U.II.C. Library Serial? P f WEATHER Fair and mild with 70 high today. Yester day's high. 55; low, 42. Hiii, n c. 31-4 P 'BUMS 0 O All is happy in Flat bush. See page 3. ' l Hli'lllllliillBllW hi VOLUME LXI NUMBER 10 CHAPEL HILL, N. C SATURDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1952 FOUR PAGES TODAY 'Chased Around Pasture' 1 Death Of Rameses Is Attributed To Harassment, Heat, Or Old Age By Bob Slough 'Hi you ask me what killed Rameses, I'd say those Duke students worried him to death last fall when they chased him around the pasture all night." H. S. Hogan, the ram's care taker, was doing the talking as he looked over a flock of sheep grazing on the Hogan farm and told how Rameses died during the early part of July. "We are breaking a new ram now and should have him ready for the next football game," Ho gan said. Rameses VIII is a broth er to the ram that died in July. The 9-month old Dorsett is the son of a ram given to the school by a Carolina alumnus in Texas. Farmer Hogan stopped, puzzled a minute, then went back to Rameses' death: "Or, instead of those Duke boys it could of been the heat or just plain old age." The first Carolina ram was pur chased in 1924 when Victor Hug gins, local merchant, was cheer leader here. Bought by the Ath letic Association, Rameses made his first appearance at a pep rally before the game with Virginia Military Institute. The ram made quite a hit with the students and so did the Caro lina team as they squeezed by VMI the next day, 3-0. The history of Rameses VII is the most colorful of any Carolina mascot. He went to New York in 1949 and even caused a traffic jam while enroute to Yankee Sta dium for the Carolina-Notre Dame game. Even after the football season was over, the ram and "Bushy" Cook traveled throughout North Carolina, appearing in parades. "Bushy", the bewhiskered char acter seen s at Carolina football games, accompanies Rameses on all personal appearances. The Ram is not only popular with Carolina students, but Duke students as well. "In fact," Hogan relates, "there was a group of Duke students over here every night for two weeks last fall look ing for the ram." "They came over here during the day to find out where we were keening the ram and then came back at night to steal him," he said. "Every night I had to go out and take care of him." Sometimes the Duke men got as close as 50 yards to the Caro lina mascot but Hogan drove the ram further into the woods, The old ram became a pet on the Hogan farm. "He used to come by the barn every day for his feed," Hogan said. Hogan found the ram dead in the woods after he failed to show up for his daily feed Rameses VIII does not have horns equal to the old ram but they will develop as the ram grows older. "We even looked for a erown ram in Texas and Vir ginia but we couldn't find a good one," Hogan said. Dr. Norman Johnson Will Speak Monday Dr. Norman L. Johnson of Uni versity College in London will speak Monday afternoon in 206 Phillips Hall at a meeting of the Statistics Colloquim. The topic will be "Some Effects of Non standard Conditions on Analysis of Variance. ThP lecture by Dr. Johnson, who is with the Department of will begin at 4 o'clock. Interested? The New York Herald Trib une is sponsoring a forum for college sludenis and admini strators October 19-21 a Ihe Waldref Astoria in New York. The forum will discuss the presidential election and Amer ican business in the implemen tation of American foreign pol icy. Three admission cards have been provided for UNC stu dents. Students attending the forum must pay their own ex penses. Those interested should contact Ham Horton at the stu dent government office in Gra ham Memorial. If H, . C?r" f - n mp rj I y Wm- BUSHY COOK AND HIS late charge, Rameses VII, are shown at one of last fall's football games. The Carolina mascot died in early July but no one knew it until Bob Slough, Daily Tar Heel reporter, noticed the ram was not at last week's game and began an investigation. A new ram an and old Bushy are scheduled to appear at the next home game. Daily Tar Heel staff photo. - Haphazard' Impresses Brazilian "I strolled around the campus looking at the old and new buildings scattered about more or less haphazardly. ..." . At least, haphazard was the impression of Chapel Hill gained by a visiting Brazilian,- Alceu Amoreso Lima, writing in I 1 the current issue of "Americas." Lima continued, "The flavor of university life at Chapel Hill was a happy beginning for my tour of 20 universities." This tour took Lima through the South, affording him a close look at the universities in the United States in which he be lieves "lie the secret of the United States cultural might." Lima chose the South because of its closeness to Latin America and because of the South's social progress. Redeeming himself for the "haphazard" remark, he said, "I strolled around the campus among trees that were here a century be fore the university. T wandered among the forsythia in the aro boretrum, and spotted the Bra zilian independence date, 1822, on the facade of the old theater." In between looking around at the haphazard creation of the University and lecturing to Dr. Sturgis Leavitt's, Federico Gil's, and Harold Bierck's classes, Lima found time to learn more history about Carolina than most students themselves probably know. Lima started his tour of the South with the "oldest state uni versity in the country," which most people do know. Haphazard or not, Senora Lima was duly impressed by Carolina, saying, "The fascination of the university town is that its whole life is centered around the school. That is what lends so much charm to Chapel Hill. "Alumni come back to end their days where their eyes were open ed to intellectual life. To univer sity people, years spent on cam pus are the best years of their life." In the universities and in the South, Mr. Lima saw three things which warmed him greatly: ex traordinary economic, political, and cultural resurgence; close ties with Latin America, and an at tempt to resolve problems of ra cial discrimination. Duly impressed by the warmth of friendship, common feelings to ward racial problems, and the haphazard campus, all at Caro lina, Mr. Lima continued his tour k Vipnriinff for. you guessed it, Duke. UNC Lar oricKers Requited For Student Autos The dean of students' office yesterday reminded students who are using cars in Chapel Hill that there is a trustee regulation re quiring registration of all ve hicles. Registration made last year does not permit the use of an au tomobile this year. Registration must be made each school year at the time of enrollment. Stickers to allow parking on the campus proper can be obtain ed by full-time faculty members or physically handicapped stu dents. A yellow sticker is being used this year, replacing the blue one seen last year. The campus proper is bounded on the north by Franklin Street, on the south by the Raleigh Road, on the west by Columbia Street and on the east by Raleigh Street. Parking is restricted in this area only from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vets Using Test Service Vets are now using the Univer sity's Testing Service. Director Ben Husbands yester day said the Veterans' Admini stration Guidance Center has been re-opened due to the influx of Korean veterans this quarter. The Testing Service, which has been open to students for several years, -is now designated by the VA as their official source of edu cational and vocational guidance in North Carolina. Veterans of both World War II and the Ko rean conflict are eligible for the service. Before veterans can use the service, they must, however, ob tain the approval of the VA by submitting a request to the Re gion Office in Winston-Salem. Re quest forms may be obtained from Colonel Shepard's office. P BRIEF WASHINGTON Soviet Russia yesterday termed American Am bassador George- F. Kennan "persona non grata" and de manded his immediate recall, be cause of recent. V slanderous at tacks" which Moscow charged the diplomat had made against the Soviet Union. Shortly afterward Secretary of State Acheson told a special press conference that this government "does not accept as valid" ' the Soviet charges prompting the demand. He said Kennan would return to Wash ington for consultation. State De partment Russian experts have termed the recall "unprecedent ed" in US-Soviet relations. MILWAUKEE Climaxing a whistle-stop campaign in Wis consin on which he was accom panied by Sen." Joseph R. Mc Carthy (R-Wis.) , Republican presidential candidate Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered a major address here last night. Earlier Ike declared that he has differences with ' McCarthy, but that both have the same goal of ridding the government of sub versives. Eisenhower said these differences were well known and he had discussed them with the senator. CINCINNATI Gov. Adlai Stevenson yesterday charged that Gen. Eisenhower is endangering the future of the nation by sup porting Republican isolationists. Making his first campaign in Senator Robert "Mr. Republican" Taft's - home state, the Illinois governor charged that these iso lationists "have stopped at noth ing in their drive to control the party," and that the Republicans candidate seeks their support and bows to their demands. It could lead to a "national tragedy, Stevenson said. ON TRUMAN TRAIN -Con tinuing his "give-em-hell" style of campaign oratory, President Truman yesterday told West Coast voters that General Eisen hower "has fallen in with a pretty bad crowd. He said that ike is "in Taft's pocket, and that Taft is telling him what to do." Mean while, Eisenhower's running mate, Sen. Richard M. Nixon, des cribed the President as "braying through the west." The senator told a Maryland audience that it was a good thing the Republi cans set up a "truth squad" to follow Mr. Truman. WASHINGTON The Justice Department yesterday announced plans to "tear out the roots of crime" bv deporting some 100 foreign-born racketeers. TOKYO U. S. Air Secretary Thomas K. Finletter said yester that American air strength in Korea has been increased 50 per cent in the last three months to give the U.N. forces "complete mastery" of the Korean skies St ill :-:.-:-:::::-:-;-. & $ ' MCI U. S. NAVY SECRETARY DAN KIMBALL disclosed at a press conference in Paris that the first American guided-missle ship has been launched and it is primarily an anti-aircraft ship. Above, the USS Norton Sound, a converted seaplane tender and the Navy's principal experimental guided-missle ship, fires the "Aerobee" straight up during a test in the North Pacific early in 1950. Tests such as these have led directly to the development of the missile ship. NEA Telepholo. - Am nun Oct. 75 Deadline For Scholarships UNC students aspiring to win Rhodes Scholarships this year must have applications in the hands of the state committee not later than November 1. The scholarships are for a years' study at Oxford x University. Applicants are requested to have their applicatiSns to the local college committee by Oct ober 15 for processing, an offi cial said. The Jast Rhodes scholar from here was Donald Henderson, a World War II veteran who com pleted four years' work at Carolina in two years. He was later given a Fulbright Scholar ship to study in Paris. To be eligible a candidate must be a male citizen of the United States and unmarried. He must be between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five on Grad Exam Schedules Announced Special to The Daily Tar Heel PRINCETON, N. J., Oct. 3 The Graduate Record Examinations, required of applicants for admis sion to a number of graduate schools, -..will . be . administered at examination centers throughout the country four times in the coming year. During 1951-52 nearly 8,000 stu dents took the GRE in partial ful fillment; of admission require ments of graduate schools which prescribed it. This fall candidates may take the GRE on Friday and Saturday, November 7 and 8. In 1953, the dates are January 30 and 31, April 17 and 18, July 10 and 11. Each applicant should inquire of the graduate school of his choice which of the examinations he should take and on which dates. Dorm Candidates To Meet Monday A compulsory meeting of all candidates for dormitory offices will be held Monday night at 7 o'clock in Gerrard Hall, a spokes man for the Interdormitory Coun cil said yesterday. IDC President Paul Somerville and Roy Holsten, assistant dean of students, will address the can didates and present to them their duties and responsibilities in dor mitory government. -w- s-..iii,ii'niu i riiwinfflmiftft l!0 o October 1, 1953. He must have completed at least his sopho more year by the time of appli cation and receive official en dorsement of his college or uni versity. The value of a Rhodes Scholarship is at present 500 pounds per year. Scholars who qualify under the GI Bill or other military educational funds may expect the same benefits at Oxford as at an American university. Choice of recipients is made on the basis of scholastic abi lity and attainments, qualities of manhood, moral force of character and physical vigor. Anyone interested in making application may get the nec essary forms and any informa tion desired from Dean C. P. Spruill 308 South Building. Vicks Man Due Tuesday For Job Talk Senior men and women are in vited to attend a placement meet ing Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Ger rard Hall. Joe Galloway, director of place ment, will explain how his office helps students and alumni find jobs. K. F. Bevan Jr., manager of the personnel administration departs ment of Vick Chemical Company m Greensboro, .will speak on ""Why Register with the Place ment Service." A psychology major at Univer sity of Virgina, Bevan joined Vick's manufacturing division as assistant employment manager following his graduation in 1947, As an active recruiter of college graduates, as president of the Greensboro Area Personnel Asso ciation, and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Society fo the Advancement of Manage ment, Bevan has a broad back ground for discussing with stu dents the employers' reliance up on placement offices as the best source for college graduates. According to Galloway, em ployers are already scheduling recruiting trips for this school year. Seniors non-veterans as well as .veterans who wish to take advantage of campus inter views should make a special ef fort to attend this meeting, he said. Undergraduates who would like to preview job-hunting pros pects also are invited to attend. H 5 f I $1' 9 1-TW( V --KVf mpirv JV Footballer Sam Sanders Is Mew Case Students Leave Despite Request To Remain Here Samuel L. Sanders, fresh man footballer from Winston Salem, was reported yester day as the fifth case of polio in the University. Sanders was scheduled to play in tonight's canceled jay vee game. He is being treated at the University Hospital. His con dition, and that of Harold "Bull" Davidson, Tar Heel fullback, have not reached a sufficiently advanced stage for proper dia gnosis, Dr. E. M. Hedgpeth said. Students earlier were request ed, not ordered, to remain in Chapel Hill for the next two weeks as a precautionary mea sure. The request, however, ap parently had little effect. Dor mitory parking lots were sparse ly filled late yesterday afternoon and the outgoing highways were dotted with hitchhikers. University officials renewed their request that students re main here and refrain from over exertion, since fatigue lowers polio resistance. Meanwhile news came that Pete Higgins and Bob Barden were out of isolation and improv ing very rapidly. Lee Bostain al so is progressing, Dr. Hedgpeth said. Higgins is a varsity swim mer and Barden and Bostian are on the cross-country team. Sanders was a spectacular guard at Reynolds High School in Winston. He was given all-city, all-conference and all-state re cognition in the grid sport, ex celling also in baseball. He has a brother, Tom Sanders, who is a senior here. Long distance telephone calls both in and out of Chapel Hill were reported as doubled in num ber by a telephone company offi cial. The official said the polio scare was the cause of the in crease, as students contacted anx ious parents, or vice versa. Draft Test Applications Now Ready Applications for the December 4, 1952, and the April 23, 1953, College Qualification Test are now available at local aeiecuve Service boards. Eligible students who intend to take this test on either date should apply at once to the near est local board for an application and a bulletin of information. Following instructions in the bulletin, the student should fill out his application and mail it immediately in the envelope pro vided. Applications for the De cember 4 test must be postmark ed no later than midnight, No vember 1. No Pictures Yack photographs will not be taken today, but photographers will be waiting Monday after noon at the Rendzvous Room of Gr&ham Memorial. Sophomores have until Wed nesday to have photographs made. Fraternities are re quested to ask sophomore mem bers to bo photographed so Yack pages may be completed at an early date.

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