f AC! FOUR THI da it v . ... n'th NBA Meeting The Masters of Business Admi- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 19M niMmion wui meet tonight in Room 6, Carroll Hall at 7:30. Speaker for the meeting is Dr. Willard J. Graham, who wi;l speak on North Carolina's Executive Training Foundation. i JUST RECEIVED! fDenim Jackets; 1 & Slacks i Khaki Jackets & Slacks Rayon Jackets & Slacks 'j&'jgTj&'jgrjGrjerjT'jgrj&'A Like ART Come & See PRIMITIVE PAINTERS IN AMERICA Published at $6.00 ANOTHER SPRING BARGAIN AT $3.85 THE INTIMATE BOOKSHOP 205 E. FRANKLIN ST. OPEN EVENINGS Wesley Supper Wesley Foundation will Meet-n-Eat tonight at 6:15 in Lenior Hall. Bible Study Dr. Maurice Kidder will be the featured speaker at the weekly YMCA Bible Study tomorrow after noon at 4 o'clock in the Y Cabi net Room. He will speak on "The Grace of God." Pharmacy Wives The Pharmacy Wives will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the Insti tute of Pharmacy on Church Street Special guests at the meeting will be the Dental Dames. Vernon (Continued from page 3) want a pitcher from Boston in any deal for Vernon maybe Leo Kiely, promising young hurler. Vernon apparently is sticking to his demand of $35,000 for 1954. Calvin Griffith said today he doubted the club would go as high as $30,000. Vernon made about $19,000 last season. MS 3 - ' Y ' I i V; y . - V- .; . i iji..r Cuba, rlaht. SPONSORS FOR THE ALPHA TAU OMEGA p edflfl dance wr m ., " rh,rtHm with Charlie Dean, Fuqu.y Spring., seeret.ry.tre.surer of th. pM e,N.f rV"SrtI' with Bill Michel. Charlotte, president; and Mary Ann Monro, Chatt.noofle, left, w.rh Bob Cr.lnto, Charlotte, vlc.pro.ld.nt. Th. formal dan, was h. d Friday nl9ht, Fob. 27, at th. Chapel H.ll Country Club. Tickers Still Available For Raleigh ACC Tourney RALEIGH, March 2 -UP). There L a crowd of about 8,000 expected Thursday afternoon and night in the first round of the Atlantic Coast Conference basketball tour nament, and about 12,000 the fol lowing two nights. (Tickets are going fast for the tourney but are still on sale at Reynolds Coliseum in Raleigh, ac cording to Ed Storey, athletic pub- 3 PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING CO. SlIdCKING! heWasBcni! For Trouble! Samnc Beverly Richard MICHAELS EGAN w CLARENCE GftEENEoncMd fc, RUSSEU ROUSE -wn.fa,. W OATtHCl Gf H mi tUSMU OMt fWnai ' liiim Tb UW ATM STARTS TODAY McGuire (Continued front page 3) challenges In both previous con. tests. "I told Everett we would make every effort to beat him and still try to hang on to that ball when we play Thursday. And he said he still would use the press," said Frank. "So that's the way It Is. I hope a fellow is allowed to "blow Court Fines Students For Parking Violations Women's BasketballClub Defeats Duke Team, 37-32 Th Women's Basketball Club Five Carolina students appeared ' edgej the Duke coeds, 37-32, in in Chapel Hill's Recorders Court a game held in Chapel Hill Monday. this week for traffic violations. I pat Corbett of Carolina led the They are: I scoring for both teams with 20 Charles P. Scott, parking at fire! points. She was followed by team- ........ . f i tha I nyii Honor 3iuaenis nowi ,,iw ru .: mora! n-,p.,n May Cut All They Wish NEW YORK, March 2 New York University high-ranking se niors of the College of Arts ana Sciences are now free to cut clas ses without penalty, faculty of ficials announced today. Honor seniors will still be re quired to complete assignments and take exams, but it is felt that hydrant; t costs. Scott W. Spradley, parking on mate Sara Cashwell with 14 Hussey (Continued from page 3) did the best diving of his career in the semis to go in front of his teammate, Bud Williams, by 16 points and the closest man from another school by 30. Williams couldn't last in the finals and fell back, but Stump held on to take the win by 12.5 points. The wait as top man from the morning session to the finals was about the toughest part of the meet, according to -Hussey. "My hand was shaking Tike a leaf, and I never could settle down. I had a good lead, but that didn't matter." The 19year-old Hussey hasn't reached his peak yet in diving or with the Tar Heel. on the jstu'icr,!' a ihalleruc v his muU-nJ , dispensable 'Hf HOW TO MAKE YOUR OW'i I OLIS Th kftnL ... . ..,, jrn , n unn euni "k m of Cetiis, but th specially tho -H,m9 tar W.ttl .L . I will love it Puhi: rl $1.25 THE INTIMAT BOOKSHOP 205 E. FRANKLIN ST OPEN EVENINGS his stack now and then, but I also Mewtik; cosU. hope he and I can be good friends Charles P. Bowles, parking on especially if It means something ildewalk; costs. I think ' Miles C. Gregory, parking" on sidewalk; costs. Charles G. Strangle, stop light violation; costs. to the over-all University. we will be." licity director for the Coliseum. Thursday afternoon at 2:00 Wake Forest meets South Carolina to start the tourney, .followed by Maryland and Clemson at 4:00. Duke plays Virginia at 7:00 to start the evening round.' and at 9:00 Carolina meets State. The semi-finals will be held Fri day night and the championship and a consolation game will be played Saturday night. Duke, num ber one in the conference stand ings at the end of the season and first seeded in the tourney, is favored, but State, Wake Forest and Maryland are all given a chance to take the tourney. The other teams in the conference, Carolina, South Carolina, Clemson, and Virginia, are given little hope of lasting. New Student Directories Placed On Limited Sale The YMCA has a limited' num ber of directories of the new stu dents for the Spring semester. It contains the names, campus addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers of the new students. The cost is five cents and they may be obtained at the YMCA office. Campus offices and departments desiring new directories should get them as soon as possible. The maximum for each department is j three copies. ' is- DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS J. Mire 4. Furnish food 9. Minute kin opening 10. Winged 12. Axillary 13. BUte of mind 14. CpUJ (Ohio) 16. At home 17. Poorest 19. More unhappy 22. Excla mation 23. Riy (Ob.) 24. Artust'a stand 20. Moslem title 27. Pat lightly 28. Solid 31. Half an em 32. Talked prua ively S. Hydro phobia 38. Girl'a nam 39. French name of Switzerland 40. Kind of cheese 41. European sharks 42. Com (Jap.) DOWN 1. Larjfe knife (Phil, la.) 2. Verbal 3. Term in . grammar 4. Slight convexity of a part 5. Audibly 6. Foot bones (anat) 7. Greek letter 8. Enjoy. 9. Moccasin Uke aho ll.Teeth (humorous) 15. Encounter 18. Comfort 19. Space bars (mach.) 20. One of Jason's men 21.Unl. ver sity officer 24. Con sumes 25. Small (btol.) 27. Stops 29. Brittle 30. To become rancid (obs.) 33. Swelling 34. Dash 35. Female parent 37. Of life: prefix WlSI - z y. ZM-1 ZZZZZ"t'-i w f" REP. KENNETH ROBERTS, Alabama Democrat, is carried down J; the Capitol stp in Washington, on a stretcher after the shooting in the House cham' .r. Not face of Roberts fust below sleeve of ma wearing trench coat, center. A woman and two man art baing held ,n connection with th shooting. AP Wirephoto. " MEN'S PANT SALE Large Assortment, 100 or more, including all Wool Values up to $11.00 Saie Price $3.98 COTTON GRAY AND KHAKI PANTS $3 93 AND S479 VALUES Sale Price $2.93 MEN'S SHIRT SALE 100 or more white dress shirrs, colored French cuffs, Sport Shirts and Cotton flannels S3J0, S3.9S A 55.00 Sale Price $1.98 SWEATERS & SPORT T-SHIR7S LONG AND SHORt SLEfVES $1.98 JACKETS ZIPPER WltBREAKERS MANY COLOP AND itZIS $j.98 RUBY SAMPLE JACKETS & SWEATERS Showroom Every fin MEN'S SHOE SALE $2.98 pair OFFICIAL SCOUT SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS $.100 OFF fEE SHIRTS & SHORTS BYHANES AND STEADMN $1 00 RETAIL Sa!o Pric2 79 CLOTH SALE Indian Hed, Taffeta, and Dress Suiting Picoia, Chjmbfin 69 DRAPERY Denim Dress Print Dan River Clo 50 yard O HAWKEYE LAUNDRY BASKETj $1.00 EXTRA LARGE WASH CLOTHS 15c SIZE 10 FOR $1.00 Bont In New York tANple different Vs OFF BERAAAN'S ALL SALES FINAL SHEETS Special Sale $1.79ea DEPT. STORE OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Thomasville Plays Host To Foreign Delegation Fifty foreign students of North Carolina colleges and universities spent last .weekend in Thomasville visiting factories, homes of teach ers, businessmen and ministers and discussing world political affairs. After entering the town in a car parade the group attended a community dinner and a concert given by the high school glee club. On Sunday the students of dif ferent faiths worshiped in the Baptist Church, whose minister greeted there with "We salute you with our hearts, not with military fanfare." L I Sociology Tea There will be a Student-Facuty tea this afternoon at 4:30 in the Main Lounge of Graham Memorial. The tea will honor the Sociology Department. CLASSIFIEDS FOR tKT E MOTORCYCLE. IIAR- 'y-Dv 125. 1952 model. Motor overt. . . . . . . ..'ed. Excellent con dition. Ruddy . , , '. IT IIIUSIUCIU. HA,7HAX'-i TOLD MY BOSS YOUR SAD STORYT r GR E AT E ST- HAT,7 HAW?"N STUFF I'VE EYIR HEARD." YOUR At5V, A-HQ.7 MO- lOUR PftPPY-'iAKJ? fc6OWIN6 HOWS -AND - WW -tJUK WIFl STARVtMSj.7- I MUST . cNQ(usTuuixYour ; I I BECAUSE YOU'RE (tha: vfJjPFVtf". J I BOUND TO WIM THE V H.S sc?C 1 1 1IQOOO FIRST PRIZE TV SC'"J S " 'S " I on what rrr i vo-- I 1 r 1 I aw I S f f A. I P O G O pnz-oposor S3WAS m '1 VMkl Uk mxmxim it k&h. an ittu $200. Phone 5372. chg lxl v(Ti h TRIPLETS: mr '- II Mil III I. fi 1. - s i xucci ai mirauiuxcu rxciu .1 T