I'M "X J U 11 C L1B2AIIY SERIALS DEPT. WEATHER i Cloudy and warm with a possi ble high of 70. VOL. LVII NO. 114 Complete OP) Wire Service CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1957 Offices in Graham Memorial FOUR PAGES THIS ISSUE Sf I A mi I ti " oi r II l IDEAS n nlrr 1 if) TIT) !-iwwvr nxnx -jl .... " v " - 9 . J ' If s-reer Edit Is Need, Crowther D1 H Editor Candidate Gives Eight-Step Platform Planlc Better public relations, more lowing lines: campus news and a freer editor- 1. A de-emphasis of national ial policy were announced as plat- politics and news, ffirm planks yc erday by Frank 2. Lc.s dependence on the Crowther. independent candidate World Wire. for editor of The Daily Tar Heel. 13. Better internal organization ; The 24-year-old Marine Corps of the paper. veteran pointed out that he- has 4.- Better public relations. had experience with the National Broadcasting Co.. The Daily Tar H:cl and that he has been close- ly associated with that paper for About a year. : j Hc proposed improvements in The Daily Tar Heel along the fol- i v--4 i: i i i FRANK CROWTHER . ..a personal challenge Selection Board Questioning UIH Aspirants Thc.Bipartlsan Selections Board for candidates for The Daily Tar,"' An overa11 average is re-, Heel editorship is currently in.'V"re(l from each candidate. j r,rvio-i,;Ai nrncnni,-n vmAo ;t Petitions should be left with the chairman said yesterday. - Chairman Fred Powledge said that two of the' three candidates who have entered the race have been interviewed Neil Bass and Ffank Crowther. J "Any other student who wants a . r i : a rm t :i u run ior euuor o! me iany Tar Heel in spring elections April 2 should check With me or any . Hirer meiiiuei ot me uuaru ; . c .i . :j t- ledge, "to arrange for an inter view." Powledge. is present editor of ommcndation of chancellor Rab Thc Daily Tar Heel. Others on ert IIouse the committee are Frank Ferrell, I Dudl j Cowden. 'profe.8or in chairman of the Pub hcations tne schooI of Business Admin. woara; 3iiKe ucinman. cnairman ot tne university Farty; bonny Hallford. chairman of the Student , . t. , i Party and Tom Lambeth, former , Publications Board and Student ! Party and chairman of uranam Memoril Activities Board. Powledge said the board will make its recommendations for candidates "probably at the first of next week " Carolina Forum Will Sponsor Patrick Malin The Carolina Forum will spon sor Patrick Murphy Malin. Execu tive Director of the American Civ il Liberties Union, March 27, in Carroll Hall, according to Bran don Kincaid. chairman of the Forum. Malin's topic will be "Liberty Unfinished Business," which is al so thetitlc of a book he wrote. Malin has spent a month travel-; ling through the South studying civil liberties. He is a former eco nomics professor at Swarthmore. GM'S SLATE "Sound a id Fury," 4-6, Roland Parker Lounge No. 1; Graduate Club, 8-9:30, Roland Parker Lounges No. 1, 2, 3; Publica tions Board, 4-6, Woodhouse Con ference Room; Bl-Partisan Selec tions Board, 1:30-4, Council Room; Petite Dramatique, 7 10:30, Council Room; Elections Board, 2 p.m., A.P.O. Room; "Scund and Fury,'' 7-12, A.P.O. Room. Policy 5. a better understanding and , interpretation of athletics. ! 6. A better feature depart-i mcnt. ! 7. A more well-rounded edi- torial page. 8. A student poll to decide on ; the 'paper's comic strips. "I shall make no wild promises : that I would not be able to ful-; fill." he said. "But," he added, "if elected I shall attempt to admin istrate the office of editor in a ; manner that . will do justice to the student body and to the great trad:t;on of our university." I Office Seekers Petitions Due By March 22 All students wishing to run for,1 office in the coming election are required to submit a petition to the chairman of the 1 Elections Board by March 22, it was an nounced yesterday. Petitions must be signed by 25 persons and the candidate. This announcement applied to all can-! didates who wish to run without 1 party affiliation or endorsement by ; the Selections Board. J Candidates grades must be certi-' - 7 iar-. Secretary in the Student Govern ment Office in Graham Memorial. ' Seven Profs , I W ranted LeaV6S ... Seven uxc: fcuIty members ! have ben granted Ieaves of ab. sence , accordin? to Pres5dent will. t uu-jiam Friday's office t '-''- "rr1 " the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees 11 nnn tho ror. istration, was granted a Kenan for the spring semester m--. -Q s, , v. . . , 19o7-o8 for research, study, and . . . ... .L . . 1 lecture at the University of Lon- don Robert W. Linker, professor in the Dept. of Romance Languaages, will be on Kenan leave for the fall semester 1957-58 in order to continue research and writing in the field of Old French and Ital ian. In order to pursue research at the Plant Industry Station at Beltsville, Md., Charles E. Jen ner, associate professor in the Dept. of Zoology, will be on a Kenan leave for the spring semes ter, 1957-58. , John J. Honigmann, associate professor. Dept. of Sociology, was granted a leave of absence for the academic years 1957-58, sub ject to the award of a Fulbright Research Grant, to continue an thropological studies in Pakistan. In order to accept the invita tion of the Institute for Advanced j Study at Princeton for study and research, F. Burton Jones, pro fessor in the Dept. of Mathemat ics, will be on leave for the aca demic year 1957-58. Robert L. Bunting, assistant pro fessor, School of Business Ad ministration, was granted a leave for the spring semester 1956-57 to accept a grant from the Will iam Volker Fund, in order to con tinue research and writing. -Leave of absence is also in or der for David. G. Basile," assistant professor. Dept. of Geology and Geography, for the academic year 1957-58, in order to pursue research and write in this coun try and possibly in South America. ! ill 4. i.r 1 Col son Elected YMC Belle Corey To Lead YWCA Corey Is Next YW President YWCA election results were an nounced by Lee Ann Curtis yes terday. Bslle Corey, a rising senior from Atlanta. Ga.. was elected presi dent for the coming year. Ann Morgan, a junior from -Charleston, W; Ya.. is the new -vice president There will be a runoff "between Molly Adams of Wilmington and Cynthia Segraves of Jacksonville, Fla.. for the secretarial position. Both women are juniors. Ann Holt, a junior from San ford, was elected treasurer. Lu- cinda Holderness, a junior from j Greensboro, was elected member ship chairman. A .runoff will also be held for program chairman. The candidates are Phyllis Krafft, a junior f rom j River Forest, 111:, and Eve McClat j chey, a junior from Atlanta, Ga. Runoffs will be held Wednes day night at the regular women's dorm meetings. Refuses Testimony WASHINGTON (-Poker-faced William Langley, district attorney of Portland, Ore., took the Fifth Amendment before the Senate rac kets committee yesterday and re fused to testify about gambling and prostitution in his bailwick. He listened to tape recordings of what purported to be conversations between him and a pair of gamb lers but refused to say whether he recognized his own voice. He also declined on grounds of possible self-incrimination to ex plain a $500 check drawn in his Lame by the Western Conference of Teamsters in: 1954. ;; The tape recordings, made secret ly by a third gambler, quoted Lang ley as saying; it .was "all right" to run card games, handbooks, pinball machines and punehboards. Senate Accuses Hoffa WASHINGTON iS The Gov ernment moved swiftly yesterday with a grand jury investigation in the case of Jimmy Hoffa, Team sters Union bigshot accused of a plot to plant a spy in the midst of the Senate's racket probers. The eocky, dapper Hoffa, vowing innocence, said he would fight "un til I am cleared." Rut his senatorial accusers seem ed satisfied they had the goods on him and could send him to prison on charges of ad $18,009 bribery scheme. (See WOULD Nl'JWS, Page 3) 111 V , hisieS 'J j ' ' i J' - 1 , JOHN WHITTY AND NANCETTA HUDSON ...in Stranger in the Land i V. I . -. ri mi mi mil HOKE SIMPSON . . . Glee Club Star UNC Glee Club Will Feature Hoke Simpson By BEN TAYLOR Tall, tanned and talented Henry floke" Simpson will take his Bel afonte sway and song style on a rambling tour of North and South Carolina next week when he tours vith the UNC Men's Glee Club. The soft spoken Georgian will be ; the . glee club's featured vocalist when it leaves Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. on its annual spring tour. The cheerful freshman will per form three songs at the Glee Club's numerous concerts. In eaeh perfor mance he will be arrayed in an outfit he refers to as a "dock worker's wardrobe." By this he means he'll be sport ing white duck pants and a red shirt opened lazily at the neck. A quartet of glee club members will provide background music on some of the numbers. They will be fcttired in white shirts with the op en neck synonymous of the Jamai can natives, and dark tux pants. The amiable calypso singer will perform "Marianne," and "Jamaica ca Farewell." The third number in his relaxing repertoire is as yet un- determined, but either "Hold 'Em Joe," "Matilda," or "Pretty Girl" will round out his performance. Hoke's soothing style is as fresh as his, big southern grin. He's been a calypso singer for only "about a year " ... . . , lt ' Simpson stated that he felt that "the five day tour will give me a chance to meet and perform before just about every kind of audience. The opportunity to perform on tele vision along with the Glee Club will eJso be provided." Any student who was present at the Carolina Cavalcade of Talent show held .in Memorial Hall earlier (See GLEE CLUB, Page 3) A Head; Phillips To Be Vice-President Stewart Colson was unanimous S ly elected YMC A President for I 1957 last' night at a meeting in Ger j rard Hall. ! . All of the other officer candi I dates were alsa unanimously elect- : cd. Elected vice-president "of the organization was Joe Phillips; Sec retary, Kelly Wallace; Treasurer, Rick Frank; Membership Chair- I man, Larkin Kirkman; Program Chairman, Randy Shelton. Extensive experience in YMCA Work marked the record of all the officers elected. rnknn. . a rising spninr from Greensboro, will be installed, along with .the other elected of ficers, 'sometime in April, said out going president Gerry Mayo. Colson's activities in the YMCA have included work in Freshman Camp, discussion leader of the annual YM-YWCA Bricks confer ence, and delegate to the Southern Area Council meeting in Atlanta, Ga. Vice-president-elect Phillips has served as chairman of the Race Relations Council of the YMCA, ; amcng other committees of Y or- ganization. Grad Club Will Hear Dr. Nash, Reliqion Prof. Dr. Arnold Nash, UNC religion ; professor, will deliver an address i entitled "University; Ivory Tower. Fn,ing sution QJ. propher tonight at 8 p.m. in Roland Parker Lounge of Graham Memorial. Dr. Nash's address will be feat ured at the UNC Graduates Club's first meeting of the semester, and will be followed by the serving of refreshments and an informal j dance The meeting is open to all grad students, UNC employees, regist ered nurses and undergraduates over 21 years of age. An invita tion to 'attend the session has been extended to members of the Cosmopolitan Club. , The Graduate Club also an nounced yesterday the establish ment of a series of informal Sun day afternoon coffee hours, to be gin this Sunday. March 17th in the new second floor lounge off the YMCA. All graduate students and 'University administrative person nel have been invited by the club to participate. Legislature Appropriates Funds On S-g EpsPI Move To New Court The Carolina Sig Eps will move to the new fraternity court. i Sunday, at the annual founders' j day of Sigma Phi Epsilon, the alum- j ni gave the word to go ahead by I voting to back the undergrads, "All the way." , , j The alumni appointed an action committe to make all the final ar- rangements. Dr. Charles Hender- j son,' of the UNC classics depart- j ment, was named to head the com- mittee. Harold Weaver was elected treasurer of the committee. Jack j Owens of Durham and Charles Linvme of Winston-Salem com pose the remainder of the alumni committee. An undergraduate committee was also formed to assist the alumni. Charlie Dniels was named chair- man of the undergraduate commit tee. Bill Aiken, William E. Self . I and Curtiss Daughtry are the other j members of the undergrad commit-1 tee. I This action was taken at a Found ers' Day celebration at the SPE House Sunday. J The presiding officer at the function was John Dawn. (see Sig Eps page 3) UN Seminar Students Hear Dr. Frank Graham By PEG HUMPHREY - Special to the Daily Tar Heel NEW YORK The art of medi ating an international settlement between Indonesia and The Neth erlands was graphically explained last night by Dr. Frank Graham to the group of students which made up the UN Seminar trip. Dr. Graham described to the UNC and WC students the diffi culties which he encountered as a member of the UN commission which settled the revolt of the In J donesians against the Dutch, and gave sovereignty to the Indonesian Republic. With the Indonesians, led by President Sukarno, clamoring for independence in 1945, from the Dutch, Dr. Graham was appointed, along with an Australian and Bel gian representative to mediate the dispute for a peaceful settlement. Dr, Graham went on to relate the deadlocks which the UN commiss ion bogged down on. The Dutch wanted the problem settled in In donesia. The Indonesians out of their country. Out of this impasse came the solution, through diplomatic chan nels, to negotiate the dispute on an American warship, the Ren ville, a naval vessel. On Board the Renville" in 1947, acute arguments and more dead locks arose over the principles Kings Share Most Precious Possession It has been said a man's most precious possession . is his name. And two Daily Tar Heel staff mem bers have been concerned with this recently. Why? Both are named Bill King; con sequently, there has been some confusion over which is which. One Bill King is assistant sports editor and confines his articles to the sports page (except for possi ble front page color stories on sports events). He also writes oc casionally for the editorial page. The other Bill King is a report er on the, news staff. His writings appear soiely on the news pages. S hree Leadership Committee Given Expenses For Coming Retreat By H-JOOST POLAK The passage of bills appropriating funds to the Student Government Leadership Training Committee, the Elections Board, and the Constitu tional Revision Committee and a re solution concerning student employ ees of Lenoir Hall and revision of the Student Body Constitution form ed the main business of the Student Legislature's meeting last night. The leadership program was ap-! propriated 250 dollars by the Legis lators to defray expenses for its up- coming retreat which has been ten-1 Raid Rules Order Of Day Luther Hodges. Jr., has issued a stern edict and fair warning from the Student Council. "Active attendance," he said, "or participation of any sort in a panty raid is very definitely a vio lation of gentlemanly conduct," and thus a violation of the Campus Code. A participant of the March 1 caper has been placed on proba tion for such a violation. "We urge the students to take notice of the consequences that can be incurred from such un gentlemanly conduct," said Hod ges. "Panty raids have always been degrading to the University and to the individuals involved," he aid. of the struggle of Indonesia against the Netherlands. By pa tient maneuvering and diplomacy, however. Dr. Graham's commiss ion worked out a ceasefire line between the two countries. The final result of the commiss- ; ion's work emerged in early 1948 j as the Renville Agreement. Dr. Graham then had finished his work i and so turned the matter over J to the UN Security Council to vote upon. i The UN Seminar continues on in its tour of conferences and pleminaries centering the UN building. Tne group will return here Sunday night. Theater Director To Speak To Carolina Playmakers iWillard Swire, executive director of the American National Theater and Academy, will be- a guest of The Carolina Playmakers and will address the 9 a.m. Dramatic Art class in the Playmakers Theater. Released from his work in . ew York to travel around the coun try for a few months, Swire is visiting certain key cities to de termine whether they want to join in A.N.T.A.'s forty-circuit theatre plan. The plan calls for an organ ized network of forty repertory theatres distributed around the country. i tJILL Klrlo ILSI-I, NcWd) . . . staffers not ornmiv tatively scheduled for the first week end after spring recess. Both the Elections Board and the Constitu tional Revision Committee were granted small sums to cover oper ating expenses. The legislature expressed unani mous approval of the resolution in troduced by Al AlphLn which propos ed two alternative plans of better ing Lenoir Hall student employee compensation. Both systems called tor the establishment of meal tick et book systems to enable the work ers to spend their food allotment as they please. Letters of resignation were ten dered by Representatives Baum and Howerton. Baum resigning to pur sue the office of Student Body Pres ident, and Howerton to pursue his studies. Bills presented upon which no ac tion was taken included: a resolu tion to subsidize the UNC Graduate Club and a bill to. allow student parking in the Morehead Planetar ium lot on election day. bill calling for a 375 dollar subsidation for the Carolina Quartely was tab led indefinitely. Charles Huntington, newly elect ed representative of Town Men's I, was sworn in by legislature speak er Sonny Evans, who recommended that Representative WiLson Cooper bo relieved of his duties until he could arrange a class schedule fa vorable to their performance. Past President of the National Stu dents Association and 1&49 UNC graduate Al Lowenstein. who is cur rently visiting the campus, was rec ognized by Speaker Evans ami ac corded a standing ovation by the .Assemblage. More Than 60 Earthquakes Recorded Here At least 60 different earth quakes were recorded in the past four days by the UNC seismo graph. Dr. Gerald , R. MacCarthy, geophysicist in charge, said Wed nesday. Dr. MacCarthy said the number "far exceeds" recordings for any similar period since the seismo graph was established here in 1953. Then tremors ranged from " 'world-shaking' to barely percep tible," he said. The period covered the time from 9:33 a.m. of Mar. 9, when the first big Aleutian earthquake of the current scries began, until 8:45 a.m. yesterday. In the past 24 hours, 13 earth quakes, all "moderate to weak." were rcccrded. Dr. MacCarthy said. Most were located in the Aleutian region, he said. The series of tremors constitute what is called a "swarm of earth quakes," Dr. MacCarthy said. They have been decreasing in' intensity, following a regular pattern, he said, and can be expected to con tinue for several months or possi bly years. MMO tilLL SS.IN3 (SPUKtS) to be confused I