TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1942 PAGE TWO I V . The Hallo larHee . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CAROLINA PUBLICATIONS UNION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Published daily except Mondays, Examination periods and the Thanks giving, Christmas and Spring holi days. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Chapel Hill, N. C, under act of March 3, 1879. 1941 Member 1942 Pbsocioted GbHe6kite Press CPRBMNTCO POM NATIONAL ADVERTISING WT National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 Madison Ave. New Yor n. Y. CHICAFO BOCTOM Lot Aaf ILC AM FUKHW Subscription Rates 11.50 One Quarter $3.00 One Yeai All signed articles and columns an pinions of the writers themselves d do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Daily Tab Heel. For This Issue: News: WE STY FENHAGEN Sports: EARLE HELLEN Orville Campbell ... Sylvan Meyer Bucky Harwabd William Schwartz Henry Zaytoun Editor Managing Editor Associate Editor ....Business Manager Acting Circulation Manager Editorial Board: Mac Norwood, Henry Moll, Walter Damtoft. Columnists : Marion Lippincott, Harley Moore, Elsie Lyon, Brad Mc- Cuen, Tom Hammond, Marie Waters, Stuart Mclver. News Editors: Bob Hoke, Paul Komisaruk, Hayden Carruth. Assistant News: Walter Klein, Westy Fenhagen, Bob Levin. Reporters: Billy Webfc, Jimmy Wallace, Larry Dale, Charles Kessler, Burke Shipley, Elton Edwards, Gene Smith, Morton Cantor, Nancy Smith, Mary Lou Taylor, Jim Loeb, Jule Phoenix, Janice Feitel- berg. Photographer : Hugh Morton. Ass't PHOTOGRAPHERS: Tyler Nourse, Bill Taylor, Karl Bishopric. Sports Editor: Mark Garner. Night Sports Editors : Earle Hellen, Bill Woestendiek. Sports Reporters: Ben Snyder, Thad Tate, Phyllis Yates. Advertising Managers: Bill Stanback, Jack Dube, Ditzi Buice. Durham Representatives : Charlie Weill, Bob Bettman. Local Advertising Staff: Betty Hooker, Dick Kerner, Bob Crews, . Eleanor Soule, Jeannie Hermann. Office Manager: Marvin Rosen. Typist: Ardis Kipp. Circulation Office Managers : Rachel Dalton, Harry Lewis, Larry Goldrich, Bob Godwiry The Dailv M Opinions Tar IH Columns eel ona o Letters Page Features CUPPED... The Daily News extends its heartiest congratulations to Orville Campbell, editor, and the whole staff of the Daily Tar Heel for its eye opening special edition of May 10. Here at last is a panorama of the activities of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; both in style and content it is excellent. "We have tried to make it comprehensive," says the editor. YOUR HONOR SYSTEM ... One never realizes his mistakes until it's too late. Seldom do hard headed college editors ad- ROUND THE TABLE... By Bill Cobb and Mack Bell . Since December 7 the spectacular, nublicitv Some indication of its comprehensiveness mingled with a par donable pride in Carolina's achievements may be seen from the contents: t Medical school works to protect man's life; 3,000 University stu dents participate in athletics; Woollen gym finest in south; famous political figures inform students; campus politics train future state leaders; UNC Press stresses North Carolina books and authors; aviation cadet training program; Horace Williams field is the finest college airport in the nation; CAA program turns out 60 trained pilots; Carolina toughens future pilots for navy; coaches leave to serve Uncle Sam; Dr. Frank Porter Graham servant and leader of the people; navy ROTC has 200 enrollees; CVTC gets okay from Ft. Bragg general; graduates serving state in all professions; ex tension works for better citizenship; Colonel Madry's news bureau keeps state "educated"; students discuss marriage; and school of public welfare studies social problems. " This edition of the Tar Heel shows in concise and readable form ' L J.1 , T- L 1 f 1 . I t 1. mic iney re wrong. &ui yesterday aiiernoon we seeing, ana mucn iimengntea Senator Kobert what the university is doing. It should be read by every Carolina discovered something that we wished we'd known Rice ("Our Bob") Reynolds has been inconspicu- man; it will tell him much about his alma mater that he does not last fall: a simple way to give the campus facts ously in the background. Why? Preoccupation know; it is conclusive evidence that there is more to the university about the Honor System. with his fourth bride? Duties as chairman of the than Kenan stadium. It should be of interest too to every citizen of The idea belongs to Bert Bennett, new stu- Military Affairs committee? Or could it be his the state, because it shows that North Carolina is just beginning dent body president. Beginning today and appear- record of voting on war measures prior to the to reap the grain of those seeds of education which she sowed so ing every two weeks on the front page of the declaration of war? hopefullv a veneration or two airo. The Greensboro Dailv News Daily Tar Heel will be a number of student coun cil reports. They state, in cold facts without color, several cases that have come before the council during the past few weeks. They give an oppor tunity to understand YOUR HONOR SYSTEM. Although "Our Bob" does not come up for re election this year it is well enough even now to Ln ,i,:L 7o look at his record on half a dozen vital foreign tte W?ary WtSher " letteYS t0 ' O" T TT 1 j and domestic measures. 1 oy "aen arruui On October 27, 1939 the Senate voted to modify A column or two ago I promised The purpose, according to Bennett, is to ac- the neutrality law to open the door for more suf- to exPse some f the good things quaint every student on the campus with the ficient aid to the Allies.. Following his isolationist ?at ."The Gtat te God " Luis j j - xl ttrT, xt in - ixaxiio muau nave ueeu lesuonsiuie tendencies the "Tar Heel" opposed the measure. f or during the past year wnen conscription was tne issue, he voted to workings of the student council. The new coun cil wants to break down the idea that the council suspends every student that appears before it. The new council wants the students to under stand the penalties and opinions it must hand down. O Naturally names can't be revealed, and the reader must realize that no two cases are the same. Two sophomores may be caught cheating, and one may be suspended the other put on pro bation. The council should not be criticized for this action for there are more facts than can be printed in the Tar Heel. If too many facts are re leased the identity of the student might he re vealed. Several boys have been suspended recently who had planned to enter the armed forces and get a commission. Now it is impossible for them to do so. The council would like to make it clear that they feel no, boy should use "going in the armed forces" as an excuse to cheat. Regardless of what tions fighting Hitler the Lease-Lend Bill, Reyn- a student has planned for the future it will not olds voted "Nay." And yet this was the man who be taken into consideration when he is brought was forced to admit, after a visit to Germany, before the council. that he was "deeply impressed by the progress The Daily Tar Heel would like to congratulate Hitler had made, last year's council. It feels that Hobbs and his At least he remained consistent in his stand, group started the Honor System on an uphill for he did not vote in favor of the first Lend- grade. The new council is continuing the good Lease appropriations bill. work. Carolina has an Honor System that is Keeping his isolationist, anti-administration, working and will work better next year. A prog- obstructionist stand, the old time anti-alienist defer conscription until January, 1941, in favor of voluntary enlistment a process which had proved inadequate. On the question of sending American armed forces outside the country the "Dixie Demagogue" voted for the Norris amendment to prohibit the armed forces from foreign soil. On the same bill he introduced an amendment to prohibit aid to Russia, our present ally. This measure failed by a vote of 35-58; And again, he voted in favor of the Taf t amendment forbidding authorization to send the armed forces outside the Western Hemis phere, , By 1941 it was becoming increasingly clear that if the 'war were to continue the United States would have to become truly an arsenal of de mocracy. On the most important vote in recent years a vote which gave life-blood credit to na- ressive student government will see to that. TREASURE HUNT ... Another $5 bill will be given away today by Graham Memorial and the Carolina Magazine. The first $5 was found Sunday by Martin Barrier, whose adventures are described on today's front page. Clues will not be put up until 10:30 this morn ing, or any morning hereafter. Because false clues appeared Sunday, the rest of the Hunt clues will be stamped "Daily Tar Heel" and signed by Walter Klein. If the clues don't have that identifi cation, they're forgeries. Here's how any University man or coed can get today's $5 bill: 1. Solve either one of the two clues below. 2. Track down those clues at 10 :30 or after. 3. Track down the second clue, and you'll find the $5. The Treasure Hunt is a game of speed, so the longer you wait after 10:30 theless chance you have of getting to the money first. If you find the $5, please notify the Daily Tar Heel immediately, so we can publish your name and a story about your discovery. Good luck! CLUE NO. 1: TFBSDI CFLJOE CFODI SJHIU GSPOU ZNDB CLUE NO. 2 . f LSELYT . OOOGAA KCLTIB ORREEI NTFNIN OF ALUM : creator of the "Vindicators" a "mass movement in America to discuss Americanism" voted less than four months before Pearl Harbor not to ex tend the period of service of draftees for 18 months. On questions of lifting bans on arming ships, lifting belligerent port and combat-zone bans only three weeks before Pearl Harbor, the man into whose speeches have invaded excerpts of "Social Justice" voted the "unpreparedness way." O As if explaining his position in the past few years, the Senator has said that he believes there will be a reaction against war in 1944, when he comes up for re-election. married four times, and garnered his publicity, -team and end and half back of the football team received his law degree here in 1906. Coming from a politics-minded family, he blandly confessed to his constituents in his first campaign that he was "out for the job and for the money." The one time proprietor of a roller skating rink in Louisiana, where he knew the "Kingf ish" Huey Long, then a "patent leather peddler," Reynolds made a million in real estate and then lost it in land deals and bank failures. Throughout his perennial campaign for pub licity he kissed Jean Harlow on the Capitol steps and endorsed "Lucky Strikes" he has Icept his North Carolina constituents in mind. And so the Tar Heel Senator has brazenly bel lowed in the Senate, traveled around the world, married four times ,and garnered his publicity, but the question of whether he will continue this in the name of a North Carolina Senator will be decided by the people of North Carolina in 1944. The man who hasn't heard of Harris must have an embalmed mind. The little flower of OSCD has done more to annoy the average man than anybody else on the Caro lina campus. Most, however, don't know the real value of the man. Harris it was who passed the dance legislation cut, and all that thereby hangs. Behind the scenes Harris worked on the legislature, keeping out of the public eye because he knew his own value in publicity and didn't want to kill the bill by being openly connected with it. To Harris, if to anybody, goes the credit for salvaging student government from a hopeless morass of apathy and in suring it against the forages of South building's big guns. O Harris is one of the most cunning politicians on the campus. It was he who railroaded Ferebee Taylor into the speakership when Terry Sanford left, an act that boomeranged, much to Lou's discomfort. It was he who lined up such powerful men as Tom Long for the magazine combination. It was he who constantly pushed Henry Moll on to a greater Carolina Magazine. Harris has been criticized for lack of scruples. I have criticized him myself, and I still believe I'm right. Harris has done some of the dirtiest things this campus has ever seen, and he is one of the hardest men to deal with because of this. He is the reporter's bugbear, none of them trust him. I know from personal ex perience, for it was Harris who gave me the story of a total Carolina black out in the winter quarter, a story that I wrote and was spread over the front page. When the blackout came off, I took the embarrassment not Harris. O s Nevertheless, without Harris the good that has been done on the cam ,pus this year would have been de creased. He, through his Washing ton connections which are not the myth that people make them, estab lished the first student division of . the office of Civilian Defense at Car olina. He brought Eleanor Roose velt to Carolina at the ISS-CPU con ference. He passed the dance cut; he passed the combination. He was the student beginner of the Emer gency Committee and the May Day celebration. He's a high economics student. Harris leaves Carolina in three :weeks. Many will sigh with relief, .. but I shall miss him. Carolina will seem dead without the machinations of a student Harry Hopkins; student government stands in grave danger without his sparking brain. He leaves to conquer greater fields, a task which 1 am sure will be an easy one He's already got a foothold in Washington that would make some Wall Street individuals I know green with envy. I wish him good luck and To the Editor: I have been much interested in your championing of the coopera tive housing question. I believe a properly managed co-op house is one of the best good-citizen-developing agencies in college life. I have heard my father tell how it was done in his day in the famous old "clubs" at the famous old schools. In my , own student days I knew students, both girls and men, and among them some of the most bril liant stars on the campus, who were members of such organizations and enthusiastic about them. I have watched the movement grow. This year a group you have named "fam ous" have been my-near neighbors. I saw them move in with mis givings because some of our stu dent neighbors last year had been a menace to peace and property. But these boys have done a good job. As the movement grows here I think they' should be honored as a sort of Founding Fathers group for the good name they have given the co op idea and the good example they have worked out for future groups to follow. I believe the zoning regu lations of the village should be held fast as a wise protection to property owners. But surely some way can be found to do that and still house groups like these co-op neighbors of mine. A quiet place to live is a necessity to real student, meaning study, life. So the enjoyment of it becomes one of the "fundamental freedoms" of citizenship in a college community. The fifth column sort who would creep in to turn liberty to license we must hold in check and cast out. But a group who would share, not shatter, the blessing should be more than welcome. Sincerely yours, E. M. Preston To the Editor: Sound and Fury wants to thank the Daily Tar Heel for making Sa turday's "Are you Kiddin'?" pos sible and for the opportunity cf helping raise money for the Tar Heel Social Room Fund. The ex perience of having a sponsor behind us was an entirely new and an al together delightful one, and with out your generous cooperation, the show wouldn't have been possible. If the audience, and particularly the Seniors, had as much fun at "Are you Kiddin'?" as we did, we're satisfied. If the Tar Heel worried as much about the show beforehand as we did, we're sorry. Thanks again- for helping us with our show, and best success to the Tar Heel Social Room Fund. Very sincerely, Ben Hall, Sound and Fuhrer on bended knee... By Ben McEinnon . Pass The Mud in Missouri) "The best thing to Co is not to get stuck that is, in the mud in Missouri," according to a news item in the New York Sunday News. "Highway Pa trol Troopers aren't carrying tow chains, heretofore an important part of their complement. They say they can't afford to tear up their cars these days pulling motorists out of ditches." . We don't realize what an advan tage we have in being able to live in a state where there is no danger of getting stuck in the mud. We have just recently been assured that we have a two-fold check against such a ditch calamity. Not only did they take our tires away so as to protect us from devilish little ditch es but they made sure that such an accident would not happen to us by taking our gas away too. Boy, ain't we lucky! O- While walking to the ball game last week, I happened to see St. Clair Pugh, headed in the same di rection, and surrounded by the usual bevy of female admirers. "Which end are we going to sit on?" gaily questioned one of the lady friends. Pugh came back with the typical an swer, "Which end do we' ususally sit on?" O Well, Ain't It So? Of all the terrors known to man The greatest, I assert, Is to wear a fifteen collar Upon a sixteen shirt. -O Quotable Quotes: Two boys were walking along by the Gymnasium the other day when a particularly unattractive coed approached. The first boy turned around and said, "Well, you can have her." "Oh no," retorted the other, "I saw her first, you can have her." Sounds kinda backwards, doesn't it? "Boy, did you see Rita Hayworth Monday night? Why, I couldn't even keep my mind on the picture!" Who could. One guy at the Duke-Carolina game got a little hot under the col lar when Dan wandered over to the Duke bench. When one of the play ers began patting the friendly ca nine, the aforementioned student stood up and roared, "Get your hands off that dog." All of which brings up this question, who leads a better life, a dog or a Duke man? If you like tragedies, you will enjoy reading this heart-rending story about Paul Nolan. Paul, who lives in 108 Aycock, has an alarm clock which is very treacherous. This devilish timepiece delights in go ing off three and four times a night and at the most ungodly hours, too. And, then on a morning when he just has to meet an 8:30, no amount of pleading and winding will make the saboteur go off. In a letter to this column, Paul has requested that I make this appeal so that anyone who would like a novelty alarm clock. The price for this wonder ful little instrument is 75c at pres ent but I would consider cutting the price slightly," reports Paul, "but I absolutely refuse to pay any one more than a quarter to take it , out of the room and get rid of it." Add Sensational Signs: The one on a comb placard in the drug store which reads, "Comb early and avoid the brush." On the window of a dry-goods store, "Our summer suits are not so hot!" And the one in the meat markets which reports, "You can't lick our chops." if happens here . . . 3:00 CWC meets in final session in Grail Room. 5:00 Woman's Glee Club meets in Hill Music hall. 7:30 Phi meets in elect new officers. Phi hall to a strong steel advise him to wear plate on his back. An appropriate comment from Tmy Hutton this week-end would have been, "Some people will laugh to T?nv fv.NeVertteIeSS' th E, I 13 CTeW of screwballs W I r good consider ing it. hasty production. Some of the cast received their first instruc 1 h0ns f lve """to- before the curtain. fefense; buyJ W? ( UNITED W3r ' L STATES MP SAVIXGSJi