u i - i -rvV :-i t CHAPEL HILL, II. 8-31-49 c. WEATHER Colder with showers early to day. Expected high of 42. W U N C A staff writer and the editor join forces to comment on WUNC. the campus FM station. See p. 2. VOL. LVI! NO. 83 CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1955 Offices In Graham Memorial FOUR PACES TODAY ... I M en In Service On January 31 May Receive G I Bill By RUTH DALTON . Persons now in the service or who go into the service before Jan. 31 may have a possibility of drawing full educa tional benefits, according to information received from Col. F. C. Sh.ephard, veterans' advisor here. Bills to permit those now into service through Jan. 31, iyoo, to continue to accumulate eligibility for educational benefits under Public Law 550 were intro duced on the opening day of Con gress by Rep. Teague of Texas and Rogers of Massachusetts. Teague is chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Commit tee and Mrs. Rogers the ranking minority member. In a statement Teague' said he felt the legisla tion was desirable because hiany young men in service had been, and were still being, told by re cruiting officers that they would get full credit for the time spent in service up to two years, for educational entitlement. , : , The President's proclamation ending accumulation of eligibility for educational benefits as of Jan. 31, 1955) means that the last vet eran under Public Law 550, would under present law, have to finish his course under the law by . Jan.' 31, 1963, or eight years after discharge or release from active service, whichever is earl ier. There is some possibility, ac cording to sources close to the House Veterans' Affairs Commit tee, that the committee will give consideration during this session to legislation to give educational benefits to "peacetime" veterans (that is, to those who enter serv ice after Jan. 31, 1955), and ex tending for a period as long as the Selective Service law provid-1 ing . for induction for two years compulsory active duty remains . cn the books. If such legislation is introduced it probably would provide that men in service would accumulate eligibility for educational benefits at the rate of only one day for each day of service, rather than one and one-half for each day of service up to 24 months, as at present. The President's "State of the Union" message to Congress .con tained a sentence saying that "studies will be undertaken to determine the need for measures to ease the readjustment to civ ilian life of men required to en ter the Armed Services for a period of two or more years." Women's Residence Council to Begin Holding Interviews 'The Women's Residence Coun- ch has announced that at the be ginning of the spring ' semester it will hold interviews and make ap pointments for the offices of Chairman of Leadership Training, Chairman of May Day Orientation Chairman and Editor of the Wom en's Handbook. The Council office on the sec ond floor of Graham Memorial will be open so that those inter ested in applying may examine previous records in the files. After the files are closed, ap plications should be turned in ,at the Council office. At that time the applicants will sign up for in terviews with the Council. The following 'schedule for ex amination of the files, turning in applications and for interviews for the different offices has been Alpha Phi Omega To Run Nop-Profit Book Shop A student book exchange will .in the book, be run at the beginning of next When the book haa .been sold semester by Alpha Phi Omega, APO will notify thc . student and national service fraternity, in , New East Annex. The book exchange will be run on a strictly non-profit basis with only a small fee of 10 per cent of th hook orice charged by APO. The system will be set up so J ctiiHfritc will hrinff their! lr used books to the exchange, set their own prices and fill out the claim forms. One of these forms v. ctndent will keep, one APO will have, and one will be placed in the Armed Serv ices or going In Women's Dorms: House Council Hears Cases Of Late Coeds By JACKIE GOODMAN The majority of the male popu lation of Carolina's campus does not seem to be able to under stand why the coeds here have to be in their dormitories by certain hours at night, and prob ably more of the boys don't have much of an idea of what hap pens to their dates when they are not in the dorms by these hours. . The first thing which a late returning coed must do (after banging on screens and calling under windows to be let in) is sign a House Offense Slip. On the slip she is required to put her name, the date and her of fense (the number of minutes she arrived after closing hours of the dorm). On the first Monday night aft er she has committed her of fense, the guilty coed is brought before the dormitory's House Council for appropriate action. A dormitory's House Council is comprised of the vice president of the dorm, who acts as presid ing officer, two "holdover" mem bers who are elected in spring and serve through the next year and two representatives ' elected in the fall from each floor in the dormitory. The Council, which meets at 11 p.m., usually gathers in one of the small sitting rooms off of the living room in the dorms. The offenders for the week must re main outside of the Council's meeting room until they are summoned by a Council member. Upon entering the room, the coed is instructed to sit in a chair which has been placed in full view of all of the Council members. The vice president of the dorm, who presides over. the Council, is seated behind one of the dorm's card tables, while the made, For Leadership Training Chair man the files will be open, on Feb. 4 and 5 from 2 until 4 p.m. Applications are due at 5 p.m. on Feb. 8. The , Interviews will be held on Feb. 10 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The files containing records of previous May Day Chairmen will be open from 2 until 4 p.m. on Feb. 11 and 12. Applications for the position will be due at 5 p.m. on Feb. 15, and interviews will be held from -4 until 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 10. For Orientation Chairman the files will be 'open from 2 until 4 p.m. on Feb. 18 and 19. Applica tions will be due at noon on Feb. 22,' and interviews will be held on Feb. 23 and 24 from 4 until 5:30 p.m. ne wm u. ITODauie nours lvl me uuu. - change will be from 9 a..m. to 12 noon and from 2 to 4 p.m. The exchange will open on Tuesday, . . .., i .!, tVio Feb. 1, ana wiu run tmuu- drop - add period. The book exchange has been run by APO for several , years, but they hope to be able to en large their service this year. Any thing except class notes will be sold. Benefits Exam Correction A mistake was made in the final exam schedule as printed yesterday. All noon classes on TThS and Nav. Sci, 101, 201, 301, and 401 will have their exams on 1 Friday, Jan. 21, at 2 p.m. rest of the Council, clad in- any thing from bermuda shorts and boys shirts to 'dressy dresses" and high heeled shoes, are sit ting on the sofa and chairs. The presiding officer first reads the offense with which the coed is charged. Then she asks the coed if she has any statement to tell to the Council. If she does not wish to make any statement, or if the Council finds that her statement does not warrent that she be excused from punishment, the girl is then asked if there is any reason why she can not take probation on a certain night or nights. - Probation consists of the coed returning to her dorm by eight p.m. and . signing in with the Council chairman.. She must remain in the dorm until 5 a.m. of the following day. The number of nights which the coed is placed on probation depends, on the number of min utes which she remained outside of her dorm after its regular closing hours. The penalty for remaining out from one to 10 minutes late is one night's pro bation with an additional night added for " each addition 10 min utes of lateness. After five House Council of fenses a coed is taken before the Women's Honor Council for any subsequent incidences. If a coed remains outside of her dorm for one hour or more after its clos ing hours, she is tried by the Women's Honor Council. Kidnapper Sentenced An ex-convict faced a 23 to 24-year prison sentence today for kidnaping an 18 year old North Carolina State College student and firing nine bullets into his body after robbing a motel near Pittsboro . Paul M. Fulton, 30, of San ford, on probation from, a 5 to 7 year sentence for larceny, was convicted Monday of kid naping and assaulting Donald E. Johnson with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. He pleaded guilty. Judge Chester' It. Morris sentenced Fulton in Chatham Superior Court and offered the sentence to run concurrent with Fulton's previous one. Johnson, employed at the Fairfield Motor Court at the time of the robbery, is still partially cripple from the bul let wounds. He testified that Fulton robbed him of $64 taken from the motel cash drawer and then forced him at gun point to drive to Lee County and to Chatham. Johnson said that Fulton got out of the car and fired at him. After Fulton left him for dead, Johnson was , able to drive his car nearly a mile to a farm house, where he received help. IWC & Panhell Council Sponsor-Clothing Drive The Independent W 0 m e n's Council and - the Panhellenic I for the sales department, N. C. Council will sponsor a clothing division. Panelists were Herbert drive for Glade Valley, locat- R. Down, N. C. division manager; ed near Greensboro. J. T. Outx, merchandising raan- The drive will begin Jan. 21 ' agcr; E. J. Petro, training super and end on Feb. 5. j visor, and R. L. Beranek, office The IWC will place collection ; manager, all of Charlotte. boxes in each women's dormitory and, one in Y court. The Panhell- ond in a series of career programs enic Council will place boxes in to assist students in selecting a each sorority house. J career. Sponsors were the Uni- Marilyn Zager, chairman of the.versity Placement Service, Delta IWC, urged that all women con-! tribute to the drive. SEEM Y-Courters dwindling in num ber as pre-exam. panic grip? campus. T McCorkle Place loking like a prepared b&ttbe-grouna ; vnxti mounds of dirt . dotting the sward. ... and away we go! The Costa Rican issue came . back into the forefront of cam pus news yesterday when a group of Carolina males walke'd into a quiet 10 o'clock (a.m.) Y-Court with a portable record er on which they had taped a program "recorded in Costa Rica at the headquarters of Carlos Lara Hien the rebel lead er." The some 30 odd students who were sipping their coffee quiet ly when the boys arrived, soon realized that it was all in fun. Wyatt Dixon and Hartwell Conklin of the Phi Kappa Sigma House were .the two who brought the recording in with accompanying posters urging in both English and Spanish for men to "sign up and go to Costa Rica," and "Que Vamos, Escribe Afcrai." . The recording featured "Hien" and one of his "gener als" with accompanying back ground battle noises. The recording included an ap peal to Carolina males by a nar rator who identified himself as "Rodney Yendor, ABBS, Caro lina, Archeology '46." The appeal asked all interest ed men to airmail their requests for action to Hien in Costa Rica. The recording was ended by the playing and singing of the "Costa Rican national anthem" which sounded strangely like a currently popular jump song, .i'Shake, Rattle and Roll." -? Farm Institute To Be Held At State College RALEIGH, Jan. 18 OP) N. C. State will be host to the third annual Farm Press, Radio and Television Institute Feb. 18 and 19. Stanley Andrews, executive dir ector of the Kellogg Foundation's national project in agricultural communications, will address a banquet meeting Friday, Feb. 18. Wayne Cropening, agricultural director for Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. of Winston-Salem and former Haywood County farm ag ent, will discuss "The Business Side of Farming'' at a luncheon Saturday. A program on water conserva tion and irrigation is planned for Saturday morning. Speakers will include D. S. Weaver, chairman. of the Governor's Advisory Water Kescources committee ana airect or of the Agricultural Extension service; J. L. Stuckey, state geo logist; Howard Ellis, head of ex tension agricultural engineering; and H. M. Van Bavel and C. J. Nusbaum, experiment station sci entists. : fsso Oil Panel Held Here In Career Series Students here interested in ca reers in the petroleum industry were presented an inside picture of that field by representatives of the Esso Standard Oil Com pany, who spoke in Gerrard Hall last weekend. Conducting the panel discussion was A. J. Thornhill, manager of personnel and public relations The open meeting was the sec- j Sigma Pi and Alpna Kappa Psi, j professional business fraternities, i esley Anti-Segreg Rare Johnson Books In Display At Library 3y UNIVERSITY NEWS BUREAU Two centuries ago, when North Carolina was still an English colony, a book was published in England that was to become one jf the -most famous volumes in he English language. This was a dictionary compiled by Dr. Samuel Johnson. At that ime, 1755, Johnson's Dictionary jf the English Language was the nost complete publication of its iind in existence and remained the final authority on words for more than a century. In observance of the 200th an niversary of Dr. Johnson's famous wo volume work, this rare and valuable set of books is now be ing displayed in the main lobby of the University Library. These books are part of the permanent collection located in the Library Rare Book Room and will be on display for several weeks. FOUND FINANCIAL BACKERS Johnson decided to write the dictionary in 1747 and began to search for financial backers for the project. However, the project was too great a venture for any one bookseller, and a combina tion of booksellers undertook to finance it. Johnson also sought and received the backing of Lord phesterfield, then Secretary of State, who was one of England's leading patrons of the letters in his day. ' j The combination of - booksell ers and Johnson agreed that the sum' of 1,575 pounds should be re ceived by Johnson for the work. Out of this amount, Johnson a greed to pay for whatever assis tants he hired. The writer estimated that with one or two assistants he could complete the work in three years. Johnson actually had to hire six assistants and spent eight years on the task. The method of procedure was very simple. Johnson first made out a list of words, partly from preceding dictionaries and partly from his own knowledge. Johnson was a good Latin sch- olar, but his ignorance of other 1 foreign languages prevented him ; from producing what today would be considered a good dictionary. Life Magazine, Planetarium To Give Show Life magazine is cooperating with the Morehead Planetarium in the production of Billions of Years Ago, which opens here next"011 Contest, open to women un- Tuesday. Planetarium director A. F. Jen zano said yesterday permission had been granted by the pictorial magazine for extensive use of materials now appearing in its current series of articles The Wor ld We Live In. "We are grateful for the co operation and permission by Life," said Jenzano, "because it will en able us to present to the public another astounding spectacular show in full, natural and rich color and in three dimensional perception." ' Billions of Years Ago will draw largely upon the Life art work and photographs contained in its The Earth is Born and Canopy of Air parts of the series. .AH of the parts will be included in Life's book, The World We Live In, which will be published soon. Planetarium technicians will use all of its facilities and know how in producing Billions of Years Ago. Planetarium officials hope it " will be the fourth so called big production in its yearly schedule of shows, rating in pub lie appeal alongside the Christ- mas and Easter stories and the annual summertime space trip show. The Current offering, Sun, Ear-! th's Powerhouse, will close next Monday. wmm Iroun However, two centuries ago the I conception of a dictionary was j very limited. It was expected to contain only the words that were used by authors of that day. In 1755 Johnson's publication was considered "epoch making" since it devoted for the first time a really skilled intellect to the study of language and substituted for the previous rough and ready method a fine power of discrim ination. From another point of view the dictionary is often found inter esting because of its idiosyncras ies. Johnson was often exceeding ly pompous in his writings, and though most of his definitions are terse and clear, he occasionally slips into his usual fault.. SHOWED HIS PREJUDICES While writing his dictionary Johnson thought little of any per sons who would accept a pension from the government. He defined a pension as, "pay given to a state hireling for treason against his country." It is interesting in view of this to note that Johnson accepted a yearly pension of 300 pounds before his death. His hatred of the Whigs is shown in his terming the excise tax, a favorite resource of the ' Whigs, a "hateful tax." As for himself, Johnson term-' ed a lexicographer "a writer of j dictionaries; a harmless drudge." j Johnson held the Scotch people j in great contempt and showed ! this "in his definition of oats when! he wrote, "Oats a grain which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people." To this definition it is said that a Scotchman replied, "Eng land is known for its horses and for its people." Film Series GMAB'S Film Series Commit te announced yesterday that tickets for the Spring Series are on sale now in Graham Memorial and Ledbetter Pick ard's. Price of the tickets, good for the complete series of eight films, is $2. The first film will be shown Feb. 3. Mademoiselle Contest Open Until March 1 dergradiiates throughout the nat ion, is now in progress, and all entries must be postmarked be fore midnight, March 1. UNC has had two contest win ners in the last two years. Miss Louise Hardeman of "Chapel Hill who graduated from the Univer sity in June, 1954, won the con test of that year with her short story, The Lost Beach. "Mr. Shawn and Father Scott," a short story by Mrs. Doris Betts, won the 1953 contest. This story won while Mrs. Betts was a stu dent at Women's College in Greensboro. She is now living in Chapel Hill. Her husband studying law. Mrs. Betts writes for a local newspaper and does free-lance work. Her work has been republished in Mademoiselle several times, and she received very favorable reviews for her first book of short stories, The Gentle Insur rection, published in April, 1954, which was awarded the first an nual $2,000 fiction prize given by Putnam's Son's, Publishers, through the University. The contest winners will be an- nounced in the August issue of the magazine. Any woman under graduate under 26 years of age who is regularly enrolled in a degree-granting college is elijj- ible. tion M By NEIL BASS The Wesley Foundation, student Methodist organization, here ha.s passed a resolution declaring racial segregation a denial "of true Christian brotherhood." The group also extended an invitation to any student of any race to "join their fellowship." In a letter submitted to The Daily Tar Heel by Uichard Whitakcr. i chairman of the Wesley Founda WHAT CM HEREf J DRUG EXHIBIT A drug exhibit made from lo cal plants by students in Botany 45 will be on display for the pub lic in Davie Hall from Jan. 24 through 29. COMMUNITY DRAMA i The Community Drama Group will meet Sunday at 7:45 p.m. in the assembly room of the library Ralph Casey will direct a read ing of Arthur Miller's Death of A Salesman. Copies of the script may be obtained at the news stand in the post office. COMMUNITY CHURCH Regular worship .services of the Community Church of Chap el Hill, Rev. Charles M. Jones, minister, will be held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in Hill Hall. Immediately after the serv ices, the regular quarterly Com munion service will.be held. WUNC WEDNESDAY 7 p.m. Winnie the Pooh: "Exposition to the North Pole" 7:15 Music in the Air 7:30 French Press Review 7:45 Cosmopolitan Interview with John Riebel 8 BBC Drama 9 Adventures in Song 9:30 Great Books of Asia 10 News 10:05 Resume 10:10 Evening Masterwork 11:30 Sign Off Narcotics Bill WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 W Sen. Scott D-NC, one of 37 seni ors sponsoring a bill to strength en control of illegal narcotics, said the measure would be of great benefit to North Carolina "which has become a trading cen ter for narcotics in the South." "The narcotics problem in Nor th Carolina," Scott said, "is one of the most acute problems in the South." t if i N. C. League For Nurses Sponsor Institute Here 4r ',. MISS FRANCES GINSBERG . . . spoke Monday Women's Blazers To Be Sold As Well As Men's Sale of blazers on campus, to start sometime near the middle of spring semester, will include an assortment of women's bla zers. The project will be spon sored by the Interdormitory Council. Cost of the women's coat, which has a UNC seal on the pocket, will range from S18.95 to $26.95. Women's coats will be. available in a variety of col ors. Men's coats, originally an nounced to sell for $26.95, will be sold at an introductory price of $25.95. Colors will be char coal gray and navy blue. Robert Rawling's Blazer Co. will begin custom fitting both men's and women's blazers in early. February. acepe tion Christian Outreach Commis sion, the group explained that "the attached resolution was pre sented to the Wesley Foundation of the University of North Caro lina on Jan. 9, 1955. The following Sunday, Jan. 16, the resolution was adopted by a 48-3 ballot, with two people registering abstentions. The ballot was secret so that no person would feel pressured, and so that a true representative ex pression might be obtained, ac cording to Whitaker. The resolution in full reads, "As Christians wc confess ourselves to be the children of God, brothers of Jesus Christ. Wc believe racial discrimination is a denial of this brotherhood. Furthermore we be lieve compulsory racial segrega tion is a manifestation of this dis crimination and therefore a de nial of this brotherhood." This Wesley Foundation state ment, first known of its kind by a Chapel Hill religious group, went on to say, "Therefore, while re alizing the practical difficulties of applying the decision of the Su preme Court concerning segrega tion of whites and negroes in pu1 i lie schools, we believe the deci ; sion to be a true interpretation of J the Christian faith and our Ameri j can democracy; and we of the Wesley Foundation hereby mak., j it known that wc will continue to j welcome into our fellowship any student regardless of his race." When told of the resolution, John Riebel, associate secretary of the YMCA said, "All campus re ligious groups welcome, as far as I know, students of all rnees, which is as it should be. It is good to remind ourselves (A tlvs from time to time by public state ment." Rev. John A. Weidinger, of lli" Catholic Church here said that "he had no statement concerning the matter," and Rector David W. Yates of the Episcopal Chapel of the Cross announced that he "had no comment." Claude Shotts, General Secre 'ary of (he YMCA. said concern ing the Wesley Foundation resolu tion, "We of the YMCA for the last two years have had a standing nolicy to admit Negroes to our cabinet meetings." The Operating Room Nursing j Institute, sponsored by the North Carolina League for Nurses, op ened at the School of Nursing here last Monday and will hold its closing session today. Miss Frances Ginsberg, operat ing room consultant for Bing ham Associates, New England Center Hospital, Boston, Mass., delivered the keynote address at the opening session. Speaking on the role and rela tionship of operating room per sonnel, Miss Ginsberg addressed some 80 nurses. The course is one of the sev eral programs sponsored by the North Carolina League for Nurses fo foster the development of nursing services and education through coordinated action of nurses and . allied professional groups. Yesterday's program was open ed by a panel discussion of op erating room emergencies. Moderated by Dr. David A. Da vis, professor of anesthesioJogy here, the panel was composed of Dr. Newton Fisher, head of the department of otolaryngology in the School of Medicine here; Mrs. Elizabeth Aid. chief anesthesist, Watts Hospital, Durham, and Mis Anne Casstevens, operating room clinical instructor, N. C. Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem. A problem clinic on steriliza tion with representatives froir three companies will be held to dav to dose the course. sore