VOLUME LX Disappointing Crowd Sends Team Off; 800; Tar Heel Rooters Expected For Game By O. Mac White A measly crowd of about 75 students turned out at , Woollen Gym yesterday afternoon to' send their win-wanting football team deep into the heart of Texas. The team boarded busses at 1 p.m. and caught a plane at Raleigh-Durham airport at 2:15 p.m. for Austin. Duff ield Smith, president of the University" Club, requested all students to make up for this poor showing by signing the telegram to the. team. This may be done by coming to the table in the Y court any time today. The cost "will be one dime , to defray the expenses. ..-. -, : : In a statement to The Daily Tar Heel on the size of the rally, Smith reported one of the players as saying "There sure aren't many people here, are there?-' - Smith also remarked, "Cy Min- -ett and 1 thought that the rally -this afternoon would give every one a chance to come down and show their team that they were . behind" them all the way, win, really showed them." It is expected that the crowd of Carolina rooters at the game will be small. However, Vernon Crook, director of the University ticket office reported 'that about . 800 tickets had been sold to stu dents -arid alumni for the game. "Spike" Saunders, alumni secre- Escorted F.P.n. To Yalta Sheep, Rugs, 3Q00 Spits Hiahlititit Life Of Captpin ' " By Walt Dear T" The Navy may be in the lime light again if the new head of the Naval ROTC unit here has any thing to say about it. I Captain John S. Keating, for mer commander of the world's largest Naval training center and now Captain of the Carolina Na val ROTC, told his Midshipmen a few days ago he hoped "this unit will be' the finest in the - country." During World War II Navy men swarmed the campus while in the Pre-flight, V-12, NROTC, and other training pro- grams. Chapel Hill became prom inent in military circles because of its high position as a Naval center. While at Great Lakes, I1L, Keating led 30,000 men, including 700 officers, and had four com- " mands under him the boot train ing program, 11 service schools, a Marine command, and the ad- " ministrative command. And he en joyed the job because, as he says, "any duty where you take a young ' boy from civilian life and . mold him into a real Navy man gives you. a nTniciiuAJno tictuu& isfaction." Perhaps his most interesting duly while in the - Atlantic and the Mediterranean during World War II was escorting President Roosevelt, to Yalta. His destroyer squadron, led by the cruiser UU S.S. Murphy,, was. also desitad to go to Saudi Arabia to take FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, tary, received a telegram from a group of alumni in Waco who will be there. Head Cheerleader Cy Mkiett re ported several students will fly down to the game in their own planes. Carolina headquarters in Aus tin will be in the Driscoll Hotel. Minett stated that if there were enough Carolina supporters in Austin Saturday morning that he would stage some sort of pep rally. Minett is leaving by plane to day for Austin with Zane Rob bins, Daily Tar Heel sports writ er, and four members of the foot ball team, the head manager, and the trainer. These members of the team were left behind because of lack of space on the plane yes terday. Rushing Still Open To Frosh: Jefferies A freshman who did not get any rush bids may still go through rushing, Ray Jefferies announced yesterday. These men may fill out requests with the IFC representatives in Gerrard Hall today. They may specify two fraternities that they wish to be rushed by, and the request will be submitted to the rushing chairmen of these frater nities. : ' King Ibn Saud to meet Roosevelt on the high seas. While aboard, the King was safeguarded by 40 Arabs and had sheep killed daily, for "the benefit of his ''personnel. The Murphy looked somewhat dif ferent from ; the usual run, of cruisers while the Arab king was aboard, the Captain relates. Rich colored oriental rugs were laid across the entire deck and a huge tent covered the forecastle. Keating was later commended by Roosevelt. In a short message, Roosevelt said, "The crew of the Murphy will live forever in the annals of the U. S. Navy." t After the war, Keating went to China as a Naval advisor for the Marshall Mission. He . organized an almost extinct Chinese Na tionalist Navy into an efficient sea-going outfit with 55 ships, 300 officers, and good morale. The Chinese decorated him twice. Also included" in his Navel ac tivities was command of the light cruiser, U.S.S. Manchester and commander of the Sonar School in Key West, Fla. ; A graduate of Annapolis in 1923, Captain Keating was born .1 ia Woburn. Mass. He has three i . , sons ana a uauguttn-. wue suu, John, Jr., is a " sophomore here while two of the children attend Chapel Hill public schools. Al though a New England Yankee, ha chose UNC because "every single Naval off icer who had been here during the Naval iprograms recommended ;the 'University. : 1951 CHAPEL, Resolutions In Informal nswers "We're, trying ? to help the American people find answers to the problems we face. We have responsibility because the world looks to Us as leaders," explained George V. Denny, moderator of America's Town Meeting of the Au in an interview shortly be fore he left for Asheville by plane after a short visit here yesterday. The meetings serve to stimu late audiences to -thing honestly and objectively," Denny contin ued. The town meeting show, heard: over 277 . stations weekly, is currently on tour. It will broadcast from Pinehurst next week, Boston the following week, then from Illinois with Sen. Paul Douglas speaking, and then back south from Johnson City, Term. The town meetmg forum was held in Durham Tuesday night with the subject of McCarthysim debated by two Congressmen. Denny hopes that local town meeting forums will, spring up once again as they did previous to World War II. There are five town meeting programs in foreign ; nations, independent of the Amer ican organization, Denny said Canada, Australia, the Phillipines and Japan all have forums debat ing local and world questions. Denny pointed out that -the na tional group can only act as a stimulating agency to get people to set up a meeting on a' local level. ; But civic-minded citizens have formed such town meetings and they'have been very success ful, he added. f Asked if the Town Meeting would be a success in Chapel Hill, Denny said it would and pointed out: that Town Meeting was here in 1937 and 38 with cohimist Dorothy ' Thompson and the late Senator Josiah' Bailey among the debators. 1 Sob! Last Day! This is the final call for the Juniors to come and have their pictures taken for the . Yack. TODAY is the LAST day." Editor Sue Lindsey exclaimed. The photographers will be on the second floor of Graham Me morial from 1 until 9 p.m. Miss Lindsey requested that boys wear dark coals and lies and the girls wear white blous- OS The remainder of the schedule is as follows: Seniors: Oct. 8-12. Graduate Students: Oct. 8-10. So far 608 freshmen have been notified to come and look at their proofs. Of this number only 300 have done so. The edi tor pleads that the remaining 303 do so immediately if they want to have their pictures in the annual. ; . Proof headquarters are locat ed on the , right mezzanine in i Graham ; Memorial.' si Town Mssf int Helps People rind A HILL, N. C. Are Presented To House Segregation Discussion After a two-hour informal R. B. House yesterday, a delegation representing various stu- aenx organizations leivooum V.. TTniiraiwir i r-r 00 r a determination to continue its policy 'on the matter. 5 House made it clear to the nave no say in administrative policy, but that he was glad to hear their opinions. Hepointed out that rather than he students, the University had to please a majority of the people of North Carolina to whom the University owed its existance. The University,' 'he said, "can not go f aster than the forces that AAnfltnl J m11 nilMir W The Chancellor refused to re cognize the group before him as representatives ; of the student body, and before the group left, it admitted that it represented or ganizations which composed only a segment of the student body. The delegation reprsenting church groups, student legis lature; and the Monogram Club came to House to present a uni form resolution adopted by their organizations and individual or ganization resolutions which were initiated by the first. L-The Chancellor accepted them and assured "in good faith that they will be transmitted to Presi dent Gordon Gray." House, in reference to a state ment issued from Student Body President Henry Bowers, indi cated that he understood the stu dents felt insulted because of the policy, and inquired as to why this feeling should exist. As Bowers was not present to speak for himself, Ed Stevens, UP legislator and band drum major, answered for him, "We feel in sulted because it seems the ad ministration did not think us com petent tqjjope with the situation." It was pointed out by Student Attorney General Bob Evans that Rushing Forces Change Display Contest Planned For H omecommg Weekend An important part of the an nual homecoming weekend festi ities at the University will be missing when the Carolina-South Carolina football game time rolls around a week from tomorrow. University Club President Duf field Smith announced yesterday that the homecoming, display contest, normally sponsored an nually by the University Club, will not be held as a part of next weekend's "Welcome Alumni" frolics. The decision was reached at a Monday night meeting held' by the University Club in Roland Parker Lounge in Graham Mem orial. - ' , It was at this time that the or ganization was notified by Lu cille Best, president of the Pan Hellenic Council, that all sorori ties had voted not to participate in the contest due to rushing acti vities, which will be going on next week. Several fraternity representa tives at the meeting expressed the same views for their organi zations. r- s . , : 1 A ! suggestion Lwas: then enter NUMBER 14 conference with Chancellor jouuaing wuu a leiuii.ciuuu ui. TJcLrtm'" eoffrofl !airn nnrl with efforts for "a more wholesome delegation that the students : : the , students were not even con sulted in the matter. "Not only were you not consult ed," said House, "you were not even considered." He saw no reason that the students should be insulted as they played no part in the decision. . Negro admissions did not come about through student initiative, he said. They came from above. he explained. "This thing comes down through the United States he said, "then through the State, the Trustees, and only then is transferred to the students." . p He emphasized that in this Southern society Negro social equality can not be accomplished overnight and that m the long run conservative action will ac complish the purpose with less re percussion than immediate "abo lition." .. He asked the group to stay "or ganized, and if you wish to keep working with the Dean of Stu dents and with the Negro stu dents, keep on. For I d'on't think these resolutions will accomplish your purposes." The group took his advice, and after the conference, met in the YMCA and issued the following I statement: "We have issued the statements (the resolutions) to Chancellor House. He has told us that he will take them to the president. We feel confident that through continued cooperation between the student body and the admin istration, a more wholesome pol icy can be reached and we will work in this fate." tained that only the dorms parti cipate in the contest, but this was opposed by dormitory represent atives due to the fact that dorm residents would also be involved in the rushing activities. After much discussion the Club voted out having the display con test as a part of the annual home coming weekend. Tentative plans leave a possibility that the dis play eontest -may be held either on the Tennessee or Notre Dame weekend. If it is not hid at one of the above timse, the club will re possess the winner's cups from last year's victorious organiza- tions , and keep them until next year. "The Club regrets very much haying to delay or call off com pletely the annual affair," Smith stated, "but we feel that it would be only fair to those concerned to postpone it until a later date or not have it at all. The next meeting of the Uni versity Club will be held at 5 o'clock next Tuesday 5 afternoon in Graham Memorial. 1 . : ' !