Serials Dept. . Cfcapol mil, n. c. "ft 'A ' vxv VOLUME LX Gale, CSross, Sophomore Officers Nominated By UP The University Party nominat ed Hugh Gale for editor of the 1953 Yackety Yack at its meet ing on Monday night. Gale, who has also received the ; Student Party nomination, was accepted by a vote of acclamation. He is a junior from Carthage, N. C. Also nominated for the spring elections at the meeting were Ed Gross for secretary-treasurer of the Student Body, and for Sopho more class officers, John Stilwell for president, Skippy Roddy for vice-president, Bonnie Baker for secretary, and Weston Hauck for social chairman. , A member of the Student Leg islature, Stelwell was president of the Key Club International and president of his high school .i be fore coming to the University. He is a member of the Dialetic Sen ate. Roddy, a product of Charlotte Central High School; was active SP Chooses 6 Nominees For Council With Spring Elections still eight weeks away, the Student Party Monday night completed nominations for the "Superior Court" of the campus judicial system and set the date of their presidential nomination for next Monday, February 25. Nominated by acclamation for the graduate seat on the Student Council was David M. Kerley, grad student in mathematical sta tistics from Morganton. He is farmer speaker of both the Phil anthropic and Dialectic literary societies, vice-chairman of the Student Party and a member of f the Student Legislature. . Also chosen by acclamation, for the two at-large seats, were Al House of Hobgood and Alan Bal lard of Fayetteville. House, .a former speaker of the Phi and member of the Men's Council, will be enrolled in law school next year. Ballard is Student Legislature representative from Men's Dorm District II. Named as candidates for the three women's seats were Marilyn Lee McKee of Witchita, Kansas; Bartlett Dunlop of Petersburg, Virginia; and Dixie Belle White ley of Bronxville, N. Y. Miss McKee is at present chair man of the Faculty-Student Rela tions Committee and a member of the YMCA Cabinet. A member of The Daily Tar Heel staff, Miss Dunlop has been active in student government since entering UNC last fall. Miss Whiteley, a mem ber of Alpha Gamma Delta sor ority, has also been prominent in student government circles. General College General College students must forms from their advisors for the spring quarter and laka them to Archer house immedi ately, th. secretary said yes- tarday. ; i ! J . r ' : CHAPEL HILL, N. in the Key and Monogram clubs as well as a member of the tennis i team in high school. Miss Baker was active in vari ous school clubs at Seattle, Wash ington, before moving to Chapel Hill recently. Accepted by ac clamation, Block, is an independ ent member of the Student Leg islature. Hauck was president of his high school in Florence, S. C, in addition to being a three-letter winner in sports. Seeking to fill two vacant seats in the Legislature before the next session, a motion by Ed Gross enabling- U.P. chairman, Biff Rob erts, to appoint replacements sub ject to approval at the next meet ing, was passed. It was announced that nomina tions for president and vice-president of the Student Body would be made at the regular meeting next Monday. Exam Schedule All 9:00 a.m. classes ......... Tuesday, Mar. 11th, at 8:30 All 3:00 p.m. Classes and Bus. Adm. 71 & 72 and all classes not otherwise provided for in this schedule -Tuesday, Mar. 11th,' at2:00 All 10:00 a.m. classes ......... .Wednesday, Mar. 12th, at 8:30 Common examinations (all French, German, & Spanish courses numbered- 1, 2, 3, & 4) ...... ' . . Wednesday,Mar. 12th, at 2 :00 All 11:00 a.m. classes ...... .Thursday, Mar. 13th, at 8:30 All 1 :00 p.m. classes Thursday, Mar. 13th, at 2:00 All 12:00 noon classes . ....... ; '. . Friday, Mar. 14th, at 8:30 v All 2:00 p.m. classes ............ Friday, Mar. 14th, at 2:00 All 8:00 a.m. classes .............Saturday, Mar. 15th, at 8:30 Four Enter r BARBARA BYNUM Three local beauties yesterday k first entrants in this Chapel Hill Beaut and Person ality contest. The possible "Miss Chapel Hills," Barbara Bynum, Iris Mer ritt and Ann Jacobs, will compete with other entrants next week in the high school auditorium for the title, and an opportunity to participate in the finals of the "Miss North Carolina" contest to be held in Winston-Salem later this year. - .-1 '-: ' C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1952 : OCT iorsuyfcom GM Ballot Box Was Untended - By David Buckner v - Yesterday's campus referendum ended in turmoil last night after it was learned that a poll in Gra ham Memorial went untended for at least an hour and might possi bly have been "stuffed." An official Elections Board count showed that the Constitu tutional amendment revising the judicial system passed by a 307 to 112 vote, and that the amendment reducing the size of the Student Legislature was rejected by a vote of 272 to 180. However, there ap peared to be strong possibility that the election would be con- i tested.. y The controversial GM poll was untended between 2 and 3 p.m. and several people apparentlyat- (See ELECTIONS page 4) a.m. pjn. a.m. p.m. a.m.. p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. Miss Chapel Hill Contest IRIS MERRITT Under the sponsorship of the local' Junior Chamber, of Com merce, the local competition also Tri-Della .-. Tri-Delta Alumnae meeting will be held this afternoon at 103 Stephens Street, with Mrs. John Broderick, president, as hostess. All members are urged to attend as plans are being formulated for the 4th annual State Alumnae meeting to be held, in Durham early in April ' m .w.v.NV.WMv ; POSED PHOTOGRAPH above shows wHai Eeleciions Board officials fear might have happened in Graham Memorial Yesterday The photograph was taken shortly after 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon. Campus Chest For Variety Show Open auditions for the second annual Campus Chest variety pro gram will "be held in Memorial hall at 7:00, February 24. Ham Horton heads the committee for this year's show, assisted by Charlie Brewer, John Flood, Charlotte Davis, and J ohn Taylor. The show, which will be pre sented March 6 at Memorial hall, is under the auspices of the Cam pus Chest, an organization for soliciting charity funds which takes the place of ihdividual'cam paigns by several causes. A two dollar admission fee to the pro gram will be charged mm. i ix J ' mm V ANN JACOBS offers a college scholarship, in ad dition to the other awards. ' This year's contest, unlike those of years past, is open, not only to residents of Chapel Hill, but to University coeds as well, and the Jaycees have extended an invita tion for fraternities and other campus groups to enter their con testants. Winner last year was Dot Hogan, Chapel Hill native, who is now enrolled at Womans Col- Uege in Greensboro. NUMBER 106 BlifUS 1 i hi i Auditions Fraternities, sororities, and all other local organizations are ask ed to copperate in finding partici pants for the program. The com mittee is particularly interested in singers, dancers, instrumental" groups, and comedians. It is ur gently requested that anyone who has talent in the field of musical comedy will work up a five or ten minute act and come to the audi tions. The committee asks for sea soned performers . as well as for talented people who have hereto-, fore remained in the background. Prizes will "be - given for the -best acts. Pan Antic Pasteboards Go On Sale Tickets for "Pan-Antics" mam moth variety show sponsored by Carolina's six sororities Febru ary 26 in Memorial Hall, will go on sale this week in Y court and ' ' a i i irum sorority memoers. Proceeds will go to Crossmora School, annual charity of the Pan-Hellanic Association. Co- chairmen for the show are Jo Gaither and Helen Brundage. Acting as Master of Ceremonies is "Nose" Jones, Carolina head cheerleader. St. Clair Williams, a graduate student in Dramatic Art, is writing and directing the show. , Featured on the program will and Carolina, Johnny Minter's orchestra, and the- Old .- South Quartet. Also .donating their ser vices for the charity are Carl Vipperman's Quartet; Bill Cookf pianist; and Pi Phi Ginny Clark vocalist. ; Hart - McCarthy Copies of Dr. Hornell Hart a study of McCarthyism will' h-S oh sale in fche YMCA-iomerro'Sf Y. secretary John Riebsi night announced r