TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1951 f Mil H T4ATT VH1At PAGE THREE -1.x 1 r xrxuLi i TKHH r r iv usiness Fraf ef To Initiate ew Members All faculty and student mem bers are asked to be present hen Beta Gamma Sigma, national scholarship fraternitr in com merce and business,, holds its fall Initiation todav at 4 nm. in Gar rard alL In order to be eligible for initiation, a senior must be in the highest 10 per cent, and a junior in the highest 3 per cent, or his class, and have approxi mately a B-plus average. Those to be initiated at the fall initiation are: Merlin R. Bynum, David M. Adams, Godfrey E. Dix on, Charles Raymind Duval, Rob ert M. Evans, Richard G. Ivey Joseph- J. Kline, John A Sulli van, Jerome G. Thompson, Will Allen Worth, and Jack D. Yar- brough. Officers for this year are: Hon orary President, D. D. Carroll; President, Edgar Love, III; Ex ecutive Secretary, W. A. Terrill; and Treasurer, Edward S. Coley. Opera Company Gets Praise From National Music Mag ' The Grass Roots Opera Com pany of the North Carolina Fed eration of Music Clubs, which is the laboratory of the Carolina Opera School in Raleigh, is given national recognition in the Dec ember issue of Etude, a music magazine published in Bryn Mawr, Pa. ' In an article entitled, "The Grass Roots of Opera in Ameri ca," the author, H. W. Heinsheim er, considers the opera movement in America and dwells at length on the accomplishments of the Grass Roots Opera Company in North Carolina which was start ed by A J. Fletcher, Raleigh lawyer, in 1949. The Carolina Opera School was established this fall under the administration of the UNC Ex tension Division. The school, of which Robert C. Bird is -director, trains singers for professional careers in opera and concert work. Describing Fletcher as a "man of inspiring and contagious en thusiasm and limitless drive," the fie 2 ailp Mux Ipeel Editor Managing Editor -Business Manager News Editor . Glenn Harden Bruce Melton . Oliver Watkins David Buckner Business Office Manager -Jim Schenck Society Editor Mary . Nell Rtddie Sports Editor Bill Peacock Subscription Manager Chase Ambler Associate Editors Al Perry. " Beverly Baylor Walt Dear Feature Editor Advertising ManagerMarie Costeuo The. official newspaper of the Publi cations Board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where it is published daily at the Colonial Press, Inc., except Monday's examina tion and vacation periods and' during the official summer terms. Entered as second class matter at the. Post Office of Chapel Hill. N. C under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription rates: mailed $4.00 per year, $1.50 per quar ter; delivered $6.00 per year and $2.25 per quarter. News Staff Thomas McDonald. Betty Kirby. Jody Levey. Joe Raff. Wood Smethhurst., Sue Burress. Bill Scarborough. Barty Dunlop. Vardy Buckalew. Bob Wilson. Bob Pace. Bob Colbert. Winifred Walker. Mitchell Novit. Fran McCall. Hank Issacson. Burma -Louise Voyt. Sports Staff Zane Bobbins. Ken-Barton, Alva Stewart. Eddie S tames. Buddy Northart. ' - Business Staff: Flossie Kerves. Wallace Pridgeh, Gerry Miller, Richard Adel Sbein, Frank White and Robert Drew. One of the finest screen translations of a literary classics ever made." Bosley Crowther N. Y. Times FOLLOW THIS BOY! Uee with him as ie excitement of the world's most cher ished story comes to life! ' - i ) S ' ' , V-Vw. i i , V ' . . AS - . ' .,. ...r.fr. . ...T. r . ,-irTfrft fllurimnmml 0 : T v - ( , A lifetime of excitement and drama in one magnificent motion . ; PIC tur TODAY i ONLY! l e : jt , l I , I " 1 t ! . . 1 t-rr? , Latef Show SAT., also SuriMo magazine points out that as Opera Chairman of the North Carolina Federation pf Music Clubs he first organized a group of singers to give operatic excerpts for vari ous music clubs throughout the state, presenting a 20-minute talk on opera, followed by the per formance. In" only two cities where the group appeared had an " opera ever been given, before, yet Flet cher was convinced, after one year, that a centralized operatic group was needed in North Caro lina, the article said. A- director was hired and the first production was "Cosi fan tutte", given in English under the name, "School for lovers." '""Carmen" was the second production. NOW OPEN CURVE IN (No Beer) Th i s C hr i stm as S ha r e T of Good Reading READERS know that no gift gives so much, or such lasting pleasure as a good book. Even folks who don't usually read are flattered by the gift of a well-chosen . book. " . . To help you give more delight for your Christmas dol lars this year, here are a few suggestions from the South's' largest book stock. GIVE ..GAY .-BOOKS What happier gift - could you give than a bookfull of laugh ter? The Intimate Bookshop is laugh headquarters throughout the year, and we.'ve out-done ourselves for Christmas. New Yorker Album.:. ..$5.00 Peier Arno's Life Class ..$3.50 World's Best Limericks $1.00 Sieig's Lonely Ones $1.50 Hopalong Freud . $2.00 Ogden Nash Parents Keep Out $2.75 Die Schonste Lengeviicti $1.75 Mailing is a Bother Leave It to Us! At the Intimate Bookshop we'll pack and mail our books for 15c per carton and that includes postage. Let Us Worry About - Gift-Wrapping! At the Intimate Bookshop, gift-wrapping is on the house, and we couldn't do a handsomer job if we got paid for it. Give Luxury Books The finest Christmas gift of all is a book someone has wanted terribly, but that has always been out of reach. Consider such beautiful books as, for ex ample: Life's Picture History of Western Civilization $10.00 Th Melville Log... $12.50 Pictorial History of the Confederacy $ 5.00 GIVE CHILDREN'S BOOKS Nobody enjoys books more than youngsters, and nothing is more important than a joyous intro duction to the art pf reading! Cloth Books $1.25 to $2.00 Where's My Baby .50 Jesus Came to MyvHouse$1.00 TSetter Homes and Gardens Let Books Save Your Money If Chirstmas puts the pinch on your pocket, you needn't resort to shoddy makeshifts. Books are one field where you can really buy impressive gifts for small cost. Come in and see our Collector's Editions - as beautiful books as you'll find anywhere, yet only $1.00. Ask for our special cata logue of Christmas bargains. Give Current Favorites For the folks on your list who want something good - but something people are talking about, here are a few suggest ions from the best sellers: The Sea Around Us... $4.00 The Catcher in the Rye $3.00 The Grass Harp $2.75 Lie Down in Darkness .$3.50 Caine Mutiny $3.95 The Big Brokers ...... $3.50 The Holy Sinner $3.50 Requiem for a Nun $3.00 The Cruel Sea $4.00 Moses . . $3.75 Washington Confidential$3.00 Kon Tiki ,... ..$4.00 Melville Goodwin . $3.75 Best American Short . Stories - 1951 . $3.75 A Treasury of GRAND OPERA A book to delight the heart of music lovers, and an ex tra nice thing is that most shops still charge $5.00 for it! Our Special ....... $2.83 Story Book .$2.95 .$1.9& $1.00 ... $1.50 Elves and Fairies. Fix the Toys- Landmark Historical Series ; . Rockets, Jets and , Space Ships . .$1.00 ' 'Oz Books ; $2.50 1 'Americans Before Columbus ....$4.00 Nature Dictionary T. $2.00 Nance Drew Books.-. .85 ; Hardy f Boy Books--rw.- ..05 Illustrated Dictionary i$3.95 -sl.4-- ' ?..-' i J J : :':' - f - ;' ' i ... t i ii .-UaJU CHRISTMAS CARDS Ours, have, the sentiment without the sentimentality. Priced at .5c and up. Let Our Thousand And One Titles Solve Your Christmas Problems Ybur friendly Chapel Hill book sellers are too busy to ; badger you, but we're never too busy to help find just the right book for your needs. ; For a civilized interlude in your Christmas Shopping, corno browse among friends in 5? THEiNTIiMT 205 E.-FRANKLIN Str -jr OPEN EVENtMGS