Pegs Two The Dally The official student publication of the Publications Board of the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, where it is published daily, except Monday, examination and vacation periods, and during the official summer terms. Entered as second class matter at the post office in Chapel Hill. N. C. under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription rates mailed $4 per year. $J SO per quarter- delivered 6 .and $2 23 per quarter Interim Editorial Board.. Managing Editor Business Manager Sports Editor ..ROLFE . News Ed. Sub. Mbt Asst. Sub. Mgr. ..jody Levey ..Carolyn Relchard I . DelalWe Bradsher 1 .. Wallace Pridgen Natl. Adv Mbt... Mn Staff Rnh .Qlraioh .Tnhn .Tamlmn. Jerrv Reece. To- Parramore. Alice Chapman. Dixon Wallace. Tony Burke. Jen- Die Lynn. Tish Rodman. Tom Neal Jr.. Jane Carter. Sally Schlndel. Sports Staff Vardy Buckalew. Paul Cheney.. Melvin Lang. Everett FTker, Charlie Dunn. - J Society Staff Peggy Jean Goode. Janle Bugg. Alice Hinds. Advertising Staff Buzzy SulL Judy Taylor. Joyce Jowdy. Bozy Sugg. Nancy Ferryman. . Photographers Cornell Wright. Bill Stonestreet. Ruffln Woody. - Night Editor for this issue: Rolf e . Neill , The Coed Boycott We were very much disturbed by a letter published in The Daily Tar Heel the other day from several frustrated coeds. , We seriously doubt the fact that 90 per cent of the girls don't have dates for the Germans this week end, but we are sure that a very large number are without dance partners. This is a campus-shaking situation. The coeds are the girls who make themselves attractive from 8 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'clock at night. They are the girls who lend you their Political Science notes, who are available at the last minute for a date any night in the week. They are always around when you need them. But when a big week comes along, they are boycotted. Now we are the first to admit that the boys are not entirely to blame for the Fall of the Coed. Various factors interrupt social-liaison on the campus. And since the coeds are unable to abide by the rule, "When in fraternity houses, do as the Greeks do," the Greeks don't have the word for welcome. ' Although much improvement has been made by the dorms and various organizations on the campus, the non-fraternity man-coed relationship is obviously still a problem. Because the fraternity house serves as a good meeting place, this seg ment has a greater opportunity to know the girls. In this way, the dorm men are at a disadvantage; hence, they don't date the coeds. - We hope that by Midwinters, at least one of three things will have happened: 1. The fraternity men will stand by the girls who stand by them Monday through Friday. 2. Better arrangements will be made for the non-fraternity men to meet the coeds. 3. The University will cure the coed of Fraternity House Plague. ' N NOW IS THE TIME FOR SOMEBODY TO COME TO THE AID OF THE COED. Welcome Explorers Five hundred explorer scouts from all over North Carolina will shake hands with the University today through Saturday. The three-day Explorer Vocational Conference will take the boys on a vocational expedition which will include inter est tests and lecture demonstrations in medicine, law, educa tion, business administration, engineering, physical educa tion, social work and recreation, chemistry, radio, agriculture, forestry and conservation, archaeology, and history. Big game for the explorers will be-provided by the Caro lina and Virginia football teams Satudray afternoon in Kenan Stadium. Following the game, a dance in the Naval Armory will conclude the week end's activities. We hope the boys like what they see in three days, and will pitch their tents at Carolina for four years. Happy hunt ing! : CROSSWORD - - 4 12. IV IS lb 18 2.1 zz 'A 2.5 2Jo -3 3l 35 3b 40 41 4Z 43 2a SO SI 21 22l HORIZONTAL L.head covering -4. bristle 8. high cards 12. wrath 13. goad 14. reduce to pulp 15. continuous loud noise 16. round dance 18. whirling around 20. insertion 21. corrode 22. cupid 24. young salmon 26. gland: comb, form 27. French coin 30. catkins 32. mien 34. insane 35. iridescent gem 37. poker stake 38. formerly 39. aptitude .40. open to view 43. petulant fit of passion 47. stripping off 49. masculine name 50. herring sauce 51. eagle 52. S-shaped worm 53. dispatched 54. distribute 55. held session VERTICAL, 1. secrete V7 X YX7, V 1 7X &2 V77A Answer to yesterday's puzzle. ,.. K OlRlEIAf ICIRIAIPIEP tlVERSEE LERS III- A . P kECP" OP A1A.SAJL.LS "do slaveIraIt'ret I-laZ1Ie ot"l 1NT I MA TED 4MAgT:od:pasL M4I--5, AIM iEgr a a 3liZS T L E 2 All llll O J . A j E D DsmoisisL Is IeInIoIrH Average time of Distributed by "King Tar Heel Thursday, November 6, 1952 NETT..T.. BEV BAYLOR. SUE BURRESS ; ; ROLFE NEILL JIM SCHENCK BIFF ROBERTS Soc. Ed. ..Deenie Schoeppe Circ. Mst. ...Donald Hog Tom Peacock Asst. Sots. Ed. dv. Mer Ned Bee PunchV BillV) GrimeS. LoulS KrBT. - By Eugene Sbeffer to tl n zo 23 32 33 37 3 44 45 4b 49 I 52 55 1-31 10. Italian princely house 11. bullet 17. savage beasts 19. knitting material 23. Mexican coin 24. knave of clubs 25. wine vessel 26. vipers 27. soldiers on guard 28. October (abbr.) 29. Shoshonean Indian 31. legal wrongs 33. portion 36. clothing 38. build 39. heavenly spirit 40. harem rooms 41. contemptible 42. equal 44. feminine name 45. the bear 46. spar 48. spread for d.ving: 2. dry 3. offered 4. small spar 5. Ireland 6. outfitted 7. bustle 8. prayer endings 9. domesticated mammals i-Si lution: 26 minutes. Features &yndi-u v7a Express Yourself --------- Editor: This is in answer to a com plaint about Carolina coeds not being invited to the Fall Ger mans this weekend. ,. Let me say that I can indeed feel for you because, you see, I'm confronted with a similar situation. That is I can't seem to get a coed to go to the dance with me. My situation is typical of the majority of the male populace at Carolina. Let's dispense with the worn out assertion that our coeds are not' wanted at social functions simply because they are not al lowed to drink in fraternity houses. I've listened to this com plaint for three years now. To -begin with, no more than -20 of the student body are frater nity members. What about the other 80 that are not? The lat ter is in reference to the .ordi nary Joe Blow'' dorm resident and boys that live in town. How can he be included in or blamed for the fact that coeds can't drink in fraternity houses? But yet he must be blamed if you want to say that coeds are not wanted at social functions sim ply because they can't drink in fraternity houses." This isn't quite fair. The fact is that most dorm residents are willing and able to escort coeds to social functions, but they never get a chance! Arid I think it's true that "coeds should be insulted because the boys don't respect them enough to date them and willingly adhere to coed rest rictions." Again I point to the percentage of the student body which is fraternity and ask you whether dorm men are to bt included in this? Come now, aren't you com plaining simply that you don't like the rule about coeds drink ing in fraternity houses? Do something about it if you don't like it. And if you can't then you should forget about it. Drinking in fraternity houses is here to stay. That's all there is to it! Let's take a look at the real reasons why our oeds are shunned from such social func tions as the Fall Germans. It's time someone gave it to you gals straight. You asked for it and now you'll get it! It's a sad case indeed that "90 of the coeds on this campus, outnumbered by men five to one, find it im possible to obtain dates for one of the biggest weekends of the year." If I were a woman under these circumstances I would hide my head in shame. The awful truth is that you have no one to blame but yourselves. As a whole, you're the most conceited, pampered, and spoiled bunch of women I've ever seen. Why don't you girls try com ing down to earth. Get your head out of he clouds. Try treating all the boys nice once in a. while. You seem to think that you are God's gift to man. There are some 3,000 plus boys in the dorms that would jump at the chance to go to a , dance with our coeds if they thought they had a chance in Hell of doing so. The general concen sus of opinion is that it's a 100 to one shot that the ordinary man can get a date with a Caro lina coed. Whose fault is this? Face the facts, girls. Clean up your own house before you try to blame someone else. I leave you with the following thought: "The pleasures of life are all about vou. One has but to open ljer eyes and see and reach out to take them." Name withheld by request Take Your Pick Dear Editor: y You say spring has sprung,, and fall has fell, and we're dis gusted as Hell! Here's welcome news to three of the 700 coeds who do not have dates for the Germans. Three gallant young gentlemen have decided to come to your aid. All you have to do is contact us and your worries are over. You do not need an appointment. You may contact us by phone, wire, mail or carrier pigeon preferably phone. Everett Parker, 9-8000 Melvin Lang, 9-6031 Name withheld by request, no phone For lit, Mjlm L ' The Washington Meriy - WASHINGTON With the hectic election period over, the United States will have to give some attention to our badly neglected field of foreign affairs, particularly to the Wave of anti-American propaganda now sweeping the various parts of the world. For some time, due to the charges and countercharges of the candidates, positive policy by the State Department has been pretty much suspended. So, likewise, with some of our most important allies. Both Foreign Secretary Eden and Foreign Minister Schuman have delayed any important pro nouncements on foreign affairs until after elections; in fact, even urged other United Na tions members to postpone the General Assembly meeting un til after November 4. One of the most shocking de velopments which the United States will have to do some thing about is the barrage of scurrilous propaganda in Korea, charging us with atrocities against Korean women. The de tails in some cases are almost too revolting to be printed in family newspapers, but Russian and satellite publications are spewing this poison every day. While the Voice of America is trying to counteract it, its budg et, thanks to the pruning of irascible Sen. Pat McCarran, has been drastically cut. Here are illustrations of what the North Koreans are telling Asia about us. North Korean newspaper Minchu chosen reports this MAMMY, AH yP' v COME T'KISS V WHAR IS V VO" GOOD-BYE . rVO' GOIN', THING POK. P06070PO 16 KBBPON EUNNIN' POfZ THE H&CTfOUl? COME 1956 HE VAIL HAVE PJUEPUP r-NOUH VOTE? TO CJKZ.'ZS COUNTENANCE WMMLWr V- .COUNTENANCE.- f 1 l UiAi. I I V I - ' r " W , Extraordinary Endurance"- Drew Pearson - eerie account of U.N. troops in the district of Echu: "American soldiers picked all the young women out of the crowd (of natives) and locked them in empty warehouses. All the women were then raped. The American butchers began to brand patches on the wom en's bodies with heated irons and nails. "All the women who resisted the ravishers had a wire put through their nose by the Amer icans and they were led by this wire through the village. The monsters gouged out the eyes of many women and hacked lumps of flesh out of their bodies. "The butchers disembowled several pregnant women who fell into their hands during the temporary occupation of the town of Sariwen." The journal New Korea also reported in a recent issue that Americans "tortured more than 700 patriots near Mount Miro san." This lying article, obvious ly dictated by a higher com munist echelon, went on to say: "The murderers seared them with heated irons, knocked out their teeth, cut off their noses, and gouged out their eyes. They led the women naked through the streets and then shot them. In the village of Duchen, Pyon yang district, the American bandits arranged a so-called 'exhibition of reds.' After tying the hands and feet of 130 pa triots, they bound them to trees and for a long time gave them no food. All the 130 people died. TO TU'fpJ-USH.r) HOT LUCKV N PLACE., AH RECKCH WE FOUND ON ACCOUNT TH' THIS PIECE. U.S GOVAMINT r 1 OF PAPER, GONNA EXECUTE OR LI'LABNEFt ivi..v y wuulln i v YSAS - . POTAS q '7 i ft n k f ----'y-i L-r s i -3k.'v- iccw i a m mum i i J I ' - - Mm la m ff I ------ --- l IB IAU A I MM I I if f - ie.-o. CffWm feSMrcW POST Go - Round "Once," the communist arti cle continued, "The American butchers led out more than 30 young women and girls on the street in this village. Many of the women had children. The American monsters brought this group to the Nekyagor gorge, where a pit several meters long was already dug. "The women were placed at the edge of the pit. One of the escorts went up to a woman with a child in her arms and bayoneted her from behind and then kicked the body into the pit. Seeing this, the remaining women attempted to save them selves by flight, but the enemy bullets overtook them. All the women were killed and their bodies thrown into the gorge." With typical Communist rel ish for mixing gore and lies, the New Korea added: "In the village of Saphenni, Senen rural district, about 200 women were subjected tp mockery. Out raging the defenseless women, the . butchers stripped ' them naked and tied them up in groups of five and ten. The butchers used these women as live targets for pistoj shooting. "During the withdrawal from the district of Yanyan, the oc cupiers took with them a large group of the inhabitants of the district. These exhausted peo ple were told by the Americans that they were being evacuated to a safe place. The Americans then called up aircraft by radio. "Fighter planes dived on the defenseless people and brutally began to machine-gun them. In this way more than 300 guiltless people died." . IaX. f ltIirt along, son XgcVaj n'tI A ' rXT v r-i I wa itim" ir-ru fn 1 i 1 Express Yourself Editor: I should like to take this op portunity to answer some of the so-called liberals on this cam pus who have been attacking Senator Joseph McCarthy with such reckless abandon this year. They assert that McCarthy is more dangerous than any com munist; that his methods are Gestapo-like. Yet they offer no alternative solution to the prob lem of ferreting communists out of government. Perhaps these pseudo-liberals do not think that this is a serious problem. I invite them to take a closer look at the foreign policy pur sued by the present admin istration for the last eight years and then tell me that there has been no communist influence exerted in the State Depart ment during this period. In a column several weeks ago, Barry Farber applauded Senator McCarthy's . ultimate goal but deplored his methods. I challenge Mr. Farber or any one else to name a single in nocent person who has been "irresponsibly charged" by Sen ator McCarthy. In his column entitled "Young Democrats" of October 29, John Sanders identi fies McCarthy as "the man who recklessly accused over two hundred government employees of being communists under Congressional immunity and then did not probe a single case." May I respectfully sug gest to Mr. Sanders that sev eral persons named by Mc Carthy before the Tydings Committee in March 1950, and whitewashed by that commit tee, have since been dismissed from the government on the grounds that they were either disloyal or bad security risks. A partial list of these persons includes John Stewart Service, Edward Posniak, Esther Bru nauer, Stephen Brunauer, Pev eril Meigs, Hans Lansberg, Ol iver Edmund Clubb, William Remington, V. Torevin, and William T. Stone. I further challenge the accuracy of Mr. Sander's statement that Mc Carthy has "accused over two hundred govefhment employees of being communists under Con gressional immunity." On Feb ruary 9, 1950, McCarthy stated in a speech at Wheeling, West Virginia (and not covered by Congressional immunity) that had the names of fifty-seven persons in the State Depart ment who were either mem bers of or loyal to the Com munist Party. In the same speech at Wheeling, McCarthy used the number 205 to indi cate the number of State De partment employees, referred to in a letter of Secretary of State Byrnes, who remained in the State Department despite the fact that Truman's own security, officers had declared them un fit to serve. The truth of these figures was ascertained after many interviews with persons who heard the speech, by Dan iel Buckley, an investigator for the Gillette-Monroney Commit tee which is investigating Sen ator Benton's charges that Mc Carthy is unfit to serve in the Senate. Mr. Buckley was promptly fired for his efforts. I challenge you, Mr. Sanders, to name the time and place in which McCarthy made the abovg statement that you at tribute to him. Bill Scarborough

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