J - 1, THE DAILY TAR HEEI FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1946 PAGE FOUE mi n ti f. I F t I Newman (Continued from first page) has given recitals at Columbia University, Washington, Deni son University Conservatory of Music, Harvard, and appeared with the Ohio State University Concert series in Cleveland. This other symphony orchestras and week he returned from Illinois where he gave several concerts at the University of Illinois in Urbana, Chicago, and Cleveland. The second week in May he will appear in .New York as pianist, and will play a recital at the Na tional Art Gallery in Washing ton on June 23, as part of another tour. Dr. Newman will appear in two more recitals this spring in Chapel Hill. CLASSIFIED Advertisement must be paid for in advance and turned in at the Daily Tab Heel brines Mnrid hv 3 o'clock the day preceding publication. Dial 8641. Fifty cents ' , . T j n Tim Daily Tar Hesl will be responsible only for the first incorrect Insertion and then only to the went of a make-good insertion to be run only in case of an error which lessens the value of the advertisement. LOST Phi Delta Theta fraternity pin. . Finder please call Allan Pan nill at 5041. Reward. Gray, slick-finish, looseleaf note book. Keward if returned to Roland Giduz, DTJI office. Teaching ExDerlence Before coming to the Univers ity, he taught in the public schools of Cleveland, Benning ton College, and Columbia Uni versity Teachers' College. Dur ing the coming summer, Dr. Newman will serve as assistant professor at Columbia Univers ity.. Lambert, composer of "The Rio Grande", allows the jazz idiom to creep into all of his music and makes very original use of the percussion instru ments. He is one of the outstand ing composers of the younger English school, and the boldness of his musical conceptions is quickly bringing him recogni tion. Some think he has outdone George Gershwin in his own field; those who have heard his works asrree that he has assimi lated the jazz idiom and perceiv ed its adaptability to the choral medium. Other members included in tonight's program are "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", by Bach, and "Symphony in E Flat", by Saint-Saens. Legislature Continued from page one) legislature that the group had adjourned, the chair stated that the motion had carried. Calling the method undemo- FLY ! ! Twenty-one Passenger DOUGLAS LUXURY LINER FLIGHTS O Full Airline Equipment. Hostess 50,000 Insurance Per Passenger NORTHBOUND to NEW YORK on the afternoons of April 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th O SOUTHBOUND to SEA ISLAND, GEORGIA; DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA ; PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ; MIAMI, FLORIDA on the afternoons of April 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th FLAGSTOPS MADE AT HORACE WILLIAMS AIRPORT For Information or Reservations, Write or Telephone RESORT AIRLINES Southern Pines 5482 v v v - -' ,'- ', - , ' - ; I - ' v s " ' ' - " ' I ' ' ; l ' ' - - 1 ' '" ' ,,v. ' I 1 L, - , ''- - - - v " v strictly on the level! GL1DER Trim little globe trotters flat as a landing strip! Concealed arch keeps you on the up and up! Black suede with white stitcKng. $6.59 - ROSCOE GRIFFIN SHOE CO. 114 West Main St. Durham, N. C. LTL ABNER He Has But One Life to Give for "Fearless Foicl By Al Capp Cso rrs ALL MAH GOOCH WOMT NEVAH BE. ABLE T DKAW K , FEARLESS FOSDKZK AO JNf THEM SLOBBOVIAN5 1 -W-VONT LET HIM OUTA -J OAIUONLESS HE. MARRIES UP W1F LENA TW HYENA -ANT- NATCHERLY, THAR HAJNT A MAN ON EARTH WHO WOULDN'T DRUTHER DIE.- f CEPT ME. nifTUChM in" MALI IDEEL. FEARLESS fosdick; perish rnrrr FUJI TH EARTH J AH1L MARRY CJ W1F J HPf.' rrsTW LEAST 7 AH KIN DO FO r- HOOMANITY Just Arrived: Album !of SPELLBOUND at Ab's Intimate Bookshop Phi Gamma Delta Spring Formal Sponsors ? The sponsors for the Phi Gamma Delta Spring Formal to be given tonight in the Carolina Inn Ballroom are shown above from left to right : First row: Bettie Haughton, sponsor for Charlie Fulton, Treasurer; Katherine Lane, sponsor for W. L Anderson, retiring President, and Erin Woodall, sponsor for Dave Tayloe, newly-elected ' . t t rf if "i j President. Second row: Sara nebson, sponsor ior jacK escort, retiring Vyorresponaing secretary; Martha Brannock, sponsor for Bill Raker, former Pledge President, and Amie Watkms, sponsor tor Bill Wester, House Manager, ' ' . Not shown are Winky Andrews, sponsor tor Jiay oonner, ruoncations nairman, ana jsteiie Harrow, sponsor ior rsevm itice, rieage rresiucnt. posed constitution of the stu dent body. Anyone may attend these meetings. Beer Softball Game To Be Major Feature At DTH-S&F Outing The "battle of the centuries" is due this afte'rnoon as Sound and Fury takes on the Daily Tar Heel staff in a beer base ball game slated for Hogan's Lake at 5:30 p.m. Occasion for the, affair is the combined Sound and Fury-Daily Tar Heel party, which leaves from Graham Memorial at 5:15. After the ball game the party will adjourn to Shorty's Cabin, near University Lake for the re mainder of the evening. All members of both organiza tions and their dates are welcome to participate in the affair. New Party (Continued from first page) ment. We believe the Student Party can prove an instrument to put qualified men into office, men who will remedy these faults and reflect the will of the major ity." Tailors have decided that the two back pockets in men's trousers are not needed. Repeal did away with the necessity for one of them and income taxes did the rest. Clipped cratic and claiming that it would lead to a greater amount of politics entering into the selec tion of the editors of the various publications, Charlie Vance, Jack Hester, Allen Pannill, Bill Crisp, Jack Lackey, and Mavis Mann, spoke against the pro posal. Jimmie Wallace and Al Lowen'stien were the principal speakers in favor of it. They claimed that the publications were highly technical projects that needed more qualified men to run them .than is provided by the system of open nominations and free elections. The legislature will meet again Monday night at 7:30 in Ger rard Hall to consider the pro- University Service Station Odis Pendergraf L Prop. Crossword Puzzle ANSWEM III PREVIOUS PflZZl-i. hh T M0TI1 lm bag it Nil YES, when we return your expertly cleaned and pressed clothes to you they're completely protected by a moh bag that can be slipped right into your closet. Call us today. UNIVERSITY GLEANERS ACROSS 1 Prank 5 Venturesome 9 Lassoed 10 Idled 12 Russian city 13 Pictures made by living people 15 Located near the sea 17 Cloak 18 Place (abbr.) 19 Visited 20 Island (Pr.l 21 It takes pictures ,23 Lady of Arthur's court 24 Stupid mistake 25 Vouchsafe 27 Put vigor ta 28 Broken pieces of pottery 31 Homer wrote one 32 Premium for Exchange 33 What boxer trie for 34 other 36 Making bard 38 Tantalum tsymb.l 39 Runs with long bounds 41 Curved molding 42 Distance runners 44 Something set In 45 Real 46 Plant grass again IAvATaTr CAnADA Re.3Tr11 abused iris EjrljoTTs g CEN T 6 Ejg-A R retS IRE PQ SEP! " 7 ojTo aJt a f ejEjI 5 ilMOLE RELEN.I eImIbieIpIsI is ti InIs-Is i a 13 Jh I 5 6 16 m 1 w V WMZZZZ1.Z YA i7 "" DOWN 1 Marine growth used for Jewelry 2 Copyist 3 Birds wltb big beaks 4 Edward 6 Toga 6 Everything 7 Skid about 8 Auditions 9 Frisks 10 More crippled 11 Explosive mixture 13 Stop watches 14 Went swiftly 16 Not exciting 21 Encounters 22 Proverbs 23 Phantoms 24 Great commotion 29 Large fresh - water lake 27 Rhymater 29 Violent dislike 30 Small wheel on tank S3 Work dough 85 She Pr. 38 Nimble 37 Eskimo's boms (var. 40 Over poet. i 43 Pour (Rom. num.1 44 That Is abbr. BE COMFORTABLE RIDE IN A CAROLINA CAB DIAL 4811 DIAL