, ..ill j m.tt&--lv, Serials Eapt. WEATHER Cloudy and cooler, with pected high of 60. VISIT a ex- Let's arrange one peg 2. Stt ec'ifori!, VOL. LVIi, NO. 105 ComptZie (JF) Wtre Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1957 Offices in Graham Uemcri&l SIX PACES THIS ISSUE i lM(rH(fc4taA ! V , , Oj :.;1 9 - Petition Circulation Has Been Stopped Number Of Signature Totals 'At Least 1 500 Says Leader Circulation of the lecal petition for msrried students' housing has hecn stopped, Mrs. John Critten den said Wednesday. - Mis. Chittenden, l:adcr of the petitioning group, said she felt syro '-at lc:;st 1500 names were cn the list." She said the group was prspar in? tj type up the names and h:mct:wns of those who signed the pct'ti:n. It will be circulated among memb:is of tlw General As nbly very shortly, she said. The petition, as it will be pre sented to the" state legislature, will cr.ll for the General Assem bly to approve legislation enabl , ing the Unive-sity tc obtain funds for s lf liquidst'ng housing units. It is hoped by the petitioning grjup John Umstcad of Chanel Kill will present the re- The State Insurance Dept. in Rilcigh recently recommended to th University all two story hous irg units in Victory Village but d"scontinucd immediat3ly due to the units' "hazardous nature." UNC Chanccl'or Rcbcrt B. House announced shortly after this th? t'elvc t"o-story units would be discontinued starting n-vt fall. The two-story units would be Forccrt The SameRain! - f"v hiv 1:rn r.ii.i? Tho North Carolina' weather forecast for the rest of th? week is just about as v; ual; rain. This time its scatter ed showers ending today about noon". Friday will be no better. In creasing cloudiness and little change in the temperature is fnremst for Friday. Today, the high will be between 55 and 65. Si ttersorv. Creative i Spirit Here By H-JOOST POLAK "The creative mind has tremen dous opportunity to give service in cur time," said Dr. Carlyle Sit terson. Dean of Arts and Sciences, sneaking on "Creative Spirit in Chapel Hill before the inaugural i meeting of the Fhilantnropic As sembly Tuesday night. "Creative Spirit is part of the air we breathe in Chapel Hill", continued Dr. Sitterson, recalling the past accomplishmets of Thomas Wolfe, Paul Green and Friday Wil son as creative men inspired by the atmosphere of the University. Warning the assembly that "truth ij often displeasing to all knowing, the unthinking and the (See SITTERSON. page' 5) GM'S SLATE Activities in Graham Memo rial today include: Student Government, 2-4, Grail Room; Board of Directors, 4-6, Grail Room; IDC-IWC, 4 6, Ro land Parker Lounge No. 1; UP Caucus, 6-7:30, Roland Parker Lounge No. 1; Debate Squad, 4:30-6, Roland Parker Lounge No. 2; A.P.O., 7-8:30, Roland Parker Lounge No. 2; Rules Commitee, 4-5:30, Roland Par ker Lounge No. 3; SP Caucus, 6:30-7:15, Roland Parker Lounge No. 3; Orientation Committee, 2-4, Woodhouse Conference Room; Finance Committee, 4-6, Woodhou. CW.r.n. Room; I Dance Court Committee, 7-8, ! Woodhouse, Conference Room; I Women's Honor Council, 7-8:30, Council Room; Dept of D. A., 2-4. Rendezvous Room; Sound nd Fury set construction group, ' a m.-n p.m., A.P.O. Room. safe for occupancy during' the summer. House said, because of the lack of necessity for heat. news in Summit Demands CAIRO uP The kings and presidents of the Arab summit con ference demanded last night that Israeli force withdraw at once from Egypt and Gaza. Egypt's President Nasser, Ara Jr. s King Saud, Jordan's King Aiusscin and Syria's President Shukri Kuwatly also declared Egypt must be. paid for damage in flicted in the Israeli and British French invasions of last October November. At the close of their two-day meeting here, the four chiei of itatc signed a communique issued Simultaneously in their capitals and listing six resolutions they ap proved. 1. A declaration that defense "should emanate from the Arab nation (the combined Arab coun ties) in tne light of iis real securi ty and outside the sphere of for eign pact,-" 2. A pledge that the four gov ernments will work for immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Israelis behind the 1949 Arm istice lines. 3. A pledge that the fuel rights cl Palestinian Arabs and the wreignty cf Arabs over their lands f . . . ana territorial waters will be up held. ' . 4. Statements that Egypt has a right to compensation from 'ag- j gressor states" for all damage and i Mi. -.3 suffered as a result of ag- ! j grcssion, nad "all attempt to de- I vogate Egyptian sovereignty and Rights to the Suez Canal" will be I rejected since the canal is an in ' tcgral part of Egypt. o. ucnunciaucn oi tsrinsn ag gression" against Yemen. 6. A declaration of support for Algeria Arabs fighting against French rule in' their struggle against- "the forces of imperial ism." , Debaters Off To Tournament In W. Virginia , The debate team will leave to- rllJV at 1 n m f rr f ho ITniirortifi; rt nia the annual North-South Tournament. Dr. R. P. Douthit will accom pany the team to Morganton where 26 colleges and universities from 10 states will debate. The" subject of the tournament is: Resolved, that the United States should discontinue direct economic aid to foreign countries. The tournament will cover two days, Activity will begin Friday i anernoon at i p.m. ana continue i through 3 p.m .Saturday. Representing the negative team will be Harold Stessel and Clay Simpson. The affirmative duo are David Evans and Phillip Guerdis. Stessel is also entering the after-dinner speaking contest. Senate Thinks Israel Should Be Peaceful The Dialectic Senate deadlocked over a bill calling for Israel's right to peaceful existence in the troubled mid-east, and her right to protect her sovereignty in the face of continued aggression by her Arab neighbors Tuesday night. The meeting, at which four Egyptian students and Rabbi E M. Ronzweig of, Chapel Hill were the society's guests, was highlight- ed by spirited debate in which al- most all the members present par- ticipated. ....., : -jt' "e-i w isconson - When Daily Tar Heel Photographer Woody Sears came up on a Sov-j9rou? of 5 to 40 -student, calling ""M,rir' w"w",w "w "w ... , - - r ' Second Try After Game Unsuccessful The panty raid attempt that took i place shortly after the UNC-Wake Forest basketball game Tuesday night was followed by a second ; smaller attempt at approximately : midnight. The second demonstration was '. staged by 25-30 male students. 1 Some if them wore handkerchiefs ! over their face to keep from being recognized. One panty raider unsuccessfully banged on the rear door of Carr dormitory. Two local policemen arrived on the scene shortly afterwards. After several minutes more, the group dispersed. The first one started up at about 9:45 p.m. and broke up a half hour later. Both were reported to have been prompted by the bas ketball game and the unusually warm weather. Legislature To Debate Elections Law Changes The one item on the legislative docket for tongiht is the newly proposed Elections Law. But the 12-page law should evoke much deliberation and ora tion. Student lawmakers meet at 7:30 on the fourth floor of New East Building. j viMiuis die luiuiau; uivuiu iu attend the session, according to Speaker Sonny Evans. CHANGES Major changes in the Elections Law, as proposed by the 15-mem- ber Elections Board, Ralph Cum mings, chairman, are: (1) A provision which would eliminate run-off elections except in case of absolute ties for all elected student government posts except the four major campus wide offices. A successful candidate for either of the four major campus wide offices must secure1 a ma jority vote. This, in effect, institutes the plurality ballot system instead of the majority (over half the bal lots cast) system which is . now in As Director Of Graham V Camera-Shy Panty-Raiders On The Run for panties outside Carr Women's .- ft i i vi i' , - - - wi..-.'-.- .., ... HOUSING OFFICE SAYS: Three-Men Rooms To Apply Again Next Fall Three-men rooms will predomin ate again in several men's dormi tories this fall, according to the UNC Housing Office. It will be necessary to house three persons per room in Lewis, Aycock, Graham, Everett, Stacy, Alexander, Steele, Battle-Vance-Pettigrew, Whitehead: the first three floors of Grimes, Mangum, Manly and Ruffin; and the south and middle sections of Old East and West. Room rent for the fall semester j must be paid by Sept 1. The fall reservation fee is $10., according to the Housing Office. Students now assigned to dormi tory rooms have the option of re trying space for the summer and fait sessions. A room reserved for effect. Since there -are only two candi - dates who usually run for each of the four major campus-wide of fices, the plurality (merely one vote more than opponent) system should virtually eliminate run offs. Other changes proposed by the Elections Board which must be proved by two-thrids of the legis lators assembled are: , (1) A provision which provider that all class officers be elected ( in the fall general election. (2) A provision which would strike established opening and closing hours for polls and leave determination of poll hours to the, discretion of the Elections Board. (3) A provision which would es tablish an index system for town district voters. " (4) A provision which would leave dormitory ballot boxes in the possession of dormitory pres idents throughout the year. Elections Board members would empty the ballots into envelopes I which would be carried to a tabu-j lation point. But the necessity of Mao Reiects Position i : . ' v V , 1 5 - f: Tuesday night party was over fire escape on the west end of camera-shy raiders on the run. the summer only does not entitle to that space in the fall. Room reservation deposits must be made with the University Cash ier in South Building not later than April 25. Summer housing for men will include double and single rooms. Double rooms will be available in Winston (fnvt session only). Old West, Graham. Aycock, and Connor (for graduate men). Rent i and reservation-in these dorms is j $20 for each summer session. All rooms in Steele, Lewis,! I Evereite, and Stacy dorms will be assigned as single rooms for the ! summer. Rent and reservation fees are $30. Married couples will be housed (See 3-MAN, page 5) moving dormitory ballot boxes be- 1 fore and after every election would be eliminated If new provisions in the Elec-' tions Law are not ratified at to-; night's sossion, then they will not affect spring elections. Elections Law changes must be ratified 30- j days before any general election to govern that specific election IN THE INFIRMARY Students in the infirmary yes terday included: Misses Dorothy Pitman, Mar garet Smith, Nancy Suitt, Erma Dance: and Ralph Johnson, Rob ert Brannan, Robert Lewis, Wil liam Wilson, Jackie Cooper, Jer ry White, Robert Jones, Richard Alexander, John Fneen, John Christian, John Smith, Freder ick Hutton, Knox Jenkins, John Andrews. Robert Babb, Willard Bagwell, Donald Corbin, Paul Willingham, James Magness, James Moss, Andrew Johnson Donald Kenropt, Benjamin Levy, Stephen Honeycutt, Paul Elam, Vincent Mulieri, Kennis Grogan. 3 then. This picture, shot from the Caldwell Hall, shows some 'of the Playmajcers To Hold .Try outs For New Play Tryouts for parts in a new play will be held by the Carolina Play makers, at the Playmakers The atre, Monday at 4 and 7:30 p.m. The play, "Stranger in the Land", by a former UNC student. Chris tian Moe. will have itsf first produc tion anywhere when the Playmak ers present it March 27 throught 31. , Directing the production will be Tommy Rezzuto, technical director of the Carolina Playmakers and instructor in Dramatic Art. Ac , cording to Rezzutd, the play calls for about n'jneteen actors, mostly n cn ThP.storv is set in Jaoan and j rev0;ves about American service- men and the Japanese people shortly after the war. Copies of the play will be ou reserve this weekend in "the Li brary and in the Dramatic Art of fice, 101 Saunders Hall, for those who wish to be familiar with the script before auditions, although this is not necessary. Tryouts are open to everyone. Selections To Be Made For Honor Council The bi-partisan selections board in Beaufort County, was ;.graduat for Men's Honor Council and Stu- j ed from the University at Chapel dent Council candidates will meet Hill in 1932, and attended Law Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday School here the following year, from 2-4 p.m. in the Men's Coun- j While at UNC he was active in eil Roam on the second floor of , the Phi Assembly,' in campus poli Graham Memorial. tics and on the staffs of the Daily All students interested in being ' Tar Heel and the Carolina Maga elected to either the honir council zine. i or the student council must be in ! terviewed by this board, according ; to Honor Council Chairman Jim Exum. In order to save time waiting j f or an interview, students may ; make appointments by calling Jim j Exum at the Sigma Nu House, I phone 89077, around meal time. I Openings on the Honor Council 'include 4 senior, 1 junior, 1 soph omore, 1 graduate student, and ; pharmacy student seat, j There are seats for three scn- iors open- on Student Council.. -a- U y U Howard Henry s 'No Not Definite GM Howard Henry of tlie University of Wisconsin has re jected UXC's ofier for. the position of permanent director of Graham. Memorial. . Dr. -William Poteat received a teleiiain from Henry Tuesday night rejecting the GM post and stating that he plans to remain in Madison in his present position as as sistant director. of Wisconsin Union at ihe University of Wis consin. ' ' Dr. Poteat said that Henry offered no explanation for ; -his refusal in the telegram but Candi Grades Be Okayed All candidates for any elected campus offices must . have . his or her grades approved by the dean of student affair's office by March 22, Elections Board Chairman Ralph Cummings said Wednesday. All nominations must ' also be ;.n on or before this date, he said. The spring election is April 2. Offices up for election this pring include: .' - President, vice president; secre tary and treasurer of the. student body; seats on the student" coun cil, men's council . and women's council; chairman of the. Women's Residence Council; Officers of; the Carolina Ath letic Assn., and the Women's Ath letic Assn; head cheerleader; the .editors-in-chief ..of -The , Dail3' .Tar Heel and the Tackety Vack and the National Student Assn. coor dinator. - . Legislature seats, are: Dorm Men's I two seats; Dorm Men's Ik twx seats; Dorm Men's in two seats plus one six months seat; Dorm Men's IV four seats; Dorm MenV.V two; seats; Dorm Women three' seats, Town Men J one seat; Town Men's II two seats; Town Men's III three seats; Town Men's IV one seat and Tdwn Women two seats. . . . ' At . the last Elections Board meeting, Chairman Cummings ap pointed Arthur . Sobel, a junior j from New York, to serve as vice- J chairman of the board for the spring term. Attorney iTd I Its To Law School Students Today John A. Wilkinson, practicing attorney in Washington, N C, will address the Law School student body tonight at 8 in the Court Room of Manning Hall. "Practicing Law in n Eastern North Carolina County Seat" will be the subject of Wilkinson's ad dress, which is open to the public. The program is sponsored by the Law Student Assn. a.nd . was ar ranged by Jerry -A. Campbell, chairman of its speakers commit tee. ; ; Wlikinson ,a native of Pantego Since passing the. Bar in 1933 he has practiced law in Washing ton, except for three year's s-erv-ice in the U. S. Array from 1942 thruogh 1945. He has held office in district bar associations, and represented the State Bar Assn. on the radio series, "This is the Law." A past president of the State Young' Republicans, .Wilkinson Was his party'c nominee for Con gress from the First Congression al District, 1936-40, ,and nominee in 194S. Senate j dates .' PS " . IO W u u Li W U u low. Henry's letter has not been received at the present time. Henry was nominated for the position by the Graham Memorial Board of Directors. He was offer ed that job at a salary of SC.000 a year. The Wisconsin director was in terviewed in the spring of 193G and was offered the GM position beginning Sept.. 1956. This offer was rejected by Henry for reasons of salary and other differences. The hiring of Henry was given approval by the University ad ministration on Feb. 12. Dr. Po- Student members of GM Board of Directors said last night the were not . certain Henry's reply was a definite "no." The students said they were investigating further Henry's re ply. teat sent him the offer with tho endorsement of Chancellor Hi V ert House, Director of Student Activities. Sam Magill and William D. Pez zy. chairman of the Divi.sioii of. Student Affairs. Poteat's offer stated. '"I do not believe there is a more exciting place in America for someone to come in and build a new union program plant." A Graham Memorial Board of Director's meeting will be held today. At this meeting plans will be made for future activity con cerning the securing of a perman ent direetor, according to Dr. Poteat. Frat Courv Feline Has Hard I im By BILL KING "Odd Ball", an oddly'colored cat with an "odd personality", was made the victim of a cruel practi cal joke Sunday night. Mrs. Merle Fisher, Odd Ball's mistress, said "that this was not the first time that someone had mis treated Odd Ball. On an earlier date, some person or persons un known had bathed the cat in kero sene. Odd Ball had just recovered from this incodent. when he was again subjected to another incident that was almost as bad. Mrs. Fisher said that late Sun day evening, she heard Odd Bali'c! cries of pain, and went to see what had happened to him. Three stu dents were grouped around the cat and it appeared they were hurting him. Mrs. Fisher had pre viously lost one cat in this man ner, so she tried to get close enough to identify the students. The culprits saw her coming, and after throwing Odd Ball into a mud puddle, started to run. Sonny, the t'g -of the household and Odd Ball, protector, joined the chase. lurs. Fisher followed the stu dents across Columbia St. where they split up. Two of the "jokers" went down the alley beside the Beta House, and the other in the direction of Big Fraternity Court. Mrs. Fisher a,.-ked several students if they had seen anyone jiut come in. As is usually the case, no one had; so the three students got away with out any punishment. reprimand, or censure. "i i i. "1