THE DAILY TAR HEEL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1951 Reason' , , Tuesday night . we heard two speches-both so excellent that we wish every student could have heard them, : The student legislature debated a resolution opposed to segregation in seating of Negro students in Kenan Stadium. Vice-president Bunny Davis commended the legislators on their, orderly debate. They should also be complimented on the logic and calm with which it was conducted, on both sides. Speech of the evening was made by Dick Murphy, newly appointed SP legislator, but old hand in campus politics. Al ways a powerful, and sometimes a vehement, orator, Murphy alone made the issue clear. He began by saying that the question was not one of liberalism versus conservatism. "A student's right has been abridged," he said. ' "If this is allowed to go unquestioned, (the rights of) every student here and every member of the student community are in danger Murphy pointed out that the current seating policy is discriminatory toward certain students because of the color o; their skin, and that membership in ah organization would be- an equally valid basis for discrimination. : "I am thinking of fraternities," he said, adding that it imghtras well be members of a certin religion or " discussion, iroup. The true issue, he said, was found in the fact that the administration, has set up, two clasess of students. "There :ught to be only one class student on this campus first He also asserted that the morality of the propaganda war j are program was at stake, asking how this nation could hon estly maintain a program designed to teach thV principles of derpocracy to the world, two thirds of it colored, if citizens .hesitated to fight for those same principles wtihin the nation. The magnificent. Murphy also managed" to sidetrack for a time on the principles of representative government, in an jr.ver to an argument propounded by another legislator. All this in about 10 or 15 minutes. . by Borry Forber "Wot Guilty -. Mud H The same evening, Bob Thompson, Editor of the High Point Enterprise and: weekly" radio commentator, delivered an address before - the philanthropic Assembly at their Fall inaugural, "Delivered an address is really to pretty a term for Thompson's exposition and expose of North Carolina poltics. Palling not a single punch, he briefly covered the history of I'ic- state's government, running wittily through the regimes A Cam Morrison, Max Gardner, Clyde Hoey, Melville Brough ton,vGregg Cherryyand Kerr Scott, listing trades, deals, and countec-plots that brought them to. power and kept them there. v.- '. :;. Thompson the conservative, if he is, didn't conserve a. single word. He named people and deals known and suspect ed with nary an embellishment. The delivery was rapid-fire, and the oration was a brief course in realistic political science. 'Because he is an honest politcian, he believes that North Carolina has the cleanest poltics hereabouts. Because he is .' unbiased journalist, he believes in telling about how we got that -way, and what's wrong with it. Speaking of a particular deal, he said "That's riot dishonest it V just smart' Which conies to the essential truth about polities. The phrase "an honest politician" is not a paradox., i t lis? a question of relativity. The honest politician is the good iatesman who politics his statesmanship into success, always with the interests of those whom he represents foremost in as mind. . .:, . - Neither is the phrase "an unbiased joumali,','a'paradox iti&xkgh we don't believe we've ever eh","completely un aised or. honst man. But th living paradox of the stage and Bob Thompson, who rests comfortably, between the aditional horns, being bothunbiased journalist and honest olitician. . : . v: Ground Well by Bill Brown ' "First- we'll make him steal , a road sign from the' Durham1 -toad, and then he can climb-a statue etc., etc., etc." - i " And so '"Hell off -,to : ; a. grand and glorious start. But '. Jees anyone get any real fun I out. of such stunts? There can be no doubt as to whether, any one benefits' from such actions. ' a Has a potential fraternity man i - proved himself more deserving J t of wearing a ; pin after. 'he lias tolen the sign or climbed the ; statue ei al? 4 It seems to me', he- would have , come .closer ; to; readying himself if he,had help- , fd- to do something beneficial' to1 ' the community. 'j. ' ; ' , Bob Illar'thought along these J)mem when he initiated "Helpks, Week" into Alpha Tau Omega ij 1949. Other fraternities on many campuses have been:quick He-pick up the idea and further f jfoveithe benefits of Help Week i; LovejlenWe'eki ; ' ' Sr'1 ; ' Ahcl scfrhal jbout heHbi ;tJ first state university? -Well, last y ear -one - fraternity (althou gh not a social fra't) ' tried Help Week wfjlh excellent results. This year, after an action of . the national delegation of the fraternity, Chi Psi is to go on record as the' first social frat on our campus using Help Week. This is only the beginning. There is no excuse lor the deaths injuries, and what-not that have been the result, of Hell Week on campuses across the nation. Why should we at Carolina wait for such an inci dent to shock us out of our back wardness on this issue before some action is taken? " If the individual fraternities are not farsighted enough to in stigate Help Week, then the In- ter-fraternity Council should take the action for. them. Of course, the. council already pass- ruled ! fegainst ' actions harm-' fl i tVhe :bodj 56r) mentality. ; . '' "r-'-"c! htm hettehed The NSA Congress in Minne apolis would' ve been duller than a monastery tea if it hadn't been fox siv observer delegates from Brazil. These colorful cavaliers from the Coffee Kingdom radi ated, 'enough razzmatazz and good cheer to turn the whole show into a rollicking zebra derby. I had the pleasure of . serving as guide, bell boy, an wet nurse to these Brazilian s dents and we became old friends at once. ' They were all sons of wealthy . land-owning gentry and they came with enough baggage to outfit an Antarctic expedition. These Erazilianaires brought four trucks of clothing, a gross of harmonicas, sixteen cartons of cigarettes, and eight suitcases bulging with everything from serapes to swi wax. - ' Nobody went to meet our guests at the Airport when they first landed in the USA because we figured they, could find Min neapolis without any trouble. Find Minneapolis! Those guys couldn't find a bass fiddle in a phone booth. First they flew to ANApolis, Maryland. They, sen sed something was screwy so then the flew tq INDIANapolis Indiana. Finally three days too late, they accidently ended up where they belonged in Minne apolis, Minnesota Their only comment was, "Sorry . to keep you waiting. We never knew you had so many towns of the same name." The , group interpreter was Amado, a. robust ILatin who ' spoke English with an accent you could slice with a rusty machete. He had a mouth big enough to sing duets and when, he wasn't cursing the Argentine fascists he was telling Henry Bowers shaggy, dog stories in Portuguese. Maybe - Amado couldn't drink all', the beer Min neapolis could produce, but he sure kept them working nights. Then there was Osdrubal, a wispy., little .geezer, , who barely came up to my kneecaps. He ' always wore a bow tie. I think during Hell Week on this cam- . pus tor . some . time. We might even assume that nothing ser- -ious will happen, but, even so, nothing good has resulted from Hell Week. This also is a valu able point tot remember. If our frat men want to argue that they -are only having fun, I ask them to look over the stunts last year's pledges were compelled , to1 per- '" form. Remember,, we are sup posed to be college MEN, not Jiigh school BOYS. This campus (or the town of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and sur rounding communities) is neith er so beautiful nor so up-to-date that some improvements could not be made by. the energetic boys that take . part in Hell. Week. Why, then, do we con- . tinue having the outmoded week as part of our yearly calendar condoned by this Inter-fratern-s v ity Council and apparently by the University itself? I : .The preceding was ba&d on ma. article by Karl Dexter: "The Mciemorphisis of Hel j Week"; I (GuSdepoeis, S?pl., 1S51. copy rigbi 1S51' by Guideposts As- . socicteeInc 3 Mitchell Place, If, Y. 17, n. Y" end condensed , in Reader's Digest, Sept J$51i: ; The official newspaper of tlie Publi cations Board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where it is published daily at the Colonial tion and vacation periods and during 1 me ouiciai summer verms, xjiteieu as second class matter at the Post Office of Chapel Hill, N.- C, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: mailed $4.00 per year, $1.50 per quar ter; delivered $6.00 per year and $2.25 per quarter? Glenn Harden Bruce Melton Editor : Mahaeinff Editor. I Business .Manager Oliver waiKins Business Office Manager -Jim Scbenck Society Editor Mary Nell Boddie Sports Editor . Billy Peacock Subscription Manager Chase .mbler Associate Editors - Al Perry, Beverly Baylor Walt Dear Feature Editor . , Advertising Manager Staff Photographers - Circulation Manager . Marie Costelio Ruffin Woody, Hal Miller Neil Cadieu Reviews by David Afoxcmdcr "Happy Go Lovely": Several years ago M.G.M. picked up the option of a blonde dancer named Vera-Ellen, and gave her a chance to dance with Gene Kelly in a specialty number. Prior to the release of the film, "Words and Music', they allow ed Miss Ellen to", contract for two films at R.K.O. and this is the last of the two. - The story concerns an Amer ican in London who works as a .chorus girl. On her way to re hearsal one day, she misses her ride, and is taken to the theater. ,by a kind passer-by. It turns out that the car belongs to a rich greeting card manufacturer, who up to this time has been not at all susceptible to the charms of wmen. David Niven and Ceasar Romero are the men in Vera's life, but it is her little English roommate who will rate your cheers. Bearing an amazing resemblance to Leslie Caron, of "An American In Paris" fame, she gives the picture the decided lift it deserves. As always, Vera does a fine job of. dancing, the Piccadilly he'd have tripped on any .other kind. The other boys were An- tonio, who made love to every woman at the Congress in al phabetical order; Cesar, who" wore flashy, striped cubaverr a jackets that looked like some Cadillac was going around with out seat covers; and lima, who could walk on the stage for a Xavier Cogat role without a drop of make-up. The other gentlemen we just called " Angel ' Face because every jfcime somebody mentioned the. word "Argentina" he winced and" frowned as though you'd called his mother a dirty name. He could pose for a gastritis ad - without moving a muscle m his face. " ' These Brazilian boys were amazed that American students have been so slow to organize "and show a little backbone. In other parts of the world the title , of "Students" rank right up there with "Doctor" and : "Lawyer". Amado told me, "For too:long the. students of Ameri ca have been patted on the head and told to run along. If you ever hope to win the recogni tion of your people and your government you've got to build a powerful national students' organization." In fourteen days of mixing, chatting, and laughing these boys did more to cement hem ispheric solidarity than a whole battalion of babbling diplomats in Washington. Just before their plane took off for . Rio, Antonio j gave nie a warm handclasp and faid,pr0u'veotta great little country up here ' but I fear I'll , never understand your Ameri can women. Where else on this planet does a woman pay twenr xy-iiye ; aoiiars- ;ior a new slip ;and therif tget: m&dbc4use ,Jt Suite particularly being an eye. opener. The film is done in tech nicolor, and has a special pre view tonight, 11:00 p.m. at the Varsity Theater. This, I believe you will enjoy. """People Will Talk-A twen tieth century fox film directed by Joseph L. Mankiewicz. This film might well bealled The Paradox". It is adult entertain ment, and has' a message, but evidently the studio was afraid to deliver it without making apologies to the American Med ical Association, in the prologue. Nevertheless, a standard is achieved, both in story telling and in acting. Taken from the play, "Dr. Praetorius", the film portrays the life of a doctor who marries one of his young patients to pre vent her from committing sui cide. Cary Grant, gives a per formance displaying character and integrity, and has all the qualifications which you would want your own doctor to possess. Walter Slezak , and Sidney Blackmer both arrive at per fection in unusual ; supporting roles. Seeing Jeanne Craiii in some adult attire makes us wish that she would abandon her child roles once and icr aH, as she is well past that stage. Others in the cast are Hume Cronyn and Finlav Cuir?e. The film plays at the Saturday late show, Sunday, and Mon day at the Carolina Theater. Ever since "The Asphalt Jun gle" was re-played here week before last, I have -wondered just how many of our readers see cer Jain films, if they were brought back. How about dropping me a postalscard, giv ing your favorite titles, fest and second choice? It would-be in teresting to see the results. The University has a number of A lew ox tnem include a former -President of the United States, James Knox Polk; Josephus Dan iels, former Secretary of Navy, Ambassador to Mexico, and edi tor; Jonathan Daniels, editor and author; Gordon Gray, former Secretary of the Army, now pres ident of the University of North Carolina; Kenneth Royal, former Secretary of the Army ; James Webb Undersecretary of ; ; State. Others include Max "Gardner, former t Governor and Ambassa dor Designate tri England; Robert B. House, Chancellor of the Un4- versity at Chapel . Hillj William . D. Carmichael, . Jr s Controller and Vice-President of the Con solidated University; George Den ny, Town Hall Director; ; Ambas sador r to Colombia Capus M. Waynick; Paul Green, playwright; Thomas v Wolfe, author; Norman Cordon, former Metropolitan Opera star, now Director of tlie North Carolina Music Program; Thor Johnson, Conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra; orchestra leader, .and aetor Kay Cyseiv-: orchestra. ; leader J3al ' ?Btob; Iuark, , author and pJistt and f many. Oiers.