessing and Captain T. J. Hamilton. Road Trip Rehearsal Planned for S&F Cast Randy Mebane, Sound and Fury president, announced yesterday that all members of the "Bagdad Daddy" cast are requested to report to the Memorial hall rehearsal tonight at 6:30 for the Woman's college trip to morrow. ico Stands in the War," and announc ing the speech for 8:15 Tuesday- eve ning in Memorial hall. Josephus Daniels, ex-Ambassador to Mexico and editor of the Raleigh News and Observer, yesterday notified Rog er Mann, IRC president, that he will introduce His Excellency's Victory Series address. Dr. Castillo and Mexican Foreign Minister Ezequiel Padilla journeyed to Brazil January 15 for the historic anti-Axis Pan American conference. The two emissaries filed with the conference secretariat two of the five resolutions and projects heralded as most important by the American press? a Mexican proposal for joint adherence to the Atlantic Charter, and a Mexican proposal for extension of the status of non-belligerency to all nations fighting the Axis. It was Dr. Castillo who signed with Under-secretary of State Sumner Welles the US-Mexican agreement April 25, 1941, which facilitated ; the reciprocal transit of military aircraft throughout the. two countries. - J And it was Dr. Castillo who has been the prime power behind efforts to bring to final settlement the long standing US-Mexican oil confiscation dispute. The talks reached a stale mate November 7 and as yet have not been resumed, i Frosh, Sophs Meet AdvisersTomorrow For Registration I ' ' " - - . I I Sam Gambill DestroyerSunk Off Cape May Java Defenders Halt Jap Drives CAPE MAY, N. J., March 3 (UP) The 12,000 ton World War destroyer Jacob Jones was torpedoed off Cape May just before dawn Saturday, the Navy revealed today, and, from 11 men who alone of all her crew es caped came stories tonight revealing another saga of cool courage in an over whelming disaster. More than 100 men, including all the officers, were killed when the two torpedoes launched by an enemy sub marine within 20 seconds of each other, blasted the vessels bow and stern leav ing her' a floating hulk which an hour later plunged below the waves with an other tremendous explosion. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Java (UP) Java's defenders drove with savage fury against three invading Japanese armies after having thrown one of them back seven and one-half miles, stopped the other two in their tracks, sunk two more Japanese trans ports and a tanker, and destroyed 13 Japanese airplanes in 24 hours of com bat. r , WASHINGTON, March 3, (UP) President Roosevelt ended his ninth year in the White House tonight, not ,as the man who steered the nation through a grave economic crisis, but as the pivotal figure in the world strug gle against totalitarian enslavement. Friendship Council All members of the Freshman Friendship Council are urged to at tend the meeting tonight in the small cafeteria at 6:15 it was announced yesterday. General college students will ad vance toward registration for the snrimr Quarter tomorow: when all WASHINGTON, March 3, (UP) freshmen and sophomores meet with Secretary of the Treasury Henry Mor their advisers to arrange for regis- genthau today placed before Congress tration conferences. he stiff est tax bill in history a Delaved bv schedule red-tane. reg- $7,160,000,000 measure doubling lower istration procedure for juniors and and middle bracket income taxes, hik seniors will be released in the next ing corporation levies, and raising im few days, I. C. Griffin, central records ports on items such as whiskey, cigar- head announced vesterdav. ettes, and gasoline. mi i -ii a t xt ine aavisers win meet wun uie LONDON, March 3 (UP) Ger- members oi tneir individual groups at Seg NEWS BRIEFS, page h the following places tomorrow: Air Edmister, Venable 304; Mr. Hill, Me morial hall; Mr. Huddle, Gerrard hall; Mr. Johnson, Venable 206; Mr. Har dre, Murphey 111; Mr. Kattsoff, New West 101; Mr. Klaiss, Bingham 103; Mr. Perry. Peabody 202; and Mr. Spruill, Memorial hall. America Free Of Repression, Speaker Says Danger Foreseen In Investigations Of Dies Committee By Paul Komisaruk Roger Baldwin forcefully declared last night that seven "danger spots" threatened American civil liberties, simultaneously pointing out that the3 United States after a few months of war is "remarkably free of repression . . . in sharp contrast to the early months of World War I." The 58-year-old head of the American Civil Liberties Union, - addressing a Memorial Hall audience from a Caro lina Political Union platform, main tained that "we can conduct the war and maintain democracy at the same time, and furthermore it is highly de sirable that we do so." Military Secrets - America's greatest danger, Baldwin declared, is the "control of military information construed as likely to be of use to the enemy, which deprives the public of those facts on which fair crit icism of government policy rests." Gov ernment criticism is necesary, he said, if "we are to check on the government, and exert pressure so that war aims may be properly determined." Baldwin listed the Espionage Act, "now again in full force" as the second danger to civil liberties. This oppor tunity to institute prosecutions for ut terances and publications must must be carefully watched, he stated, and "only ceaseless vigilance will check the pressures on the government to resort j to repression." He cited the Post Office department with its "unchecked power to bar from the mails any publication regarded as seditious, that is, opposed to the war," as the third danger. Fourth danger, Baldwin declared, "is the treatment of enemy aliens." Such treatment, he asserted, has been "fair enough up to now," but danger may develop "unreasonably in, face of Fifth Column scares over Japanese, German and Italian spies." Dies Committee Baldwin attacked investigation of the Dies Committee, FBI and "other inves tigating agencies who conceive of-sub version "in terms of Communism, and See BALDWIN, page U v 4 Roger Baldwin Jones Names Book Store Committeemen Preparations Pushed For Book Exchange In Union Basement Blackout Concerts Continue Tonight Lights will again be lowered for the weekly "Blackout" concert to night from 7 until 9 o'clock in the main lounge of Graham Memorial. 4 The programs feature both popu lar and classical recordings which are chosen from requests left at the director's office. Curry Jones, chairman of the newly formed Cooperative Book Store, which will open in Graham Memorial base ment, yesterday announced the mem bers of the committee that will work in completing the final arrangements and putting the shop into operation. John Walker, Jack Tulloss, L. E. Mo Knight, Claude George, Maury Ker shaw, Charlie Campbell, and Hayden Carruth were named by Jones as mem bers of the committee. To Open 'Soon' Stressing the fact that the co-op will be located in the room formerly occu pied by the bowling ally in the base ment of Graham Memorial, Jones re vealed that the store "of the students, by the students, and for the students," will officially.open on the campus "very soon." Explaining the new system, Jones said, "Students name the price they want for their books when they bring them in and the co-op returns that price to them when the book is sold. The whole system for used texts oper ates on the exchange principle. New texts will be obtained from cooperative, wholesalers at reduced prices." Books Asked Jones issued the call yesterday for students to bring in used texts that they have not sold previously because of the low rate for re-sale books pre vailing in Chapel Hill. "Many stu dents have collections of used books that they have kept for this reason," Jones said. "Now is the time to sell them." - The idea for a student book co-op, first voiced by president Truman Hobbs in an Emergency committee meeting, was rapidly taken up by Bill Coch rane, Graham Memorial director. The bowling ally was designated for the location of the shop, and Jones immed iately got plans under way with his committee. Playmakers to Raise Curtain Tonight On Four-Day Run of 'Behold, the Brethren!' 4 - -:x::x: ::::::;:v:::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::;:::::::::::v::: gilt .1 x i-t-.. S 9 . A? m' k o. f v j- , 'A Defense Service Consumers Research Organized For Expanding OSCD Program EYE-WITNESSING WAR From the scant protection cf a "fox hole," a small bomb crater, in the Libyan desert, Virgil Pinkley, of the United Press European executive staff, watches a dog fight between British and Axis planes; and later interviews the commander of a British tank which has seen action against General Rommel's Afrika Korps. Merely another phase in the widen ing scope of OSCD, the consumers re search department, headed by student Ed Kaljn, comes in to the open today with a column feature on page two of the Daily Tar Heel. Organized more than a month ago, Kalin and his group of five students have been studying market situations, prices, rationing, and all other phases of the study of consumers goods during war time. Information Bureau ' Dividing the study into two phases, primary emphasis will be laid on the work relating to North Carolina. State industries that will be converted to war production, state allocations under the rationing system, state supplies of con sumers goods, etc. will form the basis for the work. Information will be com piled and filled in the Chapel Hill OSCD I office for reference. Information will be published regularly in the Tar Heel, and reports will be made to the state at large through newspapers. Second phase of the program includes an academic study of the . consumers problem during war 'throughout the nation. Prices and marketing will be the major concern of the group, each individual working on a chosen prob lem. -Sources "The Office of Price Administration in Washington and Consumers Union will furnish two of the main sources of information," Kalin said. The gath ering of current and adequate informa tion necessitates close contacts with many national agencies, but compila tion and analysis of the data is solely the occupation of the student branch. Much of the information compiled by the consumers research department will be on hand at the Information Center in the University Library. Com- See OSCD, page 4 Immigrant Family Depicted in Drama By Former Student By Nancy Smith -"Behold, The Brethren!" by Joseph D. Feldman of New York City, a form er student here, will open tonight at 8:30 in the Playmaker theater. Other showings will be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The drama holds for its theme the struggles of a Jewish immigrant moth er and her four sons to realize their opportunities in this country. Three of the brothers rise through unscrupu lous methods to material wealth. The youngest, Joseph, goes out into the country, riding the rails, bumming, talking and working and living with ; the American people. Thus he learns of them and becomes a part of them. At the end of the play he returns to his family and becomes the instigator in its regeneration. Cast Members of the cast include : Lillian Farnol as Mrs. Rabinov; Arthur Golby as Aaron; Frank Groseclose as Eli; Robert Gutknecht as Morrie; Robert Carroll as Joseph; Barry Farnol as Cantor; Buddy Westover as Isaac; See PL A YMAKERS, page 4

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