ials Dept. WEATHER Sonny and mild today, with ex pected high of 60 to 67. Thursday increasing cloudiness and mild. WHY? Why does the new petition on segregation deserve your signa ture? The editor answers in the editorial column, p. 2 . vol: lvii no. 99 Complete (JP) Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1955 Offices In Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES TODAY of ki 6111 1111 V I J I V I l J ! 1 i CQjEDS STILL OUTNUMBERED: UN 53' C Enrollment Fiaure Ud ince The total enrollment at Carolina for the spring semester is 53 above the number of students who registered for classes in the fall, according to figures released yesterday. The figures, released by the Chancellor's office, show there are 6,114 students attending classes now, as compared to 6,061 last se- : : mester. Of the net total, there are 1,488 male veterans and 19 coeds who have pulled hitches in the armed forces. Native North Carolinians make up 4,680 of the total. Out-of-stat-ers add 1,183 to the student body. There are 64 students here from foreign countries and United I iStates possessions. The rest of ' Carolina's 6,114 students are gra'-f duate students in Public Health I (65); Library Science (24), and Social work (40.) Listing by departments 4 as follows: General college, 2,312; arts and sciences, 975; business adminis tration, 461; Education, 261; journalism, 44; graduate school, 719; Law, 203; library science, 42; social work, 40; Dentistry, 207; medicine, 140; pharmacy, 198, and public health, 84. I Not counting graduate students 'priated by the county commission in fields of public health, library . ers for school purposes, the other science and social work, Carolina ' 10 percent going to law enf orce- coeds are far outnumbered. They . stand 1,018 strong, as opposed to 4,909 men students. Dr. Frank Talks On Red Cross M ORG ANTON, Feb. 15 Dr. Frank P. Graham, special media- tor for the United Nations and aithe commissioners don't call for national Red Cross leader, told the election on their own initia participants in a Western Caro- tive and a move is already ttii lina Red Cross Rally here thisjder way to secure the support of morning that Red Cross member-1 other civic groups for this possi ship is "more than a duty, it is a j we alternative, high opportunity to enlist in one Since such an election cannot of the most humane adventures of be held within 60 days of another modern times. , , election, it will be late summer "America needs the Red Cross or fall before a county referen for its own sake and for the sake dum on ABC stores can be held of the meaning of the freedom of because the biennial municipal association of people in good elections in Chapel Hill and cause as the very faith and sub- Carrboro will be held May 2 and stance of America from the hour 3. . of her birth in freedom on this CARRIED BY 3-2 .continent to thfisf hour of her j The pTA t seeking elec siana tor ireeaom in au me x -1 - .11 4 l. world," Dr. Graham said. Now serving as vice-chairman o. the mo national Kea loss iun- 1QQ persons present at the draising drive, Dr. Graham is a meeting. It was estimated in a re past director of the American Red port giyen Association President Cross. He was formely president (J L Godfrey that a profit up of the University of North Caro-;wards of $70000 annually would lina and was a United States Sen-jj reaiized. ator before beginning his UN. " & A North Carolina public law W ex i-i and applying only to Chapel Hill, LEARNED FIRST-HAND was passed many years ago pro Citing Red Cross service to au people, he said "The people of North Carolina learned first-hand about the Red Cross work in the wake of Hurricane Hazel, when the Red Cross served 73,000 stricken families. We now know personally what the Red Cross does when a typhoon hits Japan, or floods devastate India and Pa kistan, or disaster strikes any peo ple anywhere." Emphasizing the importance of Red Cross work everywhere, Dr. Graham said "In this day when we know from the headlines first hand of the needs and tragedies across continents and oceans, we cannot be callous and unrespon sive without hurt to our own souls. "The Red Cross symbol, the Red Cross blood, the red band of faith and courage in our Ameri can flag, and the red blood of our common humanity are all part, not of the guilt by association, but of the glory of free association and high adventure of free people for the liberty and hope for all people." Membership in the Red Cross, u :....,r m,tnc e 9lAiM fr npvt vear in a meet- movement "which reached backing last week. elected crZ fti, wJ . wrU pr i ss Nan Brown; youth'Tay mounded on a battle-1 v ".president, Miss Kay Browne; ? . . ; V1 icaiu 0. ueju, vmcic".i secretl y, jnoa uuw ' desolate by flood, volcano, earth-itreasurer Miss Dare Peace and understanding and closer rela quake or hurricane, or wherever sociaJ chairman, Miss Betty Ann turns between the two nations. , ,10 Casey, who has a private law (See DR- FRANK, page 4.) ieas. . . . ' 1 Autumn Semester PTA Asks Referendum i On ABC Stores Here Seeking sources of revenue for the school system's building needs, the Chapel Hill Parent-Teacher Association has voted to ask the county commissioners to call . a county-wide referendum on the establishment of ABC whisky stores in Prange County. The PTA motion, passed at the group's meeting last week, merely asks the commissioner's to hold such an election, but as it was sug gested in connection with potential sources of revenue for much-needed capital outlay money for local schools, an endorsement of ABC stores is thus implied to that ex tent. Ninety percent of all profits from the state-owned whisky stores are supposed to be appro- ment. An ABC store vote in Orange failed in the summer of 1938 in the face of strong rural and northern county voters' opposi- , tion. CAN ORDER VOTE The commissioners have the right to order such an election but if they choose not to do so it may then be mandatorily held on petition to the county board of 15 per cent of the voters in the laxt general election. " It's understood that such a petition is intended in the event ,tion carried by about a 3-2 ma jority following a lively dis hibiting the sale of whisky and the running of pool halls and other concessions within five miles of the University. But in 1941 this act was amended to deleted the section applying to the sale of whisky, so that the age of ant ABC store election wouldn't conflict with this "blue" law The PTA also voted to confer with the University to see if thej $11,000 contribution the latter j makes to the local school system each year might not be increased. and decided to participate in the ' Closer relations between the practice and spends much time taking of a school census along United States and Argentina, "the studying and writing about Amer with the local chapter of the two nations which can hold the ' ican literature, is currently on a AAUW. SUPPORTS REFERENDUM Local School Board Chairman Carl Smith, who's been leading a campaign along with his board tions to the local system, has said Stray Greeks Elect Miss Brown President The Stray Greeks elected the he would certainly support the holding of an election on the ABC store question. He didn't commit himself as to which way he stood on the issue itself, but said "I think it is a source of revenue that the PTA shouldn't pass up in Hts considerations. The people of the county are certainly entitled to vote on it." He added that he felt sure the board would certain ly discuss the matter at its next meeting. 5 Named To Village Offi Chris Waddell, Ellen Hanna, tl0"sf of th ovf nment; , , Charles Ragland, Joanne Earley;t Before the? documents of the and Jesse Butler have been elect- le recorded were often issued ed to fill seats on the 11 member m series with a broad title board of directors of Victory Vil- hich fave lttl or no hmt as to ,lage in the two week election f value of. their content, Miss which ended last Monday. (Thornton said. Historians and ...,,.. . . " state officials will now be able A total of 77 ballots were cast . ... . .. . , u 1, i j 4. ci-t. t0 use tnis relatively unused among the 13 candidates. Slight- . . - .. ' . ., , u t t-u source of information about North ly more than 2d percent of the 704 eligible voters (students and 1 ' , iU j Recorded and indexed in the their wives) turned out during the ..... t election. Foushee Art Exhibit Now At Planetarium The paintings of Mrs. Ola Maie Vnnchoo Phono! Will oytict nr ened in exhibition this week in dation ve jointly announced two the South Art Gallery of the'?"265 to be awarded to students Morehead Planetarium, where they will be on display this-month. The collection is entitled "Re trospective Showing of Paintings" and includes works which have won for Mrs. Foushee prizes and acclaim in exhibits within and without North Carolina. She is also showing some of her favorite oil, water color and crayon ab stracts and portraits. The exhi bition pictures were chosen for size and variety of techniques. Among the titles are "Sarah," which won for her the S. Clay Williams cup in the 1948-49 an nual exhibition of North Carolina Artists, and "Foggy Night,'"' which took honorable mention and a cash award at the 1950 annual ex hibit at Butler Art Institute at Youngstown, Ohio. A portrait of Dr. E. J. Wood pass-'house, retired University profes sor is also on display. j (ARGENTINIAN ASKS: Hold Americans Together American continents together a-: gainst the 'Big Hate' across the ! sea," were urged by Argentina lawyer-writer in a recent address before the UNC Cosmopolitan Club. Alfredo A. Casey, professor of law at the University of La Plata who studied here in 1949-50, said,hower may indicate progress to- thl exchange programs of stu dents and professors for cultural study have, already accomplished a greai aeai in improving inier- American relationships. Tne governments tnemselves, ne -id. must fo.low the examp ofggest a serious purpose of . in- private cfzens and initiate an . creasmg our econonuc retaUon- active campaign towards a better shin." Casey said, "but the Rio Far East Policy Professor Ralph Braibanti of Duke University will speak on problems of American foreign policy in the Far East here to morrow. - He will speak at an open meeting of the Pi Sigma Alpha, political science fraternity, 1 at 8:30 p.m. in the assembly room of the Library. Dr. Braibanti is a native of Connecticut and holds academic degrees from Connecticut State College and Syracuse Universi ty. He held a Ford Foundation fellowship for work on Far Eastern problems and in 1952 was civil administrator for the Ruyukyu Islands. He is editor of Administration of Occupied Areas: A Study Guide. N. C. Colonial Documents On Show Here A new bibliography of North Carolina colonial and state docu ments from the period 1749 to f 1939 is being exhibited at the iUNC library in the main lobby." The new bibliography is a re cent publication of the University Press and was prepared by Miss iMary L. Thornton, librarian of the North Carolina Collection. The featured volume begins j with the year the printing press j was introduced into the state and records all known official publica- uiunuidpuy are more man tuuu titles including a number of early state documents such as the jour nal of the convention which rstl- fied the Federal constitution. Two Swedish Awards Open The John Ericsson Societv and the American-Scandinavian Foun- to any Swedish-American College in the United States or any stu dents of Swedish birth or extrac tion for the two best essays on the Swedish-born engineer, ( John ' Seniors who wish to take ad Ericsson, (vantage of on-campus interviews Ericsson was responsible for with representatives from many the invention of the ironclad national business organizations "Monitor," which defeated the have been asked to register with "Merrimac" at Iampton Roads, ' the Placement Service immediate and also for numerous develop- ly. ments in the field of steam loco-' According to the Placement Ser mot ion. j vice, approximately 60 companies Essays may be of any length,! have already been scheduled to must be typed and should treat send representatives to the cam the general themes of John Eric-; pus during February and March, sson and his contribution to the , Undergraduates interested in United States; John Ericsson, the locating summer jobs may also inventor, and John Ericsson, his contact the bureau. Information life and work. on specific careers, types of bus- Entries for the John Ericsson inesses and vocations and on Society Contest will be accepted techniques of obtaining jobs may at the American-Scandanavian be found in the Placement Ser- Foundation, 127 E. 73rd St.,. New j vice Library, 206 Gardner Hall York 21, N. Y., from March 1 un- and in the General College Li til Nov. 1. brary. 1 ; three-month lecture tour of U. S. universities. His tour is sponsor ed by the U. S. State Department. Noting that years of mutual misinformation have given each nation a false picture of the oth er, Casey expressed hope that re cent action by President Eisen- ward "a more humane and real istic panamericanism." "The Latin American visit of President Eisenhower, as well as State D:partment officials and U. S. industrial representatives, may ship,' de Janeiro conference has shown that the U. S. has not decided yet to accept South American na- '. . . BUNCH OF SP's Hits Fei By NEIL BASS An invitation for a couple of Student Party leaders to address their fellow politicians Monday re sulted in a lengthy exchange of ideals and hurling of charges by the leaders, Charlie Wolf and David Reid. Wolf kindled the spark which set off the argument by saying that "the Student Party has completely failed in its effort this year to carry out an effective student government, primarily, because we have been torn by an internal struggle for power." Hitting at the leadership of the group, Wolf called it "ineffective and lacking in unity, " ; ' " without an unselfish and keen in terest in the betterment of the student body." Pushing the issue even farther, he described the SP leaders as "a bunch of blabber mouths who are always getting into trouble by shooting off their mouths to The Daily, Tar Heel; thus we are losing the favor of the student body." CALLS CREASY 'POOR EXECUTIVE' "Tom Creasy is a god boy and I am sure that he 'sincerely be lieves' all the measures that he tries to enact, but the fact remains that he has been and is a poor executive." Wolf ended his talk by saying Ed Lipman, Bob Eberle, Patsy that "maybe I'm over-pessimistic, Daniels, Laura Ervin, Davis Mer and all wet, but David will follow! ritt, Lionel King, and Luther me and encourage you with his Hodges, Jr. . bouyant and optimistic views."! Sabiston, in announcing these Wolf instructed the press before 'appointments, stated, "The Uni he began his talk that the views ' versity Party, looking ahead at he would express were his own spring elections and feeling a and did not necessarily reflect the feelings of the party as a whole. REID DEFENDS PARTY "I could not call my good friend Charlie Wolf all wet, but I will say that his feet are a little damp," was the opening comment of Reid, who followed Wolfe. On the question of party unity and the "struggle for power with- in the group "that Wolf referred to, Reid . said - that- ''disagreement-: stimulates thought and prevents stagnation of ideals." Referring to the University Party nominations of last year, he said "how healthy is a party when it takes only 30 seconds to nominate a candidate for the presidency of the student body?" The UP is afraid to initiate any thing "of its own," Reid conclud ed, "but just sits back and watches the SP introduce new thought and ideas and ridicules us if the mea- sure doesn't workout Job Interviews Available Through Placement tions on equal footing." Casey has written five books, including Two Centuries of Am erican Poetry, and "History of American Literature, to be pub lished in Buenos Aires this spring. He has also translated the worlfe of 160 American poets in to Spanish and has given lectures throughout Argentina on Ameri can literature and ideas u HauiB -i.u u. j: T 1 "' " 7)ment of music, will be presented' At present he is doing research delinquency begins early, for stu- . . , s'c ;1" r on contemporary American nov - elists, including Dos Pa ss o s , Bromfield, Steinbeck and Upton Sinclair. Casey began his lecture tour in Lima, Peru, and visited Panama and Cuba before reaching Miami. From Chapel Hill he has gone to Charlottesville, Va., . to address University of Virginia students and then on to Washington, D, C, BLABBERMOUTHS ... .' n Off BC ow ooions UP Steering Group Is Announced At Session By CHARLES JOHNSON Bill Sabiston, vice chairman of the University Party, announced last night the names of those members who will serve on the University Party Steering Com mittee. This 'committee was re cently established by an amend ment to the party constitution. Those appointed to serve on the committee were:. Rollie Tillman, deep-seeded obligation to the stu dents of the University of North Carolina, feel that it is once again under obligation to adjust its party structure in order to fulfill the students' general wishes, wants, and desires." Charles Yarborough, party chairman, in discussing the com- ing elections, stated; "The Univer- B!dcIcAeII Says Delinquency Is Rising Higher HIGH POINT, Feb. 15 The continuing rise in juvenile delin quency, now becoming mere evi dent among youngsters of eight years and less, was discussed by l Gordon W. Blackwell of the University faculty before the High Point Exchange Club tonight as the kick-off meeting of Crime Prevention Week here. Dr. Blackwell, director of the UNC Institute for Research in So cial Science, said that "comics, television of ABC stores are not among the important causes of delinquency. "These widely discussed mat ters are often used as smoke screens by inadequate parents, poor teachers or those who do not want to face up to the really basic community causes of delin quency," he said. Dr. Blackwell cited a number of cases: slums, lack of recrea- ..... tional opportunities; lack of ade- rjauas Tex chairman of the drive, quate social work and health pro- since 1944 the tour is now a- plasic hearts will be distribut grams (especially mental health); major production. Some recent ed t0 aU fraternities, sororities lack of modern, well staffed courts tours have been "Spring For anc dormitories for contributions, to work with children and their Sure," "Romeo and Juliet," "The 1 addition, contributions will be parents; lack of detention homes, Inspector General" and "On Bor- accepted at the North Carolina and -lack of adequate State and rowed Time." Heart Association, Miller Hall, local support for public welfare' Touring by the Playmakers is' According to Bonardi, the con prbgrams, including child welfare a function of the University Ex-. tributions will go for the support workers, boarding homes, aid to tension Division It is arranged of research projects on the causes dependent children and training ' through the Bureau of Community and controls of various heart dis schools. I Drama of the Extension Division, ' eases. In addition, he said, the "Because such needs cost mon-' headed by John W. Parker, busi- contributions will support pro ey, many people prefer to focus ness manager of the Playmakers grams of educations concerning nublie attention nn less exnensive ! and executive secretary of the heart disease and community matters such as criticism of comic books and TV programs," Dr. ' Blackwell said. "The later factors may sometimes tip the scales to ward delinquency for an individ ual child, but not unless some of the more basic causes for de linquency have been present." In discussing the delinquency rate rise since the beginning of under the direction of Professor : melodies arranged for aecompan vri vr. tt h0 nn;n ,f tw'Jan P. Schinhan of the depart- ied and solo. ,dies show that almost half of the J young off enders were showing no- ticeable signs of becoming delin- uufiir iti me ui cigui ui younger. 'He will be' assisted by the Carr- department here and also teaches Dr. Blackwell praised the cor-jborQ Boys, choir the chapel Hill theory and courses in musicology. rective value of domestic rela- Boys' Choir, a choral group from At present he is editing The 5Iu tions courts and study homes for the University and soloists' foric o the Ballads d Folk Sfm3 children which counties, including the remainder of. the program on SlC , the BaUads and Folk Sons, Guilford, have established through civic groups and county govern- went. Wot sity Party is stronger now than it has been in several years. Its rep resentatives in legislature and in the party meetings are doing their utmost to see that all the students get the ' best in student govern ment." "We shall attempt to formulate sound, constructive programs so that student government will con tinue to be directed toward use ful and beneficial ends. We shall continue to eliminate unnecessary politics, petty disputes, and wast ed effort." "We have confidence, the ca pacity for hard work, and the will to win." Above all, our party has a strong sense of dedication to the principles inherent in the deep rooted tradition of student gov ernment." Yarborough announced that ominations for candidates for the egislature from the men's dorm districts and the women's dorm districts will begin next week. Attendance at the meeting was at a minimum, but attendance at next week's meeting should be greatly increased .due to toe be ginning of nominations for the spring elections. Playmakers Take Play On Tour A State-Wide tOUr Of the Car-'talc olina Playmakers' production ofJCOncert by Gilbert and Sullivan ' "Arsenic and Old Lace" got un-1 aerway mis wes ana win cover North Carolina from Rocky Mount to Sylva. The comedy on tour was pre-i sented here in mid-December. The annual . Playmakers tour , was founder in 1921 by Frederick J H. Koch to emphasize the pro-j duction of folk drama written by, students in playwriting. During: that early period of touring, Paul Green's play, "House of Connel- ly," was taken over the eastern half of the country, and another nlav taton n! far wpct fls , Carolina Dramatic Association. 'Adventures In Set In Hill Hall Adventures in Folk Music," i Dr recorded: lic -n tfae f irst part of pro. l ram milct,at hrif snrvev! y, it. : uuu-r,uropean ions, musit. i folk music of North Carolina. In the second part of the program, the singers will perform folk. Petition's Response Is 'Good' Author Levin Says Integration Request Has Student Approval "The response as a whole is very good," said Ron Levin yes terday concerning student re sponse to the jpro-segregation pe tition which he began circulating yesterday morning. Levin, who began distributing copies of his petition early Tues- day in Y-Court, said "They are being received with a great deal of approval by the students." The petition calls for "the legis lature of the State of North Car olina to implement a reasonable plan" to support the Supreme Court's decision against racial segregation in public schools "by appropriate legislative action." "All those who wish to have a copy for their campus organiza tions please contact me," said Levin yesterday. He added that "there are still sufficient copies available." He also asked that "anyone interested in helping to manage the table in Y-Court" get in touch with him either in Y Court or at 2301. Levin said he will set a date next week for the copies of his petition to be called in. Musicales To Start Again February 27 A new series of Petites Musi cales has been slated for the sec ond semester by Graham Mem orial. The Musicales are short con certs scheduled on Sunday even ings. Last semester the series in cluded performances by pianists David Bar-iilan, cole ature Jan Saxon and cellist William Klenz. The concerts are presented free of charge in the Main Lounge of Graham Memorial. They begin at 8. p. m. The new series will begin with a recital by William Whitesides, tenor, on Feb. 27. The following concerts will feature piano reci- a wnnHwinrl miintette. snrl a excerpts. Greek Groups Will Sponsor Heart Drive A1Dlta 8 Pi Fraternity and A1Ph,a Delta Pl Sorority will Jointly sPnsor the American Heart Association drive on cam- Pus, according to Louie Bonardi, service activities. Folk Music' Feb. 22 tunes a cappella and in unison and Born in Austria, graduate of . &f.mv nf m, c,v in xT;,h the University of California and the Universty of Venna, Dr. Sehnihan came to North Carolina in 1935. He is head of the organ Brown Collection of North Caro lina FQiKlore,

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