U N C LIBAIIY. SERTA3S DEPT. ' CHAPEL HILL, 11., C. A YOU LEAVl NG? The big question today seems to be: When do you go? Read Doc Blodgctt in . today's edit page article Moseying Around. WEATHER Fair and cooler. rOLUME LIX Associated Press CHAPEL HILL, N. C. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1951 United Press NUMBER 66 Aril . m . . I Reds Hot On Heels Evacuating Inchon OFF INCHON. Korea. Friday. Jan. 5 (AP) The withdrawal by sea of Allied troops protect ing the Port of Inchon was com-, pleted early today. TOKYO, Friday, Jan. 5 (ZD United Nations forces withdrew by sea from Inchon on the west coast of Korea Thursday night and early today as Red hordes poured southward through the shambles of Seoul toward the main body of the. U. S. Eighth Army. Other Chinese Communist forc es stabbed southward down the center of the Korean peninsula in a drive aimed at cutting the Allied route to the southeast. Seoul already was abandoned by the Allies. Its buildings were wrecked and burned. Most of its Playmakers To Celebrate Twelfth Night All Carolina Playmakers and their friends will join in a 'cele bration at the Playmakers Theater tomorrow night at 7:30 as the an nual Twelfth Night Revels take possession of the stage. Admission is free. Tommy Rizutto of Asheville is master of the Revels. He has ar ranged a series of dramatic skits, songs, and dances designed to poke barbed fun at well-known figures in the dramatic art depart ment. Following the stage presenta tion, written by Rizutto but never closely followed, there will be a party with , refreshments and dancing on the stage. All the audience is invited to take part. The merrymaking is the de scendant of the Twelfth Night Revels popular in Elizabethian England when the people crowd ed through London streets shout ing songs and tricking one an other on the 12th day following Christinas. The festivities were initiated at the University by Professor Fred erick II. (Proff) Koch, founder of the Playmakers. (;49 Escape Flames When Plane Burns CHICAGO, Jan. 4 (P) Forty nine persons escaped from a crash - landed airliner today mo ments before it burst into flames. Passengers praised the pilot, Marvin Staddon, for bringing them safely through their brief brush with death.- "Thank God for that pilot," commented Howard Kastel, 18, a Harvard University student from Glencoe, 111. The C-46 plane, owned by the Monarch Air Service, Inc., took off from the Midway Airport at 2:27 a.m. C.S.T. on a special flight to Newark, N. J., with a crew of three and 46 passengers. It failed to gain altitude. It plopped, in an open field near a haystack at 58th Street and Mas sasoit Avenue west of the air port on the city's southwest side. Snapshots Wanted Students interested in having ' snapshots printed in the 1351 Yackety Yack should turn them in immediately at the yearbook office on the second floor of Graham Memorial. Editor Jim Mitlo falsi veetprdav. I Mills said the prints 'would be returned to those who desire them. He said he wants pictures which contain several students and are clear enough for good reproduction. Also, he reminded fraternities lhai some still have not turned in snapshots for their page lay out in the annual. population, that once numbered about 1,500,000, had fled to the south. AP Correspondent John Ran dolph, leaving with the last U. S. trooDS, reported the Chinese en tered Seoul at 10:45 a.m. Thurs day (8:45 p.m., Wednesday, EST), and hoisted the North Korean flag over the city hall at 1 p.m. An hour later, two infantry out fits and 24 tanks of the U. S. 25th division headed south across the Han River and blew the last pon toon bridge behind them. Seoul's airport, Kimpo, 18 miles to the northwest, was evacuated without a shot about the same time. Huge quantities of fuel were-put to the torch as the last plane cleared the once bustling field. Seoul's port of Inchon, 22 miles New UNC Fl agpo le Belonged To Navy By Mark Waters A rusty flagpole which during the last war proudly flew Old Glory for the University's see days of honor once more. At last fall's United Nations ceremonies the need for a campus flagpole was emphasized by R. J. Hobbs of the UNC Build ing - and Grounds Committee. Later it was recalled that the Navy Pre-Flight School had used two flagpoles. The tallest of these was taken from storage, scraped and painted, and is at present lying near its ultimate place of erection on the campus. The 67-foot steel pole will be raised soon in the center of the campus. According to J. S. Ben nett, University Operation's Di rector, the flagpole will be equi distant from South Building and the Library, and Manning Hall and the new Commerce buildings. A flag will be raised on the new pole only on special oc casions, such as national holi days, North Carolina day, or days specially observed, as was United Nations day, a University official said last night. ) The expense involved in keep ing new flags flying and daily raising and lowering of the flag prohibit the pole's use except on special occasions, the spokesman added. The flagpole will be set in a hole six feet deep and two inches wider in diameter than the pole. Mr. Bartine Takes Post 0 As Chaplain The Rev. Levering Bartine Sherman became the first Epis copal Student Chaplain the Uni versity has had in several years when he took over the office last Monday. Reverend Sherman will act as adviser and minister to the Epis copal students here. He "will also assist the Rev. David W. Yates, Rector o the Episcopal Church, in conducting regular services- The minister spent, the first nine years of his life in China, where his father was a mission ary. Later he attended Princeton, and after service in the Navy during the last war, he graduated from the Virginia Theological Seminary. Immediately before coming to Chapel Hill, Reverend Sherman served as Rector of St. Andrew's Church in Charlotte and Priest-in-charge of St. Mark's Church in Mecklenburg county. The new chaplain,' wife and five-year-old son will live in the Episcopal Rectory at 501 East Rosemary Street. - A reception in- honor of Rev erend and Mrs. Sherman will be held Sunday night at 8 o'clock in the Episcopal Parish House. All students and townspeople are invited to attend. ; Of UN By Sea west, was abandoned in the dark ness of Thursday night and Fri day morning under cover of U. S. Naval gunfire. - Most of the troops evacuated from Inchon were Army and Navy port personnel who had been manning the harbor installations since the U. S. Marines landed Sept. 15. The last 10,000 Korean civilians trying to escape the advancing mass of Chinese troops were tak en off the beach Thursday night. The last Allied military units were scheduled to leave early Friday. Associated Press Correspondent Tom Stone reported from In chon that s as the last troops and refugees went aboard ship, dem olition charges blew docks and marshalling yards high into the j air. Navy Pre-Flight School will Mothballed Wisconsin Duty-Bound PORTSMOUTH, Va., Jan. 4 (JP) The mothballed battle ship Wisconsin came to the Naval shipyard here today to be prepared for a return to duty. The Navy Department or dered the Wisconsin, tied up at the Newport News Ship building and Dry Dock Com pany, reactivated on Dec. 27 and the 45,000-ton supcidrcad naght was brought here for the work. Officials at the Naval ship yard declined to estimate the time to , be required to take the Wisconsin out of moth balls and to recommision her. Truman Rejects Idea Of Bombing Red China WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 (ZD President Truman today reject tcd any idea of bombing Red China at this stage of the Korean War crisis. The President thus threw cold water on congressional demands that American bombers, now forbidden to strike at Chinese bases jn Manchuria, be permitted to carry the war into enemy ter ritory. Mr. Truman told his news con ference that U. S. planes will not bomb China without asking United Nations sanction. And he said he is not considering any such request for U.N. permission. On Capitol Hill, Senator Bridg es (R-NH) demanded even more drastic measures than bombing. He said the United States should either open a "second front" by supporting a Chinese Nationalist invasion of the Red China main land, or "immediately withdraw our forces from Korea." The Chinese Nationalists, under Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, are now bottled up on the island stronghold of Formosa, 100 miles off the China coast, with the U.S. 'Silent Treatment' Is Iraq Claim Vs. U.S. BAGHDAD, Iraq, Jan. 4 (P) Former Premier Tewfik Al Suwaidi complained today that the Americans and British gave him the silent treatment when he aswed their guarantees of Iraq's frontiers against a "northern threat." Thousands Die As Reds Stage Internal Purge Mass Executions, Military Buildup, Speed War Effort HONG KONG, Jan. 4 W-r Red China was reported today in the midst of a vast internal purge of dissidents, matching in intensi ty the speed with which the Communists are expanding their war machine. One reliable press report said "thousands" have been executed in the past two months, while thousands .of others have been subjected -to the rigors of Vr.e education" camps. At the same time Peiping was said to have ordered an ominous speed-up in military construc tion projects in South. China around Canton. A confirmed re port said crack Chinese Comfnu nist Third Field Army troops have been moving "monotonous ly" into Canton for two weeks, and are marking time there for "further instructions." ' Much of all this is taking place perilously close to the British colony of Hong Kong. The "reeducation" camps have been springing up throughout Red China, but chiefly in the always dissident southern area. Reasons for the sudden .purge, while not wholly clear,' "could well be these: 1. Pro-Nationalist guerrilla ac tivity may have grown top strong for the Communists to handle except by the most stringent measures; , 2. Peiping, perhaps having cbn eluded that war is inevitable, may be "putting away" all. elements which could disrupt the rigid internal controls the Reds would have to exert in wartime. . The English language news paper. Hong Kong Standard said it had information from Red China that the recent- execution of thousands was part of a na tionwide "anti-infiltration and anti-espionage" campaign. , "Those who lost their lives,'' the newspaper., said, ."included genuine Nationalist agents as well as former Nationalist civit and military personnel who had defected to the Communists." 7th fleet patrolling nearby to pre serve the status quo. Pre-Dentals Called Pre-dental students and pros pective students of dentistry are asked to make arrangements for an interview with Admissions Chairman Dr. Roger E. Sturde vant in Miller Hall. Gl Bill Expiring For Many Veterans Have Only Seven Months To Enter Training Before Cut-Off (Editor's Note: This is the f irst of a two part series which will deal with, we hope, all the questions vets may have concerning their Gl Bill bene fits. For further information contact F. Carlyle Shepard, veteran adviser, whose office is Room 316 in South Build ing. The other part will run tomorrow.) Veterans of World War II planning Gl Bill education and training were reminded by the Veterans Administration yester day that the July 25, 1951, cut- off date for starting courses is only seven months . away This coming spring school term most veterans may enter or re enter before the deadline, which 1 falls at a time when most schools raff Jitters Plague 120 V o I u n Fraternities Suffer Badly; 18 From One By Andy Taylor That the current world sit uation is causing more than a mud case of draft jitters' among (college students was indicated in a survey taken yesterday which revealed that some 120 fraternity men from the Carolina campus have enlist-? ed during the Christmas vaca tion ' . : - . In a few cases students were called up by their draft boards, but the trend was definitely to ward voluntary .enlistment. . , Theta Chi,, the campus' newest Greek letter organization, was i Sgt. W.. Fankboner, US AF. wiil be, in ihe lobby of the post office throughout today lo give information on Air Force pro grams and to accept enlist menls. ' He will continue to come eVery . Wednesday and Friday, he said yesterday. Programs open include Air Force OCS, Army OCS. WAF and WAC OCS. as well as the regular Air Force and Army. hardest hit with 18 members leaving the ranks to sign up with either the Navy or the 'Air Force. The larger number of enlistees are from among the fraternity actives. ' .-The Army seemed to be get ting the least of the Tar Heels with the bulk going to the Navy, Air Force, and- Coast Guard. , The concensus among- Carolina males of eligible draft age seems at present to be that if they want a choice of services, their only hope is . to enlist before being drafted. A few feel that their academic , grades do not warrant a deferment and are afraid of being takcnfrom school anyway. Five students signed up with the. Air Force Wednesday at the Chapel Hill Post Office where a recruiting officer Spent the day interviewing and answering ques tions.; ; - Interest ran so high that the officer spent a full hour and a half trying to eat lunch while being interrogated by anxious students. The number of enlistments among the dormitory . men was expected to rim much higher but the official enrollment figures for the winter quarter have not yet been released by Centarl Records. And With Today's Prices, Sir MONTTCELLO, N. Y., Jan. 4 , the head with a pork roast. She (P) Lastephen Bodnar, 48, was sentenced to six months in jail today for beating his wife over are having summer vacations. Therefore, it is none too early to start making arrangements for the new terms beginning in late January and in February, the VA cautioned, The 1951 deadline applies to most World War II veterans those discharged from service be fore July 25, 1947. Those' dis- charged after that date have four years from their discharge date in which to begin. Veterans actually must have commenced their training by the cut-off date if they want to con- I tinue afterwards, the VA said. A veteran must be in training on that date unless he has' tempor arily interrupted his course for ' summer vacation or for other reasons beyond his control. tee r O ve r No Draft Says Rep. WASHINGTON, Jan 4 (AP) Veterans will not be draft ed, according to an announcement made today by Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) of the House Armed Services Committee. Vinson also reported that the Defense Department is preparing to ask Congress to step up the period of service for draftees from 21 to 27 months. He said that military leaders are considering a request to raise the age limit for inductees, with the new maximum applying to single men and childless married men. But Vinson declared there will be no draft of veterans whose past service now protects them from induction. Apparently speaking for his committee, he told reporters: "We have told the Defense De partment that veterans are not to be drafted." Another possibility under study by the military planners is a 'change in the law so as to per mit 18-year-olds to be called up for active duty. The present Se lective Service Act permits the induction of men from 19 through 25. AH males are required to register with their local boards upon reaching 18, but are not subject to the draft until their 19th birthdays. Vinson said he expects the Pentagon to send up within a few days its draft of an overall uni versal military service bill, in cluding the proposed increase in the time inductees must serve. He said it is "pretty well settle ed" that the military . will seek' the 27 month's service limit. He explained that this would be de signed to assure 24 months of actual service from each drafteel The other three months would cover such items as processing the men and providing for their terminal leave. Vinson is insisting that the De fense Department make a com plete review of the present draft deferment policy, including stays given students, men with . de- pendents, and "hardship" cases, New Hours Annou New dining hours for Lenoir Hall were announced by Univer sity officials recently with a com plete change in the North Room hours made effective. The new hours in the North wasn't seriously hurt. Cause of the argument was not revealed. Once he completes or discon tinues his course of Gl Bill training after the deadline, he may not start another course. Also, he must meet the follow ing two post-deadline require ments: He will be expected to pursue his training "continuously until completion, except -for conditions which normally would cause in terruption by any student." And he may change his educa tional objective "only while in training and then for reasons sat isfactory to the Administrator." Public Law 610, which permits a veteran to make a first change of general fields of study merely by applying for it, will not be in effect after the cut-off date, the VA said. need a in pus; oli 2 Professors Will Present Joint Concert Edgar Alden, violinist,; and William Newman, pianist, will present their first . j oint recital at 8:30 tonight in Hill Hall. , The two musicians have been members of the Music Depart ment faculty since 1946." Newman and Alden. -will in clude in their program the Son ata in B Minor by Bach, Son ata Opus No. 3 by Beethoven, and Sonata in H Major Opus 100 by Brahms. On Feb. 21, Dr. Newman will present the second of a series of. three University of North Carolina Lectures in the Hu manities. In April he will give a series of 10 concerts and. lec tures in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky, fol lowed by a solo recital here at the University. The concert tonight is free and the public is invited to' attend.- Newman and Alden have pre-. sented several concerts at earlier dates here and at other localities.! However, this is the first joint concert they have attempted here at the Univer sity. ' ; Dr. Newman is currently hard at work on, a book designed to help the layman more fully un- demand tne appreciation oi mu- sic. For Dining At Lenoir Room include service for all meals on Saturday and Sunday. At -least one of the dining rooms will be open every weekend, of ficials said. The different hours are in the main dining hall from Monday to Friday: breakfast: 7-9:15 a.m.; lunch 11:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m., and dinners: 5-7 p.m. For the North Room hours from Monday to Friday are breakfast: 7-11 a.m.; lunch: 11 a.m.-3 p.m., and dinner 5-7 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays the North Room hours are the same as other times except for break fast which will be served from 7:30-11 a.m. Students who have suggestions for improving service at Lenoir Hall can fill out printed cards is sued by the dining hall and place them in a box located in the lobby. Miller To Represent UNC At Inauguration William Glenn Miller, who graduated from the University in 1933 with a B.S. degree in Elec trical Engineering, win repre sent the Consolidated University at the inauguration on Jan. 6 of Thomas Raymond McConnell as Chancellor of the University of Buffalo, N. Y. Miller is now with the Western Electric Corporation 'in, Buffalo and is the author of an article. "Rocket Lines." days Vets, son Of Vin Lennox Group Takes Control Of Bus Lines Corporation Asks 5-Year Extension 'Of Old Franchise The Lennox Development Cor poration, owners of the Glen Lennox residential area, recently took over the operation of the Chapel Hill Transit Lines. Eric Copeland, secretary-treasurer, appeared before the town aldermen to inform them the corporation had taken over the bus lines and to request a five year extension to the company's one-year franchise granted last year. The extension was unani mously approved. Copeland said the busses have been put in good condition; ex perienced drivers have been em ployed, and regular schedules will be maintained. Two of the three busses will be operated through out the day. The third will be held in reserve. The new services will follow two routes. The first will run from Victory Village to Carrboro and the second. from Glen Lennox to Carrboro (through Victory Vil lage.) . The. busses will be in, opera tion from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. They will be routed along Franklin Street from Carrboro to Raleigh Street, along Country Club Road, South Road, Columbia Street, and out the Raleigh and Pittsboro will be 10 cents and transfers will be issued free, at route intersections. Franklin and Columbia Streets will bo the point of origin for the new schedules and busses will leave that point every half hour. There will be no bus service on Sundays. Alaska Has NewOpenings For Workers The Civil Aeronautics Admin istration has openings for a num ber of qualified men as aircraft communicators in Alaska, at starting salaries of $3,875 a year, it was announced yesterday. Successful applicants will be assigned to one of the 42 airways communications stations operated by the CAA along Alaskan air ways. Men selected will be in line for eventual promotion to higher- grade jobs paying up to $5,750 a year. Additional earnings are pos sible in all grades through author ized overtime beyond the 40-hour week, and through a 10 per cent differential. Basic entrance qualification- for the job are: ability to trans mit and receive International Morse Code at minimum speed of 25 words a minute and in crease this to 30 w.p.m. during training; to touch typewrite at 35 words a minute and: have three vears of general communi cations experience or an accept able equivalent in education and experience. -Applicants other than veterans (See"ALASKA, pnqc 4) Staff Meeting The news and society staffs of The Daily Tar Heel will meet Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the DTH offices, second floor Graham Memorial, along with all persons who wish to become members of the staff. Regular staff members who cannot attend ihe meeting must notify Executive News Editor Chuck Hauser or Managing Edi tor Rolfc Neill prior to Monday afternoon. All interested in working with The Daily Tar Heel may fill out applications at any time be tween now and the Monday meeting. I i o ic :an to Ut he im- ope by-" be ; is to ted rful can lan to rea and ol." ped no on - ; lo ion un- de- veri out low Eu- licy vith eeh. and on mee ten, will n-.'d the li .!;.- Jllo 1 The of ni at i Tail ;ate.s pro- . the i the 9 r, -Kiio If' U- oop over tii'ive .ns." ;r of The U taff; neei lock floor with omo who nust jii'r ki?g lime 1 f--. :-