Why You Should Vote .(1) The new constitution gives the student legislature the power to levy and collect fees from each student in the Univer sity. Next year's planned budget deals with over $109,000 of your money. See that you put gopd men in the legislature to regulate this budget. (2) The Daily Tar Heel is the voice of the student body to . the outside world. Through it your parents and friends, and the alumni of UNC find out what is going on in school. It is a $50,000 a year business see that YOU elect a good man for the editorship. (3) The president of the student body has the power of veto over the legislature. He is an'ex officio" member of all standing committees he appoints vacancies in student government be tween elections and appoints the chairman of many important boards and committees. Know the man yon vote for. (4) The vice-president of the student body serves as speak er of the student legislature. He must be a man that can demand decorum from that group. By the way he arranges the agenda, so goes the business of that body. It takes a good man, See that YOU vote to put a good man in that office. Horseless Buggy Doctor Chapel Hill's congested public arteries, whose unnatural swell ing has of late moved both carowners and pedestrains alike to general grousing and various impractical panaceas, are final ly going under the care of an expert. At the behest of the Stu dent Legislature, the State Highway commission's traffic engi neer will come here this week to attempt to solve our little town's big parking and traffic problem. Robert A. Burch is the trouble-shooter's name, and after a survey expected to last from a week to ten days, he will report his findings and recommendations to a saftey committee appoint ed by Chancellor House. Our only experience with practical traffic problems is in try ing to stay among the class of the quick and not the dead along Franklin street's convertible-studded length. Nevertheless, be cause we realize the magnitude of the campus congested con dition, we can eagerly await the day that the engineer's find ings can be put into effect and the two-horse atmosphere of the past can be relatively restored. The Legislature, along with the administration can be com mended for its altertness in moving to ease this thorn in the town's automotive side. Our only recommendation to Mr. Burch is that he leave his car in Raleigh when he comes to survey the problem, and that he look carefully before attempting to cross our main thorough fare at the rush hour. E. B. A. Those who continue to shrink from responsibility continue to shrink. There is one thing more important than having a good man in the White House, and that's having a good man in every house. Yelling at children isnt likely to make the home a howling success. v The man who knows how to say, "I'm sorry" to his wife and children knows how to end deadlocks with his associates, his boss, or employees. What can happen tomorrow depends on how we are living to day. Build on what unites. Then we can unite to build. & vani. nn mm vmamm rmMmt aiaWiasa. mm. Strictly Detrimental . . . Daylight Saving Problem Leaves Columnist in Dark By Jud Kinberff One thing that has been worrying me everv since I was able to steal the watch out of my dad's vest pocket is what the devil they do with the hour they save up north when they go on daylight saving time. I haven't said anything about it in the past because as a died-in-the-cotton Southerner, I didn't want to embarrass the Democratic administration up in Washington. After all, they probably had an alphabet agency to take care of allocating that extra hour to the dust bowl or more likely some punch bowl. But now that them Republicans M-29 "My pop says I shozddn't worry if other kids is smarter than me. He says I got race superiority." kWat Batlp W&t Heel ESSMTKO POM NATtOMAt, ADVMTWN8 V National Advertising Service, Inc.' College Publishers Representative 420 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y. fuc8 eosTos Los Aaaius Sam Fbahcisco XjoZogtio Press Tho official newspaper of the Publication Beard of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hfil. where it U published daily except Mondays, examination and vacation periods ; during the official summer terms. It is published semi-weekly on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Katered as seeond-eiass matter at the post office at Chapel HOI, N. C, ander the net of March t, 1879. Subscription prices $8.00 per eoUeew year: SM per quarter. COMPLETE LEASED WIRE SERVICE OP UNITED PRESS The opinions expressed by the columnists are their own and not neces sarily those of The Daily Tar Heel. Constitutional Amendments (Ed. note This is the concluding article of a series prepared by Dewey Dorsett and Charles Warren to acquaint students with the proposed amend ments to the constitution at next Tuesday's election.) AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE THE HOUSE PRIVILEGES BOARD The house privileges board was created during the war. Its purpose is to make all rules concerning coed visiting privileges in fraternity houses. The fraternities were put on their honor to uphold the rules, but in addition the board made spot checks to see if the standards were being upheld. Is this not an unusual procedure to put students on their honor and then go around checking up ? Such a system was doomed to failure from the beginning and this year the board has to all intents and purposes ceased to function. The coed visiting privileges agreement was drawn up by he parties concerned: the fraternities, the coed, and the administration meeting together. It is enforced by the honor system and has worked successfully all year. The amendment provides for the complete elimination of section 7, Article III, pertaining to the House Privileges Board. AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR : ELECTIONS DATES Sec. 3 of Article V provides that General Campus Elections shall be held on the first Tuesday in May and that the inauguration shall be held on the third Tuesday in May. This means that the general campus elections comes barely three weeks before final exams and hardly gives the old officers a good opportunity to orientate the new officers in their respective jobs. Sec. 2 of Article I provides that half of the legislature shall be elected on the second Tuesday in December. This date too comes too close to examinations and works an undue hardship on both the candidates and the elections board. The amendment provides that the date of general campus elections shall be moved up one month to the first Tuesday in April. The inauguration will be held on the third Tuesday. The date of the December elections will be moved up one week to the first Tuesday in December. The adoption of this change will eliminate conflicts with the examination schedule and allow the returning officers sufficient time to instruct the new officers in their duties and responsibilities. ' AMENDMENT NUMBER FIVE THE HONOR COUNCIL By far the most important amendment to be submitted for your approval concerns our honor councils. The foundation of student self government at the University rests upon the honor code and the campus code. If the en forcement of chese codes is encumbered by a complex, unwieldy organization of our honor courts, constitutions will be of no avail. We will have lost stu- aent government by virtue of the ridicule and contempt of the student body. Accordingly, the proposed amendment tremendously strengthens our honor code and simplifies the whole judicial system by eliminating the appeal pro cedure from the men's and women's councils to the student council. The Stu dent council thus becomes a court of constitutionality, hearing all cases involving the alleged constitutionality of acts passed by the legislature and deciding case 3 of jurisdiction in conflicts between various organizations. All honor and campus code violations will be tried by the men's and women's councils. Appeals from their decisions will be sent directly to the faculty executive committee instead of the student council. The absolute necessity for this change is prompted by so many important factors that the chairman of the councils are submitting statements to. you J which will go into greater detail. AMENDMENT NUMBER SIX CONCERNING FORM This amendment -simply provides for the renumbering and rewording of the parts of the constitution affected by the amendments which will be passed and for a better classification of the powers and duties of the officers and ing of any part of the document, but will enable the improvement of tho, committees provided for. This amendment will cause no change in the mean ing of any part of the document, but will enable the improvement of the form and the style of the constitution. We heartily recommend that you vote for the approval of all these amend ments. They were designed for one purpose : to strengthen student govern ment. It is imperative that the change be made now. DEWEY DORSETT, Pres. of Student Body CHARLES WARREN, Vice-Pres. are in. l reiuse to Keep quiet longer. It seems to me that if no an swer is forthcoming quickly, if they don't have an item in the budget for allocation of that hours, our lawmak ers may well find themselves facing a charge of malfeasance in-and out of office. It is just this sort of lethargy on the part of voters that has perpet uated many an abuse in our fair country. Somebody passes a law and the next thing you know there are only 23 hours in the day. Now if that doesn't fly in the face of every thing democratic and godly, I've been reading out of the wrong pew. I'll be frank, Senator Taft, there's no use trying to pettifog me back into indifference. I know my constitution al rights and I want an answer. You boys up there have gone and done it, now account for that hour. I don't believe the Senators have! quite considered just how much ruckus daylight saving time is bound to cause. That justly-famous line from every gangster film, "Ratface, you have only 24 hours to live," will have to be changed to "Ratface, you have only 23 hours to live." Then too, yesterday is no longer yes terday. In the parlance of the big Ar my brass, it's yesterday-minus-one. As for the Navy, they'll have to revive their system of belling out the time aboard ship. Of course, no one ever understood what the chimes meant anyway, so maybe that won't be too bad. What it will do to the lunar sys tem is beyond description. The moon's going to get awfully con fused unless somebody explains the new setup to her in a hurry. And I'm willing to wager that not a commission in a carload on Capitol Hill has thought about finding out how the constellations feel about the whole thing. Of course, if the hour is put to some good use such as designating it official "Cocktail Time" for North and South America, I might be willing to with draw my objections. Or if some pro vision has been made to collect that hour each day and when they're all totalled up to set it aside as a "Cock tail Week" for North and South America sort of a Found Weekend then I guess I'll drop . my suit and even my BVD's. All local legislators I've talked to about this business have insisted that go ahead with proceedings immed iately. But I'm willing to give the Republicans a chance. I just don't want them to think that because they were elected on a "Had Enough?" tic ket that we meant for them to go and take that hour away from us. I'm glad to see that the sovereign state of North Carolina has kept its head and not been sucked in by this daylight-saving time. Together with the other flowers of Southern state- j hood, it can form a base from which to fight this latest Northern-Repub lican grab for power. Let's get started on our campaign before its too late. Right now I bet Vandenberg is offering all those hours stolen from the taxpayers of America to the United Nations. Such stuff must cease. It's all right to help out in a pinch, but I'll be damned if I want to see that hour go without a fight. It's bound to ruin all the wage-hour and portal-to-portal systems we've just worked out. And for me, it's going to cut my sack time down considerably. I'll only be able to sleep 23 hours a day now. What Do YOU Say? By Harry Snowden Today's Question What do you think of Henry Wal lace's recent speeches to foreign na tions and the resulting effects in this country? . Answers I think Mr. Wallace is much over rated as to both his influence and his following. He is like many another agitator except that he once was a government official. His utterings are of course resented by all thinking people but I think that in the long run they are uite inconsequential and should be tolerated as an example of our type of democracy. Paul Mullin- ax, bastoma. I think that Mr. Wallace should mind his own business and let Sec retary Marshall handle our foreign policy. Mason Thomas, Siler City. Mr. Wallace is still bemoaning the fact that he was ' kicked out of the j government and he's crying on an in- 1 i. 1 1 T 1 ' A ' xemaxionai scaie. in ray estimation, his opinions and attitudes toward the international problems are as spine less as the amoeba. Camest West, Kinston. I believe Mr. Wallace is definitely a communist. Probably a member of the Third International which takes its orders from Uncle Joe. Dick Council, Salisbury. It Happens Here . . BILL WOESTENDIEK ROLAND GIDUZ IE WIN SMALLWOOD BILL SELIG Editor Managing Editor Sports Editor BURTON MYERS Business Manager Circulation Manager Jimmy Walsta Al Aoscaam Emtobsi Barl Seffner. Eddie Alton, fnrisui BeAJto: Gene Aenehbaehen Tom ESIe Jed steta. Boy Moose. P W TTiHToni i Baroa fflQa. rjMTMBAL 8TAff! Matt Hodgson, 8am Daniels, Settle Wasatara. Mans? KaanoBs. Sfsna Sonoaat Cboek Be sr. Bookie Jabtno, Lawrence CliisnH. AMMAN 8resm Entreat Seb Gotdwate. Hhkt Smshs) Emimm i BiUr CaiBstchael, kfiortar Benaan. Eiuaia fcfounr t M McLoed, pick fleavsg, Bar Eekfton. AagarfAsrr Bmrnnwsa UAMemt Coward Ba&r. jinn ibis Br Am Banna Barclay. Gr Kirfcaaaa, Wk Messeasm Charles Bsfcfaaea, tfataBe leKaV Easfcara Thorson. Mary Wulla gludge. Annssw Staff t B. B. Clark. Eaton Bsldsm, Ma Mens Jew FSSams. Mawv&rArri Ed Jointer, Sisbee af OUr, Tfasfay Caiiheg. CharBe Gibson, Merrily Brook. Dwvn Owens. Ed Lseff, Miriam Brans, Jean Baskerrult. Brooksie Popklns, Barry Sssedim. Bettfe Waeabnrn, Baney Btaaferd. Mae BBe Banian. BO Sexton. Ken Bota weaV Jerry DvtaC Jon Saner. Bob Morrison, Baa White!!. Helen Hicbwater. F02 TZU3 VZVBt - ' ' ' Hiasrr Esmq: Charlie Gibeoa KtosT SFcars : Horty Scbaap AU letters must be typewritten, double-spaced, under 800 words in length, and signed by the writer. Writer's name will be withheld on re quest, but letters must be signed. The Daily Tar Heel reserves the right to present the letters as it wishes and to delete aU matter it con siders Ubelous. To the Left Sir; , Thank you for printing s picture of one of my hogs and me on page one of your paper. I was happy to note that, as usual, 1 was to theileft. JAMES STREET 2:00 VA Clinic 4:00 Student Party meeting in Ro land Parker lounge of Graham Memorial. 5:00 United World Federalists meet ing in Roland Parker lounge of Gra ham Memorial. 7:00 Compulsory meeting of all can didates in Gerrard hall. 7:30 Alpha Delta Pi alumni club meeting in Alpha Delta Pi house 8:30 TJVA open house at club house. Campus party variety review. Crossword Puzzle ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Possesses 4 Be could eat no fat B Globe 12 High mountain 13 Make a speech 14 A no vote 15 FeU straight down 17 Definite article 18 Female deer 19 Town in Belgium 21 Too . 23 ChlU 2 Buffalo's lake 29 Musical note 30 Clam's teeth S3 Those In power 34 Speeding up (pi.) 37 Afternoon party 38 Printers' measures 39 Toward 40 Engineering degree 41 Revise 43 A number 45 Fragrant ointment 47 Relative (abbr.) 49 Heroic poem SI Ask tor payment 3 Where Byrd win explore 88 Ibsen heroin 69 Watered silk 60 Danish coin ei-Marry 62 A French seaport 63 A color K l DUR A ll OOP CE A D IfcjT N A Gl IP DriN n tTpI ansa an -I' ' " I 1 I I r UJ 1 1 5h IjEilMsOAfeiRlol ffA git ZfolKHslPlRtATT 1 k kC v e mi ko a ip el NEARER WciUlT E Rl slTlElE R g vj A T g'R SI ' 1 J 1W 6 j7 8 9 k lit" i2 n ; h " 3" lb Fj 15 7ffi w-w ifsr 55" a r75T "I I 1 pt - 5--- DOWN 1 Befall J Everything S Potatoes , 4 A few v 5 Mr. Trumaa Rodent 7 Took food 8 Spreads to dry Province of Canada 10- Coiiege cheer 11 Bridge term 18 Author of Twaj the Night Belor ChrMmas JO Hebrew letter tl Winged Spiked, as drt&9t 4 Kvu charm JJ High not 17 Internal 88 Ancient e?mHftl 81 Severs go 18 UarWcd fcy s3ssa piles 84 Greet daaUm 43 Tellurium Approaches) atage nlae Wtretertt tftotsA J unpopular ei 84 Contancttaa "-cms

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