THE DAILY TAR HEEL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1946 PAGE TWO mh Daily ciir Hieel The official newspaper of the Publications Union of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where it is printed daily, except Mondays, examinations and vacation periods. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Chapel Hfll, N. C tinder the act of March 8, 1879. Subscription price is $5.00 for the college year. EOBERT MORRISON WESTY FENHAGEN . EDDIE ALLEN BETTTE GAITHER Editor Managing Editor Associate Editor .-Business Manager CLIFFORD HEMINGWAY Circulation Manager EDITORIAL STAFF: Kay Conner. Fred Jacobson. Dorothy Marshall, Gloria Gawtier, Mort f Sneed, Dick Koral, Dick Stern. . NEWS EDITORS : Bob Levin, Jack Lackey. COPY EDITOR: Bfll Lamkin. REPORTERS: Betty Green, Jo Pugh, Frances Halsey, Janet Johnston, Mary Hill Gaston, Bsttie Washburn, Gloria Robbing, Sam Snmmerlin, Elaine Fatten. Mickie Derieux, Gene Aenchbacher, John Giles, Roland Gidoz, Darley Lochner, Posey Emerson, Elizabeth Barnes. SPORTS EDITORS : Carroll Poplin, Irwin SmaHwood. SPORTS STAFF: Howard Merry, Frank Miller, Clark StaHwortb, Mel Cohen, Bob Fried lander, Buddy Gotterman, Jo Farris, Jim Kluttz. ADVERTISING MANAGER: BEH Selfc. ADVERTTSNG LAYOUT MANAGER: Ann Thornton ; Assistant, Don Shields. BUSINESS STAFF: Suzanne Barclay, Natalie Selig, Claude Ramsay, Strowd Ward, Bar bara Thorson. ADVERTISING STAFF: Adelaide McNarty, Ruth Gay, Virginia Wilson, Peggy Cates, Sarah Wood, Gene Heafner, Bettie Cheatham, Nancy Westbrook, Jean Youngblood, Clare Hudson, Nancy Maupin, Ann Geohegan, Lois Clarke, Hal Dickens, Zeb Little, Eddie Owens, Mary Widener, Fay Maples, Marianne Brown, Jane Slaughter, Mary Jo Cain, Ann Cobb, Louise King, Jeanne Driscoll, Betty Lamb. Nooky McGee, Jo McMillan. MUSIC MAKERS - 'Take Care' in Top Bracket TAKE A WALK, SIR We are having some beautiful weather these days, and we are expecting more. We hope you good folks of Chapel Hill are taking advantage of it. The season is coming for some real picnics and hikes. It's just warm enough so that overcoats and heavy clothing is un necessary, and just brisk enough to give the zip that can carry you for miles. It won't last too long, either. In another month every twitch may bring forth a bucket of perspiration. A good walk in this weather is just what the doctor orders. The conditions are ideal here. In a few minutes you are out on the open road in the picturesque countryside. There are places aplenty to go, down the Raleigh Road, up to the University Lake, etc. Stretch out those legs. Loosen up those dormant muscles. Give your lungs a chance to operate at more than the usual ten per cent capacity. The blood starts to circulate again, and lo and behold! you'll be twice as efficient in everything you do when you get back to town. Picnics are easy to organize. You can get up a picnic lunch in a half hour for a dozen people at a per capita cost much lower than any dinner in Chapel Hill. Get a couple of loaves of bread, a head of lettuce, some cold cuts and cheese, some fresh fruit and a couple of quarts of milk and a few paper cups. Throw it in a bag, and make up the sandwiches wherever you stop to eat. The more ambitious can bring franks and hamburgers to cook. ; A word of caution: Don't let the fires get out of hand, and clean up after you leave. There is nothing so unnecessary as a forest fire; nothing so repellant as garbage on the landscape. BE SMART: SEE ORANGE COUNTY FIRST! SYMPHONIC PROGRAM A. B. Smith's four point platform is to be acclaimed as a dis tinguished overture to his reign as the Phi's speaker. One of his points is to be especially endorsed, namely, the encouragement and promotion of a symphonic program for the university. With the recent gift of a Planetarium and art gallery, coupled with the Koch Memorial, this school is gradually becoming an art center of the first magnitude. However, in one department we are notoriously lacking; that is in the presence of a clas sical music program featuring the leading artists and orches tras of the nation. Our sister and rival schools have had, and do have such programs as the. recent performances by the na tion's second leading orchestra at their local auditoriums. Mr. Smith's recommendationspoint the way toward the eras ing of this deficiency. More power to him and it. . . - SOME PENDING CLASHES As usual this time of year, the campus political brew is boil ing to the point of evaporation, Jimmy Wallace's challenge of the validity of Stockton's election, although admittedly made on the spur of the moment, has become a source of confusion. After several vears of dormancv. tho clause in the legisla ture's constitution, giving veto power to the council, has been reconsidered to use against the rule requiring the supreme pen alty for vandalism on other campuses. After a little prodding by the Daily Tar Heel, Hunt's com mittee to draft a student constitution is again at work, and hopes to make the April deadline. The coed politicos seem a little worried jOver the constitution's proposal to reorganize their governmental system, but it seems to us that every group should be willing to sacrifice the status quo for more student government coordination. The best-selling records in town last week were Freddie Martin's "Rachmaninoff Concer to" and Betty Hutton's "Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief." New Releases: George Gersh win, always appreciated, gets magnificent treatment from Ed die Condon's Jazz Band in the new Decca four-record album, "Gershwin Concert." Not only are such old favorites as "Lady Be Good," "Swanee," and "Man I Love" included but several of the composer's lesser known but fine pieces are present. Lee Wiley, reputedly Gershwin's fa vorite vocalist, sings well and the musicians are in top form. Jazz ordinarily does not lend itself well to strong melody but here neither the quality of the jazz nor the beauty of the tunes are sacrificed.. It'was difficult but Condon and Company have done it. " In another new album, Victor Borge, Swedish humorist and pianist, does eight sides, four of which feature his rich and biting satire. "Phonetic Pronunciation" has clicked solidly for Borge on the air and in theaters through out the country and brings many laffs on wax. His combination of Schubert's "Serenade" and Strauss' "Blue Danube" results in a melodic "Blue Serenade." On the serious side, Borge plays with the help of Paul Baron's orchestra such favorites as "All the Things You Are," Brahms' "Lullaby," and Craig's "Rhap- By Brad McCuen sody." In excellent taste, these sides are performed with Borge's technically perfect keyboard manner. Bobby Sherwood's "Cotton Tail" and "Snap Your Fingers' are both well worth mention "Tail," a Duke Ellington tune, is fast beat rhythm and has good instrumental solos for those who appreciate them. "Fingers" fea tures Bobby's singing and trumpet which should please the majority of those who give it a listen. In a quieter mood, Emil Cole man and his Waldorf-Astoria or chestra play "The Parrot" and "Say It Over Again." The band is a combination of the Eddie Duchin and Xavier Cugat styles with the accent on the South American tempos. The appeal for Chapel Hill may be limited but this band really brings the wealthy wheels into the W-A in NY. - . .Record "of the Week: The sort of music that is perfect for danc ing in the dark with "your "prima" girl is Tommy Tucker's "Take Care." The melody is good but it is the way that Tucker plays this one that lifts it into the top brackets. With a pre dominant bass and a melodic reed background, Tucker's guitar creates a June-moon mood in the middle of February. Don Brown and a fcrocal trio take care of the vocal on "Take Care" and also on the reverside, "When the One You Love." (Columbia.) $- In dubious Battle by Jack Dube and. Bud Imbrey rs TJO-IE KCDOJkJiDTrAlBtLE The Case Anti-Strike Bill By Dewey Dorset t One of the greatest achievements of the liberal age was the evolution of the Rule of Law. This means that both individuals and governments are bound in their actions by a set of rules which are known by all rules which make it possible to predict in ad vance what actions men may or may not take and to make one's own plans accordingly. We call these rules formal rules and they are not intended to discriminate against any group or class of 1 1 A J 1 1 1 -V rt" peopie, out to appiy gviiciniiy w all. The North Carolina speed $ : Shaggy Doggerel Dept.: What with St. Valentine's day having come and gone rather quickly and effortlessly, we think it only fair to comment upon this year's trend1 in greeting cards and other goodies to come our way. If you got a red box (heart shaped), a quick guess would be that it had its origin m Danziger s. We bought one for ourselves but so far we haven't been able to fig ure out the inscription. It seems as though one of the exchange students crept in to do the let tering. We did get a card, pin-up girl and all the fixings, which read : "I tingle in my brain and spine, Will you be my Valentine?" This gives us an idea for other holidays, 'such as: "I vibrate in each arm and leg, Will you be my Easter Egg?" Or perhaps: "My metabolism is quite jerky, Will. you be my Christmas tur key?" Bolderdash & Folderol: Our man of the air is still concentrat ing his efforts toward the dry run annihilation of I. G. Farben Hill. Isn't there a loose machine- gunner in the crowd who doesn't have an eleven o'clock class and would like to do a Good Thing? The plane has been definitely identified as a .... . We came upon Dan, the birdless bird dog, who has evidently left the track team in search of a more inti mate atmosphere. He was going from table to table at Danziger's, a cupcake here, a rum cake there. When we left, he was -4 spelling Charlie Johnson at the music-box, playing "Love Me, Love My Dog." We didn't catch the name of the little blonde (they're always blondes) who was trying to buy red oil for the rear light on her car The Characters' Club has ex panded. They were last seen in a colyum in the Tar Heel some days back by someone who calls herself THE RAM it could be EWE ..... Feed Muh Alfalfa Dept.: It seems that the lounge of Gra ham Memorial was being set up one Friday afternoon for a dance and a loudspeaker connecting jthekoffice aria the lounge had been established. Some joker turned the switch and Martha Rice gave an involuntary 45-min ute harangue to the lounge on sundry subiects ... will her " face be red when she reads this With conditions the way thev are. we'd rather re-enlist than live in a dorm room Terrelita brings up a point when she hints that it may be more than rumor about which . end of statues erected in the South face North Rainbow Benny in forms us that the picture of J. K. Polk in the Di Meeting Hall is worth five grand any veter ans whose checks haven't come thru yet? ..... Kiss-Off: Reserving our own right of recognition, and refus ing to give lip-service to things that shouldn't be told to little children, we prefer, like the not-too-brights, to think of Bilbo as the man who discovered the Pacific ..... limit law is an example. Any one who exceeds the prescribed limit is subject to penalty. The contract laws are another ex ample. If A breaks his contract with B he is subject to suit whether he is the President of General Motors or the janitor in South Building. Thus by the Rule of Law individuals may play the game according to the rules, and know that they are free from discrimination be cause of their race, religion, or income bracket. Yet, in the last few years Americans have witnessed wholesale violations of the spirit and law of this Rule of Law. Take, for example, the case of labor unions. Time and again they have broken their contracts witji management and gotten away with it. Time after time they have destroyed property in their strikes and gotten away with it. The Case Anti-Strike bill, introduced by Representa tive Case of South Dakota and passed by the House of "Repre sentatives, seeks equality in the treatment of unions and indus try. In doing this it makes the labor unions financially respon sible for their actions and liable to being sued, a responsibility which has been missing from the labor picture so far. In the words of Rep. Homer A. Ramey of Ohio, "If a company violates a contract, that company could be sued. The same applies to unions. This is the kind of equali ty and justice upon which the firm foundation of our indepen dence has been erected. . . What the Case bill provides in that we shall, if it becomes a law, throw our labor disputes, just as we do with all other deadlock business disputes, into the courts." The main provisions of the bill would : create a Federal me diation board with the power to intervene in a labor dispute and enforce a 30 day cooling off period; use injunctions to en force the cooling off period and prevent violence or interference with movement of perishable goods; authorize civil suit against either side in cases in volving contract violation; curb jurisdictional disputes by out lawing boycott; ban violent pick eting. Should meditation or vol untary arbitration fail, the uni ons would be free to strike, pro vided the 30 day cooling off period had expired. Both strik ers and employers could be pun ished for preventing, by force or threats of force, any worker from quitting or continuing in his job. - $ Grog In The Eel By Banal Painal -4 O'er miles and minutes the grog flows, and the eel in tender passion finally unfolds. To an innocent flyswatter it seems that: - Although rumors have circu lated to the effect that the paths at Chapel Hill bring mud, dis ease and business to the laundry let us remember that we put up a great fight against Duke last November, even with their paths. Need we say more? Everyone should take a few hours out to consider the elec tion of the May Day officials. To save you all . the trouble of bothering your little skulls about it, this mass observer suggests the name of the most likable and efficient candidate, a young light by the rame of, uh, oh yes, Painal. Get out there you wonderful people, and throw your weight behind him. He's two to one in the jstated opin ions on this page. (O. K. Mister, try and get me on that one.) Scuttlebutt has it that inef ficient, incompetent and no-good Speaker Bunt of the legislature is going to resign due to a ner vous breakdown. Three cheers and hurrah. This is one character that would be expendable if he were the last man on earth. As it happens there is a very effi cient, competent and good Speaker Pro tern ready to jump in and fill the gap (fellow by the name of Gainal or Painal or something like that). At the request of several stu dents I am rapturous in being able to print the following: Rob ert Morrison is NOT the new dean of the Harvard Law School. The boys over there seem to become a little irked even at the suggestion of such a thing! Midnight meanderings: The Delta Trys threw a ter rific shindig Friday night. Con grats women, only next time supply a few more chairs. Even you have to sit down occasion ally. v Those Bie Bhy gold arrows are really lovely, girls, but there are times and places for every thing. Ouch! Hear that the greatest argu ment for mercy killing, Dim So lace has passed his law exams, and will be with us next term.' Sorry campus, but life is bitter all over. Wonder what the doDe is the alleged tamperers-with-the- honor-of-Carolina-ladies is. Mal adjustment breeds strange bed fellows. Carolina gentlemen, pre pare to arm yourselves. The cause is here, our path is clear. And so, to those who have in sinuated that this column tis the least biased, prejudiced or car minative we reply that our life is but an eel moving slowly over seas of grog wherein one day the . answer shall be found. R. G. S.