WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY U, THE DAILY TAR HEEL PAGE TWO The New Petition The rii ul.ition of petitions will not, it is true, lead men to accept racial equality. Hut the. student petition calling on '-North Carolina to accept the Supreme Court's se orcation decision deserves your signature. It deserves your signature because it is an effective repudiation of the idea in the minds of some North Carolinians that Uni veisitv students and faculty members are all was born Carolina Front Tell Me When You Begin That 'Political Junk' 1 Kraar All These Things, These Moods What Is North Carolina? Reaction Piece integration, mat mea Vmnosecl to Asith the widely publicized pennons oi ui. W. C- (ieorge and the pro-segregation stu dent petition delivered recently to Governor Hodges. it deserves your signature because what it calls for is nothing more than the obeying of the law of the land. In its first day of circulation, the petition met with a' surprising andheartening num ber of enthusiastic signers. There seems to be little doubt that it will far surpass in its number of names the pro-segregation peti tion. In Chapel Hill, where dissent against bi gotry is traditional, that is as it should be. Critic Or Slave? '"The chief danger confronting educa tion today is not its possible domination by church or state, but the temptation to be o,me subservient to the -business culture "I WISH you'd tell me when the paper is' going to start run ning the cam pus political junk so I can quit reading it .hen." That's what i student said an campus the other day. I laughed at the time because campus politics have always seemed to me too amusing to miss. But later I realized that this student was cheating himself out of having a say in spending money his money. Every spring I hear students griping about those "damn cam pus politicians." It has at last occurred to me that they don't realize what a hand those poli ticians have in their pockets. The Charlotte News What is North Carolina? she asked. Is it a 'cropper's house on the edge of a field? Is it the rusty cough of a 'lmt head'? Is it Jim Crow hiding in the rear of a bus? Is it crowded prisons and 'road gangs and murder in Harnett? Is it a 'Gas tonia incident'. Is it the homeless and the hungry and the cold? Her voice mingled with the' heavy metallic drone of the engine. The car sped over a wide, black satin ribbon of highway, rolling and tumb ling westward from Raleigh. The sky was yellow with sunset and she squinted into it, all the time talking of leaving the South vand going home to the North. It had been a revisit to Raleigh which now lay miles behind her. -Off to the left Were the Sandhills, to the right a rise called Chapel Hill. Ahead were Lib erty and Asheboro and Concord and Charlotte. Is North Carolina these things? she ques tioned. Yes, she was told, they areNorlh Carolina too. , But North Carolina is also Virginia Dare and Kings Mountain, the Courthouse at Hillsboro, Re construction, Buck Duke and Billy Graham, Green and Odum, and Kay Kyser.Tt is the folk music in the mountains and the rollicking chanties of the Outer Banks. It is the hum and the whir of looms, the pun gent odor of tobacco, the bent fields of grain, a harvest of strawberries, factory smoke and honk ing horns, a Bible class at Gardner-Webb and an atom smasher at State College. It is a sociologist explaining away our foibles and a' professor discussing ESP, it is vast medical centers and a horse doctor, it is muddy spring roads of orange ana hoL brown summer days. It is a debutante ball and a barefooted boy, steaming factories and airconditioned offices, it is a pot-bellied stove in a one-room school house and a sprawling school plant in a large city. It is an orator from Buncombe, a barber from the east in the Assembly, it is a' high school giris' basketball team and a national champion, a prize winning poet and great illiteracy, it is a novelist and a songwriter and 30,000 people singing on the ' side of a mountain. It is fancy cloths of synthetic yarns, an apron from a flour sack. It is a hiyhway heavy with people to see the scenery and a '32 Ford twisted with six dead. It is a mind a troubled, restless, unhappy mind fighting lor life. It, too, is a confident, hardworking, happy mind. All these things, all these moods all of this is North Carolina. Then the sun fell behind a distant hill and the evening was still and red. And she said, I see, I see. 'What's Good For General Motors that inks America." This sentence comes from a speech de livered' in Providence, Rhode Island earlier tills month bv the president of Harvard, Dr. Nathan Pusey. Universities," said Dr. Pusey. "are not the creatures of modern industrial society and should not be enslaved to that society." President Pusey is right. From the Middle Ages the university has been a kind of inde pendent third force between church 'and state. It has always had to battle against thr eats and pressures from both and against other forces that arc always working to make the university conform itself to the world. Universities have often been hard-pressed as they are today to keep from becoming subservient to the culture in which they find themselves. That they must not become subservient would seem to be self-evident. The univer sity is properly conceived as a critic not a slave of society. It is a force always calling Graham Memorial - are doled for fresh endeavor and pointing the way to out by the Legislature. IMIigllWMIfc WITHOUT A doubt the most important thing the student Leg islature and student government in general do is to "levy and collect all student fees except athletic fees." The quotes are from the stu- ' dent constitution, which goes on to list other powers of student government. The student Legislature de cides what "offenses against the student body" are and provides for their punishment. In other words, they decide the working rules for the University in regard v the Campus Code and Honor System. All funds for student activi ties publications, the Forum, it l i.. i r t. a lugner road, a better nte. it cannot per form that role as an underling of the modern church, the modern state, or modern busi ness. t The danger to American universities is c lear, and is apt to grow as they look increas ingly to business and industry for the money they need for sustenance. Even at state uni versities such as this one, the problem is felt; how many inroads can business make? How much support and control can be countenanced from business? The answer, frustrating to those who must liiaTce the wheels go around, build new buildings and pay faculty members is not much. For it a university is to lose its free dom or any considerable amount of its free dom it can no longer perform as a critic, a leader, and it will no longer be a university. The danger of encroachment from church and state have come to be well recognized; the threat from organized business (or any other organized group in society) is also clear to most educators. "It is not time not," as Dr. Pusey asked, "to hammer out a fresh justification for the university in modern society that will give it a sense of direction, and at the same time save it from excessive preoccupation with the ordinary in life and from idolatrous service of economic activity?" The official student publication of the Publi cations Board of the University of North Carolina, where it ia published Monday and examina- Sue of thr tntvrr tv North Carolina whith firs.? . ; cfyrned in, ilovfv in jtmtutrv 17"? J r. g tion rnd vacation per iods and summer terms. Entered -s second class matter at the post office in Chapel Hill, N. C, un der the Act of March 8, 1879. Subscription rates: mailed, $4 per fear, $2.50 a semester; delivered, $6 a year, $3.50 a semester. Editor CHARLES KURALT Managing Editor FRED POWLEDGE Associate Editors LOUIS KRAAR, ED YODER Business Manager TOM SHORES Sports Editor BERNIE WEISS News Editor Advertising Manager Circulation Manager. - Subscription Manager ... Jackie Goodman Dick Sirkin Jim Kiley John Godley Bill Bob Peel Assistant Business Manager Society Editor Eleanor Saunders Assistant Sports Editor Ray Linker Photographer . Boydon Henley NEWS STAFF Neil Bass, Ruth Dalton, Ed Myers, Woody Sears, Peggy Ballard, Sue Quinn Night editor for tlm issue Eddie Crutchfield Thus, to the debunkers of stu dent government I offer these things the student politicians spend your money and they make the laws under which you stay in school (or become kicked out of school). Next question? IT'S TRUE that the campus has a circle of students who con centrate every moment of their spart time into campus political activity. These people are the campus politicians. Some are leaders, some are ridiculous, and most of them are interesting people. Many like to tell themselves that they are dedicated to "doing something for the students," but most of them simply enjoy politics. This is not to say that many aren't interested in bettering the University. It's just that their love of politics is the main moti vation for participation. The Student Party, despite shouts to the contrary from its members, is primarily a dormi tory party. -Of course, the SP contains many fraternity mem bers, but most of its time, leg islation, and efforts is directed to the dorm element of Carolina. On the other hand, the Uni versity Party is made up mainly of fraternities and sororities. This year UP representation in the dorms has hit a new high. Thus, like the SP, the UP isn't strictly one class of students. But at the same time most of its members belong to fra ternities and sororities. NEXT YOU may ask me, "What has student government done this year? Actually, this reporter believes this school year has been a rath er dull one in student govern ment circles. The Forum, publications, Gra ham Memorial, and other stu dent activities have rocked along with usual vigor all financed on money from the student Leg islature. A battle over the question of first-offense leniency in cheat ing cases did much to inform the campus on the nature of the Honor System. A student vote indicated that the campus didn't desire first-offense leniency, but at least students had their choice. I could go on and on, but why bore students with "that cam pus political - junk?" It's only their money and .the laws they live under that are involved. , frXJjrfc& viJfaT '&rcsSsS&-- - ' ' Way Of Life', Religion & H. Matusow David Mundy The typical "Carolina Gentle man" is supposed to spend his afternoons either sleeping, at the movies, or in an uptown pub; preferably the Goody Shop. Nights are supposedly devoted to fraternity frolicking and or escapades having to do with some Durham "emporiums of de light." At least, this is an im pression held by some alumni writers, and parents who are un duly alarmed. But there exists another facet, and a contrasting one, to the "Carolina Way of Life." This is the interest shown in "religion," to use a fairly free terminology. To a few on campus it is "corn ball stuff." -The great majority largely ignores the subject. The pressure of studies to a few, campus politics, and social life all combine to force religion out of the lives of most students. But religious interests do man ifest themselves. This summer, groups of two and three dozen even had weekly "Bible Studies" in some of the dorms. Those who participate in the student church groups, the 'Y'. and the few who are really con cerned about a religious faith are probably as numerically large as the "hotbloods" who are supposed to give the Uni versity its "country club" repu tation. Wrhy don't these people then make more of an impression oh campus life or at least on the general impression of what campus life is? According to a little "pamphlet received last week, that will be one of the questions discussed this weekend at Camp New Hope, when a group of collegiate Chris tians assemble for what the pamphlet terms a "Midwinter Weekend." The theme: "Every Christian a Missionary." The titles of the talks and dis cussion topics would sound al most ludicrous to one schooled in the supposed "Carolnia Tra dition." "Ambassador for the King of Kings, The Source of Daily Strength, Living in Fel lowship with Others, and The Campus as a Mission Field" are the items to be discussed. The Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, sponsors of the meet ing, may yet affect the campus enough to partially change its general reputation as a place of "high living." The members of the IVCF at least have a chal lenge, if not the capabilities. The Administration & Union Unity Doris Fleeson WASHINGTON The merger of the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of In dustrial Organizations is a de fensive action. Former Presi dent Truman struck the key note for it on Labor Day, 1953, when he warned: "If you don't hang together in this present situation there will be some people only too eager to hang you separately." The Eisenhower Administra tion has contributed materially though negatively to the new unity. Labor believes that the wind from the present White House is decidedly chilly. They do not expect, it to change, since their observations convince them that Treasury Secretary Humphrey and Commerce Secretary Weeks ' have vastly more influence with the President than Secretary of Labor Mitchell. For example, Secretary Mit chell attacked the right-to-work laws of the states which are the pet hates of all unions. The White House hastily backed a way, and that cause seems lost. How much the Administratoin can be blamed for labor's pres ent difficulties will be disputed. But it is a fact that the drive to organize workers has slowed down. This is not because so much has been done; only about a third of non-agricultural workers in the nation are union ized, and some major industries chemicals, for example have not been penetrated at all. In Congress labor has been getting nowhere fast. This has been true since Republicans captured the 80th Congress dur ing the last half of Truman's first term. It looks now as if it would be true still, in spite of the fact that Democrats have weighed their labor committees in labor's favor. For that legacy of the New Deal years will remain with the new labor movement. The trade unions of the United States will continue to take political action on a national scale. The CIO theorists have lost their battle for a labor party. The national labor newspaper they once plugged for seems no where in sight. The present Little Man On Campus practical compromise of a loose alliance with the Democrats, with local support where indi cated for Republicans, will re main. An early test of how militant the new labor group will be should soon be forthcoming. Some big wage disputes are coming up, including a demand for a guaranteed annual wage by automobile and steel work ers. So far the President has been lucky in that no big strikes have occurred to exacerbate his relations with the unions, but it may not last. l&tt&o (ff fss If iBCwAn1-1 A change of thought to the field of national politics might seem rather abrupt, but it is part of the same trend.. Won dering about people's religious beliefs easily changes into won derment about their 'ethical' be haviour in the field of politics. Actual corruption, Kansas City fashion, and vote "irregulari ties," Ninth District fashion, worry be considerably less than the intellectual dishonesty of the more vocal members of the political "left," . the self-labeled "liberals." Their handling of the Matu sow confession is indicative of their behaviour. When Matusow admitted to perjuring himself when giving testimony against Communists the liberals reacted strongly. Characteristic was a Herblock cartoon, which was of course carried in the DTH. The cap tion: '"This Could Spoil the Whole Racket, Men." Signs posted a round an office inhabited by four shady-looking men went like this: "Testimony to order. No job too small. You name the victim and we do the rest." "We can remember anything to fit. Word rates." A sign, "Association of Pro fessional Ex-Communists" of course carries the cartoon's im plications to all those ex-Com-munists who have offered testi mony about their former asso ciates. Naturally, Matusow's lies are to be deplored as are all lies. But the liberals gave quite another treatment to one of their number, another liar who was caught in his own fabrications about former associates. But was this 'purveyor of untruths to congressional committees' stig matized as such by the liberals. Eye Of I he Horse Roger Will Coe i (The Horse see imperfectly, magnifying so.-.' things, minimizing others. Hipporotte, circa "v B. C.) THE HORSE was crowded close to a tab.c tennis layout, his hammer head swivelling n,: ; and left, right and left, right and left. I was Pl, zled, because there were no players present, i, pingpong ball pinging and ponging. "This is the way you watch contests oi t: sort," The Horse explained. "Haven't you ever watched folk watching tennis, table or gniw or clay-tennis?" To be sure. But nobody was playing! "I studied Journalism," The Horse shrugiu-d. "It is s. o. p. in Journalism, it would seem, to dis regard such trivia as genoowine presences." I thought this was a non-sequilur.. "No-o," The Horse jujdged, his' eight-balls (,f eyes still round on the non-existent contest, 'ftu! some Journalism would seem to require non-svq,,,. tttfes, as well as imaginary conflicts; or don't y,m follow the news and observers of such fetid pn misreportings?" Didn't The Horse have a word for this sort : thing: Churlism . . . instead of Journalism? "That was coined for such jackassininities a publishing the nauseous details of revolting crinv and piously mouthing apophthegms anent truthfa reporting," The Horse snorted. "But the lecherou leer winked through the linotyped grummels o indecency. What I refer to now is the studied Ho the half truth, the sophomorical sophistries, tin loaded questions, the hypocritical answers. Anc all in the interests of fighting a bugbear that is a chimerical as this table-tennis game that I an watching and that is not going on." Oh, oh Was this the Undercover War agains Educational Television, again? "oor O'Richard said, 'Love your enemies: the; tell you your faults.,' " The Horse declaimed, duck ing an imaginary wild ball. "But he didn't say . word about the alleged friends who sweet-talk yoi out of one corner of their mouths while they li out of the other corner about you." Tut-tut. Horsie, ol' hoss, tut-tut! Or, could h cite chapter and verse? "On the hypocritical 'friend' pose, yes," Th Horse snapped. "And it is all done under the sill disguise of The Unfettered Press. This greeeeeeea greeeeeeeat 'friend' who brags of matriculation ; our noble seat of North State Cultoor & Eruditio also supports a column which basely and without vestige of truth calls us Commies, and tosses in cheap appeal to prejudice by tagging a lot ot u as Furriners." Well . . . The Horse did admit he was a bore; equine, no? Or, no? "You're durn right I am," The Horse state loudly. "By birth. And I moved to where I wantc to, I didn't just land here by the accident of birt! Item Two the ostrichlike mewings and drooling which perhaps hope to maintain a stern view friendliness whilst the birdbrained head of th creature chirrups the childish sophistries." Facts, please? . "Well, a recent example of stupidiania is tl pious deplorings that pooooooooooooooor State Co lege hasn't enough mney to distribute the boo'r they have in their library; But there is money i Edoocational TV!" The Horse exemplified. "A iui ther spot of such bilge is the sanctimonious dt plorinb that pooooooooooooor Women's Collet lacks money for someadditional building; But there is money for Edoocational TV: A third an even snider sophistry is the statement that 'by a odd coincidence' the money asked to propaga Edoocational TV is almost EXACTLY the sum t which old-age pensions must be curtailed th year." Well, was this true? Any or all of it? "In so far as figures are concerned, yes," Th Horse admittted. "It would be just as true, perhap to compute the monies this and other publishe gain by free-loading in below-cost mailing chan es for their papers and matching it against wh. Federal Pensions would benefit if they paid cheel by-jowl with ordinary users' of the mail. Or, yr might compute the monie s they spend persona!! these publishers, on personal goods, and cry o that if they were to give this money to one or dozen different and deserving causes, the sta would not hav to cut old-age pensions, or welia payments. Carry it to its ultimate absurdity, ar you would have exactly what the Russians have a dictated economy where rationally thinking mc cannot pick and choose, in Representative Repul lie processes, how and where and why they wa. money spent here instead or there; or the oth place." Well, it was a free country. And freedom the press permitted a publisher to say his bit. "That is Roger-Dodger," The Horse af firrne "You are R-5, S-5. Your signal is loud and clc: What we, meaning myself, gripe about is that i some baffling reason, this greeeeeeeeat and goo oooooooood frind apparently hasn't the' intestin fortitude to come out flatfootedly and honestmo; thedly speak his bit. Doubtless lusting to dm Edoocational TV's blood, he also lusts for 8o advertising lineage ... and fears to offend th o h industrialists and tycoons who so generously ga of their time and money to test without cost to t state! the edoocational possibilities ol TV a, c: trasted with the formal and cloistered schoolh known heretofore as the only way to get the peoj of a state edoocated. All object to is the pose friendship while the knife is driven under t trusting toga. I hate a mealymouth, and I ncv yet knew one who was a good publisher or w jut out a good paper. We are not gazing upon a exception here. But the real pity of it is, it is so baseless, this fear for such it is that ') means the deathknell of newspapers. A smart pu lisher would study the gimmick that is TV and ii a place to catch hold and boost his circulati; There are a dozen ways to ride with the tide why buck it?" ' Didn't fish swim up waterfalls. Horsie" "You got something there, Roger me bho The Horse grinned. "But I'm durned if 1 ever re a newspaper put out by fish. Not knowingly tl is. Well, one thing is sure. Poor Richard false friend and a shadow attend only while t sun shines.' And if you think he is off his rocker you just ain't watching Edoocational TV" ' Vump!"" WaSnt abUt' S 1 Said hi