THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY TAR HEEL NEWS BRIEFS (Continued from first page) avert a country-wide telephone tie-up, the National Federation of Telephone Workers has issu ed a strike order to all its 51 affiliates. And President Joseph Beirne says "nothing" short of a miracle" can stop the walkout now. If the walkout becomes ef fective, some 250 thousand work ers will be involved. And all Long Lines, overseas and manu ally operated telephone service will be blacked out. Government May Halt New Railway Strike Washington, March 6 The nation-wide strike set for March 11th by the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen and the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers may be postponed. The strike notice has been received by the National Mediation Board. And according to the famous Rail way Labor Act, the government may intervene and delay the strike for at least 30 days. Presidents of both Brotherhoods say that their combined 300 thousand members will go along with the President on the Rail way Labor Act as they always have done. Council Asks Truman To Probe GM Strike Detroit, March 6 President Truman, meanwhile, has been asked by the Detroit City Coun cil to intervene personally in the 106-day old General Motors strike. Negotiations for both sides met today, but gained no new ground. The United Auto Workers charge that General Motors is engaged in "Union busting". And General Motors has turned down a fourth Union demand that the strike be sub mitted to government arbitra tion. - ...... . Nationalist Candidate Leads in Argentina Buenos Aires, March (-Argentina's Nationalist president ial candidate, Juan Peron, to night is steadily increasing his 65-thousand vote lead over the Democratic party's Jose Tambo rini. About 20 per cent of the Former Marine Loses Apartment Because Of Newspaper Article Lawrence "Foxhole" Fergu son, journalism student and vet eran, wrote a feature story to help pay his rent but found that he had nothing for which to pay rent as a result' of the story. When his landlady, Mrs. Alma J. Neville of 118 Mallette Street, read the article in Sunday's Dur ham Morning Herald in which Foxhole described the quarters in which he and his wife former ly lived as "built on the plan of an early American barn," she requested the Fergusons to move. Foxhole went., further to de scribe his habitation saying, "She said the bath was private and showed me a latch on the inside to prove it." At the present time the Fergu sons would appreciate any offer of living quarters and they pro mise not to write newspaper articles about their new home. Applicants for the Neville rooms may line up on Mallette Street. Senate (Continued from first page) stay until the end of the dance, get their coats and get home on time, with no thought of giving them special privilege merely because v they could go to the dance. Speaker Protem The Senate passed a recom mendation to the newly-elected body to succeed them next month that the runner-up for the post of, speaker be automati cally v named speaker pro-tem. Plans are to stibmif this plan la ter as an amendment to the WGA Constitution. Guests at Tuesday night's meeting were incoming Senators elected this week. One more meeting for the present body is scheduled, after which the new members will take over. Charlie Fulton (Continued from, page two) ma Delta. He believes that fra ternity life is by far the most important aspect of life at col lege. LIL ABNER When a Bashby's Blood Turns Cold ! ! By Al Capp r-ff-qggUX A A MAGNIFICENT HONOR -AND I DESERVE. J fXYU -v-l nrr- 1 NEVER " K Tk IA i 74m HAVE BEEN OUT- VSCjv fEVES? THAT k" " T:T 4nN" A W awon'e knows ) A UOtt. . KtKi TO SEE YOU, SIR. I TOLD HiM IT WOULD BE HOPELESS WITHOUT am AOO-iirsrrrvrrsrT FSt IT T he Insisted i whisper A WORD INTO YOUR w r I i i ... . twnm r r I IPf YllM-r.iA.-r i. PhLU:..' I VI I SIR, s J C-COME IN , I I rOfrf . L-LOCK ALL ear- I v KT7Tr.Vv.;i lr r-V -t I- m T m. a -r rar X -a. W Expert Radio and Player RERAIR SERVICE at Ab 's Intimate Bookshop Tour total vote has been tabulated so I Asked for his opinion on stu far. 'dent srovernment here at Caro lina, Charlie's only reply was: "I believe that the coed and male governments should be consoli dated." Quite a nice thought, we ! think! PiKA Initiate Robert Younger has been ini tiated as a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. PERFECT for Graduation ' J"" ' ""' i '" .' ' ""-TI ' .- ,, PICTURE the day for thoge who care. Rela tives and friends all want your graduation day photograph. YOU too will cherish it when taken by the talented CARLOS PHOTOGRAPHERS Now located on the campus in the Green Room of the "Y." Appointments may be made here. MAKE YOURS TODAY! J ( Continued from first page) pat by Friday, we really enjoyed Cherry Point. Of course we spent the afternoon in the P-X. I re member when Polly Jo Evans was lighting a cigarette outside the door a marine raised his eye brows and said to his buddy, 'Gee, they smoke too." Polly Jo smiled at him and said, "Yes, we're big girls now" Wejust missed Johnny Long, who had been there the nierht before, but the camp orchestra was just as good. Then there was the marine who broke on Margaret Whitney. I'm Odd," he said. "Oh, hello," she giggled. "I'm even, how are A your" The marines were conquered. Letters from Lejeune were wait ing in our mail boxes when we got home Saturday, and one of Betty Tucker's new friends wTas over to see her that night. Goat Owners Protest Atom Bomb Experiment By United Press Goats who have been threaten ed by a Navy proposal to place 300 of them on a ship for the atom bomb experiments, have a champion today. At Jacksonville, Fla., the Sou thern Dairy Goat Owners and Breeders Association has sent a protest to Washington. Good goats are too scarce, they say. And as substitute passengers they suggest some of the Congressmen. Red Cross Chairman Urges Donations Lib Henderson, chairman of the Red Cross drive among Uni versity students, urged yesterday that all workers solicit every person living in their dorms or houses before Friday, the closing day of the current campaign. Any workers needing extra materials may get them this af ternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock up stairs in Graham Memorial, Chairman Henderson said. 1 No reports have as yet come in from the individual workers. Final tabulations should be in Friday afternoon. Ail men interested in umpir ing intramural softball next quarter are asked to meet in 215 Woollen gym tomorrow at 3 o'clock. Faculty (Continued from first page) The new IFC chairman will be elected next Monday and other officers might be chosen accord ing to the way the council votes to interpret the constitution. After a short . discussion the council modified the resolution now before individual chapters requiring an initiate to have 25 hours with an academic grade of C to 25 hours of credit with ten hours of C. PiKAs Entertain The PiKAs plan to entertain the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority this Sunday. The fraternity re cently was host to the ADPis. Students Warned Physicals Required For Registration All students who have not had their physical examinations will not be eligible to enroll for the Spring Quarter, Mr. Lanier said yesterday. For those students who have not had their physical, the exam inations will be given at the in firmary each afternoon except Saturday from 2 : 00 to 4 :00, and on Saturday from 9 :00 to 12 :00, March 6 to 16. A list of all students who have not received their physicals is posted on the Y bulletin board, and another one is at the infor mation booth in South Building. Everyone who is uncertain is ur ged to consult this list, because a similar list is in ine nanas oi all department heads and advi sors, and no student whose name is on the list will be allowed to register for courses. All men in military units who will remain in that unit during the Spring quarter do not have 1 to have a physical examination. Dr. Karl H. Fussier Will Teach Astronomy 41 Astronomy 41, an elective of fered before the war, will again be offered in the spring term, ac cording to Dr. Karl H. Fussier, physics professor. There is no pre-requisite to the course. The regular lecture course will be giv en at 12:00 p.m. five hours a. week. Laboratory sessions will meet at night. Dr. Fussier will teach the course. Cherry Point Meets Not Yet Scheduled, Dolphins Practice There was no further an nouncement today about the proposed home and home swim ming meets with Cherry Point to take place this Saturday and next. Coach Bob Fetzer has not returned and the final schedul ing of the contests awaits ljim. The Blue Dolphins, however, were continuing practice for the meets if they are set and for the National Intercollegiates to be held the last of this month at Yale University. It was for the purpose of practicing for the na tionals that the meets were planned, for Cherry Point is en tering a team in the National AAU meet to take place the first few days in April. Coach Ralph Casey is nego tiating with- Duke in an attempt to procure the use of their pool for practice next week. The Bow man Grey pool will be closed at that time while the roof is re paired. Tho bfjjocr drink with tho bettor flavor! pglill i Durham Pepsi-Cola Co. a r ft ' i "ilk. 4r- t f ir V MM if m?0(' j 1 1 ' ---ij tiSTEW TO THE . ::j5f7 $ ftfgfoffs a Week... wiff BMmm 7:00 P. M. WPTF ALWAYS MILDER l) BETTER TASTING (g COOLER SMOKING Rsgsssgssgssssgassssrsasasggssssaagsaaaaggirf l u m m a H a a Cbpyrighl 1944, boom & Mm Toueco Co. THE RIGHT COMBINATION n wm OF THE WORLD'S BEST TOBACCOS U N If U H a n n II i. EasaBBBisggggaBaEggggasaggBsrggggaggsg saia