SERIAL" DEPT. CHAPEL HILL, II. C. iri m c 5 B eatings mm .6 'air7 v 1 VOLUME X CHAPEL, Dr. WSi r Tomorrow . Dr. S. S. Nehru, world-renowned lecturer and cousin of the pre sent prime minister of India, will speak to a general audience to morrow at 4:30 p. m. in Gerrard Hall. The topie of his speech is unknown, but will probably con cern the present political situa tion in India. A native of Allahabad, India, De. Nehru was a magistrate for 35 years, ending this service as supreme court judge of India, from which post he retired in 1943. Dr. Nehru holds an MA de gree from Cambridge, PhD de gree from Heidelberg University, and LiD degree, from The Sor bonne. In addition to his native tongue, he speaks and reads Turkish, Ara bia, Italian, French, and English. Since 1927, he has traveled wide ly on speaking tours and cultural missions in the Far East, Middle East. Mediterranean. Europe, and America. In his capacity as president of the International Union of Law yers, he has been attending meet ings of the American Bar Associa tion in New York and lecturing in Brazil. After speaking in Uraguay, he will lecture in France, Eng land, Israel, and Turkey, before returning to India, At 3; 30 tomorrow' afternoon, Mrs. Nehru will speak to the Girl Scouts at the Episcopal Church She, herself, received training as a udre in India. For the last twenty-four years, she has ac- eomnanied her husband on his trips throughout the world lec- fjjrinff to various audiences on the status of women in India and fcn other Indian problems. " Though a highcaste Brahmin, - Jrlrs. Nehru has for years done pioneer work in India among the leaders of Girl Guides, Red Cross, &ad child welfare agencies. She recently did important work in refugee settlements during the India - Pakistan disturbances. In Chis connection, the Nehrus have keen in consultation at the Indian Embassy in Washington with Dr. Frank Graham. Dr. Nehru will also meet with International Relations Group of fh& YMCA at a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday. Friday noon, he and his wife will be en tertained at a luncheon where ifoey will meet members of the University faculty. . Vin&ei Hoonrss The procedure for reserving dormitory Tooms for the winter Quarter was released today by X Wadsworth, Housing director. According to the director, he advisors .of men's dormi tories have reservation lists for ach student to sdgn and indi cate whether he wishes to re tain or relinquish his room at the end of fall quarter. Any student who falls to sign Hie list by Xovecnbr will lose his room assignment for fh printer qusxiaat. ' If a student desires lo change fcSs rose ha is reqjussied to eome by the Ilc-usinj oIUs between tlovember 13 2U ' Nehru HELL, N. C. WEDNESDAY, UNC To Present Five Bills At State Student Session The UNC delegation to the and passed in the same manner State Student Legislative Assem bly in a Monday -night session passed on the final drafts of five bills which it intends to introduce at the 15th annual session of that body to be held at the state Cap itol in Raleigh Nov. 29 Dec. 1, ac cording to John Schnorrenberg, delegation chairman. Three of these will be present ed to the Calendar Committee of the Assembly, and, in the order of import are: (1) A bill calling for the pur suance of unlimited warfare in Korea, following the proposals of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. ' (2) A bill for the betterment of general welfare in the state of North Carolina. - ! (3) A resolution condemning1 Sen. Joseph McCarthy. The other two the delegation will try to introduce from the floor. They are: (1). A bill to provide equal fa cilities for all races in undergrad uate schools of state supported in stitutions. (2) A bill requesting the Con gress of the United States and the 48 state legislatures to negotiate to establish an income tax system emulating solely from the states. The Assembly is the best prac tical training aspiring politicians could ever hope to receive in leg islative "wiles and ways and par liamentary procedure, according to authorities. It is composed of two houses and is as near a copy of the North Carolina General Assembly as possible. "Laws' are introduced arter . A yocaL recital by Joel Carter, assistant professor and director xsf vocal and choral work in the Music Department at UNC, will be given on Sunday, November 11, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Music Half. 'Beat Dook' Contest Date Changed Nov Due to a conflict in events the judging of the wroolc" WeeK beauty contest is being postponed until Friday night, November 16, it was announced by Bryan Sut ton, chairman of the contest. Any organization entering a float in the big parade to be held on Tuesday November 20 is eligi ble to enter a contestant in the beauty contest. Selection of the queen will take place at the PiKA house. Deadline for entering floats and queen candidates is Novem ber 15. - - : Bryan Sutton has urged all fraternities and sororities who plan to enter contestants in the "Beet Dock float parade beauty contest to select their candidates tonight. Dorms are also urged to select theirs as soon aa possible. There is only about 10 iys let Xm He also announced that no tro phy would be awejrded ta tua miscellaneous -division, unless t least seven entries are reccl'redL C S O JIV i NOVEMBER 7, 1951 employed by the real McCoy. The s lower house is presided over by I a speaker and the Senate by a president. 1 The bills discussed can pertain to either state, national, or inter r national affairs. On recommen dation of the body the bills per taining to the state are often read before the General Assembly or presented to the Governor. Pi Kappa Delta, a forensic fra ternity of N. C. State College, sponsored, the . first assembly in 1936. .This group was more of an oratorical society than a legisla tive assembly. ' Up to 1945 the meetings were scheduled for and conducted m the Capitol and everything ran smoothly. It was at the ninth session in December of 1945 that things started popping. The meeting was a normal and rather uneventful one until Buddy Glenn of UNC introduced a controversial reso lution to admit Negro delegates to the next year's session. The resolution caused so much dis cussion that . the Assembly was adjourned until the following day. It was carried finally by a 110 48 vote in spite of sharp warnings from Secretary of State Thad Eure. The following year participa tion was bi-raciaL' The assembly continued its former practice of mock law-making, ; however, Wake Forest declined to send a delegation and the usual social (See Legislature Page 4) cecita Assisted by pianist Thomas Nic hols, an instructor in the Music Department, Mr. Carter a bari tone, will perform Beethoven's "An die Ferne Geliebte" cycle, a Moussorgsky group, a Verdi aria, early English songs, and a group of Michael Head songs. Mr. Carter has been in Chapel , Hill for two years. While here he! has been heard in last year's pro-! duction of Mozart's "Bastien and Bastienne. He was also in the cast of "Of Thee I Sing. At pre sent he is bass soloist in the Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church. Formerly on the faculty of Stanford University, Mr. Carter was well known as an opera singer and oratorio soloist on the West Coast. He was a charter member of the Intimate Opera Players in California, and . has concertized throughout the West Coast. f " - , " Banquet Set This year's Carolina-Duke banquet will be held on Thurs day night at 6 o'clock in the Carolina Ian. A discussion ses sion will follow the meal. The annual series was hegisa several years ago as a means oil reducing or preveeliag the pie " gam . vandalism, which, ; often . accosnpsssies the CaroHzka-Dulza foobcIl weekend. ASlsssSag se Thursday nlgii Will be EftUKfotlt feWbdWII fatal snssnbers of Csa NUMBER 41 Thanksgiving olid ays Set For Nov. 21 With the announcement that the Thanksgiving recess begins at 1:00 pan. on Wednesday, Nov. 21, it has come to mind just when is Thanksgiving? Some people say it falls on the fourth Thursday of the month and others say the third. - Well, this fact has been cleared ud bv Governor Scott's office. It was announced by Ben Roney, administrative assistant to the Governor, that the date isn't as flexible as it used to be. Federal law now specifies when Thanks giving will be. The law passed by Congress in 1941 fixes the fourth Thursday in the month as the cor rect date. This year the fourth Thursday is- the 22nd. ' It used to be that the country observed the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. They killed their turkeys then, and served them together with slices of fat ham. Then along ' came . Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 with the idea that sometimes the last Thursday came powerful late in the month. He fixed the earlier date for Thanksgiving. Some states went along, others didn't, so the country had two Thanksgivings. In case you didn't know, the holiday for students ends at 8:00 a.m. on Monday the 26th. nets Mens Glee Club ' The Men's Glee Club will meet in Hill Hall today at 4:30 p.m. and will join with the Women's Glee Club for practice at 5 o'clock. 'Candidates Meet ' All Student Party candidates will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the Roland Parker lounge, Gra ham Memorial. : . ' . - Permit Check Begins Soon A crackdown on. drivers who are illegally using out-of-state license plates on their cars will begin in this area on November 15. - State Highway Patrol authori ties warned that several hundred local residents exclusive of stu dents are violating reciprocal in ter estate laws by failing to get North Carolina license plates. - Students from all states except Maryland are' allowed full recipro city that is, not required to take out North Carolina license plates if they are displaying registration stickers issued by the University. Maryland students reciprocally are allowed 90 days to purchase Tar Heel plates. Visitors and tour ists also are allowed full recipro city, it was explained by the authorities. Registration stickers may be ob tained from the Dean of Students oSlse on the second floor of South Building. Person living here and still isossessiaij out-of-state license plates 3. be subject to arrest -fiftc? Zztr 13, the Patrol warned, iJ'Cry era cast wtlhla the bounds H Grqdisof o SftidenS Hopoirts Toffores At Hevr 'HoopiStal The people of North Carolina have right to be bewildered. la the November 6, issue, on the front page of the Raleigh New and Observer, was the headline describing the new Camp Butner Mental Hospital: "Hospital with a fresh look.' " Yesterday saw shades of 18th century torture chambers, cruel, thin-lipped whip bearers, and an- cient snake pits. From the hos pital with the 'fresh look came the report of a terrible malicious beating borne by a former grad uate student here at the Univer sity. Duncan Brackin, who is out oi school temporar illy as a result ot the running out of his GX Bill -told of how "a Butner supervisor "attempted to beat me in the face." The head nurse at the' hospital said that Brackin was discharged without reason. A hearing for the incident will begin "action . im mediately, said the manager of the Camp Butner Mental Hos pital. . About 7:00 p.m. Saturday, the nervous uracKin maoe tne 101-. lowing, statements: ; .. "Third night On duty, super visor of attendants threw a. pa tient on the floor and began beat ing him in the head while an other beat him in the side, despite the fact that the regulations spe cifically prohibit such treatment at any time. "When I tried to re strain the supervisor, he turned on me and for ten iriinutes, at tempted to beat me in the face with his fist. Later, he threw me against the wall and tried once again to strike me in the face several times, but I was able to hold his arm, "A patient, now recovering and on probation status; testified to all these facts for- the chaplain of the hospital wp.o in turn relayed the story to the head doctor. He, related also that the same super visor had beaten .others .".VI was immediately discharged with no reason being given, although the supervisor who made the attack is still employed. I ha ve made an appeal to the manager upon his instruction to do so."' The date for the hearing has not been set as yet. Duke Tickets Go On Sale Monday On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Nov. 12, 13, and 14, Carolina students who plan to attend the .Duke football game in Durham Nov. 24 may secure at Woollen Gymfor one dollar, coupons which may be ex changed at the ..Duke Stadium the day of the game for reserved seals in the Carolina student section. These are not trans ferable and students will be re quired io present ID cards and pass books. - - Tickets for wives of students will be available for $3.50 each. Tickets tor dales and guests Will Ka mit svn eiU . J ... i Thursday. Nov. 15. provided any space remains. These UcLxij IS M JhJh m- a wux sen I or