Sarlals Dspt. Chap a X mil,. K. C, 8-31-49 WEATHER ATTITUDES When is a prejudice not a pre judice? See Emilygration, p. 2. nny and mild today with a i of 58. .it LVII NO. 106 Complete (JP) Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1955 Offices In Graham Memorial FOUR PACES TODAY Bylaws To Be Revised O n n n ( ' ? . I'" t n.e 4: . i Xxfjo 0 jj . Irk (Am r duction. Through their efforts, . audience sees dawn, daylight, fit, and a variety of geograph ; settings and time lapses with- ever leaving the building and in- a couple of hours, tie wizards behind the play work four fairly specializedfields. 'he products of the stage crew I be the most obvious to the lence. There will be nine scene nges in all. "he settings were designed by i Riley, who is officially the d of all phases of technical duction, and by Don Treet, who liley's assistant. "he precision and techniques ployed in building the sets was izing. Perfectly flat pieces took lepths and curves. Wood turned cloth under the paint brushes, actual construction of the sets ; performed in ths Playrnaker ne Shop near Caldwell. The ts were then taken to Memorial 1 for assembly. By Monday, this cess should be complete, 'he Construction Crew, accord to the Playmaker Business Of , is composed of Dan Mowery, Iter Creech, Lew Goldstein, ef, Flora Roebuck, and Bill ullivan (alias The Horse, DTH). 'he stage crew which will be idling the switching of scenes the show itself is headed by ry Braveman with Len Bullock, Casstevens, Mary McGuire, and istian Moe as stage hands, 'erhaps the next most obvious !ure of back-stage work will the costumes. Irs. Irene Rains and company e hard at work yesterday af jflon, as thev have been for ;its. Asked how things were ll'hg. Mrs. Rains replied, "We're m to the slow tedious part Its. braid, designs, etc.); we'll e" a good first dress rehearsal, how." uzy Kramer, the assistant cos le director, was busy in several tes at once trying to fit cos ies to actors and dancers who ived every few minutes as eduled. tition Author Levin ants Copies Turned In ton Levin, author of a pro-in-ration petition wTch has been rulating on the campus, yester - said copies of the petition y be turned at the YMCA of- any time today. ,evin also said ne could take les. -v V 'V Schulty (Boyle) & Schulty (Jeff ers) In Show Boat .Marte Boyle and Charles Jeff ers, above, will play Schulty' & Schulty, comedy dancing team, in the irolina Playmakers' production of Jerome Kern-Oscar Hammerstein musical Show Boat, coming here arch 4, 5 and 6. Adapted from tho novel by Edna Ferber, Show. Boat production here will be the first eh performance by a University theater group. - : ' : . ; , '. '. : '. . . NEXT WEEK The Technical S " By CHAL SCHLEY " In any production there are many people who are never seen by the audience, unless indirectly. These people have talents, and .they are hard w orkers. In their, hands rest the, technical sides of the Off in one corner of this bee hive of activity sat the director of Sound and Fury, Miss Bo Ber nardin, stitching gold braid to a ilack sleeve. When day changes into night, and vice-versa, on the stage, it's the result of the electricians' work. Lights for Show Boat have been designed by Harvey Whetstone. "Basically," he said, "we want to create the 'jewel effect' without footlights." "The jewel effect" which tries to make the people on the stage look 'ike they're glowing is a profes sional technique based on slant ing the lights from all directions it once. - Miss June Eschweiler, assisted by Misses Nancy Henderson and Betty Bostian, will be handling the highly complicated switchboards. Robert Newman To Give Talk Monday An illustrated talk on "The Sonate Di Cembalo by Giovanni Pietro Del Buono" willl be given by Dr. Walter S .Nawman, associate pro fessor of musicology here, at a meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of Athe American Musicological Society Monday night at 9 p.m. in 108 Hill Hall Dr. Newman's study is the first to be made of Del Buono's collec tion, and will appear in the forthcoming "Festschrift" honoring mu sicologists Fausto Torrefranco and Andrea della Corfs. . Village's Bill Passed At Legislature Meet By NEIL BASS The much-argued. Victory Vil lage elections bill was passed 23-4 at a drawn-out legislative session Thursday night. The four oppos ing votes were by University Par ty leaders. The gist of the bill was simply that the Villagers requested the University Elections Board to car ry out voting procedures for the veteran's settlement Board of Di rectors at the same time that the residents voted for student gov ernment officers. Student Party legislators were solidly behind the measure and it appeared to be on the rosy road SOCIETY ON THE HILL takes up the back page today . . . SO CIETY , EDITOR Susan Andes fells about the pledge weekends ... see details, page four. how Boat Holzberlein and John Ulmer will work the follow-spots from the balcony. The property department con cerns itself with "anything that isn't nailed down," according to Hiss Gene Overbeck, Properties Di rector. ' Miss Overbeck is also a chorine and plays Captain Andy's com panion in the Trocadero Night Club scene. ' She and her staff 'are responsible primarily for having the right ob ject ready for the, right entrance. There are about 150 props, which cover everything from hats to bot tles to pier pilings. The crew also has made many of the props themselves. The crew consists of Jim Heldman, Lloyd Skinner, Miss Louise Fletcher, and Bill O'Sullivan. o acceptance until suddenly Bev Vly Webb, always one of th chief spokesmen of the UP, jump id to his feet, assumed the ros trum and shouted "insidious," re ferring to the motives of the leg islation. Webb, in so many words, accus id Villagers of hanging onto the shirtails of tbt student body to get out a larger vote of its folk. He said that they "lack interest." All this followed on- the heels of a statement by Dan .Wallace, a member of the Village Board of Directors, that they merely wanted to have both their elections at the same time to save time. David Reid (SP) defended the bill, and perhaps it was his speech calling Webb an "attacker" which encouraged several of the indeci- jsive to okay the measure, . Student body President , Tom Creasy yesterday announced a cod ification of the student body Con stitution. It is the first correct one to be made since 1950,' Creasy said. Creasy said that codification in volves "including amendments that have been passed and approved since 1950, and in general, bring ng the Constitution up to date. The basic elements of the Constitution have not been changed. Last semester Creasy appointed Jim Turner to study the old Con stitution and propose changes, in cluding the amendments that have been passed since 1950. With the help of Miss . Pat McBane, who helped with the technical work involved, the revision was complet ed.' After the new constitution was put in , order, it was turned over to an approving committee com posed of Creasy, Rueben Leonard, Don Geiger and Graham Rights. Creasy said, "I am very happy with the results. It's something we have needed for the 'past five years. Pat McBane and Jim Turner are to be commended for a -. fine job." Arboi-etum House On In his discussion of the poem "Lycidas" with Dr. , Macon Cheek's class on ' John Milton yesterday, Chancellor It. B. House covered everything from presenting the poem's theme on a modern basis to the descrip tion of some of the poem's .lines as "sort of an Arboretum move ment here." Chancellor House's lecture on the poem was by ho means his first. The custom of inviting Jiim to discuss and interpret the poem was begun some 20 years ago by Dr. George Taylor. ("Lycidas" is the poem which Milton wrote following the death of his friend Edward King and which was included in a vol ume commemorating his death.) In his. lecture on the poem the Chancellor said that its au thor was "one of the greatest intellectual and moral powers" of the world and the "greatest in our own language." He said the question which the poem treats, that of the Whitesides Will Sing Tonight In Spring's First 'Musicale' William Whitesides, tenor, will e presented tomorrow night at ; o'clock in the first of the spring "etites Musicales. Whitesides taught here last ear. He is now an instructor t Mars Hill College. Miss Norma Weaver, pianist, ill accompany Whitesides, whose oncert will be given in the main unge of Graham Memorial. The selections which Whitesides ill present are Elizabethan Love longs by John Dowland; Geist che Lieder by J. S. Bach; O Cara pene by G. F. Handel; Halt! and Vm Feierabend by Franz Schu ert; Lebe Wohl and Der Tam our by-' Hugo Wolf; Sonntag and ergebliches Staendchen by Jo- 30 Feet: 5 Hours Gentleman walked up to the general delivery window of the local post office yesterday and told potsman on duty this story: "I came in here this morinng and mailed a letter, to myself. I put it in the local slot at 7:30 this morning. Here it is, 12:30 p.m.; and you haven't put the letter in my box yet." The gentleman's mai lbox was about 30 feet form the mail slot. "I don't know," allowed the postman. "They're supposed to collect the mail from the slot every hour or so. . "This has happened before, and it'll happen again," the post man said. , The gentleman looked at his watch. "That's five hours," he no ted. "What we need is to get the Democrats back in office." "I reckon you're right," the postman agreed. ' Dorm Shortage Termed 'Acute7 The Visiting Committee of the Board of Trustees said in its an nual report that the shortage - of dormitory rooms here has "be come acute." ' At Chapel Hill 2,804 students are occupying rooms meant to ac comodate 2,484 by putting three irt. a room, says the report. Some 200 rooms "are needed to meet ex-T isting: needs, the committee said. The situation concerning hous-' ing for married students is much worse, added the report. There are 1,300 married students here; Victory Village has 352 units, "dhapel Hill simply is not equip ped to accomodate the remainder satisfactorily," says the report. -The report continues, "The mar ried student and his wife are mak ing a great effort to obtain an education ; '....The state in turn should help them, if possible, by providing adequate, low-rent housing." ovement: Lycidas' meaning of a life which is sud denly cut . short by death, 'ap plies to you more than any other generation." In giving an ex planation the Chancellor said ;that today the problem is "What jise.jis it to do your work, and "to make a good record in col lege with the draft breathing down your neck?" In describing the two lines of Milton's poem which read "To sport with Amaryllis in the shade, Or with the tangles of Neaera's hair?" Chancellor House painted a more modern picture of thet words by calling the scene a "sort of an Arboretum move ment here." The Chancellor displayed a 'wide knowledge of Greek my thology by explaining several of Milton's allusions to Greek gods and goddesses. He described "Lycidas" as "one of the greatest poems of western litrature" in its use of symbolism. hannes Brahms, and Cinq Melodies Populaires Grecques" by Maurice lavel. Whitesides will conclude his program with Old American Songs by Aaron Copland. The Petites Musicales are being sponsored by Graham Memorial Vctivities Board. The artists ap pearing this semester will include Jouglas Faimbrough and Wheeler Ensemble, March 13; A Program of Gilbert and Sullivan Favorites, March 27; Nara Snornicks, piano, April 10; Richard Cox, tenor, Ap 41 27 and Marjorie Still, piano, May 1. All the Petite Musicales will be presented in GM's main lounge at 3 o'clock. There will be no admis sion charge and no reserved seats. The Visiting Committee of the TOG Board of Trustees has reported that student-owned cars at Carolina and State College (1) "Present difficult problems" to the universities; (2) May have some "effects"'on "academic work and general behavior of the students;" () Recommended that the administration "attempt to improve the regulation of the i - Misusing Authority Charged Official D. M. Horner, superintendent of maintenance, said "No comment," concerning a report in The Durham Morning Herald yesterday con cerning misuse of authority for personal gain. An official said Horner had been charged with using Uni WHAT (M HERE HANDBOOK EDITOR The Women's Residence Coun cil files will be open today and Monday from 2 until 4 p.m. for anyone interested in applying for editorship of the Women's Hand book. Applications will be due Thursday noon, and interviews will be held from 4 until 5:30 that afternoon. GRADUATION INVITATIONS Graduation invitation sales will be held for the last time today from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Y lobby. BAHAI WORLD FAITH The Bahai World Faith will hold a public meeting tomorrow at 11 a. m. in Roland Parker Number 1. COSMOPOLITAN XLUBU: . The Cosmopolitan Club will meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the Rendezvous Room. Slides of French Morocco will be shown. BSU The BSU will hold a supper forum tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Baptist Church. A film entitled Dust or Destiny will be shown. WESTMINISTER FELLOWSHIP Rev. John A. Weidinger, chap lain of the Catholic Church here, will speak on "What Does a Ca tholic Believe" tomorrow at the Presbyterian hut at 7 p.m. fol lowing supper which will be serv ed at 6 p.m. The charge for sup per will be 50 cents. in? John Larkins To Talk At Phi s Inauguration A man who holds . three top-rank- ing jobs in North Carolina will speak here Tuesday night. John Larkins, who holds the of- fices of Legislative Counsel to the Governor, chairman of the State Legislature's Advisory Budget Commission and state Democratic Chairman, will be guest speaker it the Tuesday night inauguration of Frank Warren Jr. as speaker of the Philanthropic Literary So- ciety. Larkir-s. a native of Trenton and iraduate of Wake Forest, is axmem- ber of the Visiting Committee of the Consolidated University Board of Trustees. Warren is a junior from Snow, Hill. He is sergeant-at-arms of the jiASiWMflswwwyW'W JOHN LARKINS . busy vian in state r v. Y' ) versity personnel to build a $25,000 home. The official stated Horner said he. had used University people, but only on Saturdays and off hours, and that he had paid them out of his own pocket. Horner said that he had uncancelled checks to prove, it. Business Manager C. E. Teague said that the office of operations would i"look into it and ... find out what the facts are.". The matter was first called to the attention of Chancellor Robert House, who referred it to Teague. A newspaper reporter came to Teague, saying he had received a letter suggesting that there was mis. use of funds. Teague said, "We will be seriously handicapped in the nvestigation unless the people who tell others about these things will tell us as well." He promised pro tection to those who wodld talk. Teague said he would check with he personnel manager, the auditing department and other groups he fore proceeding. He promised a full report of the investigation will be made public. . Industrial Relations Group To Meet Monday The newly formed Industrial Relations Forum will hold its first meeting Monday night at 8 o'clock in 105 Hanes Hall. Dr. Frank T. deVyver, profes sor of economics at Duke Univer sity, will speak on "The Scope of the Field of Industrial Relations." The Forum's meetings will be held once a month and will be open to the public. Student Party. The other officers which will be installed at the inau- guration ceremonies are Lawrence Matthews, speaker pro tem; Har- old Downing, parlimentarian; John Curtis, critic; Dick Albert, clerk; Hill Johnston, sergeant-at-arms. A reception will be held follow- ing the inauguration in the mair lounge of Graham Memorial from 9 until 10 p.m. It will be open tc the public. The phi, founded in 1795, is one of the two oldest debating societies in the United States, the othc being the Dialectic Senate. Hintor James, the first student of thf University, was one of the firs members. Amona past member.' of the Society who were prominent in their later .lives are Charles B. Aycock, past Governor of North Carolina; William Rufus King, one time vice-president of the United States; James J. Pettigrew, the Confederate, general who led part of Pickett's charge at Gettysburg, and James Dobbins, U. S. Secre tary of the Navy from 1853-57. According to Warren, the Phi and the Di were instrumental in starting student government on the Carolina campus. Warren said that the occasion from which the beginnings of stu dent government arose was the ex . pulsion by the Faculty Council of a member of the Phi for drinking The Society appealed for the stu dent's reinstatement, saying that he had promised to stop drinking. Thf Phi at that time promised the (See PHI, page four.) -use oi cars ana mat it consider seriously the question of posses sion 6f automobiles by undergrad uates particularly by those living on or near the campus." The Board of Trustes will meet Monday at 11 a.m. in the Hall of the House in Raleigh. Each mem ber of the Board has received a copy of the Visiting Committee's report. The report for the year 1955, lists the topic, "Students' Auto mobiles," under the general title, "Matters Affecting the Whole Un iversity." 'Members of the Visiting Com mittee who compiled the report are Mrs. Ed Anderson, West Jef ferson; James Clark, Elizabeth town; R. Floyd Crouse, Sparta; P. B. Ferebee, Andrews; R. L. Harris, Roxboro; John Lar kins, Trenton; Mrs. B. C. Parker, Albemarle; H. L. Riddle Jr., Mor ganton; William Saunders, Aber deen; D. L. Ward, New Bern; Hill Yarborough, Louisburg, and Vic tor Bryant (chairman), Durham.. THE REPORT The report states that at State College, "44.6 percent of all su dents have registered automobiles with the college authorities; at Chapel Hill, 21.3 percent have registered the possession of cars. "The officials at Chapel Hill be lieve that their records of regis tration are incomplete," the re port says. "When total numbers are consi dered," according, to the report, "the size of the traffic and park ing problem becomes apparent im mediately. There are 1,932 student-owned automobiles at Ral sigh; 1,492 at Chapel Hill. "More important, of course, is the question of the effects of au tomobiles on the academic work and general behavior of the stu dents. This influence may be 2specially critical with respect to mderclassmen. At Chapel Hill, 17.3 percent of all freshmen and soph mores have automobiles. At State College, 42.8 percent of the freshmen and sophomores have au tomobiles," the report states. Further, "A hard and fast pro hibition of automobiles is unlike ly to be effective. Aquitable en forcement would be almost impos sible. Nor does it seem reasonable '.o deny some married students and graduate and professional students he right to have automobiles. In addition many students of all classes use their cars in commuting- , "The Visiting Committee does recommend, however, that the idministration attempt to improve he regulation of the use of cars & hat it consider seriously he question of possession of automo biles by undergraduates, particu arly by those living on or near he campus." ESSENTIAL DETAILS The report listed "essential de ails of the registration of stud mts' automobiles" at Chapel Hill is follows; 1 Out of 2,615 freshmen and soph mores: 466 cars. Out of 1,859 juniors and sen ors: 439 cars. Out of 1,587 graduate and pro- Sessional students: 387 cars Two Are Named To Confab Positions Bev Webb and Sue Fink have been chosen co-chairmen of the 1955 State of the Campus Confer ence, to be held in the early spring. Webb and Miss Fink were ap pointed by the planning commis sion for the event,' and were ap proved by the Legislature Thurs day night They will conduct all meetings of the conference, but ill advance planning will be done by the commission. ' Members of the commission in clude Luanne Thornton, chairman, and Rollie Tillman, Nancy Mor gan, Bebe Bauman, Bruce Gustaf son and Myron Conklin.