We come ' ... Gold "Tugboat" Black Suede Blue Suede Grey Sued Green Suede Brown Suede Red Calf Palomino Calf " To Chapel Hill Tkn. JT .... A Fashion majors Cop OEao bacEi-flo-ccljooS qrovid X "Shell-Ballet" By Prima CAMPUS CASUALS Red, Brown, Green, Black, Grey, and Blue Kid 55 fin -M mmm 7 trTV Vl ftYBATBRlAMD COORDINATES filsfa h yoyr fcbv ?sl-trov rr. for compel SsMSt fty!sdVla ond bunding I 4 Zs "ll i Tejas Red Green Cream Hail To The Gathering Of The Campus Clan! To you students old and new . . . to the faculty and families ... to the host of University employees . ... to all of you who face Fall '51 with the zest and zeal that mark kindred Carolina spirits!!!! W-E-L-C-O-M-E . and warm wishes for your fortune from Rob bins, one of the nation's most beautiful fashion centers, serving you in the heart of Chapel Hill. We look forward to offering you PERSONALLY ? the friendliness; comfort and guaranteed satisfac- tion that 7 are the standards of Bobbins service. Drop in soon, won't you. " '.it t. . : t i L "77 ? )wr;r -C 1