WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1947 THE DAILY TAR HEEL Pasre Three ermen Meet Navy In Annapolis Today PORT SPINS with IRWIN SMALLWOOD CAROLINA SPORTS HEADING into the most active weekend in years. That's the story of this week's doings around Woollen gym, where winter sports athletes are hard at the task" of prepar ing for tough battles. The White Phantoms, who have played six games in the past 11 days and who just Monday night lost their first game in two years to New York University, have probably the biggest test in store that being games with VPI and Davidson in Southern conference competition. Coach Tom Scott's hardwood performers, who have a record of three wins and two losses in loop play, have a tough road ahead in conference play and ; are in bad need for the victories over the Virginia Tech lads and Davidson. And both games promise to be close indeed, what with Davidson defeating South Carolina twice during the past week and VPI doing some good playing j starts Pi Phi Defeats Tri Belt Team Captures Loop Lead In Coed Basketball The Pi Beta Phi basketball team took undisputed leadership of the sor ority league last night as they swept the Tri Delt cage sextet from the ranks of the unbeaten in a hard fought, 22-16 win. It was the winners' second victory in a like number of ap in the Cavalier state. Following the battles this weekend, Carolina will have to face Duke twice, State once, Davidson once, and Georgia Tech. Glancing back for a minute to the NYU encounter Monday night, and giving credit where credit is due, lanky Bob Paxton, the veteran of two years of Phantoming with the best of them, deserves more praise than we are ableto hand out. Jim Hamilton and Jim White along with him, too, de serve thanks for their play. Paxton, who for the past two years and even now is as good a rebound man as there is in the nation, has been one of the main things holding the Tar Heel quint together this season. He has played with out relief twice in one week, and his job will continue the same from here oa out, only harder. Scott's Phants played their hearts out against the tough invaders from New York, and even in loss the entire bunch deserves plenty of credit. They were out there sweating and playing with all their might, even in losing. And they will be doing just the same thing trying with all their might in the rest of their games this year, and unless we miss our guess, they will walk into the conference tournament and make their presence known in no ascertain terms. Come Saturday, there will be a full afternoon and night program, the Blue Dolphins swimming against Tennessee and the wrestlers meeting Washing ton and Lee in the afternoon; and the Phants facing Davidson and the boxers fighting Maryland at night. This marks the first time in years that all winter varsity sports have been scheduled for local competition on the same day, and it offers local sports enthusiasts a real day of thrilling enter tainment. The swimmers even top off the afternoon meet by going to Ealeigh that night to swim in the Carolinas AAU meet. IT'S A FACT DEPT. NYU's powerful basketball team was feted en masse at the TEP fraternity house following the game here Monday night. All the visiting basketballers praised the Carolina hospitality and thoroughly enjoyed themselves with the refreshments at the frat house reception. . .The outlawing of the shift from football competition in the NCAA will not affect the Tar Heels to any great extent. Carl Snavely has not had much to say about the shift as yet, but from our observations it will not mean any too drastic changes in Carolina formations. Practice, incidentally, begins next Monday for Tar Heel newcomers and all those regulars who plan to take part in varsity sports during the spring quarter. . A note following up the Navy-Duke game. We had lunch Saturday with former Carolina Coach Ben Carnevale, and he asked that he be remembered to all his friends in Chapel Hill, We pass this along with a reciprocal greeting to "Coach Ben" and con gratulations to him for his success at Navy this year. . .Tickets go on sale today for the Southern Invitational indoor track meet to be held in Woollen gym March 1. There will be available seats only for about A&uu spectators, ph0ne. and student pass books are not good for admittance. Students wall be admitted for 75 cents and outsiders for 1.50. Ducats are good for both afternoon and evening competition. Helen Barnes was high scorer for the Pi Phis, scoring 10 tallies, while Judy Swain paced the losers with 12 points. The Tri Delts had previous ly defeated the Chi Omegas and the Alpha Gams, with the Pi Phis hav ing also defeated the latter in their other win. NO MURAL RESULTS There were no results of yesterday's mural contests available when the pa per went to press due to the late starting times of several contests. Play in both mural basketball and handball events will continue this aft ernoon with only a few contests sched uled. In the handball tourney, several teams have already been eliminated, and the field is gradually narrowing. Play will continue until a winner emerges. For the remainder of the tournament teams will be notified by phone when their matches are scheduled. Mural Schedule BASKETBALL Wednesday, 4:00 court 6: Locals vs Grads; court 7: Zeta Psi No. 3 vs PiKA No. 2. 5:00 court 5: Stacy vs BVP No. 1; court 7: Pi Lam No. 1 vs Sig Chi No. 1. 6:00 court 5: DKE No. 2 vs SAE No. 2; court 7: Chi Psi ys Kap Sig No. 1. HANDBALL Wednesday, 4:00 To be announced by phone; 5:00 Field House vs Med School; 6:00 To be announced by 0 'A i S 2 1 '.".jy. 1 11 1 ;':.. 5- S ill TWO OF THE mainstays on the Carolina swimming team this season have been Jesse Greenbaum, left above, free-style artist, and Buddy Crone, right, diving star. Both men are lettermen. Cagers Get Day of Rest Before Weekend Contests Phantoms to Encounter VPI, Davidson; Hamilton Leads Outfit in Loop Scoring Carolina's varsity cagers received a day of rest yesterday aft ernoon as Coach Tom Scott began pointing the team for the two Southern conference tilts coming up over the weekend. After pictures for the Yackety-Yack had been taken, Coach Scott dismissed the varsity players and most of the remaining j : practice time was devoted to a scrim- mage between the varsity reserves ANNOUNCING the UNIVERSITY VETERANS ASSOC. VALENTINE DANCE Friday, Feb 7, 9-1 Music by the Carolinians I UVA Clubhouse Semi-Formal WRESTLING PICTURES The Yackety Yack picture of the wrestling team will be taken this afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock in the wrestling room. All wrestlers are asked to be in the wrestling room dressed at 4:15 o'clock in prepar ation for the picture taking. and Coach Lew Hayworth's iawee outfit. The rest came as a welcome re lief to the courtmen, who have just completed a tough card of six games in 11 days. Play VPI Next clash for the Phantoms will be Friday evening when the locals face VPI in their sixth loop encoun ter. The Scottmen return Saturday to engage Davidson, twice conquerors of a South Carolina quintet that gave the Phantoms a terrific struggle before losing by a 50-49 count. Carolina is currently in a triple tie for fifth- place in the conference, pos sessing a 3-2 loop record along with Davidson and Richmond. Ahead of the trio in the standing are Duke, in first place with a 5-0 slate, N. C State, with 6-1, Maryland, with 6-2, and South Carolina with 5-3. In individual scoring, Jim Hamil ton tops the Carolina team in con ference competition with a 68-point total for five games that puts the Tar Heel forward in a tie for 11th place. Carolina Trackmen Schedule Informal Contest With Duke If IB ( f -; WMff '! tWM I For Valentine Day In preparation for the indoor games to be held here on March 1, the Tar Heel track team will run an informal meet with the Duke tracksters in the Tin Can Satur day. Duke was the winner of the Sou thern conference outdoor track title last year and has. a strong team returning. The events will be simi lar to those to be run in the cham pionship meet, except that the cir cular events will be run at odd dis tances. The feature of the day will be the 1000 yard run, which will pit Duke's Roger Neighborgal, conference 880 champ, against Carolina's Jimmy Miller. Neighborgal has been invited to run in the special 1000 yard run in the New York Athletic club meet in Madison Square Garden of Feb ruary 15. Coach Dale Ranson said yester day that with the nearness of the big meet in "Woollen gym March 1, he has been very disappointed with the turnout of the squad. There will be a time trial for all hurdlers and sprinters at six o'clock this after noon and all men out for these events are asked to be on time. Ranson further added that he wished to see all members of the track squad in the Tin Can sometime this after noon. The events set for the meet this weekend have not been definitely assigned times yet, but they will be 60-yard dash, 70-yard high and low hurdles, 330, 660, and 100-yard runs, 3-4 mile and one and a half mile runs, sprint medley relay, one mile relay, broad jump, high jump, pole vault and shot put. Jayvee Tilt Cancelled; Team to Play Friday Word was received by the athletic department yesterday that the jay-vee-Fort Bragg basketball game scheduled for tonight has been can celled due to a schedule mixup by the service quint, asd the encounter has been set for a later date. Meanwhile, the unbeaten Hayworth men set their sights on the first half of Friday night's twin bill in Woollen gym, when they face the Sanford American Legion All Stars in a re turn engagement. Rejoin Team Marks Nathan and Fred Swartz burg rejoined the practice sessions yesterday after having been on the MID-WINTER SALE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON Men's Suits Topcoats and Sport Coats Women's Suits Skirts, Blazers & Sweaters JUST ARRIVED Shirts with French Cuffs Buttoned Down Oxfords Cordovan Shoes NEW , U. S. ROYAL TIRES For f Automobiles and Tractors PATTERSON TIRE COMPANY Dial F-2841 W. Franklin St. Tankmen Seek Third Victory Meet Series Tied At Three Wins Each Special to Daily Tar Heel Annapolis, Md. Feb. 4 The Tar Heel swimming team will meet the Naval Academy tank- men here this afternoon in an intersectional meet between the two teams. Carolina will be out to win its third tilt out of four starts. Navy's mermen will be strongly fa vored to defeat the local swimmers for the second straight year. The An napolis crew has a well-balanced team and will have the psychological ad vantage of swimming in its home pool. Carolina will be out to gain revenge for the loss hung on the squad last year by the Middies, ruining a Tar Heel victory streak of 21 consecutive meets. In a triangular meet at Anna polis last year, Navy snapped two victory strings a skein of 25 straight for Carolina, in addition to blotting the local meremen's record. Tied for Series The two tank squads are tied up 3-3 for their swimming series thus far. The Middies took the meets in 1941, 1943, and 1946. The Carolina swimmers scuttled tne .aiiasnipmea in 1942, 1944, and 1945. Carolina will have the following lineup for the meet. 440: Jenkins, Norwood. 220: Hutton. Diving: Sper, Crone. 100: Greenbaum, Baultman. ? 50: Greenbaum, Baultman. Backstroke: McCoy, Sper. ' Breaststroke: Breeden, Cook. Medley relay: McCoy, Hexner, and McCauley. injured list for a week. The jayvees will put an unbeaten record on the line Friday night, hav ing scored wins in seven previous encounters. The Author of "LAURA now brings to the screen.,. JL AtTHUt 1A1CMU MHCIAtfOR! 10CKWDSB-UI 80RTER f Jf BAKRT LtAERtS BEDELIA" NOW PLAYING Amazing net? transportation THE MOTOR akes your Bike a Here's dependable; door-to-door transportation for everyone. A new Whizxer motor (easily in stalled on any balloon-tired bilce) will carry you wherever you want to go. Whizzer is precision engineered, trouble-free I 125 miles or more per gallon! 5 to 35 miles per hourl Powerful? Yes indeed takes the bills eanlyl Open up new avenues of adventure with your Whizzerl Whizzer Motor installed on new bicycle complete including Federal & State Tax $156.18 SEE 'IT NOWLBUY IT TODAY AT' MILLER - HURST, INC. Corner Morris and Morgan Streets - Opposite City Hall DURHAM, N. C. PHONE N-173 THE COLLEGE SHOP