rrr r THE DAILY TU2SD mWEMBZ hc ho oi ts t) Qt d M Dr.. Andrssv Holt.., adniihistra--- j cervtiza t through., the- cSay- t2ve- assistant, t the' President of j Ti ie rrniverjitjr of Tennessee wfmj Association,, said. - that jtaa aervejf as president of the j Carolina is eacaediagi? ate to bring fco itsT School iiaard ; rational Education, Association: a& executive secretary of t2ie Tassxtessee- Educational - Assccia Ectu will address: tie 14th. annual '.School Board Associatico. to be tkeM kera today. ' The complete program was an aoriced today by Dean Giry B. Philips at the School of Sduca tirttu Sxacsati'nre Secretary cf the Association.. The ir-eetin -will get under way at 13:20 aLnt- and "SKirtSLj . y fortsm- ; AK Psi Fraf Pledges 25 In Rushing rycuis gram f Association: a man with, a wide ; i range cf experience La public e&LL- catum who is af3te to stimulate in-' tersst and t encourage actios Others appearing: nv the pro gram will include President -BarJrav 2L M".. Tutfe,. Chicago EL executive secretary cf the- Na tional School. BoardL Association who. wiH report- act- sdzoat board: activities: throughout: the countryt Dr. A.- S- Hurlburt of the .TJ2TC Sch3ot of Education,, who has just Twenty-five students Sse School, of Business- Administra- ticn in the XTniversity of Berth: Carolina; have pledged Alpha: Tatx chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi,. pro fessional businesa- adrrir. istratioa frtarnitj They arar: Xoe El Aaroc High Pryfo; P., X. Daviav- Graham- Je S Baniel,. DanrilLev Ta.r. Shaken Karautunianw Teheran Iran; Carl 1ST.. Hansav Gastaiuar. Adam t U. 1. Holmes On Lecture ur In Va. Entries Due urney I o j 2Tntri.es: for the fall quarter ta 1 bie tennis: taaraament sponsored by Graham- Mernacial must fc i made hefora closing, time Satur- Dr Urban: T Ho&sies Jr. of j day nighty it wast announced t the Hamasee I-angnages Depart- j day By Txtmj Sumner, -Vrria-ment of ' the University of North: j j-ent directors Carolina will lecture- on.- "Med-j; Any sSident at the Uaiversir iaevai tiiizascn: ai; cne tGiAess : ,wao nas not: previously wo a first place- izt a GM sponsor i toumameni is- 'eUgib&e fcj- 2n.ter. The winner rf thii toirir, u- of WHIiana. and. 3aiyw WiHIanis bur. a today and at the- Sllerx Glasgaw Eouae kt Eichniend to- . ft is: expected, that advance cop ies: of Dr. Holmes" new book: on the subject of Mediaeval crviiiza- comnfeted a one-year- survey of!:Davis. Greenville; Charles B.. Al-l tibn. published by the University certahi: phases- of puhEc education;! derman. and. C. bpn gether with, all previous winner;, wiU he eligible to compete in nert spring's tournarnent of champ-knj Plans are- now being laid t i accredit tournaments by ;'gx. Wisconsin m. North: Carolina; Dr.. Amos Ah- j both: of Elizabeth City: Joseph S. j p!ayd' in 2 be dis- rarssft. eel irvouzs xor next ? s uiuv sity Hour radio program, series he -held Thursday at 2:30 T:3,f): in Studib A of Swain -hn Clayton, staff member Conim-cnicatxons Center, snncrr.ced yesterday.. This. year,, individual tryouts for each show wiH be held in stead of mass tryouts for the whole series' that were held last year:, "The University Hour"' features draratitred stories orr the lives of men- and women of the Uriivyrsity -'-ht have'' enriched one of the- will and' XT- r of the c of the Jforth. Caro- zine,, wha- will lead a discussion; of legislative activities, and.. Sup It W, 3.C Jenkins of the Durham county schools a visiting lectur er in the School cf Education- here this: academic yaar who- will lead a discussion en organization and activities of local schooL committee- members. In addition to the annual meet- ing held here snice the- Aszocia- us argaruzatxena other tA? tournament, of champ:ions... Ary organization.- interested ivt sponscr- The SHert Glasgow House Ja thej ing such: a tournament, may cb-tala-Hs.o.Ti'irsrtAr nf fh.i "Richmond ! detailed infirmation from Sum- tit- v. . T3T-i! -t ry w.-. lArea UmversifcF Center.. This C ert EL Sapp,. ynouia, Haymondj & & CQoperati enterprise Callahan, Jr:, Hector Luptcn. Jr., Edentoo;: :tr. The playing schedul,: Joe Gr ootuSt oc i nomas vu-e,.. . jwrncrt tee nine edueanoriai msti-r present oumey wui ce "cMtution3 of the area unite their ! the Git office Monday mcrzin extra-curricular lectures and con-1 together with the rules of the John W.. Moore,. Henoir;; James EL Williams,- Jess rfoIancL Jr.,. and Richard V..; BrazeUe, .all of Ashe ville.;. John IL Lester;, StoneviHe;: 3, Mcilawhon,. Slinston: ! A erences. i tournament. JLyma T- Minnis- a tion was organized-' in 1:K both ex w Lnston-Salem." members also attt district I Isaac Reyncids.. Chapei H eid :n eight dizTerent sectiins of the Stat. each spring.. ' ville -j. aylor G. Teague Moores- first place honors for three con secutive years at the American Inhibition of Educational Radio Programs. All major networks- as Bated in the ccntest- . i budent,. facnitv members, and t'-ivmspec-p-e intarestad m radio drama are urged, to- attend- try outs, Claytnn ;-ld.. Xnciuded in this: season's show cal-ender' which begins the first week: in January are "Lion In The Stceets-" 3 story based on the life of Tliliam Lenoir by Jack: Mar5r h.am. . and John Claytons and "Petticoat Invasion a story on early coeds in- Chapel HilL by Betsy S eelfi-. Productions will be tiadf.er dh-eetlon cf John "Young a -5,1 Clayton of the Department of Radio, ' - r'r is trans- stations 'feJl? - wrra Y2 Ills 1UB i k Gtij3 ,. over leading tijfwrghout the state. CLASSIFIEDS A2d3U?TCEMZKTS tT pteoR S3l, night pfeoe 94:.. FOa SAILS S3. VorwySawr rf aiotr in- excellent coSi-? . Uot' frtr tt), Moithir paymen-tj.- can be arrj.4.i, Ais- girl'a bilce for $U, 2t5 Jac eirete. 3 !KALZ TO TTOIMC EJf THSITSSCRIP-tim-t dp.. of Th Daily Tar Haef, Sport hftMi-.. S-r.ai'i wafss.. See 0-a Arr.f'ir, 2i Craiiafti Memorial, 2 -"- i Ch lxl 3 WAIT TILL YOU SEE OUR NEW CH R1STMAS CARDS Btis About Hoy. 15 They're D i f f e re nt And Gay THE IMTIMATE BOOKSHOP . 2i)5 E. Franklin St. 3IflS P:7H? COYcxS SCU?F MA2:CS! Of IS SHCisS 2 1 X 1 1 sna riaarrsi CAR.EFUL Cash! wifh ITS SAFER. TO PAY-BY CHICK! A Batik oc Chapel Hill check Li readily acceptable anywhere, and yoa-rvux no xizk of losing or mis placing large surxi of cash. Safa till you wani K; ready whan you nei tt. And the ost Is o smalL Con&a in and ask about our convenient checkhig TH1 SANIC O? CJIUPEL MULL - s " " -- - ITU 1 z a Hill ' HTT n a i IT i flr ill jtv 1 irr ! t . A- ;;:ri Helena B-gblnwtgia K I Tt ami j iaiisMltaiit direct from th ZfevrYork Solon, of Helena Rialbmstem Th vorldi gnratest bcautj atitHoritr Helen RuHniteia seodi her Beauty Coajulunt hare to help you become your cwi beauty cert. Shell giTs you A Free Beauty Analysis. Aa a&rad&ii anali joar oto beaaty problems, jost it gi'rea m the NWYork Wbodec SchooL ' " f wvuic iCdUi) VQUJTe A COCV wy ieauiy naa when you get your bmxLtf aailpii, It fcaDd on Helena KuMasteia s famous New York Wonder Coiirs for which wotnm pay $25! The Ux illastritI 32- pae Book comm at absolutely no cot to you! itV pickeI irith everything about beauty care ho ir to otercis for slim .-figure suard your chin line raaka your hair n&nt, cars for ymr sHa, correct blemishes. There's a 7-day dt. inaks-u? color chart. ey makeup diagraia--nd tezna of other irondsrful beauty ecreia! ilake your appointment with Helena RuhtoateiaV Bury ConsdUsnt today. Her tm$ b limltJ CHAPS W" H I UU ft. C