nailv Tar Hael Pago Three Library Serial Chanel WEATHER Sunny and mild with 8 nigh. Yesterday's - high, 76; low. 55. ,.Q1-YMPIC He, Editor Farber that is, was one of the multitudes at Helsinki. Details in Personally, p. 2. n Vr ) VOLUME LXI NUMBER I CHAPEL HILL, N. C WEDNESDAY. Sept. 24, 1S52 EIGHT PAGES TODAY ST ' t ir(siini Relief Seen a - - - - . .. j men Tl. i Hi n - I -v.-yw:XW0W'JgWW IMJWH IIIWWW WWW WW pil llll IIIU II I Willi mm lllMll,l.l .1 IIIMWW.JJ. VW&WW&WX&XIWW IIWH II BWWWWf .1 U WMI"MIJB . ' ' ; i I New Dill IN LOS ANGELES, Calif. While Sen. Richard M. Nixon was tell ing the American people the whys and the hows of his $18,235 expense fund on radio and TV, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch said yesterday that one of the contrib utors to the fund got help from Nixon's office in claiming a -tax refund, valued at $500,000 to $600,000, from the government. The St. Louis paper said Dana C. Smith, administrator of the expense fund, received aid from an assistant of Nixon's in pres sing the claim. Meanwhile, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower didn't mention Nix on in an Ohio speech, but struck out against the "mess in Wash ington." In Washington, talk of Senators William F. Knowland (R-Calif.) and Harry F. Cain ,(R Wash.) as possible successors for Nixon spread. Also mentioned for the vice-presidential Republican spot is Sen. Robert A. Taft. Re ports that Nixon would quit have not been confirmed. NEW YORK Over 8,000,000 members of the Amercian Fed eration of Labor will be urged to vote for Gov. Adlai E. Steven son in November. Endorsement of the Democratic presidential aspirant came when the 71st an nual A. F. Lf. convention unani mously adopted a report calling on members to take a political stand for Stevenson. It's the first time since 1924 that the union has backed a presidential candi date. BLED, Yugoslavia At the in vitation of Winston Churchill, Marshall Tito will probably visit Britain, it was revealed yester ' day. ST LOUIS The president of the Woman's Christian Temper ance Union traced corruption in government back to the repeal of the 18th Amendment yester day as the WCTU prepared here for its 78th annual convention. Mrs. Leigh Colvin said "Drink is the first step of the individual away from religion and ethics." WASHINGTON The Senate Agriculture Committee yesterday said it had found embezzlements totaling $10,000,000 in government-owned grain. It added that Agriculture Department employ es had not profited personally by them. Tarnation Humor Mag Seeks Staff Tarnation, Carolina's humor magazine is back this fall after a year of rest. This year it will operate on money derived from individual cvcrrirt.ions rather than from the block fees as in the past. A staff is now the most serious need of Tarnation, says Editor Tom Alexander. There are places, he emphasized, for people in all of the departments necessary to magazine publication: writing, cartooning, drawing, make-up, . layout, advertising, business managing, editing, typing, cir culation and subscription. Those interested are asked to attend a meeting to be held m Roland Parker Lounge No. 3 on the second floor of Graham Me morial tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. ' Foreign Students All foreign students at the University are invited to a tea in their honor at 4:30 this after noon in the main lounge of Graham Memorial, student union building. Among those attending will be campus and University leaders. BRIEf Housing Shortage Still On By Mike Soper The campus housing short age should be eased in three to four weeks, Housing Officer James E. Wadsworth said yes terday. The first aim, he said, will be to clear the crowded base ment of Cobb Dormitory, which is currently filled to an emer gency capacity of 102. The four story, $1,000,000 dorm has room accommodations for 413 students. Wadsworth also hopes to as sign rooms shortly to the over flow of upper-classmen, now be ing assigned to the basement of Joyner. It was the practice at Carolina from 1946 to last year to permit three men to occupy rooms built for two, Wadsworth said. It was thought that the additional rooms in Cobb would make such meas ures unnecessary this year. Wadsworth noted that the short age will be over too soon to jus tify creating three-man rooms again. He estimated about 100 men failed to make reservations last spring, thinking there would be plenty of space. There isn't. Wadsworth explained that the room shortage largely was due to the influx this fall of third year medical and dental students. There also has been a large num ber of returning Korean veterans, he said. The Housing Officer expects some space to be made available when expectant draftees called to service and fraternity pledges va cate their rooms. Best Yet Harassed . Housing Officer James E. Wadsworth took lime out the other day lo carefully explain the housing shortage to his caller on the phone. Wadsworth cheerfully con cluded, "Cobb is the best base ment we've ever had to put students in." All Invited To Coed Ball Friday Night All students are invited to at tend the semi-formal Coed Ball Friday night from 9 to 12 o'clock in Woollen Gymnasium. An annual affair, the Coed Ball is presented in honor of new women students to introduce them to social life at Carolina All students desiring dates are asked to contact the date bureau which will be open between 11 o'clock and 1:30 today through Friday in the Y Court. Dee Bres low is chairman of the bureau. Nancy Ripple, dance chairman yesterday said the Duke , Cava liers led by Pete Hull will fur nish music and decorations will consist of posters from all last year's campus activities. Robbins and Town and Campus, local stores, are furnishing two formal ly dressed mannequins which will be suspended behind the or chestra stand. Committee chairmen for the dance are Rachel Williams, pro grams; Gerry Snyder, invitations Joan Jacobi, posters, and Nancy Ripple, decorations. Dormitory, sorority and fraternity house mothers will serve as chaperones . 11 s V &; .":::::;:::: x-ioxoxox-xx-x::?:-? Vr-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-: yyr. , x-x :; .:.;;? k.isvt:.K.i5....M..i, ...J , MPIT J tin-' IT l&:S!iSXisS -n-s ' - - x . I (X( "J - - h ' 2 V ' !; . HI f I - 5 ::tt s Irlrf 11 ! ' rv - ' w V ::; jwrw . .-- . .:;;.;: ;,. V IT WAS THE DAY BEFORE SCHOOL STARTED AND EVERYBODY was busy. Daily Tar Heel staff photographer Bill Stone street got the situation summed up in these three photos. At top left. Lawrence Madry (seated) takes down the name of a coed for a subscription to Tarnation, campus humor mag due back this fall after a year's absence. CoLF. Carlyle Shepard (top right), veterans' adviser here, goes over the schedule of Frank Lukoski, Durham. Lukoski is one of scores of vets registering this fall under the Korean GI Bill. In the bottom photo is a group of freshman camp leaders. Front row left, to right are Charles Jones, Kinston; James W. Goldenberg, Lawrence, L. I., N. Y.; Bob Lindley. Chapel Hill; Bennett Myers Jr., Winston-Salem; Freeman Grant. Bethesda. Md., and Bob Suttle, Charlotte. Back row left to right are Tom Spain. Morristown, N. J. and Bobby Brawley, Landis. - Dick Murphy Chosen NSA Head, Second UNC Student So Honored A national organization repre- i senting 800,000 American stu dents has reached down into Chapel Hill for the second time in three years to pick a man to lead the association for the com ing year. Dick Murphy, Carolina grad uate and former attorney-general , of the student body, was elected president of the National Student Association by a vote of acclamation at the August Con gress held at the University of Indiana at Bloomington. Murphy is the second Carolina man to head NSA, a five-year- Daily Tar Heel Gets Summer Face Lifting Today's Daily Tar Heel is a major revision of the one you were receiving when you left school in June. "We hope the students like it." Editor Barry Farber said yester day. "The department editors spent a good deal of the summer mulling over ideas and negotiat ing for new features. Their work is now up for approval." Major change is from the five column tabloid to a standard-size newspaper. This allows for a more attractive 'presentation of news, pictures and features, and a better dispersement of advertis ican student governments. Al old federation of over 300 Amer Lowenstein was national presi dent for the school year 1950-51, Di, Phi Schedule Meets This Week The Dialectic Senate will meet tonight at 8 o'clock for open de bate on the non-deferment of col- lege . students. Meeting place is third floor, New West building. The Philanthropic Assembly will meet tomorrow at 8 o'clock in New West building. ing, according to Managinj Editor Rolfe Neill. Neill pointed out the paper will be gunning a daily Washing ton column by Drew fe arson, a veteran of 20 years ; of Capital reporting. Added to-Pearson is the pen and brush political car toons of Herbert Block, who draws under the name Herblock. He is one of the country's lead ing cartoonists. Daily coverage also will in clude the telephoto pictures of United Press' worldwide cove rage, Neill said. and is now heading Students for Stevenson. Another Carolina student, Ken Barton, was named Regional Chairman of the Virginia-Caro- linas for the next 12 months. He ucceeds Barry Farber, editor of The Daily Tar Heel. Murphy has been active in NSA since its birth in 1947. He served on the committee to draft the association's constitution and later was Regional Chairman. Last year he represented NSA on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza tion (UNESCO.) . Murphy came to . the Bloom ington Congress from his home in Baltimore, intending to decline all nominations and return to Carolina graduate school in the fall, according to members of his Carolina delegation. He fi nally permitted his name to be placed on the ballot when it be came obvious he was the choice of the Congress, local delegates said. His duties for the coming year will take the former campus leader from coast to coast ad dressing student legislatures and regional assemblies. In January he will fly to Copenhagen to re present the' students of America at an international conference of student organizations. At Carolina, Murphy served in the Legislature and was a mem ber of the Order of the Golden Fleece. New Hospital Starts Here, OffersDegree The $5,000,000 North Carolina Memorial Hospital opened offi cially Sept. 2, again bringing to the campus a four year course leading to an M.D. degree. The spacious, white faced struc ture was put into operation with out fanfare of any sort in fact workmen adding finishing touches and assembling equip ment scarcely were aware that the first 'patient had been re ceived, attendants said. For the present, only 100 of the 400 beds will be put into service, according to Dr. Robert R. Cad mus, the hospital's director. He added that additional rooms will be opened when needed. Students admitted to the Schoo of Medicine in 1950 will be able to finish the complete course for the M.D. degree without transfer. In 1910 the first four-year Uni versity School of Medicine was discontinued after 10 years of operation. The last two years then taken at Raleigh. The $5,000,000 appropriation for the state's newest hospital was provided by the 1947 and 1949 State Legislature. Equipment took more than $800,000 of the funds. The-hospital will have a service staff of 200, in addition to 100 doctors. An oval arrangement of cor ridors provides that all rooms will face the outside of the build ing. ays ror m siere Over 600 Frosh Indicate Desire To Join, Greeks By Ted Kemp Warriors turned students here yesterday for the second time in six years as the Uni versity readied itself for a hefty enrollment of 5,500. In cluded are 89 Korean veter ans. Registration was complete last night although the figures were not. However, Admissions Direc tor Roy Armstrong said he ex pected this fall's student body to number about 5,500. Veterans returning from the Korean War found the same shortage at UNC their World War contemporaries faced when they came back housing. (See story in column two.) The Korean GI's are getting substantially the same govern ment-paid educational benefits that the vets of the last World War got. The new GI Bill (Pub lic Law 550) allows a vet to change his major only once, how ever, where the old bill (PL 316) had no such restriction. While universities throughout the nation face a drop of eight to 10 per cent in this quarter's enrollment compared to last year, UNC is down only about 200 stu dents or about three and a half per cent. If draft calls run the same, officials predict the enroll ment will drop to about 5,000 by next spring. Registration took an average of 45 minutes for the freshman, while his lucky preregistered upper- classmen quickly filled out minor forms and left Woollen Gym with class admission tickets. For the first time this year, freshmen were given the chance while registering to indicate ii they would like to join a frater nity. More than 600 of the 900 said they would. And freshmen and upperclass- men alike got the chance at a double-barrelled literary combi nation. Hawkers for the Caro- ina Quarterly, literary magazine, and Tarnation, reborn humor mag, were at the gym from 9 until 5 o'clock each day trying to inter est purchasers. Salesmen report ed good results. Dr. Logan Wilson Gets Texas Job Dr. Logan Wilson, acadamic vice-president and provost of the Consolidated University, will leave the first of February to re turn to his native state as presi dent of the University of Texas. Dr. Wilson came to Chapel Hill a year ago from Tulane Univer sity where he was graduate chair man of sociology and dean of Newcombe College since 1944. He holds a B. A. degree from the University of Texas and an M. A. and Ph. D. from Harvard Uni versity. The most heavily endowed state university in the country, the University of Texas consists of 12 schools and colleges and has a student enrollment of 12,842 last year. DTH Yack Meets The Daily Tar Heel staff meeting will not be held to morrow as planned. Meeting time for interested staffers will be announced soon. Students who wish to work on the 1953 Yackety Yack year book staff should attend the meeting this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Yack office, sec ond floor, Graham Memorial. r- II i ii EtiroJisu I &736S

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