Urj.C. Library -Serials Dspt. Chapel Hill,. II. c. 8-31-49 COUNCIL The Women's Honor Council niiuht 1ot- "Jive done the wrong thing after all. See today's lead editorial, page 2. morrow. - WEATHER Clear and cold today and tomorrow. VOLUME LIX Associated Press CHAPEL HILL, N. C. THURSAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1951 United Press NUMBER 10b Honor Controls Women's Unit Given Power In Mew Ruling Action Of Senate Reverses Move Of Highest Court The Women's' Council again has authority to try serious violations of dormitory house rules, by action of the Coed Senate, Speaker Kash Davis announced yesterday. The Student Council ruled recently that all house rules, ac cording to the Student Constitu tion, are under the proper juris diction of the House Councils, supposedly functioning in each women's dormitory and sorority house. The Constitution states that 'each Woman's House Council shall have original jurisdiction in all cases involving infractions ot the House Rules by residents of the house." But the Coed Senate at a Tues day night meeting classified two house rules as "Social Rules" and designated them as under- the jur isdiction of the Women's Council. Those cases involving the fail ure to sitjn, out, of coeds, who spend the night outside their residences and those in which a coed enters her residence more than one hour late are now considered social rujes. Di Defeats Curfew Bill On Imports Declaring that a curfew on im ports involves scholarship rather than morality, Dean of Women Katherine Carmichael introduced a bill calling for a 2 p.m. curfew at a meeting of the Dialectic Sen ate Monday night. She said that "social' activities should not exceed that late hour. Scholarship is the primary goal of college students, and scholarship is undermined by excessive social date hours." The bill was defeated by a.vote of 18-16, but the general affirm ative debate was rated to be bet ter than the debate of the neg ative side. The Senate will meet at 7 p.m. Monday night to elect officers' for the spring quarter. Campus Chest Solicitors Meet 11 he a meeting of Campus Chest solicitors this eve ning at 7:15 in 206 Phillips Hall The .meeting will consist of a hii. f orientation session, a short talk ),v rk.m Fred Weaver, and the handing out ot packets for in dividual solicitors. As this is the only meeting for the solicitors be fore the annual drive gets under way on Monday, it is essential il.r,t nil cnlieitors he nresent for this short .gathering, Chest of ficials said. Steele Talk Dr. Harold Epps of the Clas sics Department vill speak to night at 8 o'clock at Steele Dormitory on the ground floor of the center section. The topic of his address will be "Science versus Religion." This is the second of a series of Thursday night discussions!. Coo nci riving Rain, pg Attack Of UN Allied Forces Strike Attempting To Dig TOKYO, Thursday, Feb. 22 (UP) Allied forces struck through a driving rain and mud that bogged tanks and grounded planes today against Communist troops trying to dig in on a new central Korean line from Yang- pj'ong to Pyongchang. The Chinese and North Koreans fell back to the line over the hump of the Korean mountains after their central front offen sive boomeranged last week. Airmen reported many new enemy entrenchments a mile north of Yangpyong, Han River town 30 miles east of Seoul, and British and South Korean patrols found the Chinese entrenched on the east-west road between Chip yong and Hoengsong, strategic mountain bases 20 miles apart. Red roadblocks were reported five miles east of Yongwol, on the eastern flank of the central front, and 18 miles east cf Pyongchang, which is 10 miles north of Yong Television Is 'Horror Lynn Riggs Pays Visit To PI ay writing Class By Chuck Kellogg , The undergraduate playwright- j ing class had quite a surprise yes- ! terday when Lynn Riggs, author of such great Broadway plays as "Roadside," "Cherokee Night," and 'Green Grow the Lilacs,' dropped in to discuss, in an in formal manner, some of the basic techniques of the art. He was not at the class, he quickly remarked, to give a speech. , He was there, at the invitation of Samuel Selden, to answer or argue out any questions they might have. He knew they would have problems. All playwrights do. In fact, he is himself trying to solve a tough one in a new play he is now writing, and is in Chapel Hill to talk about it with Paul Green. Asked if he liked being refer ed to as a "folk dramatist," he pondered carefully, and then said he thought not. "Afte'r all," he said slowly "all plays are about folk. You could say Uiiiiora uaets was uie iuik. dramatist of the Bronx. It is true that I write about regions and people, mostly relatives, whom I have known intimately. For ex ample, I used my brother Gar as Edgar in "Cherokee Night," and my Uncle Willie in "Clean Beds." I've written about one aunt three times. And Curley in "Green Grow the Lilacs" was a real boy Whistling Worker Inferior To Griper ANN ARBOR, Mich., Feb. 21 (A') Do your employes whistle while they work? Are they happy? Gosh, let's hope not. University of Michigan re searchers reported today after a four-year survey that "Gripers" tisually are better workers than "whistlers." "While this type (the griper) will often spend a lunch hour de nouncing his job, the driving urge to succeed will send this same subject back to work fired with more productive energy," the researchers concluded. t - - .Rules Mud Against Commies In On Central Front wol in the central sector. Rigid security regulations screened the exact movement of Allied forces set in motion on a new offensive Tuesday when Gen. Douglas MacArthur visited the fighting front at Wonju. Communist resistance was fad ing steadily in the fast shrinking pocket above Chechon on the east - central front. But there was increasing evidence that the enemy hoped to brace soon against the new Allied drive. To the west, Allied and Com munist forces traded blows across the rain-swollen Han River on the Seoul front. Each side put small numbers of tanks across the river in a fiareup of patrol activity and heavy shelling. The enemy was fighting back strongly from positions at Seoul and along a 30-mile stretch of the Han eastward. UN tanks and ar tillery took a mounting toll of Red guns and armor. who used to work for my father as a cowboy." Somebody else wanted to know what Riggs thought of television as an outlet for new, untried writ ers. Referring to the medium as "that horror you put in the living room," Riggs frankly said he did n't know much about television, or what its future possibilities were. He did think that, for inge nuity and entertainment, nothing thus far was better than the Kuckla, Fran and Ollie show. Although he has written very few one-act plays himself, he is very much in favor of this form since it "sharpens your observa tion and feeling for truth. It's good training, although the form is very restricting." As for himself, he was told at an early age by Mrs. Max East man, one of the founders of the Provincetown Playhouse, to stick with the three-act form if he felt he had the energy to talk to an audience for a whole evening. . Familiar Fiqure On Campus Marshall Smith's Iwo Jima Story Of University Hour This Evening By Walter Whitaket Twenty-thousand feet above the island of Iwo Jima the sky was blue and cold. Lt. Marshall Smith listened to the dull thund er of the motors as his B-29 swept closer to the green target of land. The island was held "by the Jap anese; the skies above it would be thick with death. Seconds later the big bombers were over the island, rocking through a wall of ugly flak bursts as anti-aircraft shells ' exploded around them. Lt. Smith looked at his intsruments and began counting off the bombing range "19,000, 18,000, 18-75, 18-50" the flak was getting heavier "18-49, 48, 47, 46 . . .'? Suddenly the plane seemed to Runoff Today In Goecl Voting For May Court Dorms, Sororities Hold flection Today, Town Girls Friday - The runoff for the selection of the . annual May Day Court will be conducted tonight and tomor row night in house .meetings for dormitory and - sorority girls. Town girls will vote Friday in the Town Girls' Room of the "Y". From the 'results of last week's election 27 girls were Chosen to be placed in the runoff. All coeds will select 10 girls to compose the May Court. The girl receiving the largest number of votes will reign as May Queen. The two runners up will attend her as. Maids of Honor. Those girls from whom the Court will be selected are Edith Allison, Nancy Allison, Ann Bir mingham, Arden Boisseau, Pat Bowie, Dodie Boyer, Phyllis Cost lier, Marjorie Crutchfield, Carol Gobbel, Alice Huffard, Alice Laughlin, Sue McLaughlin, Edna Matthes, Jackie Merritt, Tiny Morrow, Nancy ' Norwood, Sandy Riach, Joyce Richert, Louise Rob bins, Judy Sanford, Rosie Varn, and Mary Wood. Music Talk To Be Given By Newman Prof. William S. Newman will present "The Climax of Music," aTtalk illustrated with music and slides, tonight at 8:30 in Hill Hall. Dr. Newman's address will be the second of three University lectures in the Humanities for 1950-51. "The Climax of Music" will demonstrate the peak of in terest v of various .eras, forms, styles, and composers. This concept is regarded as a basic one in the understanding of music as well as all forms of art. It is especially important in the intergrated works of the 19th cen tury,, as the idea of one climax is. basic to the- creative effort of that period, Newman believes. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, he has been a member of the faculty since his return from service with the Army Air Corps intelligence. In addition to several recitals which he has presented at Car olina, he has made annual tours in various sections of the coun try. In April he will give a series of 10 concerts and lectures at colleges in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Recently he has published "Keyboard Sonatas by the Sons of 'Bach," "Thirteen Sonatas of the 13th and 19th Centuries," and "The Pianist's Problems." in ad dition to numerous articles. rise, Fragments of flak came crashing through the instrument panel. There was a single blind ing flash. And then" there was darkness a darkness which would surround Marshall Smith for the rest of hi$ life. This week Marshall Smith's story is being dramatically told on the University Hour radio pro gram over 47 North Carolina sta tions, including WDNC (Durham) at 10:30 tonight, WRAL (Ral eigh) at 3 p.m. Saturday, and WTIK (Durham) at 1:30 p.m. Sunday.' It is the story of' a fa miliar figure on the campus a tail, sandy-haired law student from Gastoma with a seein-eye dpg. Miraculously, " Smith lived 3 ray Asks tor Sanders Gives Student Views To Legislature Outlines Dangers i Proposed Rates Would Have Here By Edd Davis RALEIGH, Feb. 21 "The whole Medical Care Program of the state will be' greatly endangered if the proposed increases in the tuition rates of the Health Affairs Division of the University of North Carolina are put into effect," John Sanders, president of the student body, told the Gen eral Assembly Appropriations Committee today. , Sanders, appearing before members of the committee to present the viewpoint of the stu dent body, told the committer that "the only logical way out is an increasing of the appropri ations by the; committee." "Factors that have not been considered by the Advisory Bud get Commission in its recommen dations," he said, "are the increas ed costs in living; expenses for lh: students.- Focd has doubled in the past few years and is still on the upswing as are other ! costs." "The GI Bill is running out for many veterans who will not have the resources to continue their education if the proposed rates are made effective," he explain ed. "It would be an error " on the part of any group if they allow ed a few dollars to endanger the Medical Care Program, . especial ly when the state is already spending more than $50,000,000 on the program at the present time," he argued. Sanders said that "many stu dents would probably go to other institutions where the cost w'ould be only a . few hundred dollars more and the standing higher academically, if the proposed rates are put into effect." "If the new rates are made ef fective, North Carolina would rank as the second most expen sive state school in the medical divisions," he added. He explained that people in the rural areas of the state would suffer since properly trained med ical personnel would not be avail able. Sanders was presented to the Appropriations Committee by Gordon Gray, president of the 1 Consolidated University. . through the crash of his plane on Iwo Jima six" years ago, and during long months in the hos pital he decided to become a law yer. When he was separated from service, he came to Chapel Hill to earn a bachelor of arts de gree and to go into the Univer sity Law School. Marshall has made an outstand ing record. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi law fraternity, and Sigma Alpha Ep silon. Twenty-one operations were performed on Marshall's face and eyes, but his sight could not be restored. Nevertheless, by the time' Tie was ready to leave the hospital, the . young pilot had made vip his mind to continue his Judiciary To Face Legis Amendment Of Election Law, Tutorial System Bill Will Also Be Presented Consideration of the controver sial judiciary non-partisan board bill will be first on the agenda at the weekly session, of the Stu dent Legislature at 7:30 tonight in Di Hall, fourth floor New West. The legislation will be brought to the floor again from the Ways and Means Committee to which it was recommitted last week af ter 90. minutes of heated discus sion. Introduced two weeks ago by Student Party Floorleader Bill Prince, the bill provides for the establishment of a nine-member non-partisan board to pass on the qualifications of candidates for the three honor councils. The legislature will also act a bill to amend the general j on ock CHAMPAIGN, 111., Feb. 21 (UP) The story of a modest, unassuming mathematics profes sor who built a $1,000,000 fortune out of a salary that never topped $6,000 a year wras unfolded here today. The University of Illinois dis covered George A. Miller's fab ulous success as an investor when his will was filed for probate. Miller, who died Feb. 10 at 87, left all his money to the school with the stipulation that it be used for teaching and research. i Marc Norton, Champaign bank er named executor of the estate, said, "I don't know what his in vestment formula was, but it cer tainly was a successful one." Norton, examing Miller's hold ings, said they represented a wide selection of gilt-edged stocks and bonds in companies over a wide area of the country. He held a small amount of real estate, but no farm property. Nor ton said Miller bought many of the securities when he was a young man and held them until his death. ' Even campus intimates were surprised by the fortune Miller left.. Although widely known as Is Feature Over WDNC education. He and Zorie were married shortly afterwards and returned to Chapel Hill. John Ehle of Asheville portrays Marshall Smith on the University Hour production, and Gail Oliver of Wilmington plays the role of Zorie. Supporting members of the cast include Walt Whitaker of Graham, Sarah Alexander of Rockv Mount, Tom Tucker of Monroe, Bill Zuckerman of Greensboro, and Jim Heldman of Durham. "The Unchanging Moon" was written by John Clayton, grad uate of the University of North Carolina radio department. It is the first University Hour pro gram based on the experiences of a living student of the University. St Builds Up 1 .200,000 r ssioo s Board Bill election law to cull the number of voting districts in half and in crease academic qualifications for candidacy in all elections. This bill was introduced by Student Party member Julian Mason two weeks ago and was transferred from the Ways and Means Committee to the newly formed Committee on Academic Affairs. Both of these bills are expect ed to draw considerable debate and much opposition. i A bill recommending the re establishment of the tutorial sys tem will also be brought from committee. It would ask the Uni versity to bear 50 per cent qf the cost of tutors for first year stu- dens in need of academic aid. rot oitune a mathematician, the professor was a small, quiet man who dressed plainly and devoted "his whole life to mathematics." Miller taught at Illinois from 1906 until he was retired in 1931, but he continued to work in his office seven days a week until about a month before his death. He authored hundreds of author itative papers on mathematics and won the International Mathe matics Prize in 1900. Niles Sings Folk Ballads Before -800 By Walt Dar A man with a high male alto voice, a cello sawed in half, and an intensive wish to bring the music of American ballads to the ears of Carolina students, sang before an audience of 800 Tuesday night in Memorial Hall for an hour and half with no intermis sion. John Jacob Niles, a composer and singer of American folk mu sic, filled the spring air with some nostalgic notes as he humm ed and strummed on his dulci mer. With many comments and quips to acquaint the audience with the background of bis songs, Niles was albe to captivate the atten tion of the crowd.- Singing love songs, nursery rhymes, carols, and ballads of local origin, Niles gave students a 'good taste of folk lore music. Dressed in a black suit with a red handkerchief ("I always wear this outfit for performances"), Niles sat on a straight-backed chair and played his instrument flat on its back on a bridge table. Listeners were amused as the ballad singer mooed, quacked, and meowed while singing "I Had a Cat." To climax his per formance, Niles sang "The Hang man," an American folksong. For an encore, Niles perform ed "Matti Groves" in its original text. The song has 27 verses, but Niles kept the attention of all as he. completed the song. atute Holding P tea n i nan 11 ywjtuji President A sks For New Sums Before Soions Raise In Tuition For Health Units Still Not Avoided ' By Andy Taylor RALEIGH, Feb. 21 Con solidated University Presi dent Gordon Gray appeared before the General Assembly's Joint Committee on Appropri ations here this afternoon to issuea plea for approximately $1,200,000 in funds for the in stitution's three branches above the recommendations of the Advisory Budget Commis sion. The amount is designed to cover a two-year period of over all University operations. If appropriated by the Legislar ture, $490,000 of the money would be tagged for the University's Health Affairs Division in Chapel Special to The Daily Tar Heel RALEIGH, Feb. 21 Accord ing to reliable sources availa ble to him in Washington, ex Secretary of the Army Gordon Gray says there will be no drafting of 18-year-olds, at least not within the next 18 months or two years. Gray also said thai we may fcssume that the size of the armed forces in two years will reach the three and one half million mark arid that Congress will probably adopi the Uni versal Military Training Leg islation now before ii. He said the news was "not 24 hours old." Hill. This would not relieve the present tuition-raise controversy, however, but would still leave $87,000 to be taken in from stu dent fee raises. - $196,000 per year for the bi ennium was asked for the rest of the University at Chapel Hill, $43,500 a year for Women's Col lege in Greensboro, and S151,000 for the first year and $180,000 for the second to go to N.C. State Col lege. Because of the cost of initial construction underway now, the Health Affairs Division is the unit most in need of funds, Gray said. Although the original ap propriation for the new buildings was one mlilion dollars, at present the division is some $600,000 short of funds. Gray said the $542,000 more is needed for the division, but he did. not ask the committee for this because of a chance that Fed eral appropriations now pending in Congress might be routed in part to this cause, and also be cause officials cannot be sure of the exact shortage figure until bids for the remaining construc tion are let. Gray said that $542,000 more is dent John Sanders both remind ed the legislators of the import ance to the University arid State of the Health Affairs Division in connection with the current Medi (See GRAY. Pace 4) Young Republicans Gerald R. Chandler, state vice president for the Ncrih Carolina Young Republican Clubs, will preside at a re- organizational meeiing cf the local GOP group in Roland Parker Loung 3 cf Graham Me morial tonight at 7 o'clock. Officers and members of the Wake Forest Young Republi can Club are expected to be present. The meeting is open to persons of any political affiliation.