I": - . I f i I -j i - I tiffin I t I ' 4 t I :i f i - - si' . -J U Si ': J if - W i w -w Hd i d aMs Board of f T$&kwnr f Garoiina at Shpi Jf4l- wm6 ' i published dly at the (Toirt&i !?pess, Inc., er&c&pt &crmPiys,, eatasmnn" fwwi' awd vacation p?tKtsj cMunrn Sa wiuetr teraafe; Sttwi r' ;snard', eas saBr a -fee- Post CSS of :ftM. 3&4ii- 5f.- e;,. under: ifce act of XfeefcJt l;, SS2TH.. SufesecipttaH . p?"ee,. Spwts- 5fr Q4 P3S And S f rings And - Building mTFt I I n figs "See- ya. Ya-fa-ta, Ya-fa-ta That's the general trend of conversation between the 600 freshmen and more" than 1200 fraternities on campus. We thought television put a cramp on the. powers of con versation but the Interfratermty Council's edict on the mat ter, which limits conversation to the' above phrases as of Mon day night till Oct; 7 (two we4?ks from now) tops all bang on conversation that know of. Here's hoping the more kKjMaciofis members id the earn in is c$m hold their tong&ea,- The Record Jtisl to keep the record straight- We happen to believe in the honor system. We also -bap-pen to see only a faint resemblance between the honor sys tem used in the U, S, S, E. and the one in existence on this campus, , A columnist in yesterday's paper indicated a disagreement with the above beliefs, Unfortunately, by error, .his byline was omitted from the article, We were then credited with his beliefs,' Newspapers gen erally set matter reflecting 4heir editorial policies and opin ions in a distinct type, in a special place (this here, to be ex plicit) so that such errors may not, occur in the minds of renders. by ...... ad- apmid- asa4 aaMMa&dL aatdf arias&nd we go- This is ear slf esrv&oi ia a s&aBed attempt to discover hy th fewiJdisgs we are b jf aren't getting built. Twe aew Se&oot ef Busiruwai Adraiaistration,. originally scheduled to- fee feisfe5d this mxita,. is isow scheduled to be fiaiobed m Deeawser., Xja&xriMatica frsn the office of the Director of Opj?tms iftdseatsir that it will be at least Spring before t3e- seket i fkT&skmd Bease.a: T eoract6r wau3abie to obtain, necessary limstosae fer' a period of scxner jaofttfes and- was therefore uEble proeaed with eonsraetict Copper brass, a oth e3r metafe were aSs s&eeabJe;. Tlse government requires: co&ntlesg' fbrwwr. piwities,. reqieats' -anl justifications" be fore releasjbg' s?ck stratsegse. material.. Once stockpiling au thorities issue permits fe hayf it is another matter to actually .find1 the materiaL Thenr the brick maa&na str'ak. For over two months last Berhvg.. Cor.struelion em every new bnaHding except Derm .was completely kalted AM other unioiis went out on sym pathy strikes,- "M" Dr was spared- because the swnall ccm tractor building it uies M-unio Iafer. - The carpenters are now cm strike, ffave been for three weeic&r Other uosionsr aain out m sympathy strike. The la borers will get iwmpfeymnt compesasation,, hardly enough t make up for their' wages.. The contractor losesr money. The University loses tiraev The contractor is paid for the j-ob,. not for time,, hence his of money. Any private individual (or corporation) in the state may accept a bid from a contractor and insert a dead line' with the stipulation; that the contractor defaults a sum oi' money for each day over the deadline. However; he must th-en also add- a stipulation lor a bonus of a certain sum for ewthi day under the deadline. This the state will not allow any- state agency to do ' "So-, - No -deadline is set for ccm tractors. They are still paid tm the hmis of the job and kse momey lor each day they do rfvt work. The- eontraetr understand is made for a certa-in-lAjilding with certain equtprnenrt for a certain amount of m?oney, . ov The Uftivarsity ordered furnitur ebeds chairs, tables for the new dormitory. The furniture was bought for this rmmth (when the building was msppc&ed to be finished), and ir ready. The builfling is now supposed to be ready by De cerober. It may actually be finished in the Spring, Trie shippers want the University to take the furniture out of their warehouses. The University has no plaee to store it, &ri will have to pay storage unttil the building is completed. Other equipment; Huge machines, and thousands of small er items have been ordered for the new medical school, which won't be ready before Spring now. Furniture, machines, and other equipment is ready to be moved into the roofless walls of the commerce school. Incidentally, faculties have been hired for both schools, but they have nowhere to teach. Quite a series of headaches, what? Sometimes we wonder , . , and rrmrd and around , , 'Tlse e&ifege is oae of tke great 3wnI iRstaatibns wkick reader feras and. csatiuty & AaieriGaa. culture,.'" sajs Eacyclopedia Axericana.. "Thuff the 5,81XI-oii stHts who start their ack! year at TJTfC are ta render form an eantintiTty t Aarwerieari culture."" When the: samestiientis' are viwd at a football game or passing t2ie tiarke m the Bath skeller it seems incredible that l-ey mi gilt fee capable of ren dering' form; ami continuily to Tet than and their eoztr psrts over the cowBtry must eventually fall the task of moulding the destiny of this cmsntry perhaps the entire world... e&sntry perhaps the entire world.. For if t5iose who- receive t3e achrantage- of a college ed ucation are not to ccntroE the course of eventi?,. certainly those who do not cannot be ex pected to successfully under take tJie rpragilDility The Carolisa stiident wijlv verthele3,. sperid little of his time or efforts eonsideririg the rewderi of form and coritin uity to culture. He will irftead fee concerned with, his own pre sent and fisture,, his beliefs and ideologies,, arid his mode of trr-ir-. But it is throgh these fac tors that her' knowmjfly or not to shape the country's culture. The- qaestion then is: is the American; -CoHege, 'm this case U?C, capable of eqJipisag its charges to- "best form the- attrife--lates necesary to the reason sibihty which will fee thrrs? The belief reflected "m tJae policies of this tfnrrerswty are, geeraITy, that it is up to stdmt to form his own qisK ties through ixm, t his own dis cretiow, of the ample facilities of the Uwtversrty and the Uni versity eomTntrnity, Tke student, exceptis the eoda, is not coerd m the f?r- muiaikm of few; morale habit, or abilities- The University offers ajapie guidance at e-rry tm, hut the srAudent is left to his own devices in Hs use. - The question now levri: Co the atsKJerrt take adTim- tae of hi college fcdwcMion to form the e$eiatial properkies he shots M with Tesonable ese? Here itofrre exists some doubt. The weakening of iastitutio of which much is said yfecewtiy is , certainly present to some ex tent, ard the coHegte as eon tribors t otr ewiture mt take their share of the bl a'me.' The impoftant thing is that the student mnt although It may squire some ffffort n his prt, avail KwmK to the iaeiii tl f the mrerHy ha aeh a way as to bcowv an aaet t a healthy gocJeiy, From the maze ef factors ored by the Univewty to ward individual development, the modern student must- elact thoe which will give bim the insight, ch4ractr, and jvtde ment neeery to hk being a stimuli to a better soeit stronger intitotkn, ftd gequently lasting cwHnre. X. high card 4. dye -5-..hy 12.. electrized partieie 1.X city in France 14.. wissg 15- parcel of v land lfL isnafTectedly IS. ramfcJe prefix:: apart 21 frightens 2Z. guests . 27, narrow binding 22. ai3tJioritativ decree, -22.. emotional ejaculation 2, bitter- vetch; 31.. prepares for publication. 22- pay court 3X personal prorou 3-4. evaporats 33. ioiitated 34. highway 35. discomfort ' seisa-de- tree 4S "wriety of. ehak4ony 41. oppoei ta idealistic 45. twilight 43. finish 43-.. phrygiAi cap 5L. eity isi Brazit 51, ashes (Scot.)' 52 National Parle division 53'.. Japanese ecin 2 suffer "2. doe mrmitir 3, ensnares '4ser 5- weary hi gu if missic T. siclc g, heckle (colIoqLy out-of-date Answer t yesterday piszfe. Ui Mil AiGlS-g iMi EjAPQ!W. lIq1' ? AisfTjokisrlTTr llMml M AtPlgS TSIAID Ml Pr J.OlTtS stPGTjPi jglAtgiA 5.,i " rlA 74TTg j A T U N j 6 IT AIR "Si ' 1.AtcUc 1 14 Is ;: iTiWITITr i i si a ? SaQP L f f C igf I Tj & e mojt t ! IT am l c jg. DjSfP f AfX 01RDgjts V f i f I. I 5 I I 1 f TOD AT aT2ITJBSDAY ! '.- j... J- I : VF' i v 4.; N W ? ILki if '. :.:. Y 'Morcr Tree? 'A' Crr addition II. warfow bskf of light 17, river moi deposit 13, native meU? 21. hoids bac 22.. sigyi of omission 22. weeps 24. branch rt4 study 25 ity m Nc-rm ani 26. casta cfT 23. eaatranc 3L hermit 32. arachid 34, g5a 35- nvr m SwitzerLi3 3T, English. novelist 33, trepieai rc-dents 44, father- 41, the tiirmrT 42, printer' measure. 43, sister 44, make la edging 4 compete 4T eternity Of SF fftiicfi WftlTR WTMXIU ttm or tut rumr DEST ftrfs "C2S7 fci-a