THE DAILY TAR HEEL SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1942 PAGE FOIB Cochrane Announces Bridge Tilt - Winners Joel Denton and Hans Haas were north-south winners, and Walter Ban com and Gerry Drucker east-west in the bridge tournament held Tuesday nigh under the . auspices of Graham Memorial- Bill Cochrane, director an nounced yesterday. The winners may get their prizes at the director's office. North-south run ner-ups were Dick Wharton and Billy Pearson. East-west runner-ups were William Strauehn and J. Gray Mc Allister. Another bridge contest will be held the first week of next quarter. Howard Duerr, graduate, student in charge of the tournaments, indicated the possi bility of private tournaments and the organization of a bridge club if enough interest was evidenced. Graduate Dramatists To Meet with Koch Graduate students in the depart ment of Dramatic Art are asked to come by Professor F. H. Koch's of f ice, 113 Murphey, between 2 and o'clock tomorrow, to register for the Spring quarter. It is necessary that all graduate students report at this time, in order that they may get their Spring schedules in order. MASS MEETING (Continued from first page) nenditures of ' money not collected through a University agency. 3. The cut is unnecessary or too drastic. Advocates retaliate with: 1. During the war it is imperative that the resources be utilized most ef fectively, and the University needs money badly for its various defense projects. 2. Most other Universities and a gencies in 'the state have reduced ex penditures to the limit and the 'Uni versity is acquiring a bad name by lagging in this respect. This will be strongly evidenced in the state legisla ture when it meets to act upon the University budget. 3. It is necessary for student gov ernment that the legislature take steps of strong action to preserve itself and prevent the Administration from tak ing over student affairs. 4. The cut in dance expenses will "merely eliminate the possibility of so called name bands, not reduce the plea sure and effectiveness of a campus dance. Outcome of the referendum W ednes- ,(DirQSWiraIl IPnazzzlle ACKOSS 1 Shack S Till soU Nipponese 13 At tbta point 13 Ornamental molding 14 S. A. linguistic Hock 15 Leave out -l-F!oat 17 Japanese coin IS -Prongs 20 Screen behind altar 22 Steal 24 Gtpt language 25 Eraser 29 Fi 30 Rent-free land 31 Anglo-Saxon court 33 Spanish tabor.) 35 Tag 35 Frame to bold painting 37 Peruvian plant 38 Printer's measure 39 Extra . 41 More (music) 42 Trappers 43 House of worship 48 Inform upon (slang) 47 Grain 48 Roman bronze 50 Proboscises 54 Scratch (Scot.) 55 Allowance for wast 57 Earth used as fertilizer By LABS MOBEIS AVSWX TO r&EYiocs rvzzui A-SlSjAJMJ mTTtilIe TiOrStS 2 m . Mgf IgiS! IB E a'Mi l ikWHsligiT eigiMO-gP'5 TTSgpy., jsmrjp ' - X- SiElE N Et iTU'S'SiEit-S o h'c'b tUm o a l'eNp w!Eii!ol IsmoiNleUiEiNiDls 58 Exist 59 Oldest son of Isaac 60 Exchange premium 61 Lixivium 62 Balkan natlva 63 Tidy DOWN 1 Struck by bullet 3 Prefix: half 3 Ireland Held back 8 On behalf of 6 Culture medium 7 Ascribe 8 Pertaining to large city a River in Palestine 10 Negative ion 11 Flower 19 Drunkard 21 Give forth 23 Minced oath 25 Engagement 28 Spirit 27 - Tennis stroke 28 Rosin 32 39 31 inches 33 Mark of wound 34 Chums (slangt 38 Tutors 37-Unit 39 Make public 40 Cushioned seat 41 Gaiter wrapped about leg 43 Skeleton of see, creatures 44 Hirsute 45 Battle formation 49 Burn by steam 51 Wise 52 Silkworm 53 Thin opening 56 Small cask 1 z P I4 I Is lb P & I I h j!L 1: .It Ml '. 43 H) So" " Si SX IS3 V? SS $b SI b5 I 1 I I I 1 I I DIstr. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. day will settle the question. Student government officials pointed out that a student body vote against the cut will merely return the problem to its status quo before the legislature acted. It will not establish any agency or means for solving the problem, and will leave the matter up to the individuals to spend as much or as little as they see fit. Expenses for a week-end set have gone as high as $4,500 in the past. Send the Daily Tar Heel home BASKETBALL Pick Theatre sund a y 0 SEEN THe t 1 jam . m .Jar sw .Bh. Vjiauiiiii'0-'' - ow F ..... : ? U Wt'r trettful f tk 4 JU-gh tPO JL Brtuda teet pUmty A RCAF ftr mehaf X0 00 f ictio. t i i tktikit ptsibltl V iit-V" Jimmy'tmrmt! 3 'C K "Hi AY Wi Wt: A It. -3 4tk ' Villi ini KU 1 a-A1 "V rrcHNicovoR.,vitv W r v- niivrntii D ) ) ) ) ) WaUk taes for ta Ent &ae as ibey ferry Bemlxn to A War Frosts! REGINALD DENNY f"i': 1 A NEW WARNER BROS. HIT MICHAEL CURTIZ also ALAN HALE GEORGE TOBIAS REGINALD GARDINER Also - LATEST NEWS EVENTS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY GARY COOPER THE WINNER OF THE ACADEMY AWARD 1941 in ; "SERGEANT YORK" Thursday RODDY McDOWALL JANE DARWELL in "ON THE SUNNY SIDE" Friday JOHN HOWARD in "TOE MAN WHO RETURNED TO LIFE -Saturday JOE E. BROWN "SHUT MY BIG (Continued from page three) unable to cope with Duke's superior reserves four dashing sophs, Bob Gantt, Cedric and Garland Loftis, and Bubber Seward. Clyde Allen, veteran Duke center topped the scoring for the Blue Devils with 10 points. Bernie Mock, State forward, also crashed the net for 10 points. State grabbed the lead with McKin- ney's field goal in the first minute of play and held on to it for eight min utes of the first half. Coach Eddie Cameron sent his four sophs into the game after ten minutes of the first half. Duke held a two- point lead at that time but a field goa by State's Russ Stevens a second later knotted the score at 12-all. Majority of the fans sided with un derdog State team and several of the officials' rulings in favor of Duke were soundly booed. Little "Buckwheat Carvalho of State was the gallery pet of the final game. He probably gained this distinction with his five-foot 6- inch frame, smallest in the tournament, plus his game winning basket in the late few seconds of the contest with William and Mary Friday night. He fouled out seven minutes before the end of to night's game. SUMMARY (Continued from page three) (D) third; Saunders (VPI) fourth; Schwartz (C) fifth. Time 2:59.3. New conference record. Old record 3:00.3. 400-meter freestyle Schuman (D) first; Brooks (D) second; Weiss (C) third; Elmore (C) fourth; Stone (C) fifth. Time 5:27.3. New conference record. Old record 5 :28.3. 400-meter freestyle relay Carolina first (Coxhead, Hobbs, Hammond, Barclay); Duke second (Read, Mar shall, Shepard, Kurtz); State third (Bailey, Reynolds, McCabe, Bower); Virginia Tech fourth (Dow, McCurdy, Shankel, Sherman). Time 4:17.5. New conference record. Old record 4:19.6. UNC BAND (Continued from first page) piano soloist, in Rhaspody in Blue, "and three flutists, Betty Dean, Bos ton Lackey, and Karl Thomas playing a novelty tune "Three Blind Mice." The band has just returned from a successful five day tour through Wes tern North Carolina, where it played 10 concerts before approximately 14,- 000 high school students. FOR VICTORY: BUY BONDS Bonds or bondage? Buy US Savings Changes Announced In Philosophy 173 Announcement came yesterday that Philosophy 173, previously held two nights a week and having as its pre requisites Philosophy 171 and 172, would be divided up into two sections. The course is taught by Dean of Stu dents F. F. Bradshaw. Students will be enrolled in the first section without the prerequisites, it was announced. This section is a lec ture to be scheduled at 7:30 on Mon day nights on Contemporary Ethical Problems in a World at War. The second section is discussion scheduled after the first section but has the regular prerequisites. MAG ARTICLE (Continued from first page) February's Mag and feel that WC "has been subjected to a grave injustice," as the story was supposed to be repre sentative of the three branches of the University. They desired to empha size the fact they "do not object against an individual's opinion, but are pro testing its appearance in the Mag." Both Henry Moll, editor of the Mag, and Betty Perry have defended the ar ticle in answer to the attacks from WC. Miss Perry stated, "The odd part about all this is that I like WC. If I had college to do over I would want to go there again as the opportunities are unlimited in student government, curricular, social life in all the things I criticized." She said that the defense program is a good example as it is well organized, both on the faculty's and students' part, but that it needed in terest. Continuing, she reiterated that all WC needs to do is to discard its apathy and put spirit behind the or ganizations. if happens here . . . band concert 4:30 University Hill halL Tomorrow 10:30 President Graham addresses special convocation in Memorial halL 7:30 3Ias3 meeting about idance legislation in Memorial halL 8:30 Dr. P. W. Bridgman will speak in Phillips hall. Goodyear Official Schedules Interviews Representing the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company, T. W. Prior will in terview accountants, salesmen, and chemists Tuesday concerning prospec tive positions with the company. Students who are interested are re quested to see S. W. J. Welch, Uni versity vocational guidance director, tomorrow morning so that a schedule of interviews can be drawn up. FOR VICTORY: BUY BONDS Let freedom ring on Uncle Sam's cash register! Buy US Defense Bonds and Stamps. COED SPORTS (Continued from page three) Bruns, were outstanding. Meredith No. 1 copped its two games from Duke, 13-6, and Carolina No. 2 9-4. Eleanor Gibbs, star forward for the Baptists, scored 10 points in the first game. In the second tilt the Ral eigh girls came from behind to win. After a 4-all score in the first period, Meredith scored" five points in the sec ond while Carolina was held scoreless. In a well-matched contest Peace No. 1 and Carolina , No. 1 tied at 8-all. Mary Jane Lloyd led the Chapel Hill girls with eight points. The Carolina team eked out a 7-6 win over' Mere dith No. 2. Carolina No. 2 nosed out Peace No. 2, 6-3, in another first round game. After losing this first game to Mere dith No. 1, the Duke girls limited Peace No. 2 to one point in taking a 23-1 victory. Mitchell was high scorer with J 10 points. i Applications Due For Radio Course Applications for the Physic depart ment's new course, Radio Communi cations, which will meet at 7 o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings in Phillips hall must be filed immediately with Edward Jurney in 104 Phillips. The new course will be non-mathema tical and is designed to familiarize the student with short wave equipment and the transmission and reception of code. Regular credit will be given by the department which requested that regis tration be completed as quickly as pos sible to facilitate setting up classes. Sandmel to Speak At HiUel Today The Sunday afternoon hour will be held today at the Hillel house. Rabbi Samuel Sandmel will speak on "Behold, the Brethren." Everybody is invited. I CLASSIFIED 50c each insertion. All advertise ments must be paid for in advance and the ad must be turned in at the Tar Heel Business Office by 4 o'clock the day before publication. LOST: Black Eversharp lifetime foun tain pen between Lenoir dining hall and Alderman dormitory. Reward offered. Jean Stewart, 311 Alder man hall. FOR RENT: Single room in quiet home to faculty member, officers, or graduate students. Lenny Circle. Phone 6306. FOR RENT: Large heated double room, jsingle beds, hot and cold water. Close in across street from Graham Memorial. Mrs. F. M. Jen kins 219 E. Franklin Street. Phone 9291. Cmmoilmm S U N D A Y MONDAY .'.wt'c.-.v.v.w.....vAwo; A- Ti if I y Jht i If r - -J wS 3 w-"-vijSsS ' t.3 K m m S k i ' m Ilia n. B. m w :r?7wy-:-';-;-'.x: -V H "V!S!,-, S jT v I. . warn n. -. a mat - .-. .w Tss s- s. , As ' -y r-" ' -z?-' s sA 'ss . v s 'ass ' Zf st'Z: 2: A s- .-- - -.- .- ;v$ssissy,.:'s;':j!. i::ssi:iisssss SS -.ASSsSfsSSSvXSSS "Ss f . 4 "2WTi 1 " f' (: 1 " pi T , S- si, 5 - 1 X t ss f4 s' iir5tfa( 4 Ji'ifogJnt's s 5 'ftZS'flKz" AND THE HELL-RIDERS OF THE HEAVENS, IN MM A Sj tes " it- 7 ) i Hi BHiirir ini EI i Ira mm. full If 1 1 i 11 I I 1 11 II 11 VI A Story So Full of Spectacle and Glory thm ttCAT tar muMmm Filmed on the spot! S far the 1st time how they, ferry Bombers to the War Front! ' WARNER BROS! NEW TVIUMBU -i Dennis Morgan Brenda Marshall w n OcORCE TOBIAS REGIKAIO GARDINER REGINALD DENNY Also LATEST NEWS EVENTS Tuesday- Wednesday NORMA MELVYN SHEARER DOUGLAS m "WE WERE DANCING CHESTER MORRIS Thursday-Friday MARLENE FRED DIETRICH MacMURRAY in "THE LADY IS WILLING" PeJKay 11:15 P.M. Regular Showing Saturday 111 II Y B B T T-V W T" . I KAN PA Kit KK -NO HANDS ON in MOUTH" Bonds. x m THE CLOCK"