PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1916 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Comdr. Carroll Relieved Of Duty Allen G. Schnable To Report Feb. 20 The tour of duty of Lieuten ant Commander H. W. Carroll, USNR, executive officer of the NROTC unit here, will expire late this month, and Commander Allen G. Schnable, USN, has been nominated by the Navy De partment to take his place. Commander Schnable will re- CLASSIFIED Advertisements must be paid for in advance and turned in at the Tar Heel business office. Graham Memorial, by 1 o'clock the day preced ing publication. Fifty cents (.50c) eacn Inch Bnd fraction. WILL CONSIDER selling brand new house nearing comple tion, excellent neighborhood. Five large rooms downstairs, extra large bath. Hardwood floors, beautiful location, big lot, basement. Flagstone terrace in front, big rear porch with cement floor. Two large unfinished rooms up stairs. Close to campus. Price reasonable. Archie P. Daniels, Art Dept., U.N.C., Chapel Hill, N. C. LOST Camel's hair overcoat at dance Saturday night. Single stitching on lapels. REWARD. Charles Afflick, Phi Delta Theta House. LOST One tan camel's hair topcoat in Lenoir Hall about January 15th. REWARD. C O. Money, 32 Old West. LOST One Chi Omega sorority pin. REWARD. Robertine Roberts. Dial 6096. port to Chapel Hill on or about Feb. 20. He comes with a rich background of experience at sea, where he did an outstand ing job as submarine command ing officer and was cited for meritorious conduct in action on a submarine war patrol against the Japanese. ine newiy-appomted execu tive officer was graduated from the Naval Academy in 1934 with a bachelor of science degree and has a well-rounded background in naval duties both ashore and at sea. Commander Carroll came to the campus on Feb. 9, 1942. Commander Carroll, who has served since Feb. 9, 1942, ex pects to be discharged soon after his release here. He said he will remain at his Chapel Hill home until June, when he plans to re turn to New York to enter pri vate business. S'& F Spring Review Holds Talent Tests Sound and Fury's own Patty Harry, the Hubba Hubba Girl is only one example of the comely beauty that will take part in S & F.'s spring review, "State of the Campus." Other contestants for the Hubba Hubba contest such as Nancy Fitch, Terry Ma verick, Hallie Dockery, and Cher rie Divelbiss will also be part of this forthcoming production. The tryouts are being held this week in the S. & F. office on the 2nd floor of Graham Memorial from 3 to 5:30 o'clock. Coeds and men both, if you can write, act, sing, play, dance, or com pose, come to see Pokey Alexan der in the Sound and Fury Office today. Woman's Magazine To Offer Prizes For Best Story "Mademoiselle" magazine will award 250 for the best short story submitted by a woman un dergraduate in its current con test. The winning story, which should be from 1,500 to 3,000 words in length, will be publish ed in the August 1946 issue of the magazine. In case it should be impossible to determine a single outstanding story, $250 will be paid for each story pub lished in that issue. "Mademoiselle" reserves the right to purchase any story other than prizewinners at regular publication rates. Stories which have been printed in col lege magazines may be submit ted but they must not have been printed elsewhere. rr i i ioung women interested m further details may write "Made moiselle" at 122 East 42nd Street, New York, 17, N. Y. union, Miss Martha Rice, direc tor, said recently, "I would like to express our thanks to the Hil lel Foundation for their thought ful contribution, and I hope we may continue and improve our service to them, and the campus as a whole. The money will be put into the fund for the con struction of the new wing on the south end of the building, which is now being planned." Crossword Puzzle ANSWEB I'O PREVIOUS PCZZLF 4CROSS I Root of moutb 8 Fruits 11 Encourage 13 Mixed up 13 Poem by Kipling 1 Fall from horse 17 Hour tabbr.) 18 Land measures 30 Bogs down 21 French coin 22 Require 24 Meadow 25 Small particle 29 Circular In cross section 23 Recover? tire 30 Cheer 31 Set of sails S3 Makes speed) 35 Huckster -33 Trail .39 PedaJ digit 41 Withered 42 Cravat 43 Fruit with bard rind 45 King Arthur's lance' 48 Small fish 47 Water bottle 49 Thus 60 Identical 61 Minor prophet 63 Inclines 64 Kind of tree HQRDE S EIiMA A BMuPT AGATES NEDS R RAWDRC D V KlEE ALE RljA 6 E L EfpANTSOAD E N eIpIg i ngs st Aigrr T I EX3POT rTTJ N E Sp SLOUGHS atomlIs k a too at totCe P jCbOBEV o pot wo as pDrl OILIER TOUPEE MlAITlulelEhlElLlslAlSlS Freshmen Guests At WC Saturday l 2 3 T""j (a 7 (8 9 I lio ZW1ZJLZZ.1.WL LLLZZLZZ !!LiL I 2b 17 777 28 29 51 33 XSlS 37 38 39 Ho 4 -r-r-Zl 2ZrrT, W 77 w 777 . -r-r- l: : n 53 54 II I I l"l 1 I 1 I I Dbtr. bj United Feature Syndicate. Ine. OOWN 1 Flexible 2 Musical note 3 First principle 4 Semester 5 Satin dress fabric 8 Come into view 7 Desserts 8 Through 9 Load fabbr. 10 Play banjo 14 At liberty 16 Prefix: before 17 Large ring 19 Having saw teeth 21 Reel 23 Demise 25 Caustic fluids 27 Definite article 29 Age 32 Eyes 33 Attacs 34 Rocks 35 Breakfast food 36 God of love 37 Famous 40 Not Id 43 Sport 44 Prefix half 47 Top 48 Prefls; not 50 Thun 52- Western State labbr.) Sam Daniels, President of the Freshman Class, has announced that the freshmen at WC are en tertaining the freshman boys here at Chapel Hill next Satur day, Feb. 9, at 8:30 p.m. with an informal dance at the recre ation hall of the college in Greensboro. Provisions have been made to charter sufficient buses to carry approximately one hundred members of the lo cal class to Greensboro, leaving here Saturday afternoon and re turning that night. It is urged that all those boys interested in attending the dance sign up at once in the "Y" lobby. There will be a representative of the class in the lobby every after- I noon for the remainder of the week to collect the round trip fee of $1.75. The time of depar ture will be announced later. Hillel Gives Money To Graham Memorial In appreciation for services rendered, Graham Memorial re ceived a twenty-five dollar check from the Hillel Foundation last week, along with the following letter : "Please accept the enclosed gift as a token of HilleFs appre ciation for the kindness shown to it by Graham Memorial. Sincerely, Rabbi Isadore Bu dick." Speaking for the student SWIMMERS (Continued from page three) best man that the Blue Devils had to offer all afternoon, but in the anchor leg Gardner easily outdistanced Duke's Ocken to win going away, ine time was 3:16.2. Shumate and Little finished one-two to garner eight points for Carolina in the 50-yard free style dash. Shumate's time was 25.2. Burgoyne of Duke was third. Mac Erie of the Blue Dolphins easily took the diving with a total of 211.8 points, while his teammate, Swigert, nosed out Duke's Klause for second place. Jenkins won the 150-yard backstroke easily in 1:44.4. The battle in this event was for second place with Cannon final ly gaining the edge over Thomp son of Duke. Duke gained its only second place of the day in the 200-yard breaststroke as Sutton finished behind Jack Zimmerman but ahead of Carolina's Davies. The relay team of Norwood, Frazier, Little and Ficklen took the 400-yard relay from Duke in 4:25.5. Send the Daily Tar Heel Home Campus Issues Subject Of YMCA Supper Forum "Is There Too Much Student Government on the Campus?" will be discussed at the regular bi-monthly "Y" Supper Forum tonight at 6:00 o'clock in the basement of the Methodist church. Allan Pannill will give the students' viewpoint on this con troversial subjejct in a discus sion patterned after the radio program, Town Hall of the Air. A member of the faculty or ad ministration will present that side of the issue. After these two statements, Pat Kelly, acting as moderator, will throw the floor opeg for questions from the audience. Kay Farrell, secretary of the YWCA, stated that tickets will be on sale for 35 cents in the YMCA lobby all day. "The fo rum will not last later than 7:15 p. m. " she said, and "all student body members are invited." Boxers Prepare For Army Scrap North Carolina's mittmen. batting an even .500 now after having split two successive en counters, will take on their third rival of the season this coming Saturday night, as they travel to West Point where they will clash with unbeaten Army. Coach Jule Medwin and his squad have entertained South Carolina with a defeat, but met a stone wall at Charlottesville, Va. last Satur day night, dropping one to Vir ginia's Cavaliers, 5-3. There was much discussion as to the offici ating of the Carolina-Virginia tussle, as many eye-witness spec tators commented on several bum decisions" given the Tar Heels. WE STEAK OUR REPUTATION IllliM IM " T- p IM .. OUR SPECIALTY Exclusive at the Popular 4 I UNIVERSITY on Our Kansas City Steaks RESTAURANT (SJMSLIMIil NOW PLAYING I" lT7n,7;nr-7:ll,,i::iii',"ilisi,:z3 rt -V ?vn v'X, Pick Theatre NOW PLAYING TOMORROW IS FOREVER' YOU KNOW YOUR IM1SSI ' :. ,L SvJ m Watch Your Wallet! Hold On To Your Girl! Hjiatkin' Bracken Is On The loose! ffi -1 ? N ' ' far 3Tv J' V " mm -..:. V.-S?.i v .1.. &-X-:S& f IMMH EDDIE BBAfflg VERONICA LAUt mm'" ::-:v:::::::::::::::::-::x:S-: :-W&:y:m:t-x&& X - J V; i. .- . .r- Asvv?rm . ..... fS Had wmaikamitaKW IrflcW 9 Mi LVAYS S UY TH fllGHT COMB1 NATION OP THE WORLDS BEST TOBACCOS n n InJ L Lru Lr.U Copyright 1946. Liocnr & Mvem Tobacco Ca