'. ft' . n o r - t t"v WEATHER Sunny and mild with 70 high today. Yester day's high. 65; low. 30. WHY? The editors ask a question. Se page X VOLUME LXI NUMBER 41 CHAPEL HILL. N. C FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1952 FOUR PAGES TODAY nn i '3 r UUVJ LZ3 I uiitEtivliri iESSIlf SMIIM V 1 ; t i-vv5 y-y,f y1; ibwiihwiihiw mjcqq Hot WH 1' ' ll ino ijj i m i u uuni.il -j i it.Miu I . w iiiiwii i miii pifi rTTrn-rBi-iiiiinninTirrm-i musawm upawwiaswsggwswggwsgy - 'vY - " ' -J if ' ,r ' i ri " r " V 't' ,- I - ' Si' v - ' i I V 1 V :'7: .'. : ". '1 I : " I ----H'' ?! . i. ?J-,? ? H - - I ' , " - " " , I t jf ' , '""- 'I ; J ' r - t. v t ,4 ' V ' STUDENTS TURNED OUT YESTERDAY AFTERNOON to hear P C: up mimeo3rapned torms which told about the history of the J-' HTon (seat"'! Qives an encouragina word to Bob'Gorham Jttorrnv-Genral Phin Horlon as he unrolls the first few yards XXaH aisle. Daily Tar Heel photos by Cornell Wright. Debate I earn Off To S.C. For Tourney The Debate Council will send eight of its members to Columbia, S. C. today to participate in a de bate tournament with schools from over the Southeast. The topic for debate is "Re solved: That the Federal Govern ment should adopt a compulsory fair employment practices law." Representatives from here will be Bob Clampitt, Ken Myers, Derith Alexander, Bruce Marger, Al Levine, Beverly Webb, Tom Lloyd and Charlotte Davis. The tournament will consist of six rounds of debate. The Uni versity of South Carolina is host to the participating schools, which include the University of Florida, Clemson College, The Citadel and Emory University. All debaters will be guests at the North Carolina-South Carolina football game tomorrow. Faith Confab Opei ns Here At New Hope The two-day Inter-faith Con ference at Camp New Hope will Hytrin this afternoon. Dr. Eddy Asirvatham, profes- may be delayed for about three sor of missions and Christian in- weeks, it was learned yesterday, ternation relations at Boston Uni- Ike is faced with commitments m versity, and Paul Green, who Washington and New York his last year made a world tour as a press secretary, James C. Hag "cultural ambassador" for the erty, said yesterday. Rockefeller . Foundation, will share the speaking program. Dr. Asirvatham will give his first talk on "One Who Knew Gandhi" this afternoon. Tonight he will speak on "Religious Faith in the Atomic Age." Discussion groups will be formed after the talk and he and Green will ser ve as consultants. Saturday Dr. Asirvatham will speak on "America Meets Com munism in Asia" and "Requisites for World Peace and What Stu dents Can Do About It." Blood Drive The Bloodmobile will set up shop in Graham Memorial Tues day and Wednesday from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Four hundred pints is the quota for the drive. "Willi the Korean conflict at its worst, blood donations are more urgently needed than ever before." drive officials said yes terday. ' Donors are asked to call 5611 or 9-1881 for an appointment. t v. ,, ,triiM..i.iiii.iii, -r - " ..'nT..m,-m, ,.w.ir-i Tinir- nnirii.irtmilllTOJ A P BRIEF CENTRAL FRONT, Korea South Korean troops charged yes terday that the Reds are using gas on the front lines. The ROK's, driven from Sniper Ridge, charg ed that Chinese Communist ar tillery fired gas shells into their positions. American officers be gan an immediate investigation. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. Nationalist China's Foreign Min ister charged yesterday thaf'Sta lin and his Communist stooges do not really want a truce" in Korea. George K. C. Yeh called on the UN to declare communism a threat to world peace and secur ity. . - BRUSSELS, Belgium A German-born suspected spy was arrested yesterday in connection with the theft of top-secret plans for North Atlantic Treaty Organ ization air bases. The plans were allegedly stolen from Nato head quarters at Fontainebleau, Fran ce. But a check failed to show any plans missing. Allied offi cials suggested the air base plans mieht have leaked from civilian construction companies in Bel gium. - AUGUSTA, G a. President- elect Eisenhower's trip to Korea NEW YORK Gen. Douglas MacArthur's files have been re moved from a Brooklyn storage vault by the Army, it was dis closed yesterday. The Army will make the files " generally avail able to anybody with a direct interest." The files, which fill 32 packing cases, presumably con tain the General's personal re cords of his Far Eastern military command and his administration of occupied Japan. Army Secre tarv Frank Pace said that the move was made "amicably" and with MacArthur's knowledge. RALEIGH Dr. William Basil Fox, 37-year-old assistant pro fessor of botany at State College, was fatally wounded in his home yesterday. Sheriff R o b e r t E. Pleasants said Dr. Fox was shot through the back of the head with a 22-caliber rifle. According to the sheriff, preliminary in vestigations indicated it was an accidental shooting by his 4-year old child. their President H iia riortoa argue the case against Saturday classes. In the phoio at left, eariy arrivals Saturday class fight and also listed the names of University trustees. In the picture at center. President who is about to lead the forum on ideas to combat the extra class day. The picture at right shows of nearly 50 yards of student petitions. Some of the crowd of 350 looks on as he backs up a Memorial - pen a norm A 10 plank Student Party platform was announced yes terday by SP officials. Planks in" the platform include pledges to support: 1. Es- Duke Denies Having Any Red Faculty A charge that some teachers at Duke are "making contact with the Communist Party" yesterday was called "without foundation" by Dr. Charles E. Jordan, vice president in charge of public relations at Duke. J-.0U1S farKer ui Elizabthtown told a Goldsboro audience Tues day 'that he had received in formation twice about Duke fac ulty members. Parker, the im mediate past State Commandei of the American Legion, did no; name the teachers or give hL source, but said he had confi dence in the source of informa tion. Dr. Jordan said that "Mr. Par ker's statement is without foun dation. He explained that with 500 or 600 persons on our faculty, "it isn't always possible to know their inner feelings, but their loyalty has never been question ed." Parker Tuesday night said "I know for a fact that the FBI is investigating Duke faculty mem bers." William Murphy, agent in charge of the North Carolina FBI, said, "No comment." The Durham Sun said in an editorial yesterday that " any im plication that Duke University is encouraging, protecting or nur turing communism is ridiculous." Philosophers Meet Here Tomorrow ' The North Carolina Philoso phical Society will meet tomor row at 10 o'clock in the Faculty Lounge of Morehead Building. In the morning session William R. Locke of High Point College will speak on "Freedon and Determinism;" David Lowenthal, N. C. State College on "Orwell's '1984 and the Elementary Con dition of Human Freedom;" and Ferris E. Reynolds, Elon College on "The Analogy of Dimensions and Varieties of Experience." Dr. Everett W. Hall, chairman of the Department of Philosophy, and Prof. Charles A. Baylis of Duke will speak in the afternoon session. uiz riles, Asks tablishment of quiz lues open to all students. 2. Opposition to Sat urday classes and the semester -ystem. 3. More liberal c'ass cut policy based on individual stand ings in class. 4. Uniform coed vis iting agreement. 5. Sound-proof- ng all dormitories. 6. Opening all student Council cases to student body except appeals to Men's or Women's Honor Council. 7. Es- ablishment of check cashing ser vice at Lenoir Hall. 8. Construct- on of new Student Union Build ng. 9. Candy and cigarette ma chines in all dormitories. 10. Im oroved communications system within men's dormitories. University Party officials said their platform was not ready for release. It is expected to be bas- cally the same as last spring's UP platform. UP has a small majority in Leg islature at present. The 38 con tested seats in Legislature leave a wide margin for either party to gain power. An Editorial We Ask Why Last summer, a group of politicians decided once more that it was time for a change. On Tuesday, November 4, they asked the American public what they thought, and the population of the United States voted in favor of the change. The system was altered as a result of majority approval. Last Monday, a group of Trustees decided once again that it was time for a change. In years past, they have asked University students and faculty what they thought, and have received negative response, an answer that concluded, "the advantages of the five-day -class week out-weigh the disadvantages." Because a majority of those' involved have repeatedly protested plans for a six-day class week program, we hope this mass opinion will be upheld. Whatever happens, we ask the student body to con duct an intelligent campaign against Saturday's heroes, confining your activities to the most direct methods of protest. A successful campaign can be lost in violent re bellion. Petitions, letters to parents, and talks with the Trustees will be much more effective than war dance techniques. We have one question to ask the Trustees: Why? Why is it necessary for South Building Bell to ring out the old system every Saturday morning? Our academic budget has managed very well on five days a week. Why tax us with an extra day? If the weekend exodus is their reason, we wish to re mind them of the survey taken last spring quarter which showed the exodus problem to be a myth. Everybody needs a day to recapitulate, a catch-all day to spend at leisure. Students and faculty need a time to reorganize for the coming week, student instructors need Saturdays to work on how to be better teachers in the future. The reasons for free Saturdays are obvious. The argument for Saturday classes is nebulous. Why, then, should we change a system that already works? Why? l4 .TW" 5" - t ' 1 WC Dance The IFC is sponsoring a trip to a Woman's College dance Satur day night. Anyone interested should come by the Y office to day or tomorrow Panel on Centralization The Inter-Collegiate Council of Duke, State, and Carolina will have a panel discussion .today at Duke on "Centralization of the U. S. Government." Interested students are requested to meet in front of the Y at 7 p.m. for transportation. The discussion will be moderated by two Duke po litical science rcfessors. IVCF The Inter-Varsity Christian Fel lowship, an inter-denominational student organization, is having a conference at Camp New Hope Saturday and Sunday for students from state colleges. Interested stu dents should contact Bill York, Room 443, Cobb Dormitory. Lost A set of keys on a silver ring were lost yesterday. Anyone find ing them is asked to contact A. J. Goodman Jr., 107 Fraternity Court. A reward is offered. Meager Crowd Hears Norton Outline Plans President Says University Isn't To Be Baby Sitter By Rolfe Neill If the Trustees want to keep students here on the week end, "it's not the part of the University to play baby sitter to what is essentially a family problem." This was the problem as President Ham Horton saw it and presented it to a student rally yesterday afternoon at Memorial Hall. However, if students are as "ackadaisical about Saturday ?lass attendance as they were about trying to prevent the ex tra class day, there'll be no need for professors to call roll. Only an estimated 350 attended the meeting yesterday. Horton deplored the fact that the Executive Committee in its decision ignored the "advice of Administration officers who cer tainly should know what's best for their school." However, he continued, "it's an honor for stu dents to have such men (Gray and House) as allies." Consolidated President Gordon Gray and UNC Chancellor R. B. House both iold the Trustee com mittee that sentiment here among students, faculty and administra tion was against Saturday classes. Horton held out hope that "if we convince them (Trustees) this thing is not for the best interests of the University, they won't push it any further." He went on to point out that faculty members utilize the long weekend for re search; students make use of it for study, while other students need Saturday to work and sup plement meager finances. The student body president drew a laugh when he quoted a woman instructor here as saying "industry and coal miners are driving toward a five-day week, must we regress?" Horton said he saw no need to take five days work and spread it over six which is apparently what the Trustees plan to do, he interpreted. He cited the Trus tee Visiting Committee report in 1949 which was against Saturday classes and called attention to the fact that "some of these same men axe now for Saturday clas ses." Horton concluded that "we can win ... if we stick together." "Sobriety, logic and restraint" would be necessary to a victory, he said earlier. Walt Dear, chairman of the Publications Board and editorial candidate for The Daily Tar Heel, also spoke to the assembly al though he didn't "pretend to be a speaker." He had the small crowd clapping with his suggestion: "Instead of Saturday classes, Mr. and Mrs. Trustee, how about a huge student union which will give up something to do over the weekend? How about bowl ing alleys, skating rinks, Univer-sity-owried pool tables and dance rooms . . ." Wallace Hanchey, Carolina Beach freshman, seemed to have the best Saturday-class-protest idea offered fiom yesterday's aud ience. He suggested having the high school seniors due to enroll here next fall as freshmen write to the Trustees discouraging lengthening of the school week. Small Fire Put Out At Sigma Chi House The Sigma Chi House was all confusion late yesterday after noon when painters, scorching paint on the columns in front of the house, accidentally set fire to the insides of one of the col umns. Hayward Washburn, a Sigma Chi, discovered the blaze and put in a call for the Chapel Hill fire Department. PRESIDENT HAM HORTON . . . we're not baby sitters 12 Students To Put UNC In The UN Twelve students left yesterday to attend a United Nations sem inar in New York. The seminar, sponsored by the National Council of YMCA and YWCA, will begin this morning at 10 o'clock. The students will attend sessions of the General Assembly, meet members of the Secretariat, visit the United States mission to the United Na tions and have interviews with United Nations delegates from other countries. Carolina representatives are Susan Fink, Purabi Bose, Barbara Syrd, Clint Lindley, Jim Shotts, Bob Lindley, Barbara Braxton, Pat Todd, Pat Aydlett, Shirley Gee, Tom McDonald and John Moore. Get Aboard For Miami By Nov. 19 Wednesday, Nov. 19, is the last day for Miami-bound Tar Heels to buy round-trip train tickets at the 'special rate. Over 30 students have bought tickets already and the Carolina delegation will set up headquar ters in its own car, University Club President John Seely said yesterday. If 500 students buy tickets on the train by next Wednesday, the Tar Heels wilil head for Florida in a Carolina Special. University Club officials said yesterday that a special train will be made up for UNC stu dents only if the necessary 500 sign up. Tickets cost $39.62 at the spe cial rate and bus service will be provided from Graham Memor ial to the station in Raleigh. The Silver Star will leave Ral eigh at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 26 and will arrive in Miami at 11 a. m. Thursday. Home-bound Tar Heels can leave either at 12:05 p. m. Saturday or Sunday arriving in Raleigh at 3:43 a. m. the next day. Bus service will be provided from Raleigh back to Graham Memorial. Visiting Committee The Trustee Visiting Com mittee, headed by Victor Bry ant Sr.. of Durham, will spend an hour and a half with stu dent leaders here this afternoon. Among other things, the com mittee will hear student pl-a-as on a new student union, grsdu ate student salaries, the book exchange and Saturday classes. I T

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