-' ; FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1351 PAGE TWO THE DAILY TAR HEU - " - --- f 4. i; I 1 i f I 8 T!"" official student newsaprr. of the irniversity ft North Carolina at '"ha(jpi Hill, where it is published by the r ublicatiotis Board daily during the iffiti.if fs5;ions of the University at Colonial Press. Inc.-. except Sunday, Monday. ' examination?; and vacation period and during the official tummer terms when published smi-wocklv. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office of Chapel Hill. N. C, under the act of March. 3, 1879. Subscription price: $8 per year. $3 per quarter. Member of the Associated Press, which is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news and features herein. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of this newspaper. pditor Business Manager Managing Editor ... Associate ditor .... Sports Editor Andy Taylor. News Editor Frank Allston. Jr..- Assoc. Spts. Ed. Fay Massengill. Society Editor -lancy Burgess. Assoc. Soc. Ed. News staff: Edd Davis, Walt Dear, Barrett Boulware, Mark Waters, Pax Morse. Peggy Keith. Ann Gowan, Joan Palmer, Peggy Anderson, Fletcher HoLUngsworth. Sports staff: Bill Peacock. Biff Roberts. Art Greenbaum. Ken Barton, Leo Northart, Ed Starnes, Bill Hughes. Jack Claiborne. Angelo Vewlicanno. Society staff: Franny Sweat, Lu Overton, Lou Daniel, link Gobbei, Helen Boone. . . , Business staff: Marie Costello, Marie Withers, Hubert Breeze, Bruce Marger, Bill Faulkner, Joyce iivans, Beverly Seir, Jim Schenck, Jane Mayrt Jane Ooodu .. faelty Uiu Jones, Stanley Sturm. Wally Hor-on. For This Issue: Night Editor Criminal Coed Activity The fact that the Student Council had to take the trial of house rule violation cases away from the Women's Honor Council indicates a great lack of responsibility on the part of members of the coed court and others responsible for the ad ministration of coed justice. The Student Constitution plainly states that such cases are the province, of the House Councils. Yet, this week the Student Council ruled on a case of house rule violation that was appealed bacause the defendant was tried before the Women's Honor Council. The defendant had appealed on the grounds that her trial was unconstitutional and the Stu dent Council ruled it so. The Council should never have had to make such a ruling. Constitution is quite clear on who has the original jurisdiction in such cases. The fact that a clear-cut mandate of the Con stitution has been completely ignored by the coed judiciary points up a shocking lack of responsibility, and perhaps some ' criminal negligence on the part of coed judiciary leaders. There should be some more light shed on the reasons be hind the situation that existed before the Student Council's ruling. Just when was the practice of trying house rule cases before the Women's Honor Council begun? Who was responsi ble for this complete disregard for the Constitution's require ments? How many coeds have been done an injustice be cause of the situation? These are questions that need looking into. A great lessening of respect for the coed court system has been the result of the criminal lack of responsibility. More over, there have been a great number of injustices done to coeds who have been tried before the Honor Council for viola tion of house rules. Even if the offenders were guilty', their's has been an unjust punishment. Appearances before and ac tions by the Honor Council go on the record of those persons involved. Such has been the case for those tried before the Council for. violations of regulations that, while they may be highly iimoortant, can not be, by any stretch of the imagina tion, considered part of the Campus Code. The entire field of coed justice has been put under a cloui by the situation revealed in the Student Council ruling. Im mediate steps should be taken to assure no recurrences of such a state of affairs, and that the full story of the situation is brought into the open. Worthy Academic Ideal The resolution introduced in last week's Student Legisla ture calling for quiz files to be set up in all departments of the University seeks to do the commendable chore of equaliz ing the study opportunities of all students, but its ideal will probably be pretty hard to realize. The measure asked that all academic departments put their quizzes on file as "representative" study material for the purpose of study by students just as' are textbooks and library material. The idea of the resolution was to give every student the chance at. such study material. At present, the quiz files of fraternities provide their members with such material. Also, student in such fields as chemistry, medicine, law, and accounting, often keep their hands on old quizzes that are used as common study material. The Student Council has ruled, and properly so, that old quizzes are valid study material. Those who have for years harped upon fraternity files as something incompatible with the Honor Code have not realized that while some uses to which the material is put are certainly Code offenses, the .Tiles themselves are just so much more legitimate study ma terial. The trouble with equalizing the files ist the great amount of "work it might put upon the various departments in having to revise every quiz so that a mere memorizing of questions and answers would not suffice to pass the quizzes. Certainly, such files would make it much easier for students to use the material improperly and would cause a greater strain on the Honor Councils when called on to decide cases in which the question of improper use arose. Still, the resolution expresses an ideal that should cer tainly be strived for. Whether the legislative branch of stu dent ::ovrnmcnt she i.M concern itself with such academic problems is a debatable question, but it has, and, in doing so, hit upon,1 a quite valid point. Every student has the right to every bit of study material available, and certainly old quizV ,xzes fall in that catagory. --. - ' i: ROY PARKER. JR. ED WILLIAMS ... CHUCK HAUSER .... DON MAYNARD ... ZANE ROBBINS Neil Cadieu. Ad.- Mgr. Oliver Watkins. Office Mgr. Shasta Bryant, Circ. Mgr. Tom McCall. Subs. Mgr. Andy Tayor Sports. Bili Hughes on the Carolina FRONT f -, by Chuck Hauser The five sbrbritiesdn campus have receiyed letters, from, their national organizations notify ing them of the f9rthcoming re " lease of a movie by 20th Century .Fox which has- been branded anti-sorority nd anti-ffaterni-ty by sorority and fraternity people. The picture, "Take Care of My Little Girl," is scheduled for release in July. Variety, the show business weekly, says the show exposes certain evils of the college fraternity system. Featured in the film will be Jeanne Crain, Jean Peters, Mit zi Gaynor and Helen Wescott. The Pi Beta Phi national of fice describes the movie as "high schoolish." The Pi Phi leaders say the show was taken from a book written by one non-sorority woman and one who was expelled from her organization. I doubt seriously that the film is anti-fraternity and, anti-sorority in its essence, although I am sure that it is very anti re garding a number of practices of fraternities and sororities, most of which we don't see on this campus, fortunately. But a moving picture expos ing certain evils created by in - dividual components of a broad system wal necessarily reflect on the entire system, and that is what national fraternity and sorority officers are worried about. L. G. Balfour, chairman of the Interfraternity Research and Advisory Council and president of the well known firm special izing in fraternity jewelry, has become so worried about the matter that he has proceeded to make a fool 'out of himself in a series of letters written to the producer of the film. Balfour wrote to Spyros Skouras, president of 20th Cen tury Fox, demanding that the production of the film be drop ped. Belfour told Skouras that the story was "Communistic in spired propaganda" and would "give comfort to the enemies of our country." Now a man like Balfour has no business exhuming that old turkey about Communist propa ganda and using it in this con nection, but it seems to be a favorite practice nowadays to brand as Communistic anything you don't like. Skouras, getting perhaps a little melodramatic, wrote back a reasonably sensible reply to Balfour: "I believe it would be in keep ing with our system of fair play in America, and with our trea sured rights of free expression, for you and your associates to withhold judgement upon this important picture until you have seen it . . . "Now I wart to be" entirely frank with you. 'Take Care of My Little Girl' is indeed an ex position of evils which are found under certain fraternities and sororities, and practices of an un-American character.' It does not condemn the fraternities and sororities, but it does ex pose the evils and practices, such as segregation and intolerance. . . "It is un-American, we think, to bar a girl from a sorority be cause she belongs to a certain religious faith, or happens not to dress as well as her sisters, or comes from the wrong side of the tracks. Some of the things that do occur are heartbreaking and wrong." In answer, Balfour put both feet in his mouth . and wrote back to Skouras: "Quite frankly, I think you are making a serious mistake. It seems apparent that you have joined the Communists in at tacking the ' American . College Fraternity System which has served our country and our edu cational system for more, than a century. "Your position will be brought to the attention of our member ship, which totals in excess of. 5,000,000, and I can assure you that you will not be favorably received ... "Your further suggestion that we wait until yourattack on fraternities is publicized is a ' suggestion that we lock the door after the horse is stolen, partic ularly in jiew of your announc ed intention." ' - s I'll let you drawypyr own conclusions from the above let ters, and some other , day , I'll take up the question raised by Skouras in the last paragraph which J quoted of his' letter.7 , . rv; "See Any Knaves Approaching The r J- " Z'T X f L-""" T Ht-i fc'ffi. j , ..... I iCjbl isf - ' - ' v0 Tar Heel We of the television audience are not uncon scious of the boons of gracious living it has brought into the home, such as the hair piece for all male actors and the bared chest of the lady actors. Plus, of course, the animal 'acts and their inferiors, most comedians who are morally responsible for the death of vaudeville. We are, grateful for Godfrey,, and .it is nice, too, that the old 10-day blue shirt has come again into vogue, since the TV cameras adapt badly to the snow-white shirt front. Girl singers of all shapes and quiz shows of all kinds and hus bands and wives who have nothing to say to each other add immeasurably to the rich full ness of the time. The badly executed drama, the movie of hoary vintage, the cowboys and the Indians are fine. I was going to .say, too, that even the celebrity shows are passablerbut since smuggling myself into one, disguised as Sherman Billingsley, I am not today too sure. But it is about t ime, now, that , the television people accept themselves as no longer & novelty, subject to frequent flaw, foolish flub and a sort of dull desperation at being mixea" up in the thing at all. It cannot last forever on 'roller derby and puppet, on dog act and quasi comedian with the Joe Miller approach to humor. Even Hopa long Cassidy may pall. , It seems just about time that the camera ceases to be subject to gags in. the, script. We went through the vice-president gag, endless ly, in radio, and not one single listenervever got much of a bang out of a sponsor or a network Moore Or Does the raise in the tuition of Medical Af fairs Division concern you? Even though it does n't concern you directly, do you care whether or not they raise the tuition for Medical Stu dents, Pharmacy students, etc? I think you should and here is why. In the first place, the University of North Carolina according to our constitution was put here so that those students who couldn't afford to go to schools in private institutions could get a college education. Comparative figures will show that the schools in the division now charge more than a great many of the schools in the South. ' Those who sympathize with the raise will say that these schools in the UNC Medical Af fairs Division spend so much for each of the students who get their degrees and that in turn each of the students spend only a fraction of this amount. This may or may not be true, but I maintain that it should come, for somewhere else besides the students' pockets. Where? Well for example, why not "get the 'money from higher .Corporation taxes. Corpora tions get by lightly in this state. Between 1938 and 1948 North Carolina expanded in industrial establishments by 85 per cent as compared to the national average of 2 per cent. xThey are leading the South in industrial growth. Why couldn't they get the extra money there? I certainly can't see the departments loosing money, on the students that .they' train, but At Large . executive as a piece of comic structure. Every body's got personal troubles, and you don't have 'to buy other people's as an adjunct to an eve ning's entertainment. The TV camera, now, has replaced the vice president and the sponsor as an involuntary vil lain. It is a stock gag for the comedians, who have written it actively into the act. They derive delicious humor from wrangling with the man who points the thing, and when there is a tech nical fluff it is ripe for a two-minute tirade from the comedian. Not ery funny. The movies, you know, deal in cameras, too, and rarely interrupt the sequence of a comedy . to allow the comedian to work off his animosity at the cameraman. You just accept the camera, in movies. It is here. It is a medium that brings you entertainment. It is not a substitute for the pratfall or Charley's Aunt. The boys have been around this business long enough, now, to have kicked the creases out of their media. It is their problem; not yours, not mine. A camera is not a novelty. A slight computation with a slide rule will tell you how much time you have for program, commercial and station identification. But there is no longer the excuse that the medium is new and is liable - to excuse for in cptness because of its newness, any more than we can justify poor performance in today's auto mobile on the basis of its early ancestor. Now is the time for all good TV shows to banish the bugs. Less it. l?-l TttC VJMHviTOAi l"7 CC by Robert iwk, 35 by John Moore Moat, Sire? neither -can I see raising tuition fees any more. You say, well, what is it to me, I'm not major ing in anything that even pertains to medicine. That is all well and good, but will that be the end of it, or is this a frorunner to a general raise in all the University? The Finance Committee has already approved the raise and the State Legislature votes on it this month. They usually approve the recomen dations of the Finance Committee and they prob ably will this time if nothing is done! The University was founded on the principal of educajion at a non-prohibitive cost to the youth ' of North Carolina. When the cost for you and I to go to school becomes porhibitive, then the Uni versity is no longer serving its purpose; it is . just another school. As a result, students from this state will attend school elsewhere, probably in other states, where they can get just as good an education as they can here. This is bad enough within itself, but the chances are that they won't bother to come back to the state. North Carolina isn't overload ed with trained medical personnel anyway and we certainly - don't want, to loose any of those we have or will h?ve. I don't pretend to be an economist or an ac countant. I simply don't like the looks of it my- 1 self and thought you probably Avouldrft 'either. Give it some consideration;, it might concern you, you, ' arid you! : -- ; ; - '-Pi'1 :cV3i t4 ' -H- The Editor 'Regrettable Tendencies In Jazz' Editor: . , ; We are inclined "to deplore the vehemence with which v. : ;te: Hauser's views on popular music were expressed. Had his state ments been less positive, it might be possible gently but firmly t,, correct the obvious error in his judgement. As it is, we feel dispc., to pardon him on the grounds of his abysmal 'ignorance oi subject and his too-enthusiastic reaction to a very fair musician. There have been, recently, a couple of very regrettable tenden cies in contemporary jazz. The first of these is the attempt t j re capture the Miller mood. This movement was sired by the Beinke, and Flanagans who have only succeeded in cheapening the w.-ik of a more conscientious musician. The bandleaders who most near ly approximate the biand sound of some eight or ten years n-o are those who have never completely lost it; that is, Goodrr.n. Dorsey, Hampton, Barnet, etc. A little more reactionary is the Dixieland movement, and it's equally hopeless. The most competent Dixieland musicians are still Spanier, Armstrong, Manone, Crosby shall we go on? The reason is evi dent: the way to keep a mood alive in music is by perpetuating it, not by dropping it, then going back to it when it's good box office. We like Dixieland; we like Miller, but we like the originals. We don't believe the originals require any such hokum as march ing through "the aisles . . . trumpeting 'the Saints'" to sell the,:;. Moreover, any comparison between such an upstart as Anthor.y and a musician with the number of hits that Herman has to his credit must have been hatched on hashish. Charlie Barnet will be in Raleigh on the 20th. We suggest th;,v Mister Hauser go and get back in touch. We further recommend that he familiarize himself with the J.A.T.P. series of Nonv.r.r. Granz and the work of Kenton if he is to criticize. Mister Hauser, we fear, is dragging a 20-year-old anchor. Charlie Brown - Bubber Gait Rolling by Don I found the following letter in my mailbox Wednesday morning. Complimentary to me, it is above that, I feel, a state ment of Mothers' sentiments over this 18-year-old draft hul labaloo that is currently storm ing the nation. Read it and re flect, your Mother probably feels the same way: "Dear Don Maynard, "When I read your column in The Daily Tar Heel this morn ing I felt that somehow I had shared in a very beautiful Val entine message. I felt its poig nancy all the more for having carried with me all day yester day the unpleasant effects of the rough treatment Robert Ruark gave 'M-O-T-H-E-R'S in his column. Not even 'Moms' this time. "I wonder what men like Ru ark and Dr. Streicher of Penn sylvania who first advanced the theory of 'Momism' expect us to do? Not have children be cause so many of us are silly and empty-headed, or just jump off the dock once a child is on his feet? "This is a sorry old world and 'cannibal Moms' don't help to improve it any. But even they should not be made the scape goats for half the things that arc wrong with our society. Yes, they're howling now about the 18-year-old draft possibilities. It seems to be the custom in this country to become very vocal about the things we want or dont want. "It is for those in high places to remain steady with their eyes ACROSS Lr Displace 7. Playa 13. American bird 14. Devastate 15. Horizontal piece tf a window or door 16. Key 17. Tree: var. ' 18. Device attached to the tongue of a wagon 20. Imitation 22. Winter vehicle 2:?. Chum: colloQ. 28. Flop about loosely 23. Dryness 30. Large scissors 33. Small pieces of rock 31. Inns t 3G. Yonder 37. Female sheep 3S. Rip 40. Branch of science: abbr. 43. Group or flv 45. Japanese measure 45. Hang down 43. Sugar trees 51. Reluctant 52. Cleric 53.. Improve 54. Becomes aware KM MM-S&tMtlf ' I-2- 3 K U5 t7 is W jo j fz. f-ZZZZZP7 'A wmyA-- -Vm ; mA 3o 3' 32. '0:33 ':?' 37 m 33 39 Hp o 7K5 3i "wWi s Mailbox Stones Maynard on the goal of legislation which will benefit most people not on votes of any group and let the turmoil go on. It always will, about something. "I'm a 'Mom' whose only chick of 20-odd years will be in the service right after graduation in June. I'd like to yell too, only that wouldn't Help matters in the least. Personally, I think it would be better if the women who are resisting the draft for their 18-year-olds blindly, emo tionally and loudly, would be quiet, for they are only cloud ing the issue. But I say again, look beyond them for the things that are wrong. "Abraham Myerson, a dis tinguished psychiatrist and wise human being, wrote a book which has been published re cently called Speaking Of Man. In a chapter entitled "Woman, the Authorities' Scapegoat," he says: 'To pick out Mom as the focus of social psychopathology is a gross injustice and . . . utterly unscientific' "Perhaps, here and there in its excess or misdirection, mother love creates neurosis or maladjustment. But even if these accusations and denounce ments have some basis in fact. Mom, Ma or Mother, is a sol if i base of decent human social de velopment. "Well, all this just to say thank you for publishing that fine letter. Here's one Mom, be sides your own, who greatly ap preciates it." F.P.S. CQHER EfJSjHlAiPlElo 0 P i j R A S tl 1L oTrTrrtctA -LQRj' Tjo a lIsCJa n" J.fJjlLil 1 c!-,spETFnrjjTVE E I S j S ; N E f ' j R N DIE R -Etet Ettl3 a bIa tIeis jiRjA ! SI A: I N THNJOiT SE C U:R)E I" ' 1 ORy E ts ELATEDl RiEPoSiE Solution of Yesterdays Puzzlo DOWN . Burrowing animals 2. Ce'itlc speeca 3. Singhalese: var. 4. Fate 5. Fish saucs 6. Screams 7. Dealers in catUe 8. Speed 9. Salutations 10. The human race 11. Ripen 12. Indian weight 19. Guidons highest note 21. Ditch 23. Lofty peaks 24. Took food 25. French and .,, Belgian rlvr p. Pretext 29. Ruin 20. Pronoun 31. In what war? 32. Siim 3a. Took a eeat oJ. Inclined wa:it 41. Plural of "Ulis" 42. Armies 4 5. Saucy 41. Ventura 4. Strike gentle 47. Night preced- ing an venk 4t. Favorite SD. Fas tan en i . he; re 1 ' V x . -V "V j ;

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